Volume 8 of the Shurangama Sutra: "Ananda, all people use karma to dry up, repay their debts, and live as animals."

Whether it is a person, a Buddha, a god, a devil, a ghost, an asura, an immeasurable being. Only the guilty person, the person who bears karma (Karma), will be burned by King Ming's anger, and will eventually use pain to repay his life.

The inflammation of the Buddha.

The Marquis of Wuban usurped the power of the Fudo Mingzun Bodhisattva-"The Convict of Karma".

"I still remember the way you once wailed in my flames. "Steel" is not omnipotent, Salvatore Tony. "Wurban pulled out his nails cruelly, but they regrown after a while.

"I really want to listen, your scream."


Salvatore smacked his lips unhappily, and without any hesitation, he directly covered the ground with his right hand.

"—Steel! Give mortals a flash comparable to yours! Melt, forge, and then solidify, turning this place into a world of steel!"

The ground at the feet of the Sword King was transformed into silver steel, which continued to spread out, and finally locked the Marquis's feet like a strong glue.

"Block your mobility, just cut you into two pieces when the flame falls!"

There is only so much that Salvatore can think of!

He dashed forward, pouring all the curse power into his right hand, trying to cut everything in the world like an oath.


The Marquis of Woban shook his head and said regretfully.

"I have been given this power for a hundred years. The rain of fire in the sky is just a way of using it. Could it be that you are really a flame that can only fall from the sky? Don't be too naive."

The scorching flames emerged from the mouth of the Marquis wolf, and burst out into countless fireballs.

Salvatore, who was advancing, could only continue to swing his sword to minimize damage. But some of the remaining flames still burned his body into liquid after melting steel.

Just when the Sword King was about to be unable to hold it, a familiar voice came from the sky.

"—With my eloquence, let the justice of the world appear! These spells are powerful and eloquent. They are the sword of wisdom that greets victory."

Subsequently, the "flame" was cut off by the "light".

Chapter 87—The Wrath of the Buddha

Under the care of the burning clouds in the sky, Rope gradually transformed from a violent storm into a human form.

He carried the brown victory wheel on his back, the pointer pointed to the "warrior", and what he held in his hand was the Persian long sword cast by the "light of wisdom".

"Tony, I think I need to re-evaluate your IQ. You look miserable now, just end up not following my advice."

Luo Pei looked down at the King of Swords who had almost turned into a silver statue with a look of disgust, and directly caused rain in the sky to be used as water for cooling the forged steel.

He couldn't understand why it was such a coincidence. A few blind runs can follow Salvatore's heart, allowing him to perfectly meet the Marquis of Vauban.

If it wasn't for the will of the universe, Rope wrote his name upside down.

"Haha...want to try your luck..."

Salvatore let out a long sigh of relief and propped up his body with a sword. "Swordsmanship has improved. I want to try and see what it will be like to fight with the old man. I didn't expect that he didn't play the cards according to common sense and went straight to the flames."

The fear of high temperature is Tony's life pain, power and power can not be compensated by this kind of practice.

Moreover, the "karma fire" is not an ordinary flame. The more sinful it is, the hotter it will become, and it will never be extinguished. Although Salvatore had no intention of doing evil, as the demon king, even the world recognized him as the side of "evil".

—Rope is the same.

After the flame was cut off by the light, the Marquis did not continue to attack Salvatore, but stared at Rope in the sky with his beast eyes.

"A face I haven't seen... kid, are you a new compatriot?"

Mortals cannot resist the power of the gods, and only the godslayers of the same personality can offset or even destroy them.

Without answering the question of the Marquis, Rope descended from the sky to the ground, raised the King of Swords, and leaned him on the steps of the hotel behind him.

"Leave it to me here, you are not suitable to fight him." He whispered, and then gathered water essence from the air to treat the injured Salvatore.

"I'm sorry, brother." Salvatore said ashamed. "I may have ruined your plan..."

"I'll settle accounts with you when I get back to Italy." Rope said nonchalantly. "Now you stay here honestly for me."


Then he turned around, and pointed the golden sword with a grim expression at the Marquis of Voban, who had become a giant werewolf.

"I wanted to lead you to the sea before doing it again, but it seems that circumstances no longer allow me to do so. Next, your opponent will be me, Woban."

Hearing Rope's rhetoric, Woban rubbed his sharp teeth and showed a sordid smile.

"It really is you... The second king of Italy, the terror of the deep sea, the ruler of the raging waves. The news I have recently received is almost all of your great achievements. Forget it, there should be three pillars, right? From the God."

"To be exact, it's four pillars."

"Hmph... In less than two years, it has been equal to the waste power over there, a very qualified junior." Woban let out an uncomfortable laugh.

"I just hope that you have the ability to let me go on a good hunt. Did you want to lead me to the beach? Do you want me to do what you want and let you take advantage of the home court."


This is a contempt for the youngest son of the Fool, and it is also the pride brought by the Marquis of Woban's hunting career for hundreds of years.

No matter what the situation, he can cope with ease.

"When you say this, it is no longer necessary." Rope took off his coat and moved his stiff shoulder.

"I want to defeat you here, so that you will always be indulged in the shadow of "You will be defeated if the enemy does not use all your strength." This is my oath! "

"Little devil... but arrogance will become the gravestone of death?"

"Return it to you intact."

"Never mind, let reality do the talking."

From the avatar of Apollo, the huge silver-gray werewolf raised his right paw, and his sharp nails pointed straight at the sky.

"—Karma, burn the sins of this world! Turn this place into the scorched earth of the red lotus hell!"

The scarlet flame broke through the dark clouds.

Under the spirit of Woban, the "Karma Fire Convict" is like a burning legion descending from the void, bringing ignorance and terror to the fertile land.

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