The Existence of Harry Potter

Vol 2 Chapter 73: rules are rules

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Ah, long time no see, everyone.

It has probably been nearly a month without an update. I have successfully broken the record I created myself. I am gratifying and deserve applause here.

A little more things happened this month. To sum it up, a few people died, including my grandmother, a few stages of game clearance such as WOW and DNF, and after reading a few novels such as "XXX" and "OOO"...

A little more things happened this month. Well, I didn't copy it, I just played it again. The reason why I have to say it twice is that you understand.

I didn't believe Fei mentioned to transfer to Ou Ti overnight, but I believed it that night, Dajian 50 rounds, and six certificates are complete!

I didn't believe it when I almost cried when I watched the anime, but the rabbit almost cried in the first episode, it's so embarrassing!

I said I would update today, but I didn't believe it originally, but now that the update is out, I bet I lost to myself, and I'm drunk too!

The days to come will be even more difficult, don't ask me why, I won't tell you that I have gained weight again, and then I will start to lose weight!

Therefore, eating too many melon seeds will not only cause fire, but also fatten Orz.

Unconsciously, I said so much nonsense again. In fact, I am a person who is too lazy to talk nonsense, because I like to write nonsense, so there should be applause here.

Well, it was said in the group that there would be an update at two or three o'clock, and now it's not even one o'clock, I have overcompleted the task, and the character Yaxie!

By the way, that rabbit's manga is really nice, I highly recommend watching it!

Then I personally think that Gu's integrity surpasses Ma Snake and does not explain it, and it is much better than the third scumbag.


If life is strong [beep] you,

Don't be sad, don't be impatient!

Calmness is needed on days with sore eggs:

Look forward to it, the day of broken eggs will come!

The heart is always looking forward to the future;

Now I am often depressed.

Everything is fleeting, everything will pass;

And the past will become painful memories.

——"If life is strong [beep] for you"

All Quidditch enthusiasts are basically familiar with the rules of the game. The difference between the so-called amateur and professional is nothing more than that some people have a little understanding of the game, and some people are not. Understand a little bit more, even if it's just a little bit.

Any rule has loopholes. The establishment of a rule system is like weaving a fishing net. At the beginning, there are only a few crisscrossing lines. There may not be many holes in them, but they are very large. Such a fishing net cannot be caught. fish.

Can't catch fish, hungry, people will reflect, and when they think, God will laugh:

"You idiots [beep], can't you make the holes in the fishing nets smaller?"

People nodded and thought about it carefully, so in addition to finding a solution, they also had a little more reverence for God:

"That's right, he is indeed an all-knowing and almighty God!"

Then, here comes the problem...


Cough, how can we make the holes in the fishing net smaller?

People began to think again, and then everything went smoothly, and God laughed again:

"You idiots [beep], can't you add a little more lines to the fishing net to divide the original holes into small pieces?"

"That's right, he is indeed an all-knowing and almighty God!"

People sighed again, and then filled the fishing net with a lot of lines, criss-crossing and criss-crossing, and the fishing net looked much denser. People took it for fishing, and it turned out to be a lot of harvest.

Maybe God will regret it, because he had nothing to do when he was idle, and instead of resting on a good Sunday, he was full and supported the creation of man, something that always caused him trouble.

One day, God was drinking afternoon tea, and suddenly he laughed uncontrollably. The tea flowed down his throat according to the inertia, but almost choked on God, making him embarrassed.

"You guys are doing shit!"

Although his heart was full of fire, God still smiled uncontrollably, and then he was stunned for a while, because this time the questions people were thinking about were actually a little difficult for him.

The holes in the fishing net are getting thinner and smaller, and more and more fish are caught by this fishing net, until one day, the people who have developed this fishing net to the extreme will finally catch all the fish that can be caught in this world. All fish were caught once with this net.

The problem seems to be solved like this. After all, the fishing net has developed to the extreme, and there are no fish that it cannot catch.

