The Exorcist

Part 5 Secret Chapter 23 Ghosts

Chapter 23 Ghosts

The father and son of the Bao family are called Bao Xiaotong and Bao Datong, but the strange thing is that the father is called Bao Xiaotong, but his idle son is named Bao Datong.

They said that Azhan called them here with his mind, which I half-believed. On the one hand, I felt that they had no ill intentions. On the other hand, after the shock of the night, I was not easy to accept the new situation. But I was worried about Azhan's situation, so I finally decided to believe them, so we went to the waterhole together.

Really, people with Taoist skills can use this method of transmitting thoughts. Common people call this telepathy, but you look stupid and you don't understand it! Bao Datong talks a lot, and I hate him, but He just kept pestering me.

Don't you worldly people like to talk? I met that Ruan Zhan eight years ago. He was more powerful than you. He could go a whole day without saying a word. He smacked his mouth. There is a sound, and the idiot looks like I don't understand you. I don't know why that face makes me hate it so much. If it wasn't because one of the hands was broken, and it wasn't because I was in a hurry to find A Zhan, I really wanted to punch him. On his smiling face!

He kept chattering all the way, from the middle of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain. Just when I was about to have a splitting headache from his words and couldn't bear it anymore, I saw Ah Zhan sitting quietly on the edge of the pool.

Azhan! I shouted and ran over immediately. I saw his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he was bleeding from many places. His right hand was simply fixed with a branch, and it was obviously broken!

It's a shame! Bao Datong said suddenly, with an uncontrollable smile in his tone, which made me furious, but Ah Zhan still looked lukewarm.

Are you okay? Azhan ignored Bao Datong and turned to ask me.

I'm fine. But a total of four classmates died, and the rest are missing. I felt ashamed and told what happened that night.

Then you didn't tell me just now! Bao Datong interrupted again, Maybe we can find clues there?

I was furious, but before I could say anything, Azhan said, What use can you do?

Then you call us!

I wanted to invite Uncle Bao, who knew it would be useless to come with me!

Uh- Bao Datong was choked by A Zhan and couldn't reply. I want to laugh, but I can’t laugh when I think about what happened this night!

Children, don't quarrel when we meet! Uncle Bao Xiaotong finally spoke, finally calming down the quarrel, I noticed it when I came here just now, there is indeed Yin Qi extending all the way here! Ah Zhan, what's going on?

There is a strange baby, who seems to be the child of the female ghost, but judging from my fight with him, he is not a ghost!

It must be the process of being beaten! Bao Datong muttered.

Azhan ignored him and continued, As soon as I came to the water pool, he chased me all the way, trying desperately to stop me. Several times, I almost died in his hands. I guess he has at least a hundred years of experience. However, I I know his lair must be here! So after he suddenly disappeared at dawn, I stayed here to see if there was any movement.

When Bao Datong heard this, he opened his mouth again, wanting to say something, but after receiving a pair of white-eyed throwing knives from his father, he stuck out his tongue and shut up.

Can't he see the light of day? Uncle Bao asked.

Azhan shook his head, He is very sensitive to light. The sun suddenly disappears as soon as it comes out of the mountain top. But he is not a ghost. I can feel it. What is going on?

It must be a ghost. In other words, although it is a demon, it lives underground, associates with extremely yin things, and feeds on rotten yin things, so it is also afraid of light.

But what's going on? Why did we provoke them? I asked sadly and angrily.

How can we speculate on these things using common sense. Uncle Bao sighed, Let's take a look first. Ah Zhan, do you know where they are?

I'm not sure, but it should be on that side. A Zhan pointed out, I just felt a ghostly energy sneaking in there!

Not sure? It's a pity that your innate talents are sealed up! Oh, what a waste of natural resources, waste of natural resources! Uncle Bao shook his head and sighed, and slowly walked to a relatively high place, with strange gait, as if It was like a formation following certain rules, so we followed behind him.

The direction A Zhan pointed was a little in front of our campsite. It was submerged by water last night, but in just one night, the water receded quickly, revealing a gravel land like a river stall. Because those pebbles were moist and cute, we picked some up yesterday and never thought there could be anything scary down there!

This place is a low-lying land like a basin, with cliffs on three sides and gentle mountains on one side, slowly extending upward. We came in from this side of the mountain. In fact, this is also the only exit from this small valley. Directly opposite the hillside is the small but lovely waterfall and the pool that looks crystal clear during the day.

The beautiful sunshine is shining brightly on this valley at the moment, and the scenery after the new rain seems so refreshing and beautiful, but we almost died here last night. It is like hell in my memory!

Uncle Bao closed his eyes. He did not make calculations like a Taoist priest in my imagination. He just closed his eyes and thought for a while, and then said, The time is not right. In another hour, it will be a good time for us. If that thing is very Fierce, as long as we trap him until three quarters noon, we can catch him all.

