Bonus 8. Children of the Imperial Family (2)

The Academy’s athletic competitions are huge in scale.

Because the number of students is huge and the subjects are diverse.

Therefore, not all games could be held as events.

Usually, the participants of the competition are gathered together and the lower level matches are played, and only the finals, which are the key matches, are held as a competition.

This main event is the flower and core of the sports competition.

The Academy usually strictly controls entry by non-officials.

You can only enter if you leave a detailed entry log.

However, it is open to the public during the sports competition.

Anyone can come and enjoy the festival.

Instead, the number of security guards managing public security is increased.

“Wow, there are a lot of people.”

Amor was amazed at the sight of the bustling crowd.

People flock to every sports event, but I’m always surprised when I see them.

The academy is usually quiet and secluded.

“Whew… There really are a lot.”

Next to him, Judas took a deep breath, seeming nervous.

Elijah chuckled.

“Why are you nervous, honey?”

“I’m worried for no reason when I think about Fidesz and Donum standing in front of all these people.”

Spay spoke somewhat bluntly.

“I’m sure you two will take care of it.”

Although it seemed indifferent, it meant that he trusted both of them.

Judah and Elijah, sons who were different on the outside and inside, were just cute.

Galahad and Maria, who came with him, agreed with that.

“Yeah, we have to believe that you’ll do well. That’s all we can do for you now.”

“They are your sons and daughters. They will do well and more.”

We’ve all watched sports competitions together before, but it’s never been as exciting or as curious about the results as it is today.

Today the whole family gathered to cheer on Donum and Fides.

“I’ll move right away.”

Elijah said.

I didn’t really want to bother with the complicated crowds.

The family’s perspective quickly changed.

The Academy’s first gym.

It’s a gym, but it’s more like an outdoor playground without a ceiling.

It is a circular stadium modeled after the Giudecca, with a large playing field in the center and stands surrounding it that can accommodate thousands of people.

“This is our place.”

A wide seat in the middle of a packed audience.

Not too low or too high, but close to the stadium.

It was the best seat to watch the game unfold.

“Just sit comfortably. I’ll let the authorities know that we’ve arrived.”

Following Elijah’s words, the family members sat down or looked around.

In particular, everyone paid attention to the center stage.

Fidesz and Donetsk were scheduled to play each other soon in that large stadium.

Fides is a one-on-one free sparring.

And then there’s the running.

“How come teleportation can’t be commercialized…?”

Meanwhile, Amor muttered in awe of Elijah’s magic.

Since majoring in magical tools, I am always amazed whenever I experience Elijah’s magic.

His mother was truly a great person who deserved to be called a great sorceress.

Elijah stroked his daughter like that.

It’s great, but I’m worried that it might be too much.

You’re a graduate student.

Although Amor had decided, it was Epona who had suggested and instigated it.

Elijah put that annoying department head through a hell of a job.

I won’t be able to leave my personal lab for a while.

“It’s dangerous. There are still people who die while learning this magic.”

As time passes, various technologies and disciplines tend to develop and become more standardized.

Magic was like that too.

However, the magic of teleportation still remained an inviolable domain.

If you try it recklessly, you will most likely die or go crazy.

“That’s why I’m more attracted to it… .”

As this was proof that Elijah was a great magician, Amor wanted to further develop teleportation into a magical tool and spread it widely.

The wedding ring that Elijah shared with Judah has a teleportation function, but this is only possible because Elijah himself is a teleportation user.

Moreover, it was not made for anyone to use.

I wanted it, but I wasn’t willing to take the risk.

“There’s nothing I can do.”

Elijah smiled happily as he watched his daughter, who knew how to give up realistically.

As we all sat down and waited, people started coming in one by one and filling the seats.

By the time thousands of people were gathered together, it was already noisy.

A man walked out in the middle of the stadium.

It was a familiar face to Judah.

The man spoke forcefully.

“Hello, audience!”

So far away that it appears as a small dot at the end of the audience.

But the voice was transmitted everywhere without fail.

It was the result of using a magical tool to amplify the voice.