But, after all, it was created by the God who created human beings when he was full and looked for trouble when he had nothing to do Humans with this kind of personality, therefore, in terms of having nothing to do when they are full, human beings are not inferior to their creators at all, and even have the posture of slapping God to death on the beach.

Person: "This fishing net doesn't seem to be able to catch the wind?"

God: "..."

Person: "It seems that you can't catch the light?"

God: "..."

Person: "Water too, this fishing net is not good, it's bad."

God: "..."

Person: "What do you want this kind of fishing net to do? Forget it!"

This time, God finally couldn't bear it any longer. He stood up and shouted at those who were pointing at the fishing net with disdain: "Enough is enough, it's just a fishing net, you didn't see it. Work hard! There is no fish in this world that it can't catch, which is amazing for a fishing net!"

God's words did not satisfy people. On the contrary, they began to squint at the fishing nets:

"It's so useless, it can't even catch the wind."

"Light too."

"And water."

"Oh, it sucks, what's the use of it!"

Facing the doubts, God took out a few things from his pocket with a straight face, a windmill, a mirror and a bottle.

"You want to catch the wind?"

God put the windmill on the ground, the wind was bound by the windmill, and it ran according to a fixed trajectory, and the wind was caught.

"You want to catch the light?"

God picked up the mirror and turned it diagonally to the sun. The light reflected on the mirror and hit the wall. It had to move according to the movement of God holding the mirror, and the light was also caught.

"You want to catch water?"

God picked up the bottle and scooped up a bottle of water from the creek. The water was invisible, but the bottle was visible. The invisible water was trapped by the visible bottle, and the water was also caught.

"You say fishing nets are useless?"

God grabbed the fishing net and threw it lightly. When it was taken up again, the net was full of live fish, and the fish were caught.

"The fishing net is used to catch fish, and that's its job." Looking at the thoughtful people, God smiled comfortably, then he suddenly overturned the table and scolded the stunned people: " So, you idiots [beep], can you do something you should do?"

"Like?" People asked curiously.

"Use your brain to think about it, and think about what you should do!"

No one knows the ending of the story. Anyway, no matter how people think about it in the future, God has never appeared again. Well, according to the most probable result, it is estimated that God unilaterally cut off contact with people. The reason, didn't he finally say that people should think about what to do? People know that the answer to this question has not been thought of yet. In a sense, if the contact is not broken, God should have laughed since that day.

Seriously terrified.

The reason why I tell this story is to express a truth. The rules of the Quidditch match are only for Quidditch, for the Quidditch match on the Quidditch arena, and for other things...

Can murder be judged by Quidditch rules?

Those who think it can, must be smashed by the Quaffle ╮(╯_╰)╭

The Quidditch game stipulates seven hundred fouls. In more than a thousand years, countless Quidditch games have covered almost all possible situations, so the net of Quidditch game rules can catch almost any. foul situation.


A certain game is the first time in these countless is unlucky, for some reason there is only one person in the team playing before. Golfer, he has successfully contributed one of the seven hundred fouls:

Chase the ball and hold the ball for no more than one minute!

However, Harry didn't know this, as the details of these fouls were never made public to the general public in the wizarding world, and the Department of Sport's opinion is that wizards who see this list "may be inspired".

So, after Mrs. Hooch sent the ball, Harry grabbed the Quaffle at the fastest speed, then nimbly dodged the first Slytherin containment, rushed into the sky, and soared into the sky!

"As long as you can't catch me, the Quaffle is not yours, and you don't even want to score!"

Clamping the Quaffle, Harry controlled the flying broom to cut through the clouds. Thanks to the experience of driving a flying car at the beginning of school, he did not have any experience in high-altitude flying. The Slytherin Chaser chased after him, but as the height got higher and higher, they gradually pulled away from Harry, and finally stopped there, no longer advancing, but no longer descending, just staring at him. looking at Harry, which gave Harry an ominous premonition.

"Oops! The Golden Snitch!" (The novel "The Existence of Harry Potter" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the top right "+" sign "Add friends", search the public account "qdread" and follow, hurry up!)

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