The Exorcist

Part 5 Secret Chapter 5 Chain of Strange Deaths

Chapter 5 Chain of Strange Deaths

Dead? Xiaoxia was very surprised by this unexpected news.

Guan Zheng nodded, Didn't I say yesterday that since he refuses to repent, we need to collect more evidence to sue him so that he will regret not accepting mediation. So, I went to his house this morning and prepared to find the neighbors again. I checked to see if there was anything I could add, and I saw a large number of police officers inspecting the scene.

How did you die? Homicide?

I don't know. Guan Zheng shrugged indifferently. It seemed to Xiao Xia that he was quite gloating about Wang Hua's death. I have been traveling around the country since graduation and am not familiar with the situation here. As the plaintiff's lawyer in this case, After the autopsy results come out, you go to the police station to find out more about the situation.

Xiaoxia nodded in agreement, but in her heart she thought that Wang Hua was dead. It was unclear whether her position as the plaintiff's lawyer was tenable or not! It would be more effective to use some connections. If it wasn't a secret, she believed she could find out. After working in Changkong for so long, I will be somewhat familiar with the police.

However, after only one day together, she felt that there was something wrong with Guan Zheng's attitude. Yes, it is correct to uphold the law, but the ultimate purpose of the law is not to punish, but to regulate social order and maintain social stability. The family is the most basic unit of society.

These were mentioned when Teacher Pan gave them the first legal lesson. Even someone like her who barely missed the grade could remember it, but would a top student like Guan Zheng forget it?

If her shortcoming is that she is bookish and thinks everything is too beautiful, then Guan Zhengze is too upright, too persistent, and too jealous of evil. Now Xiaoxia feels that complete idealism is not entirely a good thing. At least this world cannot be easily distinguished between black and white. There are many helpless things.

Just like Wang Hua's case, although his parents are preparing to sue him, they must feel uncomfortable in their hearts. They just want to get some attention and the material things necessary for life. They definitely don't want to cause such a quarrel, let alone see their son die. This death, which may be a source of joy to those who have nothing to do with it, adds insult to injury to the poor old couple.

What should I do about the Wang family's parents? She seemed to be asking herself or Guan Zheng.

Don't worry about this case, I'll follow up. Guan Zheng thought she was asking about legal issues, The laws related to inheritance will help the Wangs financially, and I will do my best to fight for their interests.

Xiaoxia said nothing. That's not what she asked. She wanted to know whether the poor old couple would be able to hold on mentally!

Also - Guan Zheng smiled a little proudly, Several consortiums that sponsored us have jointly established a fund, which can allocate part of the money to help the helpless groups.

Oh? Is there such a good thing?

Yes, I wish the rich would do good deeds. We have eight sponsors in total, but the aid fund is managed by Boheng Company. You can go and do it in a few days, and get to know the managers by the way. If I'm not here , you can be responsible for this.

Xiaoxia agreed, and a name flashed in her mind.

Boheng Company?

Isn't it the company that hired her to go to City A last time, the most powerful consortium among Changkong's customers? !

This coincidence flashed through Xiaoxia's mind, but she didn't care. Her mind was filled with Wang Hua's affairs, and then she realized that the aid business was not that easy, and the psychological pressure she had to bear was not small.

After the preliminary investigation report on Wang Hua's death came out, Xiaoxia sensitively felt that this incident was reasonable but strange.

The result of the autopsy was: Wang Hua died of drug overdose!

The drugs caused acute heart failure and kidney failure, which were the sole causes of his death. In addition, there was a deep scratch on his face, and one of his eyes was gouged out, making the whole face look quite ferocious. But forensics found his own flesh between his fingernails, and the eyeball was found in his own throat. Apart from that, he did not have any fatal injuries.

As for the surrounding environment, because it was a central flower garden that was not allowed to be stepped on, the footprint identification was very clear - there was only one pair of footprints at the scene, which belonged to the deceased. The surrounding flowers and plants had obviously been crazily destroyed. This can be seen from the rose thorns in the hands of the deceased and the rotten leaves all over the body.

The nature of his work made him very irregular in time, and he often came home late at night, so his wife did not wait for him and found out in the morning that he had not returned home all night, and his body was discovered by an old man doing morning exercises in the early morning.

It was already dawn, and Wang Hua was sitting among a low rose bush, leaning against a small tree. Because there was no obstruction and one of the two old men had very good eyesight, he saw his body at a glance.

In addition, according to the confessions of friends and taxi drivers, Wang Hua did not take any drugs except being drunk during socializing and taking taxis.

Based on various on-site physical evidence and autopsy results, the police concluded that the deceased had business entertainment that night, and because he was drunk, his friend called a taxi for him. When the taxi driver sent the deceased to the gate of the community, the radio station happened to be playing the evening news, so it can be determined that it was exactly ten o'clock, and Wang Hua died between ten and twelve o'clock.

