The Exorcist

Part 5 Secret Chapter 2 Horrible Retribution

Chapter 2 Horrible Retribution

Get up! the village chief shouted sadly, and a few junior-level young people cheered and lifted the coffin.

Nga Wang wore a hat on his head, a machete on his waist, and a chicken coop hung on his back. The chicken in the chicken coop was clucking uneasily. He was kneeling outside the door, while his wife and two brothers' family were kneeling outside the door toward the house.

Welcome to the funeral! Leave the soul behind!

Feeling that the coffin was about to pass over his head, Awang leaned down and thought to himself - it is finally over!

With a 'bang' sound, Awang felt a heavy blow on the top of his head, making him almost fall to the ground, and then he heard the whispers of the villagers. There are three parts surprised, but seven parts rejoicing!

According to the rules, the coffin must pass over the head of the dutiful son, but it cannot touch his head. But for the few people carrying the coffin, they just felt that the coffin in their hands suddenly sank and inevitably hit Awang's head!

This is very unlucky, but the three Awang brothers usually do such unethical things, and the villagers are eager for retribution on them.

In Awang's horror, the coffin was carried outside the door. At this time, you have to take a nap, cover the coffin with red paper, and tie a red rooster. Then the funeral procession set off from the village and headed towards the cemetery in the back mountain.

Along the way, the village chief and several elderly people in the village performed strange dance steps and hummed unknown mourning songs. They used torches in front of them and the coffin followed the fire. The rest of the mourners, along with banners and wreaths, followed closely behind and scattered the paper money used to buy the way. The three Awang brothers stood at the front of the funeral procession, turning around from time to time and kneeling to receive the soul, and offered the glutinous rice they brought in front of the coffin as a road offering.

They set out at dusk, stopping and walking, and arrived at the cemetery in the evening. The graves have been dug in the cemetery by the villagers, and they are just waiting for the deceased to be buried.

Stop! The village chief asked everyone to put down the coffin and walk to the tomb. He first sprinkled some paper money at the bottom of the cave and uttered words of blessing for the deceased to be happy and wealthy in the next life. Then he asked Awang to kneel down and grab earth from his left and right shoulders. Throw it backwards into the hole, dig a piece of soil around the hole and throw it in, then carry the coffin into the hole and build the tomb.

After Awang threw the soil into the hole, he held up a stick of incense. At this moment, he felt a little guilty and sad. He wanted to see the old father who had been bullied and neglected by him, and then look at his simple and shabby wooden coffin, but according to the rules, he had to leave now and could not do anything else.

He has to go home alone first, and cannot look back or talk to anyone along the way. When he returns home, he inserts the incense into the incense burner in front of the spiritual tablet to complete the funeral.

Originally, if he invited a Taoist priest to save the souls of the dead, there should be some Taoist disciples staying at home. They will hold small bells, burn incense throughout the village to honor their ancestors, cast oil pots to scatter grains, drive away evil spirits and ghosts, and pray for the safety of each household and blessings for the bereaved family.

But he was afraid of wasting money and didn't invite anyone, so there must be an empty home waiting for him in the village!

The night in the mountains came quickly. When Awang walked back, the sky was still a little bright. Now it was completely dark and gloomy. There was no moon, but the mountain wind picked up, blowing on the back of his neck. , it feels like someone is blowing cool air.

Can't look back! Can't look back!

Awang said to himself, while walking one step deeper and one shallower, and quickened his pace. He was inexplicably confused and just wanted to get home quickly!

Meow-- a cat meowed out of thin air, suddenly appearing in the quiet night, which really startled Awang!

It was not an ordinary cat's meow, but so dark and sad, like a baby's cry, as if it came from the darkness specifically for him, warning him to be careful, reminding him that the end of his life had come, and that he would not I can't help but feel horrified.

It's the one that kept screaming at the place where the spirit rested last night!

Awang recognized this cat that had never been seen before, and felt that this time it was no longer staring at him from a distance, but seemed to be squatting on his shoulder, and its cry was in his ears.

He stopped suddenly, glanced left and right with the corner of his eye, and suddenly found a pair of green, shining eyes looking at him in the woods on the left!

In shock, he almost dropped the incense in his hand to the ground.

Don't pester me! he shouted and started running towards the village. The mountain road was pitch black, with only the burning incense heads flickering to guide the way forward, making it even more eerie, like the flames of hell that seduced people!

Meow-- In less than a minute, the threatening cat meow sounded again, right on his back!

Awang used one hand to grab behind his back, but couldn't catch anything. But he just felt the warmth on his back, and his body became heavier, as if he was carrying something on his back, and the cat meowed closely behind him!

