The Exorcist

Part 5 Secret Chapter 21 Who is next?

Chapter 21 Who is next?

The drop of blood fell in the middle of the weak fire, and burst out with a strong green light, allowing us to see clearly what the balloon looked like!

It was a human-shaped balloon, as big as a human being, with human limbs and facial features. But because I was full of breath, my limbs were ridiculously stiff, and the facial features on my face were swollen and deformed - my nose was flat and my mouth was wide open, as if leaning over and grinning at us!

It's just that his upper lip is a little shrunken, and the entire row of teeth is exposed, making the smile dull and malicious, and - he has no eyes, and there are two deep holes in the eye area, and blood drips from there!

How can a balloon be inflated if it has a hole? a voice said slowly. I don't know who said it, and I can't tell the difference between male and female. I just feel like the wind is blowing in my ears, and suddenly there is this sighing tone.

Yes, why can a punctured balloon be inflated and float into the sky? Almost everyone involuntarily thought like this following her question -

Quiet, absolutely quiet for a few seconds!

Suddenly, a girl screamed and was so frightened that she lay on the ground with her head in her hands, pointing with a trembling hand at the balloon floating in the air that was held by a blood-red thread.

She recognized the origin of the balloon! It should be said that in an instant, everyone recognized this balloon!

For a moment, there were horrified screams one after another, and then there was a popping sound, and the balloon in the air burst, with the sound of leaking wind, and it plunged straight to the ground.

People on the ground screamed and ran around, causing the carefully maintained circle to disperse.

The situation was so weird, I walked over slowly and looked down at the burst 'balloon'.

That was a person, the classmate who ran back to the pool in panic. Somehow, all parts of his body were eaten, leaving only a complete human skin. Then, he was filled with ghost energy and put into the air like a balloon!

The muffled laughter of chichi came, contemptuous and evil——

My son, I'm finally full! She counted in a long tone, The first one was eaten until no bones were left.

As he spoke, a bunch of things were thrown into the center of the circle, scaring everyone into hiding. I looked with a flashlight and saw that it was a pair of teeth with a Tibetan-style ornament hanging on it. It belonged to the first girl who was captured, and she always liked this.

The second one is not delicious, just take off his head. The third one is really delicious, except for his skin! But - who is next?!

Yeah, who's next?

This thought filled the hearts of each of us, like a sharp knife hanging on our necks, making us stand there without daring to move, except for breathing in terror, completely at a loss what to do!

I don't want to die! I don't want to die! One of the tight strings finally broke, and a girl was so frightened that she completely lost her mind. She cried and broke away from the large army and broke into the dark jungle!

I was so anxious that I wanted to chase her, but I found that Nana was holding me tightly and wouldn't let go. I was so scared that I couldn't stand. The same was true for other classmates. I couldn't leave at all, because I couldn't let them go! Although Azhan said it coldly, it is not unreasonable. We cannot protect all of them, we can only protect one by one.

Thinking of this, I coaxed and threatened to gather the classmates together again. Now among the fifteen people, three were dead and one was missing. A Zhan left, so there were only ten people left.

The fire in the middle had been extinguished. After I gathered everyone together, I gathered the headless corpse, the human skin, and the tooth bones into a corner and let them dry there. It's not very respectful, and secondly, it's really scary.

When I was doing this, Nana didn't leave me even a step, and kept holding on to the corner of my clothes and refused to let go. She must be scared to death, because I am still calm, so she feels safe!

The girl ran away and never came back. At this time, I was really afraid that she would also be made into a human skin balloon and put on top of our heads. That kind of psychological panic is not something that a fragile person can bear a second time, otherwise it would really happen. It doesn’t matter if someone is crazy. Fortunately, this never happened again. Maybe the strange baby went after Azhan, so no one ate the prey!

But we sat in silence for less than five minutes, and the woman started singing again, with only one lyric - Who's next?

Squeeze in the middle, pull each other, and don't raise your head or run if anything happens! I told everyone.

At this time, the students are as docile as lambs, and they carry out my orders almost mechanically, or no matter what anyone says at this time, they will do it. And that singing stopped again at this time!

The humidity in the dense forest after the rain was very heavy. Sitting on the ground for a long time made people feel as cold as if they were immersed in ice water. Coupled with the uncertain but ever-present fear in the dead silence, we were shivering all the time. .

I couldn't help but look up and saw that the moon had climbed up into the sky after the rain, but the moonlight was pale, making the woods look even more eerie and weird, but the view was much clearer.

I took the opportunity to look around carefully, but I didn't see anything but dark trees! Dark trees! But there was a little white light not far away. I had to open my eyes hard to see, but I still couldn't see clearly. I just felt that it was a strange white light hanging on the branches.

I thought for a while and felt that the situation was unclear and it was necessary to see clearly, so I took out the telescope in my backpack and looked carefully in that direction.

The telescope was blurry. As the focus was adjusted, I searched from one tree to another, but I never found the thing. But just when I thought I had seen it wrong, that white mass suddenly appeared in the lens!

