The Exorcist

Part 5 Secret Chapter 7 Black Cat

Chapter 7 Black Cat

There was no sound in the dark corridor except Xiaoxia's breathing.

How did you get to the thirteenth floor? There is not a single resident here!

She looked around and saw no one. Then he tried to move his steps, only to hear the dull echo of his own footsteps echoing in the empty corridor.

She tried to walk slowly, but the sound of footsteps was so loud in the silence that she wanted to take off her shoes, but she had to turn back to the elevator.

The elevator's light flickered, indicating that it was going down and that she would have to wait a while. But at this time, she suddenly had a feeling that something was staring at her around her!

She searched around subconsciously, and all she saw was a series of closed iron doors. Each door had a cat's eyeglasses on it, shining faintly in the darkness, as if someone was peering at her from behind each door. ! There was also an invisible corner on one side of the corridor, which made her feel like there was something hidden!

Can't wait here, climb the stairs!

She walked toward the stairs in panic, and after taking just one step, she heard a cat meow suddenly from behind her.

Because it came suddenly in the silence, Xiaoxia was so frightened that she almost jumped up and leaned against the wall to look at the source of the sound.

A black cat stood sideways, turning its head to look at Xiaoxia!

It has a pair of big green eyes, which should be said to be a bit too big, seeming to occupy half of the entire cat's face. They look empty and soul-sucking, and glow with a faint green light in the darkness.

Xiaoxia and the cat looked at each other, and for only a few seconds, Xiaoxia became afraid, afraid of a kitten!

Ahem— the black cat suddenly made a sound, but the cat's face was still facing Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia only felt that its mouth was moving, as if a human was talking, and a smile gradually appeared on the cat's face!

She froze there! She never knew that animals could laugh. In her impression, kittens always looked angry. But just when she was in a daze, the cat suddenly arched towards her, and then suddenly pounced on her!

She was frightened for a moment. Faced with the black shadow coming towards her head and face, she could only instinctively close her eyes and cover her face with her hands. But a breeze blew by, and when I opened my eyes again, there was nothing in front of me. The black cat disappeared and went to no one knows where.

Xiao Xia jumped up as if she had been electrocuted, and ran up the stairs to the office on the fifteenth floor. After opening the door and entering, she locked the door tightly, lest the cat would chase her.

That black cat behaved so weirdly, it felt like - like a seductress from hell!

She shuddered as she thought this, and hurriedly ran to Guan Zheng's office to check the information, hoping to finish the research and leave quickly.

And at the corner of the thirteenth floor, a man walked out!

It's Guan Zheng!

He sighed in the direction where the black cat disappeared and said, I tried my best, but I still let you run away! Then he looked up at the roof of the building, It's so late, what is she doing here?

He stood there thinking for a minute, then walked up the stairs.

Guan Zheng's computer did not have a password, and Xiaoxia easily found what she was looking for - the relevant case files of the aid firm's branches in various cities.

She clicked on the case information about disputes between parents and children, and a set of data was immediately displayed on the computer screen. She is not interested in the content of the case, she just wants to know the fate of the person involved.

This was just a thought that suddenly flashed in her mind. She wanted to know if there were mysterious deaths like this in other places!

She was so focused on her computer that she didn't notice that the door of the office opened and a person walked in gently.

What are you doing? A man's voice sounded above Xiaoxia's head, scaring her so much that she knocked over the water glass on the table and smashed it to the ground.

Guan-Guan Zheng, why are you here? Xiaoxia asked in surprise.

Since there was only one desk lamp turned on in the entire office, in the already dark sky, the light illuminated Guan Zheng's face from bottom to top, making him look a little ferocious.

It's my turn to ask you this question. Guan Zheng was sterner than usual and a little annoyed, What are you looking for when you open my computer?

His appearance made Xiaoxia a little scared, and Xiaoxia couldn't answer his questions.

Tell me, why? Guan Zheng raised his voice and seemed very angry.

But his confident air gave Xiao Xia some courage, I'm looking at the case files of each branch, which are only available here. If you blame me for opening your computer privately, I have nothing to say. I'm sorry, you I have no complaints about how this matter was handled.”

What I'm asking is, why did you look that up?

I- Xiaoxia faltered, not daring to continue.

If Guan Zheng is really causing trouble, he might kill someone and silence him. He was very thin, but he was a man after all, and her chances of winning were slim. Besides, he looks different now than usual, his eyes are very fierce.

You think the deaths of Wang Hua and Zhang are strange, don't you? Are you checking whether the same thing happened in other branches? Guan Zheng said for her, As a result, you found that there were cases of sudden drug overdose in other places. , plus the two in this city, there are a total of thirteen cases, and they are all caused by children not supporting their parents! You are thinking that there must be something wrong with this firm, so many coincidences do not exist!

Tell me is this a coincidence? Xiao Xia asked with a white face.

This time it was Guan Zheng's turn to be speechless.

Xiaoxia stood up from behind the desk and rubbed to one side, Then I'll leave first.

