The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 83 This guy seems to be a bit mentally ill

"Oh no!"

In the dead of night.

When Song Chen and Lan Ya were preparing to go to the dormitory next to Ji Lu and others to rest, Ye Mengmeng's panicked voice suddenly came.

"Mengmeng? What happened?"

Seeing Ye Mengmeng running towards him with a face full of crying, Ji Lu quickly stepped forward to support her.

Ye Mengmeng waved her hand, then looked at Song Chen anxiously, "Brother Chen, something happened to Sister Qian and the others!"

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Hearing this, everyone present was stunned for a moment.

"Isn't Yang Qian in the boys' dormitory next door? How could something happen?" Song Chen asked with a frown.

"Chen Yanting brought people to attack in a sneak attack, and injured many classmates as hostages, and forcibly took Sister Qian and Chang Minghao away!"

Ye Mengmeng repeated the news she just learned to Song Chen.

After Chen Yanting injured his classmates and took away Yang Qian and others, he left behind those who he thought were no threats. Only then did Ye Mengmeng learn what had just happened in the boys' dormitory.

Song Chen fell into deep thought after listening.

I didn't expect that taking Yang Qian and others to the canteen during the day would cause such a big trouble.

"What should I do?" Ji Yumo asked softly.

Before Song Chen could answer, Ye Mengmeng next to him grabbed his arm.

"Brother Chen, please save Sister Qian and the others! Chen Yanting and his gang are simply beasts. If Sister Qian and the others fall into the hands of that scumbag, they will be skinned even if they don't die!"

"How dare that guy Chen Yanting be so cruel?"

He Xin couldn't believe it.

Students like them generally don't even dare to kill chickens and pigs. How could they dare to kill people?

What's more, we are all classmates and there is no grievance or enmity on weekdays. Chen Yanting has no reason to do this.

Ye Mengmeng shook her head.

"Since the disaster started that day, everyone has changed. Many classmates have died in the hands of Chen Yanting and the others. Sister Qian has stopped her several times before, and she has long been hated by those people. This time she fell into It’s definitely not going to be easy in their hands.”

Song Chen deeply agreed with Ye Mengmeng's words.

Never overestimate the goodness of people, and never underestimate the evil of people.

After the apocalypse breaks out, some people can no longer be called humans even if they have not mutated into zombies.

Worried about the safety of Yang Qian and others, Song Chen had no time to make plans and immediately took Lan Ya to prepare to go to the gymnasium in person.

"Yu Mo, you stay and Ye Mengmeng gather all the surviving students in the two dormitories together to prevent the other party from using Dianthu Lishan to launch another sneak attack."

Song Chen quickly assigned tasks to Ji Yumo, and then turned to look at Ji Lu.

"Xiaolu, you should know the location of the gymnasium, right? Take me to the gymnasium to save Yang Qian and the others."

He didn't know the internal situation of Beicheng University, and he didn't even know which direction the gymnasium was. He had to find someone to help lead the way. Ji Lu, who was strong enough to protect himself and familiar with the school, was naturally the best candidate.

Ji Lu immediately nodded in agreement.

After quickly arranging all this, Song Chen and Ji Lu went to the gymnasium.

The gymnasium and dormitory buildings are located in two directions of Beicheng University, and you need to walk a long distance in between.

It was late at night, and the only shining moon had already hidden in the clouds. The whole world was plunged into darkness, and only zombies were having a carnival.

The completely dark environment made Ji Lu very vigilant, and his whole body tensed up like an arrow about to leave the string.

After Song Chen glanced left and right, he patted Lanya's dog's head and let it move on its own.

The dark environment at night is very unfavorable for humans. Even if Song Chen's superpower level has reached level three, he would not dare to overdo it. Lanya's sense of hearing and smell are very keen. Instead of letting it stay by his side, it is better to let it go on its own. Go and be vigilant around.

Even if any special situation does arise, he will have enough time to react and think.

Because he was afraid that the sound would attract zombies, Ji Lu did not dare to speak at all, and even his breathing became lighter subconsciously.

Song Chen didn't care about this. Instead, he followed her leisurely as if he was taking a walk, and even had the time to observe the surrounding plants.

It’s not just humans and animals that will mutate in the apocalypse, plants that also have life may also awaken supernatural powers.

Although the probability is relatively small, plants that awaken supernatural powers are without exception very difficult to deal with.

In his previous life, Song Chen accidentally encountered a willow tree that had awakened the wood power, but it made him suffer a lot and almost cost him his life.

That willow tree left a deep psychological shadow on him, and even from then on, whenever he came across flourishing flowers, plants and trees, he would climb up and give him a kick.

But now he has changed his mind.

Unlike zombies, mutated plants are not so strongly and preferentially aggressive towards humans. As long as they can be fed with crystal nuclei every day, they will not actively attack humans.

If you can find a suitable mutated plant, you can move it back to the base and serve as a security guard.


After walking for about twenty minutes, Lan Ya suddenly ran back to Song Chen and called out softly.

"Brother Chen, we are here."

Ji Lu also pointed to the dark building ahead, which was obviously the gymnasium where Chen Yanting and others were hiding.

"There is a back door to the gymnasium, should we sneak in quietly from there?" Ji Lu suggested.

Song Chen frowned and looked around, pondering for a moment before speaking.

"No need, we've been discovered a long time ago."


Just as Song Chen finished speaking, flashlights flashed in the gymnasium, focusing on Song Chen and Ji Lu, and many students holding bows and arrows stood at the window, aiming at them.


The leading archer stared at Song Chen and shouted angrily.

Chen Yanting was standing behind him. After seeing the person clearly with the help of the flashlight, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Ji Lu! I was thinking of picking you up in the dormitory building later, but I didn't expect you to come here by yourself. Sure enough, you are looking for me too, right?"


Ji Lu's face was full of confusion.

What is going on?

I had guessed that Chen Yanting had some problems with his brain, but I didn't expect that it would become so serious after not seeing him for only half a month.

Song Chen tilted his head and looked at her, "Do you know this guy?"

Ji Lu quickly explained: "This guy is the Chen Yanting mentioned before."

As she said that, she pointed to her head.

"This guy doesn't seem to have a good brain."

Song Chen couldn't help laughing at Ji Lu's disgusted expression and actions. Chen Yanting, who was standing on the upper floor of the gymnasium, saw this scene and his face suddenly darkened.

It was not until then that he seemed to notice Song Chen who came with Ji Lu.

A strange face, could it be the outsider mentioned by his subordinates?

From a distance, he looked thin and weak. Except for that face that looked a little good, how could he compare to him?

He can beat ten of this kind of stuff himself!

Thinking of this, Chen Yanting curled his lips in disdain and pointed at Song Chen and sneered: "Where did this thin dog come from?"

Lan Ya:?

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