It was a woman's face, frighteningly white, not like a dead person, but like a Japanese kabuki face, delicate but weird, with dark eyes and blood-red lips, and something hanging from the corner of the mouth, like minced meat. One of a kind!

I was so shocked that I didn't even move the telescope, I just looked at her blankly, but because my hands were shaking, my sight was a little crooked. And she seemed to know that I was looking at her, and she took the initiative to turn her head to make our eyes meet.

She smiled, the white skin on her face falling down piece by piece, her blood-red lips moving, judging from the shape of her lips, she was saying - who is next?

I was shocked and quickly threw away the telescope in my hand, as if she had touched it. However, I suddenly felt something was wrong - I saw her lips moving, why did the sound seem to come from beside her? !

At this time Nana started shaking in my arms, making me realize that the sound was indeed coming from around us!

Who's next?

Everyone lowered their heads, and the muffled voice was so muffled that I couldn’t identify the gender or the direction, but I could tell that the voice came from among the ten of us.

Is someone crazy? Or a knee-jerk reaction in panic?

Who's talking? I shouted, but my voice was shaking.

No one answered me! But the questioning continued!

Who's talking? If you don't answer, I'll be rude! I spoke loudly to suppress my fear.

Still no one answered, no one even raised their head!

The more I looked, the more I felt something was wrong, so I hurriedly pulled Nana and took a big step back, Lift your heads? Everyone!

Dead silence!

There was not even the sound of insects chirping, not the rustling of leaves in the wind, or even - except for Nana and I, not even the sound of breathing.

Are you sure? The woman's voice suddenly appeared again, this time not far behind me.

I used the greatest willpower not to look back at the sound, and held Nana tightly in my arms to prevent her from looking back. I just stared at the classmates in front of me.

Slowly, they raised their heads!

As soon as I saw it, I knew something was wrong, not even one of my classmates could be saved!

Because there was something wrong with them all, even their expressions were the same, stiff and dull, they rolled their eyes and looked at people, shining white in the moonlight. This lets me know that they are either dead or under control and are completely out of their control!


There was a small whirlwind on the ground, and the classmates stood upright like dead leaves on the trees in the wind, slowly approaching Nana and me, and pounced on us as if they were going to skin us alive!

Run! I only said one word and pulled Nana away.

But I kept A Zhan's words in mind and never ran out of this circle, because I knew she just wanted us to run out, and then there would be nothing to protect us!

We were dodging and running in the circle, and those classmates surrounded us everywhere. Fortunately, their actions after being possessed were not so flexible, so although we were in danger amidst Nana's screams, we were never caught! And I have a bloodwood sword. Although it is small, it cannot hurt the bodies of those students, but whenever I swing the wooden sword randomly, it will choke those students who are chasing us, which buys us time!

Under the moonlight, figures were running around in the open space, and Nana's screams were intertwined with the woman's malicious sneer. This reminded me again of the hide-and-seek kid I met when I was a kid. I couldn't help but feel less afraid and started to get angry. I thought, why am I so unlucky to always encounter weird things that want to play hide-and-seek!

This anger made my mind clearer. I ran and thought about why this happened? The students are obviously possessed, because there are their shadows on the ground, so they are definitely not dead. Seeing that they can bend and turn at will, they are not zombies, but why? How did you get possessed? Why are Nana and I okay?

The female ghost has never been able to enter the circle protected by the blood spell. She can only use magic to release human skin balloons. How does she control these people?

Also, while escaping, I always felt that something was wrong. I couldn't tell what it was for a while, I just felt that something was wrong. It wasn't until we narrowly escaped a more dangerous attack for the third time and saw who the character was who was more powerful than the other students that we finally saw the flaw in the matter!

Zhao Jiang——

He has no shadow!

And his left index finger is missing!

In an instant, I suddenly understood everything!

Zhao Jiang might have died when he went into the water to rescue Nana. Otherwise, in that kind of dangerous current, with his thin body, poor swimming skills, and without any protection, it would be impossible to rescue Nana safely. Na come to the rescue!

Therefore, the strange baby appeared in his backpack; therefore, he was the fifteenth; therefore, the index finger that the strange baby ate was his; therefore, the classmates were possessed silently!

And Nana, because she was with me who had the Blood Wood Sword, or because she was the object of Zhao Jiang's admiration, she was able to avoid being harmed!


Nana screamed again, this time a classmate almost grabbed her hair. I pulled her into my arms desperately, and they both fell to the ground!

Get up! I scrambled to pull her up from the ground, Hold on, it's going to be daybreak!

You can't run away! The female ghost also realized the problem with the weather and started screaming crazily.

We just felt as sad as if the demonic sound was entering our brains, but we couldn't plug our ears. It was so painful that our hearts were about to burst. At this time, a black fog began to spread, gradually making it difficult for us to see the road clearly.

I know, this is that thing's final counterattack!

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