A protruding stone tripped him, and the incense in his hand fell far away, and the faint red light slowly extinguished in the darkness. Awang didn't bother to pick it up. He got up and ran as fast as he could. At the same time, a strange itch came from his head and face. As he ran, he subconsciously touched it. Under his tentacles, there was a piece of cat skin!

Help! He shouted, not caring about the rules of turning around, and looked around, but he really didn't notice anything following him, only the fear deep in his heart.

He screamed and crawled back to his house, shut the door tightly, and sat down by the firepit in the back hall.

Got rid of it?

He was breathing heavily, and the fire in the fire pit made him feel safer.

For a long time, there was no movement! This relieved him.



Once again, the invisible cat returned to him. It meowed, approaching from far away, then entered the room through the wall, and lay on Awang's back, like a maggot attached to the bone, unable to get rid of it!

Ngawang jumped up in fright, took out a burning stick from the fire pit, and waved it around in the air, chasing like crazy the cat's meowing that was nowhere to be seen and could not be heard by others.

But instead of driving the cat away, he felt that the cat's meowing became clearer and clearer. Slowly, he actually heard the cat's meow coming from his stomach!

He pulled open his blue double-breasted coat and saw a small bump slowly bulging in the middle of his smooth chest, as if he had been bitten by a poisonous insect. It's just that the little bag didn't turn red, it just became more and more bulging!

He pressed it with his hand in horror, and when he started, he felt something alive in the small bag. When it touched his hand, it suddenly slipped and moved to another place.

If he presses it again, the small bag will move again——

As his hands beat faster and faster, the small bag also moved faster and faster. In the end, he had no time to judge and just kept beating his chest hard!


Another meow came from Awang's stomach, causing him to stop what he was doing and stay where he was!

The kitten laughed. Has anyone heard of a kitten laughing? But Awang clearly felt that it was smiling! A sinister, triumphant, contemptuous smile!

With a 'pop' sound, while he was in a daze, the small bag on his chest grew to a certain extent, and something broke out of the skin!

A piece of grass! A plant, to be exact, came out of his chest!

Huge pain suddenly hit Awang! At this time, the cat's meowing also stopped, but he could feel the cat's claws scratching his heart! Knocked up, pulled horizontally and vertically, torn to pieces!

Awang was in agony, but his mouth seemed to be sealed and he couldn't open it, so he could only cry out in his throat. When he finally opened his mouth, he spit out a ball of hair!

He didn't have time to be shocked because he felt like his stomach had been cut open! Looking down, he saw that the plant was growing at a strange speed, standing in a line on his entire chest.

Then he heard nothing. Before he fell, he saw a red fog dissipate in front of him! And his father was standing at the door, with a drop of ghost tears hanging on his pale and deformed face.

When the people in the village came back, they found that a few steps away from the village entrance, the remaining incense stick had fallen to the ground. It had been extinguished for a long time. At that time, everyone felt that something was wrong! After rushing back to the village, I saw that Ngawang's house was dark and the door was locked from the inside, and no one could scream and open it!

Under the auspices of the village chief and the nod of Ngawang's wife, several young laborers opened the wooden door. When everyone entered the back hall, the horrific and disgusting scene was one that many people will never forget in their lifetime!

Awang lay on his back beside the fire pit, with a wry smile on his face, his eyes widened, and the whites of his eyes turned red. And his body, to be precise, a big hole exploded in the middle of his chest. The blood and flesh were blurred, and the internal organs were sprayed everywhere. His heart was placed in his left hand!

Awang's wife fainted on the spot when she saw this. The villagers were also frightened, but they looked at Amu and Ashui.

Who among them is next?


An old voice woke Amu from his sleep.

He sat up all of a sudden and pushed his wife beside him, but his wife was sleeping soundly and didn't seem to wake up at all!


Who is it? he asked tremblingly.

It had been a week since the incident with his brother Awang. He thought he would calm down, but he didn't expect that he would not be able to escape after all!


It's dad's voice!

Amu broke into cold sweat. That day when he saw that the incense was not taken home to the memorial tablet, and that his brother died so mysteriously, he knew that his father's ghost was still there!

He shook his wife violently next to him again, but the woman didn't react as if she was dead. At this time, the wooden floor made a thump-dump-dump sound of footsteps!


He was so horrified that he rolled off the bed and heard the footsteps getting closer and closer, coming towards the side room where he lived. Even though he was usually not afraid of the sky or the earth, at this moment he almost peed his pants. In panic, he hid under the bed!