He obviously didn't want to take a long way home, so he walked across the central garden. During this period, he took drugs and apparently overdosed. This led to a sudden strong hallucination when passing through the flowers. He dug out his eyes and tried to eat them himself. But he failed in the extreme excitement, and finally died of pain due to overdose of drugs.

His death was not a homicide and the case would be closed directly. The police will shift their focus to anti-narcotics and prepare to find out where he got such high-purity drugs? Where is the source of drugs!

Xiaoxia felt a little strange about this reasonable explanation. If the drug packaging bags were not found at the scene, it was because the spring wind in the north had blown them far away; if it was said that he took drugs because of stress; if it was said that his family and Friends have never seen him hiding drugs well, so these suspicions cannot be established, but Xiaoxia's doubts come from her feelings.

In my impression, Wang Hua was a shrewd and shameless man who would never take drugs. There must be something weird about his death!

But no matter how skeptical she is, she has no evidence to overturn the scientific conclusion, and if one person like Wang Hua dies, the world will be a little purer because of it. She just sympathized with the old couple. They were the ones who had lost everything. Mrs. Wang even thought that she went to court to sue her son, which forced him to take the road of desperation.

Xiaoxia didn't know how to comfort the old man, so she had to ask Wanli Lai for voluntary help and let the professional psychologist help the painful old couple. In fact, she felt that she also needed psychological treatment.

When she was in Changkong, she didn't systematically take on such cases. But at the Aid Office, the five people were divided into two groups. Uncle Chai and two interns were responsible for women and children's affairs, and Guan Zheng and Xiaoxia were responsible for the elderly. Occasionally, Guan Zheng will coordinate the comprehensive issues of this chain of legal aid agencies.

After working here for a month, she discovered that people who don't work in this field may think that it is rare for parents and children to get into trouble and go to court, but when you actually work, you will understand that this kind of thing is still difficult. There are really many, maybe because they are more concentrated.

Now she has another case on her hands. An old woman named Yang is suing her adopted son Zhang. Zhang's parents died when he was five years old and he had no one to support him. As friends of Zhang's parents, the childless Yang couple single-handedly raised him. But Zhang rarely went home after work, and later he never showed up at all.

When Grandpa Yang was alive, Grandma Yang still had a source of income, but since Grandpa Yang passed away, she could only survive on a little savings and scavenging. An illness a year ago made it difficult for her to even feed herself, so she thought of asking Zhang to help her. However, Zhang refused to recognize the adoption relationship because he did not go to the civil affairs department to go through the adoption procedures.

This is a case that although there is no legal formality, it constitutes a de facto adoption case. It is very simple. So Xiaoxia has been collecting witness statements from relevant insiders with the permission of the court these days.

On this day, she and Guan Zheng came to Zhang's residence to make one last mediation effort. But as soon as he stepped out of the elevator door, he heard a woman's scream coming from Zhang's home.

The two people hurriedly ran over and saw the door of Zhang's house open. His wife passed out beside the door with the key still inserted in the door. Apparently they discovered the situation just after entering.

Opposite the door is the couch in the living room. There is a mess around the couch. Zhang is sitting on the couch crookedly, his face is gray, and he has been dead for a long time. There were scratches everywhere on his face, his clothes were torn a lot, and one eyeball had been gouged out and was hanging on his cheek.

I'll call the police! Guan Zheng said and ran to a corner of the living room to make a phone call.

Xiaoxia did not faint, but she was frightened by the accident and looked at everything in horror!

Suddenly, she saw something move under Zhang's clothes.

Her hair stood on end, and just when she was about to scream, she found a plant leaf exposed under the rotten clothes, which seemed to have slipped out.

She breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he might have accidentally brought it to her clothes while playing with flowers and plants, and she was too nervous.

Okay, the police will be here soon. Guan Zheng put down the phone, Let's go out first and don't damage the scene.

Xiaoxia nodded, wishing to leave as soon as possible. Although it was just grass, she felt quite bad. Could it be that she was hallucinating?

With this thought in mind, she turned her head to look again, just in time to see the strange plant move again, like an insect squirming.

Her heart started to beat again, but when she looked carefully, it stopped moving.

I must be dazzled!

What's wrong?

It's nothing. Just don't we care about her? Xiaoxia pointed to Zhang's wife on the ground and glanced at the plant again. The plant remained motionless, but this time she had a new fear.

She felt that Zhang's drooping eye on his cheek was looking at her. No matter what angle she changed, the eye was just staring at her!

It's better to leave it alone! I don't want to stay here! Xiaoxia ran out before Guan Zheng could make a decision.

She was terrified! I think this is too weird.

Guan Zheng followed her out.

When there was no one else in the room, the strange plant started to move again. It slowly crawled to the corner like a bug, and then disappeared out of thin air!

At the same time, Zhang's eyes drooped on his cheeks swayed like a swing.

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