The Exorcist

Part 4 Ghost Chapter 24 Is this also called an affair?

Chapter 24 Is this also called an affair?

Matsui Iwane fell asleep.

At least that's how it seems on the outside.

Wan Li walked around in this high-end ward in a grand manner, looking here and there, as if he were checking instruments, but in fact he was observing the entire ward to see if there were any other secrets hidden here, and he was lying on the bed with all his mind and body. people.

Ruan Zhan had told him to adapt to the situation, but he was not like Ruan Zhan, who had a calm and restrained temperament that relied on silence and had to be confident before taking action. He is a bit like Xiaoxia, who likes to clarify things and then face the enemy head-on. This is probably the reason why he and Xiaoxia are particularly close to each other!

But he's not as impatient and reckless as Xiaoxia!

Now he wants to provoke this old guy to stop pretending, so that he can directly touch the opponent's trump card. If he stabs the opponent to jump up first, it will at least be beneficial to Ruan Zhan! But he also had to ensure his own safety, so he put those highly protective charms on the clothes inside his chest and then walked to the hospital bed.

I saw Matsui Iwane lying there quietly, his body surrounded by instruments and tubes. His whole body was like a flesh worm under the vine, weak and limp.

It's just a pretense at first glance. He thought to himself, If he never wakes up, everything will really be fine.

Although he is a psychiatrist, he also knows some simple medical common sense. Judging from the data of these instruments, this old man is indeed very dangerous, but because he knows the cause and effect, he can see that Matsui Iwane is so artificial that he even controls his physical condition. He is indeed a master!

But no matter what kind of master he is, he is not afraid, even if this old guy is scarier than the evil ghost. It's just that although he seemed absent-minded on the surface, his whole body was full of alertness.

Chairman Mao said it well: strategically, we should despise our opponents and tactically, we should pay attention to them.

He leaned down slightly and reached out to remove the patient's oxygen mask, thinking to himself, let's see if you can pretend this time, but the patient still didn't respond. This made him very interesting, and he became childish. He wanted to see how far the Japanese, who are famous for their patience, could endure, so he poked and twisted the old man here and there, but he would not move.

How bearable!

With a little insincere admiration in his heart, he reached into his arms, took out a charm, and stuck it in the middle of Matsui Iwane's seal hall. This time, the other party finally responded. He felt his hand being held by an old and powerful hand, and at the same time, a pair of eyes opened wide in front of him!

Japanese? I don't understand. After the other party spoke harshly in Japanese, he still smiled and tried to break away, but he didn't break free.

Don't underestimate the ability of the elderly! Matsui Iwane said in stiff Chinese.

But there is a saying in China that boxing is afraid of young people. Wan Li pressed harder and broke free, but the pain in his wrist made him take several breaths of cold air in his heart, but he still pretended to be nonchalant.

Matsui Iwane sat up with a swoosh, as if a spring had been installed, and he didn't look sick at all. Its speed was so fast that it shocked Wanli. Before he could react, he saw Iwane Matsui's hands forming strange handprints. Then with a flash of his hand, a white thing struck directly at his chest.

He instinctively took a step back, his eyesight blurred, and he had no time to defend himself. There was a pop sound, and a heavy blow hit his chest. Fortunately, he had already put a protective charm in his clothes, so he only felt a little burning pain. He fell to the wall just to dodge, but it was not like a sneak attack. He was seriously injured and fell to the ground as expected.

He looked down and saw a ball of snow-white ice on the clothes on his chest. As he looked at it, it quickly melted into water.

Yeah, your clothes will get cold if they get wet! He said, grabbing a charm from his clothes and rushing towards Matsui Shigeru.

In the flash of lightning, he suddenly felt that this was a good time to attack, because although the Japanese in front of him still had some ability, it was not enough to kill him. Because he currently has some knowledge of magic and possesses the talisman of Ruan Zhan's spiritual power.

Matsui Iwane was also shocked.

He originally thought that his ice pick could penetrate Wan Li's chest, merge into his heart, and make him his messenger within three days, and that he would die without noticing after he left China. Unexpectedly, his hard-fought blow failed, and instead the opponent pounced on him like a tiger.