This was also invented by Amor.

Amor, who felt the need for improvement after experiencing the sound not reaching the back of the stands during the first sports competition, stepped forward.

It has been in the spotlight since it was revealed during the second sports competition.

Thanks to this, they also receive patent fees.

“I am Jerry from the Imperial Guard, and I am honored to be hosting the 5th Academy Sports Festival.”

Some of the Imperial Guards occasionally serve as honorary professors at the Academy and provide guidance.

Mainly in subjects related to physical abilities.

The Royal Guard and the Academy are on pretty good terms.

“I would like to thank everyone who came, and I hope that the honor of victory will be with all who participate.”

Jerry filled the room with his smooth speech until the place was full of people.

He was the most talkative person in the guard.

‘Let’s see where the other guys are.’

Judah looked around while touching Elijah’s hand.

Everyone was gathered in a fairly close place.

The guards and their families.

I sat in a place that had a good view of the stadium, although not as good as my seat.

Richard and Lindell, who happened to be looking around at the same time, also spotted him.

After making eye contact, we exchange a brief greeting.

Jerry, who had been in charge of the event, went through the ceremonial process.

Greetings to Emperor Elijah.

And Elijah’s brief opening ceremony. And so on.

Naturally, the first event was prepared.

A white line was drawn in the center of the circular stadium, resembling an oval.

It was a long, straight path for running.

“The first one is a running race!”

The order is from elementary school to high school.

That is, I was able to stand on the stage for the first time at the Donum Sports Festival.

“Players, enter!”

There are no seats on the first floor where the game is held.

They are all walls or doors.

It is a passage used by people entering the stadium.

There, children wearing academy gym uniforms walked out.

The royal family immediately discovered Donum.

A girl with her hair tied back, standing at the front of the five elementary school contestants walking amidst the cheers of the audience.

Lips tightly closed and gaze fixed straight ahead.

The look of anxiety was evident.


Amor shouted loudly.

“You did great! Fighting!”

Judas also shouted from the side.

“Don’t be nervous! Just do what you were doing!”

I know you won’t hear me, but I still wanted to shout.


Donum let out a long breath.

“Phew… .”

My pounding heart just wouldn’t calm down.

I wanted to calm it down somehow.

Excessive tension is harmful.

But it wasn’t easy to stay calm when surrounded by thousands of people.

I also felt afraid.

Scary thoughts keep coming to my mind.

He will now run in front of this large crowd of people.

What if I fall over?

Only futures where mistakes are made are constantly drawn.

My feet felt heavy.

My fingertips are shaking.

Thousands of spectators, making it difficult to tell who is who.

The sound becomes muffled and becomes noise.

Among them, Donum discovered a family.

It’s the widest spot so it’s easy to find.

But Donum just instinctively knew they were there.

‘Dad…. Sister Amor….’

Two people were shouting something out loud.

Even if you can’t hear it, you can tell.

I’ll be rooting for you.

The Spy sitting next to me has his arms crossed and looks indifferent.

But our eyes met.

Obviously, on this street.

Spay sighed and shrugged.

The two twins stayed together for a very long time.

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Even though we fight sometimes, we easily understand each other.

Donum could tell right away.

‘I foolishly believe that you will do well on your own.’

That’s what Spay was saying.

And the mom next to her.

I made eye contact with my mom too.

Elijah smiled kindly and moved his lips slowly.

Donum’s keen eyesight and keen senses read the movements of those lips.

I tried to repeat the words by moving my lips on my own.

‘You can do it. Believe in yourself. Don’t.’

My pounding heart gradually calms down.

It doesn’t calm down.

Refined with controllable and appropriate excitement.

The condensed, calming pulse transforms into something.

I felt the changes taking place inside my body.

‘I can do it.’

A confidence as big as the fear arose.

Believe in yourself.

Mom is right.

My parents always praised me and said that.

‘The only person in this world who can trust you the most is yourself.’

I have to trust myself.

If I don’t believe in myself, I can’t do anything.

People don’t trust me.

