The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 539: Hulk crisis

"The Emperor's Angel of Death (!

Standard Terra calendar.930.M41

Nathan Galaxy, Nathan-6 planet, subspace node

Three hours ago, the battleship appeared near the subspace node, leaving behind a string of plasma fog and engine flames.

The ship is as pitch black as the night sky at midnight in winter, and its edges are covered by a shimmering bronze relief that has been worn out, reflecting

A kind of militarized beauty-made of steel ridges and Gothic spine buildings.

If I had to describe it, it was like a barbed spear, a mixture of black, blue and gold bronze spewing out of the void.

There are no active ships, imperial, alien or other nearby, and no one knows the name of this ship in the Horus Rebellion 10,000 years ago.

This ship was hung over Tyra in the dirtiest era.

At that time, Terra's atmosphere was burning, and countless warships roared at each other, covering the sky with flames, and the planet below, the cradle of mankind was also ignited.

The ship was there at the time. It killed ships loyal to the Golden Throne, threw them off the track, ripped Tyra’s clouds and smashed into the Emperor’s city.

Its name is in a dead language from a dead world, and in the Gothic language of the empire, it is translated as the Voice of Canaan.

But now, it no longer serves the rebellion, but serves the empire it once attacked, so it also has a new name——

Unbound soul.

The huge battleship moved forward with its low-combustion engine, cutting the space in the silence and long sleep.

In the center of the magnificent cabin, there was a man sitting on a throne made of black iron and bright bronze.

He was wearing a silver-gray battle armor, a coat of arms with crossed swords on his shoulders, chains on his shoulders and waist, rosary beads and a sky eagle emblem on them, every movement of the warrior and every tremor of the spaceship he commanded. All make these ornaments clink.

And what he showed the world was a serious face,

A group of people were moving around, and officers wearing imperial navy uniforms and without badges were working in front of various consoles, tables, and display screens.

A man in a red robe sits on the wide steering wheel console, pushes a heavy steel rod to the locked position, looks at the display in front of him, and reads the runes scrolling across the screen-a huge amount of text Poured out mercilessly.

For the mechanical priest, this kind of knowledge flow is without pressure.

"The inspection is over, my lord."

Loken shouted back.

"All decks, all systems, are very stable."

Sitting on the throne, Astarte nodded slowly, but he was still waiting for something.

Soon, another

A voice, calm but stained by exhaustion, emerged from the horn carved in the mouth of the gargoyle on the metal wall at the other end of the bridge.

"Target retrieval was successful."

Finally, the sitting giant stood up and spoke for the first time in several hours.


The giant's voice is deep and soft, but it has a strange cold texture.

He is the master of this warship, Soshyan Alexei, the commander of the Astral Knights.

Three years have passed since the Battle of New Badab. This is also a rare and peaceful three years for the Star Warriors. Except for the supervisory messenger sent by Tyra, he has never found a suitable plug-in meeting and complained to Soshyan time and time again. Something special happened.

Only a few small things were remembered by Soshyan.

First, the great nun of the Ebony Holy Grail Order came to Nathan 4 in person and took away the body of the nun who died in action. At the same time, she also took away Sister Villets. It is said that the great nun and Viletz lived alone in the church for five For hours, the content of the conversation between the two was unknown, but before leaving, Vilec told Sosyan that she would come back again.

Although he didn't know why the other party wanted to come back, Soshyang sent him away with friendship, and gave her an iron halo seized from the Huron Armory as a gift in return for the rose rosary.

In addition, it is the matter of recruits. The first batch of successfully transformed recruits have been officially enlisted and began training. Soshyan will give this matter to Armin and Sol, and believe that they can bring these new blood. .

And he himself focused on the recruitment of the second batch of recruits.

A year ago, the second screening of recruits began, and this time the number was twice as high as the first time.

After a rigorous selection process, a total of 107 people successfully advanced to the final.

This group of recruits has already begun a preliminary transformation. With the help of the experienced pharmacist Valer, Soshyan believes that the success rate of this recruit’s transformation will be much higher than before. Although he despises Valer’s personality, Needless to say, this guy does have a few brushes at the technical level.

Especially the gray marrow rejection reaction, he actually found a way to alleviate it.

The rest is some "miscellaneous", such as the repair of the orbital dock, the repair of the Star Castle, the supplement of materials and so on.

As for the Mr. "Secret Agent", he is now completely under the control of Talos, sending some innocuous information to his master every day-As for when to close the net, Talos' attitude is very ambiguous, he The original saying is "You can't be anxious to catch a fox."

In short, even though he knew that he was being targeted by every important person in the Black Legion, Soshyan could only pretend to be okay.

It can be said that most of his three years have been spent on battle groups and alliances, and even personal training has fallen a lot.

As for why he appears on the edge of the galaxy now?

Simply because of an alarm.

According to recent news from nearby galaxies, many unidentified hulks have appeared in the storm star field recently.

But this is not the point. The point is that after inspection, some of these hulks are found to be from a thousand years ago. Although the state of preservation is too bad, there are still some valuable materials that can be recycled. And technology.

But this is not the real point.

The point is that the "cargo" on those hulks is far more than just treasures-there are also a large number of extremely dangerous purebred gene stealers.

According to past experience, as long as there is such a purebred gene stealer slipping out and landing on a certain planet, the gene stealer cult will soon appear on the planet.

So after receiving this alert, Soshyang did not dare to take it lightly, and immediately led the flagship to the alert location.

At the same time, the representatives of the Mechanical Education of Victory Mark also stated to Soshyan before departure that if he finds any valuable ancient technology, they are willing to pay a high price to recycle it.

Soshyang, who has been idle for a long time, rarely moves his muscles and bones.

"Report, the target has no electromagnetic or thermal energy readings."

In a niche on the west wall of the bridge room, the Master of Occupation read his report.

Although he is human, his voice is Half of his face, throat and torso are replaced by delicate bionics.

"Close to the target, turn on the full display."

Soshyan whispered that he had been staring at the eyeball monitor, but the large screen in front of the cab was half dead by the violent interference.

He didn't worry at all, he had become accustomed to this static annoyance after passing through the subspace.

The eyeball monitor always takes a while to readjust and recover.

Sometimes, one can even see faces in the gray storm of vague signals from the crackling screen—the fallen, the lost, the forgotten, and the cursed.

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