The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 196: Ulano's clues

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This is a vocabulary that Soshyan's father found in the vast family library.

Under his various investigations, it became clear that at the end of the Great Expedition, there was indeed a civilization called the "Wanderer".

This is a nomadic space civilization composed of humans and other alien races. It is also extremely rare. A civilization where humans can live in peace with aliens. They use fleets as their homes and drag huge energy collectors in different galaxies. Wandering between.

In the face of the expansion of the human empire, they chose to escape and stay away from the galaxy that the human empire had already occupied.

But by the end of the Great Expedition, there was not much room for them to escape, and the emperor also lost patience with this civilization that coexisted with aliens.

So a strike fleet composed of the sons of the emperor and the Iron Hand Legion began to chase the wanderers and eventually destroy them.

This is the family history recorded by Soshyan's father in the first notebook. They are probably the descendants of a certain human in the Wanderer fleet, who left the fleet on the eve of the destruction of civilization and returned to the empire.

After reading these, Soshyang felt that it was necessary for him to go to Sol to verify whether there was such a civilization back then.

But in his heart, he already felt that this father's textual research was inseparable.

Rubbing his head, Soshyang stood up, poured himself another glass of wine, then sat back on the chair and took out the second notebook.

"Originally I thought that the history of our family would end here. This is the end of everything, but one day, I saw these three Ulannuo in a battlefield note written by the fifteenth ancestors. Words..."


With a bang, Soshyang almost bounced off his chair and almost knocked over the glass.

He never thought that this term would appear in his father's notebook.

After calming down a bit, he sat down and continued to read the contents of the notes.

This notebook mostly records his father's textual research on that ancestor.

According to the above records, the ancestor of the fifteenth generation was once a member of the Ulanno Expeditionary Army and an officer, but his purpose of joining the army seems to be more than just gaining glory and status.

He seemed to plan to go to Ulano from the beginning, and joining the army was just a ride.

But for more details, he did not reveal more in his battlefield notes, but from Soshyan's father's speculation, this ancestor should be looking for something in Ulano.

At the same time, in the battlefield notes, the fifteenth ancestor also hinted at another thing.

It seems that the emperor is also planning to find something on Ulano.

Soshyang looked at this notebook very carefully, and correspondingly spent more time, he spent all his sleep time on it.

When he saw the last page, his father left a sentence.

"...Based on my research on the notes of the fifteenth generation ancestors, I boldly speculate that he must have left a more detailed record, but it was hidden. I wanted to find it, but I spent a lot of time but found nothing. I Put the ancestor's manuscript at the end, maybe you can censor it."

Soshyang closed the note and turned out the fifth note from the box. It was different from the first four. It was smaller, thinner, and easier to ignore.

Its cover is pale yellow, it looks more decayed, and there are traces of re-binding.

After thinking about it, he decided to read the third book, and finally deal with this one.

Time is passing bit by bit...

914.M41, Storm Star Field, Safinius, the mining world

Falla, the mechanic-teacher, doesn't remember that she slept, but it did happen.

This is understandable. After all, working hard in the eternal twilight and staying awake in the dark, let alone the heavy work at hand, no one can stay awake for long.

He was dreaming, he was sure of that, because he was back in the silver-gray cave in his nightmare.

He came here night after night, caught in an endless cycle of terror.

This kind of experience has never changed. There is no chance for respite. There is only a dark premonition of nightmarish escaping from the claws of those creatures. The articulated creatures have bright steel claws, beating the rocks constantly.

Da da da--

The cave was still weird silver, wet and gleaming, and the ubiquitous threat lurked in front of him.

He knew that the walls on the surface of the cave just seemed solid, and he knew what was hidden behind the fragile film of reality. He couldn't possibly not know.

Vaguely visible figures flew around him, like spraying smoke.

He hurried through the cave, foreseeing that the wall would begin to peel off at any time, and then reveal the corruption below.

He heard some voices, but the voices were meaningless to him, and he could not answer.

With every step he took, he felt that he was being guided, but he couldn't tell who or what was guiding him.

This premonition was almost unbearable, like the blade of the guillotine hanging from the back of his neck.

Falla wanted to wake up, but he had known for a long time that he had no power to control the inevitable development of this terrifying scene.

Sure enough, he heard a soft scratching sound, like a mouse in the wall.

Tap, tap, tap——

Falla suddenly ran up, and he heard the scratching of his claws over and over again.

Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Da...

The voice was louder now, coming from around him.

This is a new nightmare, this is a more terrifying nightmare.

Then, as if the flames ignited the concrete inside the wall, the wall began to decompose, turn black, hovering away like dying embers.

The wall fell off the familiar rusty grid that supported them, and the terrible void behind the wall was revealed again.

It was like the depths of a heavily polluted ocean, full of filth and silt that the entire species turned into.

The stuff inside is a parasitic product, a terrible by-product of some alien hatred of humans.

Falla once again heard the evil spirit hunting him tearing their way with claws, and he immediately ran.

This time, they were not just behind him, they were in all directions.

The wall in front of him bulged, as if something had pressed its unnatural body on the wire saw a lot of shimmering claws and dark green eyes, each eye The pupils on the top are like an agate dagger.

The gap opened wider and wider, and a group of beasts with bright steel claws rushed into the hole.

Their blades gleamed with murderous light, their bodies resembled some kind of arthropods, their oval and narrow heads kept howling, and their limbs seemed to be intercepted from some kind of giant beast.

The skulls of these beasts looked like metal, their skin glowed with wet light, and their long tongues with mouthparts stretched and retracted in their mouths full of fangs.

Falla kept running, and the beast followed him closely, stalking him, and teasing him.

They can catch him and kill him at any time, but hunting is really fun.

He could feel their heat pounding, sour and empty.

For so long, Falla knew there was only one way to escape.

He continued to run forward, hoping that every breathless step he could reach the huge stone gate with weird symbols.

Only in that gate can shelter be provided.

Just when those sharp claws almost reached him, a flapping sound of wings sounded from inside the giant gate.

Falla woke up, and the cry of the monsters echoed in his ears.

Everything seems to have not changed.

Suddenly, he shook violently, because he saw a wet skin hung on the window of his bedroom, a skin of a twisted creature, which was torn from the body alive, exuding heat and dripping blood.

He almost screamed, but then calmed down, rolled up the leather quickly and hid it, and erased all traces.

But he knew that it wouldn't last long, and those monsters' races would definitely try to vent their anger.

Things seem to be getting worse...

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