Therefore, I must believe in myself first.

He recalled the words of his father, Judah.

‘Just do it the way you practiced.’

Practice like it’s real.

Practice like a real battle.

They say you’ve done well as long as you practice in real life.

I just remembered the moment when I was running.

With UL.

With puppies.

I just ran with my uncles in the guard and my mom and dad.

That will do.

Just run.

‘I win.’

Donum envisioned and hoped for such a future.

I untied my hair and tied it tightly.

“Player’s seat!”

Five people each stood on the track.

Lower your posture and look straight ahead.


Donum stared straight ahead.

It’s a long way to go.

The objects around it became blurred and distant.

The noise also disappears.

The sound of breathing. The sound of your heart beating inside your body. That’s all there is to the world.

A single noise interrupting that world.



Donum ran out.



Thousands of spectators simultaneously exclaimed in similar exclamations.

It can’t be helped.

As soon as the signal dropped, a girl ran out like an arrow.

The one who created an overwhelming gap from the start was Donum.

The distance to second place was quite far even when viewed from the audience.


The skeptical murmurs turned to admiration, and soon to cheers.

Amor and Judah shouted with all their might.

“Good job! Keep running!”

“Donum! You’re doing great!”

The goal is just one lap.

But the distance to run is by no means short.

It’s a common pattern of defeat to put in all your effort in the beginning and then get caught up by the time you reach the finish line.

But Donum laughed at that prejudice.

Stable posture.

A stern gaze.

Arms and legs swinging wildly back and forth.

It got faster than the speed I first started running at.

The gap with second place did not narrow, but rather widened.

There was no shaking even when turning corners.

A match with an obvious outcome is no fun.

That common sense is also a general case.

An overwhelming performance like this is thrilling.

Without any changes.

I, too, went ahead alone and crossed the white rope.

In a competition in which even 6th graders from elementary school participated in large numbers, the 5th graders won.


The crowd roared with excitement.

Amor and Judah also played a part.

The two people hugged each other and jumped around.

“Haa, haa… .”

Donum took a deep breath and looked around.

It took me a long time to come to my senses after crossing the finish line.

The narrow field of vision becomes wider.

The sharp, pointed sensation sweeps around in a circular motion.

People cheering as if they were deaf.

The self at the center of it all.

The thing they were so crazy about was me.

Only after realizing that did Donum realize.

That he had won.

Joy welled up in my chest.


Donum jumped up and down in place, screaming.

And then I walked around the entire stadium.

It was a way of showing gratitude to those who cheered for him.

“The winner of the elementary school race is Donum, Class 2, Grade 5! Donum is running around excitedly right now. Please cheer and applaud.”

After enjoying everyone’s cheers, he stopped in one place.

It was a place where the family could look up.

There he ran around, waving his arms.

“Mom, Dad-! I won-!”

Judah and Elijah also waved their hands together from above.

Donum returned to his family with the elementary school division winner’s gold medal around his neck.

Judah hugged his youngest daughter tightly, who was sweating profusely.

“Good job, really good job! We’re all great.”

Amordo was so excited that he stamped his feet.

“Damn! That was awesome!”

Elijah stroked her head with a smiling face.

“You’ve worked hard. Done.”


Galahad and Maria also came and praised him.

“That’s really fast. How can something so small be so fast…?”

“You’re not sick or hurt anywhere, are you? Okay?”


And then Spay came slowly and said abruptly.

“… You’re doing well.”

Donum burst into laughter.

“of course!”

A pleasant sense of accomplishment filled my heart.

The family gathered together in a friendly atmosphere to watch the next middle school and high school races.

Donum sat on Judah’s lap.

While watching the game, Judah kept praising Donum for how well he did, and Donum happily listened and told him how he felt.

The elation of that moment.

The excitement felt amidst the cheers pouring down like light.

It was a feeling I will never forget.

Before we knew it, it was the next event’s turn.

“This is the event that most people are looking forward to and cheering for! It’s the final of the free sparring match!”

In other words, the moment has come for Fidesz to step forward.

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