The Doctor In the Steampunk World

Chapter 64: I don't wanna be the fuck


Salute to the bald brother.

The brown-haired youth was overturned with an axe, and Simon's heart was very happy.

Simon hadn't had a second of fun when there was a roar of thunder, and Simon stepped back like he was hit hard.

Donald shot again, this time with a magic pistol. The huge power of the explosive bomb tore open the ghost's hard skin, embedded it in his arm, and the flames burst out and burned his clothes.

Simon grabbed the bullet and turned to flee.

"Stop, or I'll aim the next shot at your head." Donald chased Simon, seeing that Simon didn't have any intention of stopping, and fired two guns in a row.

Simon escaped while dodging, got into an alley, and fled with a burst of speed.

The brown-haired youth got up from the ground, his right arm trembled, and the impact of the axe made his whole arm sore.

He gritted his teeth and clenched the long knife, and followed Donald to pursue Simon.

Neither of them were as fast as Simon, and they were thrown away in no time.

Donald's marksmanship is really accurate, he has tried his best to dodge but still got shot several times.

Grandma's legs.

Find an opportunity to get revenge on Donald in the future.

But both of them are knights who have experienced many battles, especially Donald, who has a lot of tracking experience. They found Simon after a while, and the two sides chased me away in the polluted area.

Fortunately, Simon hid it later. As long as he didn't move, he would not be found.

"Inform everyone to hunt down the Sky Drive Knights, the battle axe must not be lost." The brown-haired youth's face was extremely ugly.

Donald glanced at him: "You go to inform, I will continue to track."

After speaking, he ignored him and left alone.

At this moment, an extremely bright red flash lit up in the distant sky.

Like a round of red stars hanging in the air, shining with star brilliance.

The two immediately settled in place.

"That's the direction of the Giant Lighthouse. Something happened to the Giant Lighthouse."

The Giant Lighthouse is the largest and tallest steam tower in the inner city. It can be said to be the landmark of Fossa City. It is responsible for a large part of the inner city's electricity supply.

This is not the key, the key is that its main power supply object is the most mysterious Mechanical Academy in Fossa City.

Most of the huge amount of electricity generated by the Giant Lighthouse every day is consumed by the Academy of Mechanical Sciences.

Now that the giant lighthouse has sounded an alarm, it may mean that there is a problem with the Mechanical Academy.

Immediately next to the giant lighthouse, a dazzling flame rose into the sky, bursting in the air, like a blooming flower, beautiful and dazzling.

Call for help.

Then another bunch of flares exploded in the air, followed by a third bunch of flares.

"Three flares, it's really an accident at the Academy of Mechanical Sciences, and it's a big deal."

The two immediately gave up tracking Simon and rushed to the inner city with all their strength.

At this moment, an extremely harsh siren suddenly sounded from the giant lighthouse, and it continued to ring. The siren spread from the inner city to the outer city, and it was estimated that even the lower city could hear it.

This is a first-level combat readiness signal.

The steam towers in the inner city turned on their lights one after another, and the thick lights moved in the inner city, illuminating the major streets in the inner city.

The mechanical airship in the air immediately flew towards the inner city at full speed. The military and police who were responsible for blocking the polluted area also evacuated. They wanted to block the passage to the inner city.

The knights in the outer city and the lower city all rushed to the inner city.

The first-level combat readiness signal represents that Fossa City will give up the outer and lower urban areas and fully defend the safety of the inner city.

Simon stood on the roof and watched the red light of the giant lighthouse. He understood the meaning of the red light and the siren.

A big event happened in the inner city, coincidentally, tonight.

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

Will the big events in the inner city be taught by Green Day?

These days, the Sky Green Day Church has been creating terrorist incidents in the lower city and the outer city, especially the pollution incident tonight, which is transferring the knights, police and military forces from the inner city out of the inner city, resulting in an empty inner city.

Green Day Education took the opportunity to create a big event.

Thinking about it like this, it is very possible.

If it is really as Simon guessed, the painstaking layout of this Green Day Church is definitely not simple.

so troublesome……

Looking at the panicked crowd, he sighed. The conspiracy of the two forces played against each other. These ordinary people are just pawns that can be discarded at any time.

I'm depreesed!

At the same time, there was an idea in his heart, he didn't want to be a chess piece.

He broke into a house, took off his dirty clothes, and dug out the bullets from his body.

In this household, he found a few clothes and put them on, and continued to wander in the polluted area, while cleaning up the magic energy in the air and cleaning up the polluted monsters.

On the street, he saw some people sitting and seeing each other, some were crying loudly, and more people were silent.

The departure of the steam chariot of Hope also seems to have taken away everyone's hope.

In the dark night, all the light no longer exists, they know they are abandoned.

Deeper despair spreads in people's hearts.

The vast majority of people in the polluted area were polluted by magical energy, and some people were in extremely serious condition, their bodies were severely decomposed, they had no desire to survive, and were lying on the side of the road waiting to die.

What's more, under the stimulation of despair and other negative emotions, he transformed into a murderous monster.

Seeing this scene, people are especially heartbroken, heartbroken and uncomfortable.


Fucking world.

Simon couldn't bear to watch these innocents die tragically, tormented by magic energy pollution for a lifetime.

This world is **** up enough.

I am a positive optimistic life.

I don't want to be a jerk.

He walked up to a heavily polluted young man. The man was lying on the ground with lost eyes and had given up hope of life.

His brows were twitching, and his body was twitching. This was the pain of magic pollution tormenting him.

Simon grabbed his arm and activated his energy-eating ability, and the magic energy on his body was devoured by the shadow ghost little by little.

Going down, I met a family of four. The parents brought two children. They were all polluted by magic energy. They were all very serious. The family was next to each other. dumb.

When Simon walked over, the family was extremely frightened and hugged.

Simon used a knife as a pen to write on the ground that I can save you.

The middle-aged man knew the words, and immediately knelt in front of Simon with the child in his arms, humbly begging Simon to save his child.

Simon sucked the magic energy from the child, and the pain subsided immediately. After the magic energy on the family was resolved, he continued to write on the ground.

I am a knight of the sky, a knight who hunted down pollution monsters before. Go and tell the others that I can fix the fel pollution on them and make them all come here.

"I'll call someone here."

The middle-aged man got up, shouted towards the street, and ran towards the crowd.

Someone believed what the middle-aged man said and ran over.

More and more people have been cured of magic energy pollution by Simon.

Crowds began to swarm around the streets.

The dim light reflected Simon's figure.

The oil lamps one by one were brought over to brighten the surroundings.

It not only illuminates the night, but also illuminates their dark and desperate hearts.


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