The door creaked open, and a pair of bare feet walked straight to the bed.

Even though he was walking, there were 'normal' footsteps, but his feet were three inches above the ground, and there were deep tooth marks on his thin ankles. That's right, that's his father's foot. That ugly scar was bitten by a wild dog to protect him!

His father used to love him so much, but he - now his father is here to strangle him to death!

He hid under the bed and didn't dare to move, hoping that his father's ghost would leave if it couldn't find him. But the feet stood in front of the bed for a while, and then the head slowly lowered.

Under the moonlight, Amu saw that the face was his father's. It's just that the face has been rotted away, because it is too thin, and the pale bones are exposed as soon as it rots.

Amu-- he moved his lips, as if smiling, open the stomach!

Amu almost fainted, looking at a pair of withered hands reaching towards him!

Dad, no, Amu knows it's wrong! he cried.

Open his belly - Amu - cut his belly! The withered hand touched his throat!

No! He instinctively pushed the hand away, and due to excessive force, his hand actually broke away from his wrist. But the hand still crawled forward tenaciously.

Hurry up—open your belly!

Amu screamed when he saw the hand grabbing it again, and at the same time, a cat meowed. The cat's voice was so fierce and ferocious that his father's ghost suddenly disappeared, but the sound of 'Amu' was still lingering.

Upon seeing this, Amu quickly crawled out from under the bed, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and fell on the bed with weak legs.

Meow-- The cat somewhere meowed again.

I know, if you save my life, Amu, I won't treat you badly. If you come tomorrow, I'll give you fish to eat! Amu said to the half-open window.

He turned on the light and looked at his watch. It was still only the middle of the night, but he didn't dare to sleep anymore, worrying about how he could stay up until dawn.

Will dad come to him again? Maybe he will go to the grave tomorrow to offer sacrifices and ask his father to let him go, or maybe he will move to his wife's natal village? If only that cat was still around, I didn't expect cats to be able to ward off evil spirits!

Just as he was thinking this, he heard a meow in his ears. But the cat's meow was too close, and Amu's frightened heart beat violently, thinking that a wild cat had broken in.

But when he looked around, there was no sign of a cat.

Meow-- the voice came closer again, reminding him that the cat was nearby, or on him!

For a moment, Amu suddenly felt that his father was here to save him, and it was this cat that harmed him!

That was a person's instinct at the moment of life and death, and that was his final realization. As his mouth could not be opened, he was so scared that his whole body was sore and weak, and he was sweating like rain. He saw with his own eyes that his brother's death was replicated in his own body!

The deaths of Awang and Amu frightened the domineering and cruel Ah Shui. He is the most powerful among the three brothers. He dare not say that he is rampant in the countryside, but he is also someone who no one dares to mess with. But this time, everyone said that it was an innocent ghost who was seeking his life. Looking at the cold eyes of the villagers, he became really scared.

He once beat his father!

After the second brother's wife cried and went to the village chief to report his death, he, who once thought he was fearless, was so frightened that he secreted all his feces and urine in his wide-legged pants when he saw the second brother and the eldest brother dying in the same tragic state. , dripping all the way home.

Then he packed up his things and left without saying a word.

It's safe on the other side of the mountain. The ghost can't cross the mountains and river valleys. He has to stay far away, when the ghost can't catch up with him during the day, so he has to leave immediately!

Ignoring the cries of his wife and children, he just said he would come to pick them up one day, then took the valuables at home and left.

He hurriedly walked through the mountains and forests for a long time. At noon, he was too tired to walk, so he found a shady place to sit down and rest. But as soon as he sat down, he heard a cat meow.

He often hunts in the mountains and forests, and he also carries a shotgun, but this cat's cry actually scared him. Because the cat seemed to be on his back, and the sound seemed to be laughing.

Can cats laugh? No one knows what a cat laughs like, but that’s how he feels! And he never thought that people could be so frightened!

Ah Shui's body was discovered by a hunter a few days later. His death was worse than that of his two brothers. The blood attracted wild beasts, which chewed his body until it was almost reduced to a pair of withered bones, but his heart was still held in his left hand, and no wild beast was willing to eat it!

The villagers did not report the deaths of the three brothers to the authorities. In their religious beliefs, they respect all living creatures as gods. Is it any wonder that such a rebellious and unfilial son should be punished by God? It was simply within the scope of normal death. Even their wives and children had no intention of asking for an explanation. The village was so remote that the matter was unknown.

Fortunately, this did not happen again in the next few months! This remote mountainous area has regained its tranquility, and this secret death is blown into the deep forest by the mountain wind day after day!

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