The Doctor In the Steampunk World

Chapter 1733: Snake Giver

Orisa and the others used their own methods to help Simon to vent their emotions for a few days. This method was indeed very effective, and under the stimulation of negative emotions, Simon's methods were almost abusive. Fortunately, there was a magic doctor's secret technique. Lisa and the others couldn't support one day at all.


Orisa and the others insisted on persevering, especially Orisa persevered to the last one every time, using her actions to prove her deepest love for Simon.


Five days later, Simon's condition was much better. He decisively stopped Orissa's alternative methods of helping, and left the base with the team, and began to secretly search for the natural cultivation field outside the base.


For three or four days in a row, the area of ​​hundreds of kilometers near the base was carefully inspected, and there was indeed no trace of strangers, and Simon was relieved. After returning to the base, take the transport team to prepare for resource delivery.


In fact, they have not stopped purchasing resources for so long, but these resources purchased from the Chamber of Commerce from the Holy White Tower have not been sent to the Umbrella Base.


In order to deal with the possible investigation of the White Eagle Federation, Simon built a new base outside the White Eagle Federation earlier as a disguise. It's just that after confessing to the White Eagle Federation later, for the sake of insurance, Simon put a lot of thought into building three new bases.


All the resources purchased over the past year or so have been placed in four bases outside the White Eagle Federation.


Simon and the others only fly at night in the magic bird. They are at high altitudes and are covered by shadow secret techniques, so they are very secretive.


When they arrived near a base, Simon first approached quietly and searched with his spiritual eyes to see if there were any strangers near the base.


Within five kilometers of the base, there were no traces of strangers. He continued to expand the search range and found a strange soul light at seven kilometers.


This light of the soul is extremely weak, and it is obviously covered by some kind of secret method. If it wasn't for Simon entering the half-step knight king rank, the spiritual eye has also evolved and become more sensitive, otherwise it would not be easy to find it at such a distance.


The position of this person is just right to observe the entrance of the base, obviously monitoring the base.


Simon judged that this person was most likely from the White Eagle Federation.


Simon's eyes flickered with a fierce light, and the killing intent instantly aroused the negative emotions in Simon's soul, and the murderous heart suddenly boiled.


He suppressed his breath and didn't let it out, and cast the shadow of his real body to approach quietly. After getting close, he found that the light of the soul was actually inside a green grass snake with thick fingers.


The soul form is human, but the body is snake-like, which is obviously abnormal.


Possibly a form of metamorphosis.


After Simon got closer, the grass snake stuck out its tongue uneasily, and then swam quickly to escape.


"Have you noticed me?" Simon frowned, his shadow real body was not something that ordinary knight commanders could detect.


This person is not simple. Simon came out of the shadows, and his body rushed forward in an instant. His mental power turned into an invisible hand and directly pressed the green grass snake to the ground.


The Green Grass Snake was caught, Simon looked at him seriously, and squeezed the invisible hand forcefully, the Green Grass Snake began to change, and finally turned into a human shape.


This is a male with snake-like characteristics, and he should be a mutant with special extraordinary abilities.


As soon as he turned back into a human form, he immediately vomited blood, the blood turned black, not the normal color, and then he saw that the soul of the other party was rapidly collapsing.


Simon's face sank, my dear, this is not only about suicide, but also about destroying the soul. I don't want Simon to find out the identity information from him.


Simon's spiritual power rudely ripped apart his spiritual space, suppressed his collapsing soul, and forcibly dragged his soul out.

After the doomsday mark was suppressed, he quickly used soul-searching methods to find useful information.


There is a soul restraint in his soul, and Simon touches on the fact that the soul restraint causes the soul to collapse more and more quickly. The Evil God of Montenegro extended a helping hand, the seal of God suppressed it, and the Evil God of Montenegro instantly searched for his soul.


In less than ten seconds, the opponent's soul completely shattered.


Simon took two steps back, his face very ugly.


He searched the soul just now and found information about this person. He is a mutant, and his ability is a snake gifter. He can communicate with and control snakes. The most exaggerated thing is that he can also share with the snakes connected to him. Vision, that is, what the snake sees, he can see too.


Although he hid in an area seven kilometers away from the base, he could use the snakes he scattered around the base to monitor the situation of the base at close range.


This extraordinary ability is quite powerful. Well, to be precise, it is very powerful in the field of monitoring and investigation.


"What did you find?" Simon asked the evil **** of Montenegro.


"It's really from the White Eagle Federation, and there is a three-person surveillance team near this base, but it's 30 kilometers away."


"Thirty kilometers away, it's quite a distance to hide." Simon sneered.




"The exact location is unknown, but the direction should be over there."


Simon determined the direction. Simon protected the corpse with his mental power, and then rushed out at full speed. Thirty kilometers was a little far, but Simon, a half-knight king, was several times faster in moving speed, and the distance of thirty kilometers used Arrived in less than five minutes.


Shen Lingyan was searching the dark forest. He didn't know the location of the surveillance team, but as long as he was fast enough, as long as there was Shen Lingyan, he believed that the surveillance team could not escape his search.


A few minutes later, he found three soul lights in the air, moving at an extremely fast speed.


The other party should have some kind of connection with the Snake Knowing that the other party was dead, he immediately started to run away.


Simon chased the past at the fastest speed. The magic bird they were riding was extremely fast. Simon exploded the speed again and again, and then slowly narrowed the distance, and then the spiritual eye directly impacted the soul of the magic bird.


Directly let the magic bird out of control, falling towards the forest below.


Simon swooped down and landed on the place where the magic bird fell, only to see the magic bird, and the three had disappeared.


The three of them fled not far, and Simon's spiritual eyes caught the light of their souls, and immediately launched a pursuit.


He didn't use shadow ghosts or evil spirits.


The other party obviously has the means to commit suicide quickly, and there is no way for the evil spirits of the great knight commander level to stop him, so he can only do it himself.


He identified one of them and rushed over at full speed. The other party noticed the movement and immediately began to hide. His hiding method was even more advanced, but it was a pity that Simon was superior. This time Simon attacked directly from the shadow space. Find.


The opponent immediately threw out the source of pollution, and then directly committed suicide like the previous Snake Fu, but Simon's speed was also extremely fast, suppressing him, making him unable to even commit suicide.


Simon pulled out his soul instantly, suppressed it, and let the evil **** of Montenegro search for his soul. He continued to chase and kill the other two non-stop.


It's just that there was an accident. When the other two were found, they were already dead and their souls had dissipated.


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