The Druid Master of Hogwarts

Chapter 195: The brave Gryffindor is fearless

After agreeing to Harry and Ron's request, Fisch moved his head in front of Harry again and stared at him curiously for a while.


   "Are there any questions?"


   Harry was staring at him uncomfortably, he twisted and asked.


   "Harry, can you talk to other snakes and show Feishi to see meow?"


   Feixu tilted his head, shaking his ears and demanded.


   Apart from Animagus like Minerva, it was the first time that Fisch knew that humans could communicate with animals, so he was very curious.


   "Uh, yes, but there are no snakes nearby..."


   Like this kind of small request, almost no one at Hogwarts would refuse Fisch.


   Although the fact that he can talk to the snake has something to do with Slytherin, it makes Harry a little depressed, but he doesn't mind acting for Fisch.


   "There are snakes in the forbidden forest!" Fei Xu licked his lips, "Fei Xu has caught it several times, and it tastes better!"




   At the thought of the delicious snake soup made by the horses, Fisch's saliva flowed down again.


   "Fish also knew a few snakes. They weren't dumb, and he didn't eat them."


   Snakes and snakes are also different. Some snakes have low intelligence, and Feish can eat without pressure. However, those snakes that can communicate, or other small animals, Feish generally will not start.


  It just so happened that Feish knew a few pythons in the Forbidden Forest that were intelligent enough to communicate with people.


   Harry and Ron had long been envious of the fact that Feish could move freely in the forbidden forest, but they also knew that they did not have the affinity of Feish, and they really wanted to sneak in privately. They were purely seeking death.


   So when Fisch offered to take them into the forbidden forest, the two were very interested, but they were afraid that they would be caught by Hagrid and Professor McGonagall... They only finished confinement yesterday.


   "Harry, don't you have an invisible cloak? It's fine if I secretly lead you in. As long as you don't get caught, you won't be in trouble!"


  ? (●φωφ●)?


  Fishu shouted out his code of conduct again.


   Harry and Ron looked at each other again, nodding at almost the same time.


   This kind of opportunity is so rare, they really don't want to miss it.




  I dare not take this opportunity, so how can they be called Gryffin? !


   The brave Gryffindor is fearless!


   So Harry pulled out his invisibility cloak, draped him and Ron together, and walked outside with Fisch.


   After Feixu left the dormitory, he became a little tabby cat, with his tail erected high, and he walked out of the castle unhurriedly.


   Harry and Ron, who followed him invisibly, once again saw how popular Fisch really is.


When they used to go to dinner or class with Fisch, others seemed a little reserved, but when Fisch was alone in the school, the students and professors who saw Fisch almost came up to fight him. Say hello, vote for a snack, and try to make a handful of Fisch.


And Feishe will also decide whether to respond depending on his mood. Sometimes he will let the other person touch and hug while eating snacks, and sometimes he will run away with the snacks directly in his mouth. It feels annoying even afterwards. No snacks, turned around and left, and those students who didn't get a response were also interested and didn't bother.


  Harry and Ron even saw Malfoy serving out snacks, but failed to touch Fisch, they were still happy, they were totally two people with the arrogant and arrogant Mind Master.


In addition to the students and professors, even the ghosts and portraits in Hogwarts, Fisch can also talk about a few words... Although most ghosts do not like Fisch holding their little paws at them, the portrait tells Fisch to take theirs. There is also a lot of opinion on the matter of frame grinding claws.


   "Harry, did you say that Fisch forgot to go to the Forbidden Forest?"


   Ron whispered to Harry, because Feish always stopped and stopped along the way, and from time to time he found a place to lie down for a while, as if he had completely forgotten about taking them to the Forbidden Forest.


   However, even though Ron tried his best to lower his voice, he still couldn't escape the ears of Feish in front of him. The kitten's ears turned back a little, and then flung his tail gently, without explaining, and continued to wander slowly in his own way.


   Ron said so, but he still followed Fisch obediently with Harry.

   Because even if Fei Xu forgot to go to the Forbidden Forest, they also made a lot of money— Fei Xu had taken them along several secret roads that they didn't know before, and they even met Filch in the secret road.


   "No wonder Filch is always fascinated..."


Ron continued to whisper to Harry: "I have been listening to Fred and George saying that there are countless secret passages in Hogwarts. One of their greatest hobbies is to explore the castle and find those Undiscovered secret paths...I don’t know that they have more secret paths than Feish."


   They followed Feishu for a while, until it was close to noon, Feishu wandered out of the castle and walked straight into the forbidden forest.


  Since I remembered the snake soup stewed by the horses before, Fisch plans to go to their place at noon to have a meal, which is one of the reasons why he is not rushing along the way.


   The two of them bypassed Hagrid's hut and walked directly into the forbidden forest. Only then did Harry lift off the invisibility cloak on his body.


   "Where shall we go next?"


   Ron looked around and asked enthusiastically.


   "You guys wait a minute, meow."


  Fish, who has become a cat-man, raised his head and let out a long howl at the woods in front.




   After a while, there was a rustling noise in the woods ahead, a very obvious canine gasp.


   Harry and Ron suddenly had an unpleasant premonition in their hearts.


  Sure enough, a huge figure emerged from the forest. It was the three-headed dog Lu Wei who guarded the Sorcerer's Stone last semester.


   "Don't scare them!" (●φωφ●)ツ


   As soon as Lu Wei appeared, he grinned at Harry and Ron, and Fisch went forward and patted his paw.




Lu Wei arched his head over Gong Feixu unhappily, but he remembered the smell of these two little guys. They played the flute and let himself fall asleep. For a dedicated watchdog, But it's a shame.


   As for Feishu also did this...that's different!


   "Alright, alright," Fisch patted Lu Wei's nose and soothed, "They were also taught by Severus later, so don't be angry."




   "Severus is the cat whose hair looks greasy when you bit her leg last semester."




   Lu Wei immediately snorted with his nose in disdain, and his men were defeated.


   But for Fei Xu's face, he doesn't care about these two little guys.


   "We are going to Bain and the others for lunch, and Lu Wei will also cat meow together."


   Feixu explained his intentions at this time.


   Lu Wei stared at the stiff Ron and Harry for a while, before he fell down reluctantly.


   "Come on, tribe of horse people is a bit far from here."


  Fish rolled over Lu Wei's back, straddled his neck in the middle of it, and beckoned to Harry and Ron.


   The two swallowed and looked at each other hesitantly. In the end, they decided to believe in Feish and leaned forward cautiously.


As a result, their movements were too slow, making Lu Wei a little impatient. It went straight to pick up the collars of the two of them, and then flicked upwards, throwing Harry and Ron, who were screaming in fright, on their backs. .


   Luwei carrying three little guys, ran in the direction of the horse tribe.


   "I thought I was dead..."


   Ron, who was still in shock, followed Fisch's way, sat on Lu Wei's right neck, and wiped the cold sweat from his head.


   Harry, who was sitting on his left neck, pointed his head in sympathy. Just now when Lu Wei opened his mouth and bit at them, his legs were frightened, okay...


"Lu Wei is not the kind of bad dog that likes to bite people," Feish patted Lu Wei's head, defending it: "It will only be a little bit fierce when it is guarding things. It's usually behaved. ."


   Harry and Ron remained silent about this, especially after seeing the animals running around Lu Wei while he was running...


   became more silent.




  ? Recommended ticket?? Monthly ticket?

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