However, he is also somewhat tolerant and able to remain calm in times of crisis. Seeing that Wanli's tall body was as if Mount Tai was pressing down on him, he quickly formed another mudra and hit the ice pick transformed in his hand between his eyebrows!

The situation is equal, let’s see who is faster!

The fact is that Matsui Iwane is faster, because he is an onmyoji with spiritual power after all, and the ice weapon he sends flies to Banli's eyebrows before Banli takes action.

There is no charm there to protect him! The ice pick will go through the brain!

However, at this critical moment, the ice pick only touched Wan Li's skin, and then fell to the ground slumped as if all his strength was exhausted amidst the surprise of both the enemy and ourselves. As the sound of shattering came, Banli had jumped to the edge of the hospital bed. Under Matsui Iwane's glare, he punched him hard on the temple without using any spells.

The arrogant Mr. Matsui immediately fainted!

Wan Li took a deep breath and touched his eyebrows. He didn't understand why the ice and snow things made him feel burning pain. Fortunately, there was no bleeding. He was even more fortunate that he wasn't fast enough, otherwise if he had only moved ten centimeters forward, there would have been a hole in his head.

He bent down and rearranged the truly unconscious Matsui Iwane, I didn't sneak attack you. I knew you were pretending to be dead, but I still wanted to wake you up! We Chinese people have always been upright.

He muttered, still wondering why the ice pick lost its strength for no reason? Is it because Matsui Iwane's skills are insufficient or is he still thinking of God?

But no matter what, he escaped!

His original plan was to annoy the old man, even if he was seriously injured, he would damage his skills and disrupt his plan, so as to gain the initiative for Ruan Zhan, while he would take the opportunity to escape!

Anyway, this is a hospital and a public place. The Japanese can't make too much noise. If it doesn't work, he will make a big noise. If you don't believe it, he won't restrain himself. Besides, he still has a charm to protect himself. Ruan Zhan even drew a Qingming Curse on his back to ensure that his mind would not be invaded. Although it was the first time for Ruan Zhan to learn to draw this, he was not sure of its effectiveness.

But the strength shown by Matsui Iwane made him have the idea of ​​attacking in an instant. Almost subconsciously, he had a feeling-this old man might be a real master, but at present he looked like he had lost all his skills. Strong on the outside but weak on the inside, tough on the inside, he is just an ordinary Onmyoji, and he doesn't even have any advantages because of his old age and frailty.

What happened? If his power is so depleted, will anyone's power increase? Matsui Shigeru is dead, is there really a fourth person? Or is that Matsui Kako the real master? ! What was she doing out just now? What to do? Did you follow the wrong person? Will Ruan Zhan be in trouble?

A series of questions made it difficult for him to judge for a while. He stood there frowning in thought and didn't hear the approaching footsteps. He didn't realize the problem until someone came to the door and politely greeted the passing nurse. In a hurry, without having time to think about it, he got directly under the bed and wiped the crushed ice under the bed. He completely forgot about the invisibility charm in his pocket.

The door opened, and a person walked in gracefully. From the gait and clothing, Banri recognized Matsui Kako immediately. This made him relieved, because it meant that she did not go to the love hotel, because even if she was very strong, she would not be able to defeat Ruan Zhan in such a short period of time. Wan Li has a strong confidence in this. Ruan Zhan's experience is destined to make him stronger when he encounters a strong one.

Matsui Kako hesitated for a while after entering the room, and then slowly walked to the window. Wanli only felt that her feet were a bit big, imagining her slim and tall figure and beautiful and delicate face, and felt that her feet were a flaw, and finally understood that all beauties have flaws.

But while he was still sighing for Matsui Kako's flaws, Matsui Kako started to speak. She was speaking in Japanese, which he couldn't understand, but he thought her mezzo-soprano was very beautiful and gentle.

The room was quiet, with only the ticking of the instruments answering her.

Master. Suddenly a man's voice rang out. He spoke in Chinese, but it was stiff and had a strange tone.

This sudden sound startled Wanli.