She said and walked past Guan Zheng, but Guan Zheng grabbed her arm, Forget about tonight, it has nothing to do with you, you just have to do your job! This is your responsibility!

He grabbed it very hard, hurting Xiaoxia, and the tone of his voice aroused Xiaoxia's anger, What is my duty? What is the duty of a lawyer? It is to protect the interests of the client. In view of the fact that we are fighting In this kind of lawsuit, I think it is in the best interest of the parties to reconcile the parents and children. Even if it doesn't work, there is no need to kill them! They must fulfill their obligations. But their death will only make their parents more painful. You and your The fund is useless! Have you ever thought about this? When you use the law or anything else to achieve your so-called justice, have you ever thought about the inner pain of those poor old people? Your ideal of justice has been satisfied, so what is really needed So what if they are satisfied? But if they are still alive, there is at least the possibility of remedying all this!

Do you think I killed you?

Xiaoxia didn't say anything, she only struggled hard, but she didn't break away at all. She didn't think it was Guan Zheng who did it himself. At least the strange deaths in other places were not directly related to him, because he had never traveled far these days. The problem is, he is the general manager of this aid organization, so there is no way he doesn’t know some clues!

I wish I could! Guan Zheng suddenly said, They all deserve their punishment! Although they are not legally guilty of being shot, those who forget their parents' kindness and abuse them should all deserve to die!

But it was their parents who were punished! Xiaoxia blurted out, and at the same time, she struggled again.

She used too much force, and Guan Zheng let go of her hand for some reason, so she suddenly fell out hard and hit the door of the information cabinet.

The door wasn't usually very tight, so it opened as soon as it hit, and a bunch of stuff fell out.

Xiaoxia took a closer look and jumped back in shock, almost vomiting!

It was a clear plastic bag with something furry and bloody inside. The skin and flesh have been peeled off, the belly has been cut open, a few white ribs are standing there, and the four little claws have been chopped off!

It's a little black cat! After being killed, the half-dismembered little black cat!

Xiaoxia stared at Guan Zheng in surprise.

Does he also kill cats? Underneath his calm and normal appearance, could he have a perverted heart? What kind of person is he? Are those murders related to him? And did the black cat on the thirteenth floor just escape from his hands?

Guan Zheng was shocked when he saw that what he had hidden was exposed. Instinctively, he began to defend, I'm not - I want to experiment, I just want - you don't understand!

Xiaoxia ignored him, stood up and ran again, but was caught by him again!

Let me go, let me go, I'm going to call someone! She yelled and struggled hard, which was particularly terrifying in this silent environment!

Guan Zheng immediately covered her mouth, Don't scream, listen to me! Don't care about what's going on here, don't get involved!

Why did you kill a kitten? Xiaoxia couldn't help but ask after Guan Zheng let go of her mouth.

Guan Zheng let her go and suddenly smiled bitterly, Curiosity kills a cat, have you ever heard of it?

Who cares about you! Xiaoxia yelled, turned around and ran out.

She didn't dare to wait for the elevator and kept running down the stairs, not daring to look behind her or stop. She didn't dare to run back home, locked all the doors and windows, and then fell down on the sofa!

Guan Zheng is a weirdo! He must have a secret!

Xiaoxia, Xiaoxia, wake up! A man called her in the dark, and then pushed her so that she almost fell off the bed.

When I opened my eyes, it was still midnight.

Let the nightmare live again!

This is Xiaoxia’s first self-awareness. She woke up slightly, then turned over and went back to sleep. She was very sleepy and had a fright in the office at night, which made her think for a long time. She decided to talk to Guan Zheng in public tomorrow, at least in the presence of other people in the office.

If he has psychological problems, she will refer him to a psychiatrist, or if he is under too much stress. If he had indeed committed a crime, then she would have persuaded him to turn himself in.

In fact, she was still confused about the whole thing and didn't know the specific content. She only knew that there were secrets behind these abnormal deaths, and these secrets must be related to Guan Zheng.

She thought hard for a long time before going to bed. Unexpectedly, she finally fell asleep and started dreaming again.

She often dreamed of people pushing her or shaking her bed, so she was used to it and didn't think much about it. But when she fell into a trance again, the man started calling her again.

Xiaoxia, Xiaoxia— he drawled his voice, find out the secret!

Xiaoxia woke up instantly again, but this time she woke up completely. She had a strange feeling in her heart - there was someone else in this room!

Panic immediately gripped her heart like a cat's claws!

She clutched the amulet on her chest. It took Ruan Zhan two months of digging in the mountains to help her find it. Without this, she might have been scared to death by now.

Ruan Zhan! Ruan Zhan!

She felt a little better calling his name in her mind.

But the man's voice that called her name immediately sounded, Xiao Xia - Xiao Xia -

This was no longer a dream, someone was actually calling her in the dark!

She was helpless, huddled under the quilt, not daring to move!

At this time, a light suddenly flashed in the room!

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