Zhang Chongyang thinks that the apprenticeship ceremony does not need to be too complicated, neither need to bow three times and bow nine times, nor do you need to open the altar to ask the ancestors

, but it cannot be without, after all, there is no sense of ceremony, and it always feels that something is missing.

So he drew on the experience he learned on TV and asked Luo Xiaofan to give him a cup of tea.

"Master, you drink tea~"

Zhang Chongyang took the student...... Oh no, the teacup handed over by the disciple, brought it to his mouth and drank two sips, and then beckoned the disciple to get up, and the relationship between master and apprentice was confirmed.

The day after Luo Xiaofan finished worshipping his master, his master left Qingniu Mountain alone, leaving no place to go, only returning after half a year.

He knew that Master's trip was to break through and build a foundation, just like the purpose of Aunt Xiao's departure, there was not much he could do, he could only pray that Master would break through safely and return as soon as possible.

Don't say half a year, he can wait ...... ten years

Zhang Chongyang has cast a Taoist foundation, and he also has his own foundation building exercises, and it is not impossible to break through in Qingniu Mountain, but it is not safe.

He had already failed once last time, and his intuition told him that it was much more difficult for him to break through the bottleneck of foundation building, and he didn't want to fail again because of carelessness in such good conditions this time.

In addition, although the foundation building technique mastered by the Xiao family came from the Seven Star Sect, it was only a fragment;

of course, this was not the key, the key was that what he cultivated in the Qi Refining Realm was Changchun Gong, and if he built a foundation, it was better to choose Changchun Gong more securely.

As for the foundation building exercises, although each sect has a very strict mastery, there is no lack of casual cultivation to obtain, which shows that as long as you pay certain conditions, you can still get it.

Zhang Chongyang didn't know what the conditions were, but at least in the Dafeng Dynasty, no matter what conditions he offered, he had to go to Changchun City first.

In addition, if you can, it is best to get a Tsukidan to ensure that this Tsuki-dan is foolproof.

However, Zhang Chongyang also knows that it should not be difficult to obtain the foundation of Changchun Gong, but the foundation building is very hanging.

After all, Zhang Chongyang is now just a poor bastard with only a few hundred low-grade spirit stones on his body, and even if a Zhuji Dan really appears on the black market, he can't afford it.

I think that at the beginning, it took them more than a month to come to the Dafeng Dynasty from Changchun City, but it was by carriage, and now Zhang Chongyang Yujian is on the road, and it only took five days to come to Ivy City.

"After an interval of ten years, I didn't expect that I, Zhang Chongyang, would come back again.

Zhang Chongyang walked on the streets of Changchun City, looking at the familiar buildings, the floodgates of memory were opened layer by layer, as if ten years had passed, and there had been no change here at all.

But his mentality has changed a lot, for example, he is no longer as cautious and walking on thin ice as he was the last time he came.

I don't have any acquaintances or friends here, and it's probably impossible for ordinary people to know where the black market is, so if you make a big inquire, you're bound to get attention, so ...... I should start with the auction.

Zhang Chongyang analyzed the current situation in his heart and quickly formulated a plan of action for his next step.

'Now, let's find an inn to live in, and if we can get the foundation building exercises at a regular auction, well, this shouldn't happen...... By the way, should I make some money?

' Zhang Chongyang immediately shook his head:

he didn't have time to make money, and there were two things that were most valuable on his body at the moment, a flying sword and a storage bag, if he really couldn't help it, he could only use the storage bag.

Of course, there is also a business that comes with quick money, that is, killing people and selling goods.

Unless someone provokes him, Zhang Chongyang will not eat this bowl of rice.

In a flash, seven days have passed since Zhang Chongyang came to Changchun City.

He also participated in three auctions, and as expected, neither the Tsukiji Gong nor the Tsukidan he wanted appeared.

Fortunately, it was not for nothing, Zhang Chongyang heard that a person named 'Niu Ye' was the contact person of the black market, as long as he connected with the other party and confirmed that his identity was not in danger, he could obtain the qualification to enter the black market.

Although Zhang Chongyang didn't know if the news he found out was true or a game, he had to try it.

His confidence comes from the assessment of his own strength, and Zhang Chongyang believes that he is now enough to cope with most calculations.

In the inner city, in a teahouse, Zhang Chongyang came here according to the clues provided by Niu Ye's informant, asked for a pot of spiritual tea, and waited for Niu Ye to appear while drinking.

What he didn't expect was that Niu Ye didn't wait to come, but he first heard a familiar name in the teahouse.

"Brother, your news is fake, the wife of the seventh young master of the Gu family is the third young lady of the Jiang family, do you think it is an ordinary woman, and if you say kill it, you will kill it?"

"Hmph, then the third young lady of the Jiang family does not abide by women's morals, which man can stand it, I quite support the behavior of the seventh young master of the Gu family."

"But how did I hear that the seventh young master of the Gu family is a playboy who often lingers in the land of Goolan wine shop?"

"Alas, true and false, sometimes false and true, in short, it is a fact that the third miss of the Jiang family died, in addition, I heard that although the third young lady is not qualified, but the deep love of the head of the Jiang family, it is estimated that the relationship between the two families will deteriorate. "


'Jiang Yunchu actually died?

' Zhang Chongyang's mind came up with that noble lady of the family, and he couldn't help but feel sorry for her death in his heart.

At this moment, a mature and charming woman about thirty years old walked up to Zhang Chongyang and sat directly opposite his tea table.

"Are you?" asked Zhang Chongyang in a surprised tone.

The woman smiled and said, "My surname is Niu, my single name is Qing, my friends on the road give me faces, call me Niu, dare to ask who the seniors are?"

Zhang Chongyang said without thinking.

The woman seemed to have guessed that the name Zhang Chongyang said was fake, but she didn't care much.

Next, after Niu Qing tested Zhang Chongyang, he began to communicate with each other with sound transmission.

"Senior Zhang, according to the rules, you need to hand over twenty lower-grade spirit stones to me now, as well as a wisp of your divine soul, so that I will tell you the time and place of the next black market, and give you an admission ticket.

Zhang Chongyang frowned immediately when he heard this condition, the ticket alone cost twenty lower-grade spirit stones, it was really expensive, the key was to leave a wisp of soul for himself, what did he want to do?

If he hadn't known that he was doing 'illegal' transactions, he would have flipped the table and left.

"Master Niu, I have no opinion on handing over twenty lower-grade spirit stones, it's not necessary

to leave a wisp of divine soul, right?" "Forgive me, senior, if I don't leave your divine soul, I definitely don't dare to be your guide, but senior, don't worry, as long as you are not a spy, the wisp of divine soul you left behind can be taken away from me afterwards."

Zhang Chongyang fell into thought, just cutting a wisp of the soul is insignificant, but he is afraid that this wisp of the soul will fall into the hands of the enemy.

But looking at the woman's attitude, if he doesn't leave a wisp of spirit, I'm afraid he won't trade with himself.

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