There was nothing wrong with his eyes. He even checked the cabinet and drawers when he came in. There was indeed no one else there! Is it the fourth person? Where is he hiding? Why didn't he find out? Invisibility or sorcery?

Maode-kun has gone, and I helped him cast the mist. The man continued, I just went to do the aftermath work in the morgue. He smiled softly, Maode-kun is really sloppy, even the door If it is not closed properly, it will scare others if it is discovered.”

Banli broke out in a cold sweat, firstly because it was the first time he heard that Matsui Shigetori was not dead and had run out of the morgue, and secondly because this man's laughter reminded him of a person - Matsui Kako.

Is Matsui Kako a man? ! Is such a beautiful and delicate person a man, or a shemale? Why speak Chinese? Did you spot him? He looks more like a woman, but has the voice of a man. This is really weird to think about!

Just when Wan Li was surprised, Matsui Kako continued, Master, my Chinese has improved a lot. You said you should practice speaking Chinese in China, but I always forget. I really envy Maode-kun, he is learning Chinese He is a prodigy in Onmyodo, but I have learned it all the time but can only cast mist. When he converted his inner breath that day, he did not kill the woman, but also made a snow skull? I took them all with me today, probably to deal with That Chinese. I think he is right to do this, as it will not arouse suspicion because of unexplained deaths in the hospital, and it is also very useful. After all, they are still human beings, and it is impossible for that Chinese mage to kill one of his own!

Controlling women to be helpers? Another unexpected one, can Ruan Zhan cope with it? The more Wan Li listened, the more anxious he became.

Master, why don't you speak. The unusual silence made Matsui Hezi begin to feel that something was wrong. 'She' walked quickly from the window to the bed, anxiously changed to Japanese, and the bed began to shake, so she knew what 'he' was doing without having to guess.

Before Matsui Kako could deduce what happened to Matsui Iwane, Wanli took out his hands from under the bed, and with a little force, the beauty fell directly to the ground.

Wan Li crawled out from under the bed quickly, even he himself never thought he could be so fast. He pressed down on Matsui Kako's body and touched her unceremoniously. It is indeed a man. He announced his conclusion.

Matsui Kako was so shocked by the accident that she didn't react, only her beautiful eyes widened.

Such a beautiful man is actually a man, are you Yu? Wan Li said, reaching out to touch 'his' chest again. It was not a perverted behavior, but these three Japanese were too weird, and accidents happened frequently. He had to confirm it completely.

At first glance, although there was a disguise of underwear, the clothes were definitely a man's flat chest, and he was also very thin.

Matsui Kako reacted at this time and yelled something in Japanese, probably scolding Banri. But Wan Li didn't understand a word and didn't care much. Anyway, he is a bitch (a gym goer), and the Japanese man who is more beautiful than a beautiful woman can't stand up to him at all.

But at this time, a nurse knocked on the door and came in. It seemed that she was doing routine rounds. When she opened the door, she happened to see Wanli and Matsui Kako entangled and hugging each other, probably very passionate.

You can imagine her surprise. She stood there with her mouth open for ten seconds.

Have you never seen an affair? Wan Li responded quickly, Please leave and let us continue.

The nurse almost ran out without saying a word, not forgetting to close the door before leaving.

As expected of a nurse in the high-end ward! Wan Li praised, then turned to face the Japanese sissy, It's a pity that you have to sleep for a while.

As he said that, he punched that beautiful face again without mercy.

It seems that Japanese onmyin masters really don't accept women! He said as he threw the unconscious person on the sofa. He found the invisibility charm, put it on it, and walked out.

He probably has no chance to notify Ruan Zhan now, because Matsui Shigeru has already gone. If he calls Ruan Zhan on his mobile phone at this time, he may be exposed.

He was lucky and met the weakest group. He only hoped that the other two people would not be so dangerous.

He couldn't leave. He had to prevent these two people from moving to ensure that the little people didn't pose a big threat. The rest depended on those two people. He could only wait and see if their iron triangle would become extremely powerful.

In addition, he wants to find some ether. If the Japanese people wake up at an inappropriate time, he does not want to use violence anymore.

He is a highly educated and civilized man!

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