The pregnant woman looked at the door in horror

Praying in her heart

Don't be a bug monster

But the more you fear something, the more it will come. A huge mosquito monster appeared at the door

It has three pairs of legs more than two meters high, a spider-like head with an extremely sharp needle, and a buttocks bulging high behind, covered with white fluff

The blood inside is already two-thirds full, like a shaking high-angle wine glass filled with half a glass of red wine

"Suck it!"

After discovering that the mother and daughter are mosquitoes, they are extremely excited, but their buttocks are caught by the door , and didn't squeeze in at once

Its eyes were full of desire for blood, and a pair of front legs pulled the door frame and began to force it inward. The toilet door frame was squeezed to the point of deformation and creaking

The toilet door was half hanging on it, and it couldn't block it at all. Seeing that the spider was about to break in, the woman had to speed up her daughter's escape

"Go, Huahua! Go out and hide"

"Wow! Mom, I'm scared! Wow!!"

Huahua was very scared. She was so scared that she cried loudly, holding the window with her hands and refused to go out

Crying Soon, it attracted mosquitoes from outside

Buzz buzz buzz~

A group of mosquitoes the size of green spotted puppies also surrounded them, and several mosquitoes aimed their straws at Huahua


Huahua's arm was pierced by a needle, and blood slid down her skin and dripped onto her mother's face


The pregnant woman hurriedly rescued her daughter from the mosquitoes. Four or five mosquitoes found the two of them and crowded together at the small window. No one could get in

But it also completely extinguished the two people's hope of escape

The big mosquito at the door had already entered most of its body, There are wolves in front and tigers behind

The mother blamed herself

"Huahua, I'm sorry..."

It's all my fault that I couldn't protect you

I'm sorry for being born a human

The pregnant woman hugged the little girl tightly and curled up in the corner, two tears streaked across her cheeks, she was surprisingly quiet

She didn't complain to anyone

She didn't scream hysterically

She knew

In the end, being weak is the original sin

Even the insect people can hardly survive, let alone the two ordinary people

Perhaps, death is the only relief...


The toilet door couldn't withstand the huge force of the insect beast after all, and the whole wall was overturned by the mosquito monster


A transparent liquid flowed out of the sharp straw of the mosquito, which was its saliva

It stabbed the mother's aorta

Just then


Gunshots rang out, and a male insect soldier came to the rescue

"Damn mosquito, look here!"

The mosquito obviously didn't want to pay attention to the insect soldier, its attention was all on the mother and daughter, and it was about to go down to buy food



The shot hit its anus


My dear mother!

The black eyeballs of the mosquito beast bulged outward, almost exploding, and the white hairs on its body stood up

At this moment, it seemed to ascend to heaven

Slowly turned around, staring at the person who fired the gun

"Hiss~hiss" (I want you to die!)

"Uh... I said I didn't mean it, do you believe it?"


The mosquito beast turned the needle and stabbed it with its hind legs


The insect man had no time to dodge and was stabbed directly. He shouted with his last strength

"There is a pregnant woman here! Come and help!"

"Dare to...stab you...Grandpa Yu buried with me!"


Yu Shui bit open the grenade pull ring with his teeth

The mosquito beast looked at him with disdain

You want to die together with a mere grenade?

Is it too naive?

Is this not taking my excellent insect beast seriously?

With a splash~

Yu ​​Shui unbuttoned his clothes, revealing the objects inside, which were full of grenades, at least dozens of them

He narrowed his eyes, showed his teeth and gave Mosquito a big smile

"Surprised or not!"

Mosquito's face changed, and he wanted to pull out the tube and leave, but it was too late

The fire lit up

Boom! Boom! !

The huge chain explosion blew up the entire toilet door, and the mother and daughter hid behind the sink in time to escape

When they looked up, they were horrified to find

that the insect beast was still alive!

Although it was slightly injured due to its untimely defense, it was just as it said.

It was difficult for humans to kill it with their thermal weapons.

Using genetic energy to build a layer of protection on the epidermis could resist most thermal weapons, but hasty resistance still consumed a lot of its genetic energy.

It kept muttering,

"Insect people? Why can't you join us like Lord Yang Ying? Instead, you have to help with food?"

"It's really hard to understand?"

When it was about to go back to enjoy the food, more insect warriors surrounded it.came over

They are all members of the rescue team

The order of rescue in Sanjia Town

The first is pregnant women, the second is children, the third is women, the fourth is the wounded, and the fifth is the elderly

Don’t ask why

Just ask ZZ is right!

All the men in the town are warriors, defending the town and fighting to the death

"Group A attack, Group B rescue"

"Group A received"

"Group B received"

They came from both sides in groups of five, holding weapons made of bones and armor of mutant insect beasts

After being attached with genetic energy, they are much more useful than guns and can cause substantial damage to insect beasts


Two of the five people in Group A held shields, and two held spears in front of them for a feint attack. There was also an archer behind them shooting with bone arrows


The mosquito beast was full of anger. Did you really think I was easy to bully!

"Team B, hurry up, go save people"

The other five-member team took advantage of the gap when the insect beast was led away to quickly transfer the pregnant woman

"Team C, join the siege of Group A and kill this excellent insect beast as soon as possible"

The secretly prepared Group C immediately joined the battle

Ten people besieged the mosquito beast for a while

Buzz buzz buzz~

The sound of wings vibrating sounded

They were surrounded by hundreds of green spotted mosquitoes again

This is good

The encirclement turned into a counter-encirclement

"Captain, what should we do? We can't withdraw"

"Brothers, hold on a little longer, Master Xie Wen from Yongning County will be here soon"

Master Xie Wen!

He is one of the three strongest men in the town. Although he fled from Yongning County, his strength should not be underestimated

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