Don't worry about Charlie, Scorch is more used to the customs of her hometown than she imagined.

As soon as the fight started here, he disappeared.

A civil servant who can fully use his escape skills, Charlie can only sigh that he underestimated himself, Mr. Speaker, who provoked half the sky of the parliament.

In the end, the two sides of the attack only hacked to death a few daughters of the mistress.

But the most important thing Mistress Drow lacked was her children. In short, after the First World War, it would not hurt or itch for the eldest daughter of the family to die.

In the final analysis, the ceremony still comes first, and the mistresses of both sides are afraid that the snipe and the clam will fight each other, and the other mistress who is watching the opera will catch up during the ceremony.

There are still a few days before the ceremony begins, and there will be mistresses coming here one after another.

Three days, for the mistresses of other big families, it was time to quietly recharge their batteries and prepare for the ceremony, but for Charlie and his party...

Yeah, so that's it! So the mistress of Erica's family and the mistress of Dorothy's family really have a deep hatred!

But let me tell you a gossip, don't tell others! I heard that these two families have actually joined forces secretly!

What? You said it's impossible? That's because you don't know the reason! Let me tell you... (whispering softly) The two of them plan to join forces to make a big deal in this festival!

Do you know the mistress of the Nikita family? She...


In short, in the past three days, a bunch of 'dark elves' who are about to belong to the Spider Queen in the holy city spread all kinds of gossip.

False news fabricated out of thin air cannot set off a stormy sea.

But in a race like drow, which is suspicious by nature and full of intrigues and tricks, spreading some 'Utopia-style gossip' with mixed truths and falsehoods, the effect may be surprisingly good.

Anyway, idleness is idleness, Charlie is purely making an extra move, and the provincial festival begins, and those drows can't play their minds.

On the other hand, she also tried to send someone to deliver a message to Scorch.

Tell him not to be afraid, the sister of the city lord came to save him and said that he will not be slaughtered in the ceremony to sacrifice to the spider queen.

At first, the 'dark elf' who received Charlie's order to go out and spread rumors was somewhat awkward.

After all, if you take off your vest, everyone is a prominent figure in the Allied Army.

However, after three days, everyone was wearing a vest and letting go of themselves, and they were a little bit reluctant to leave, which left Charlie speechless.

God knows how terrifying intelligent creatures will become after liberating their moral bottom line.

Yesterday, when Charlie went out, he accidentally heard that kind-hearted centaur girl on his side turned into a dark elf, and she was telling a dumbfounded drow that the mistress of the Charonis family and the new mistress of the Sharon family had been in love since childhood. To the lesbian story of killing each other...

Not to mention how drow, who was regarded as a rumor machine, felt, Charlie's three views at the time were shattered.

Where did the upright girl who insisted on her moral bottom line and disagreed with doing such a thing go after Charlie proposed this idea?

In short, Charlie, dressed up today and preparing to participate in the festival, would never admit that it was his fault.

As for these 'dark elves' returning to their respective clans after this incident is resolved, whether to seal this past, or spread this bad habit like an opened Pandora's box...

Then it's not something Charlie needs to think about. After all, the wisdom of adults who are hundreds of years old has grown up, and he has to learn to be responsible for himself!

The black dragon walked back and forth at the door, looking at the hourglass that had been turned over several times from time to time.

...Why so long? Alphonse Ding looked at the silver dragon Artemisia who was standing by.

Yinlong hesitated, took out the last piece of chocolate from the pink bear's pocket, struggled for a long time, and finally put it back with his willpower as a follower of God.

Her tone was a little downcast because of this 'strength' move, It's not normal for a girl to dress up for a long time.

His Highness flicked his tail, and there was a muffled 'slap' on the ground.

She is not like this in Utopia.

The silver dragon's hands are always circling around the pink cloth pocket...

His Highness cast a sideways glance, You can give her some silver coins, and she can use the arcane magic of transmutation to turn the silver coins into something you want to eat.

When His Highness said 'she', his voice was lowered, making people feel that there was a fleeting moment of tenderness.

Artemisia resolutely refused, No, that kind of food has no soul.

Your Highness: ...

While they were talking, the door to Charlie's bedroom opened.

There was only a 'clink' of jewelry colliding with each other, and then, an extremely beautiful drow priest came out of the room.

She was wearing a long skirt that exposed her belly, a black cobweb veil that would only be worn by priests on her head, and a beautiful ruby ​​nose stud on her small nose.

Ornate pendants adorn the pointed elf ears.

Her dress brought the beauty and beauty of women to the extreme.

This made His Highness, who was used to wearing only neutral-style aristocratic clothes in Utopia in the past, stunned.

Although the face was not the one that the giant dragon wanted to take back to the dragon's den and hide it, the essence of this person was still the same, and it hadn't changed.

Seeing it, a series of equations emerged in His Highness's mind. After rounding it up, wouldn't it mean that his woman's clothes are so sexy, and participating in the sacrifice of the Spider Queen will be seen by many men! ?

So, Charlie shyly tugged on the short jacket that was too tight to highlight the chest line, and just wanted to ask how is it, but His Royal Highness exploded before the violent period was over.

Fortunately, His Highness is just a 'black dragon' the size of a Komodo dragon. Even if it blows up, Artemisia can still control the scene.

Princess Yinlong, who was wearing a small pink cloth bag on her wrist, dodged expressionlessly, and directly gave His Royal Highness a 'throat lock hug'.

The vertical pupils, which were golden and cold before, are now orange-red. When you look closely, aren't they filled with bloodshot eyes?

Artemisia looked at His Royal Highness who wanted to throw Charlie back into the room and put seventeen or eighteen coats on him, and then looked at Charlie who was stunned and not used to his brother's violent period, and sighed helplessly in her heart .

Fortunately, it is not Golden Dragon Belt who is here to accompany him, otherwise he will be forced to fight His Highness to the death now...

In the end, things ended with Charlie being forced to don a black and gold cape.

Still, when countless glamorous mistress priests stood on the spider altar, Charlie, who was tightly wrapped in a black gold coat, became the most special one, attracting great attention.

Who is that? The one that's wrapped up so tightly...

Ah, it's a mistress who brought a hundred or so dark elves to make up for it. She's a small clan, not worth seeing. She's probably going to be eliminated when the ceremony starts.

Youyou looked at Charlie of the black dragon: ...

You wait!

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