Uncle Bao's words had quite an ancient meaning, and I was a little confused when I listened to them. Later I found out that it turns out that at 3:00 noon is the time when the yang energy is the strongest. In ancient times, criminals were executed at that time for this reason. , they think that the people executed at this time will not come back for revenge!

I watched Uncle Bao leading Bao Datong to make preparations in an orderly manner, finding a large boulder to make an incense table, and setting up charms and magic weapons. It was completely different from Ah Zhan's careless work. It was just like acting, and I felt that the father and son were together. The two are quite unreliable. Although the ground at the camp was in a mess, with things we discarded yesterday everywhere, I didn't dare to go up and clean it up, so I slowly moved closer to A Zhan.

If we don't take action now, won't that thing run away? I asked in a low voice.

This is their home base. It's getting light now. Although their abilities are strong, they are not able to run out in broad daylight! Besides, the position where Uncle Bao is standing is not just a random position, it is a town position.

Who are these Mr. and Mrs. Bao? I lowered my voice, They look like extras. Are they reliable?

Uncle Bao is my dad's friend. During the summer vacation eight years ago, my dad took me to see them. Azhan glanced at the arrogant little Taoist priest Bao Datong, He and my dad are not from the same faction, but We cherish each other, so we made a promise to each other. If either party encounters difficulties, the other party will lend a helping hand once, and they will do their best, no matter life or death!

So did you use that idea to find them? Then how did they come so fast?

They live in this mountain. The reason why I agreed to travel here with you is because I wanted to see them on the way.

When I heard A Zhan say that, I became a little more doubtful about the abilities of these two men. I thought that if they lived thousands of miles away and arrived here overnight, they could fly with swords or have some magic, but They actually live in the mountains, so if they arrived so late, they were just walking on their legs!

However, Azhan obviously saw my doubts and added, I only sent my thoughts to Uncle Bao in the morning. I have been being hunted all night. I almost had trouble escaping. How could I have time to apply for support?

That's pretty much it. Seeing that this uncle brought so many scattered things, I'm afraid it will take a while to clean them up. So they arrived quickly! But is there really no problem? With so many classmates still in doubt, I I really can't feel at ease.

Let's put it this way - A Zhan looked at me with certainty, My father has passed away. In my opinion, among the living people, if Uncle Bao can't cure that ghost, then everyone should wait to die together!

After hearing what Azhandu said, I had no choice but to shut up, but because I felt uneasy, I kept peeking at the father and son. After they packed their things, Uncle Bao was sitting by the stone with his eyes closed, as if nothing happened. The same thing happened, and I admired him for his calm determination, and Bao Datong was able to hold back from talking nonsense and stood quietly aside.

I don’t know how long it took, but when I almost couldn’t bear it anymore, Uncle Bao finally opened his eyes.

Datong, guard the town and listen to my orders. He stood up and ordered, Azhan, guard the intersection and never let him get out from here! Wanli, come with me, I want to borrow your extremely strong Yang energy!

I looked up at him, and my impression of him changed almost instantly, and I became full of confidence in catching ghosts and monsters. Because he was so different at this time, he was no longer the old man with a smile on his face, loyal, silly and even a little funny, but a master with bright eyes and calm demeanor!

The three of us juniors responded respectfully and each followed the instructions. I followed him and slowly walked onto the gravel field.

As soon as I got there, I felt the stones under my feet moving unusually, as if something was shaking. My feet went weak and I sat down on the ground. Before she could get up, she vaguely heard a voice coming from the ground, Son, people often say that a loving mother often loses her son. You shouldn't have ignored my advice and messed with these people. There are two of them. You are not a mortal, and you have caused a huge disaster now! I can't run away, son, you run away quickly, take your mother's beads and run away for your life! Go quickly, go!

Urging, reluctant, and crying, it was the voice of the female ghost in gorgeous clothes. But at this time, she was no longer ferocious and gloomy, but sad and sad. It was the same feeling as any mother in the world when sending her children away, maybe even more miserable, which made me a little intolerable for a moment.

Come over from Wanli and stand in this position! Uncle Bao called me. Although he didn't look as ruthless as A Zhan when facing the enemy, he was still very calm, as if he was doing a job, without any mercy.

When I heard this, I walked over and saw him drawing a circle on the ground. It was obviously a gesture made with an ordinary peach wood sword, but a red mark stood out on the ground, and then a talisman was burned inside. The strange thing was that there was no paper ash left.

Come into the circle, and I want to borrow your yang energy! He said. He didn't know if a barrier was set up, and he wasn't afraid that our words would be heard by the things below. You can sit, lie down, and even sleep. As long as you don’t let your feet leave this circle! Can you do it?”

Before I could answer, there was another violent shaking under my feet, and the whole ground rumbled, like a local earthquake.

He's coming! Uncle Bao said solemnly, and immediately retreated ten meters behind me at a speed I can't describe, and held another position.

I wanted to ask something, but before I could say anything, there was a 'bang', and a big hole broke through the ground, and a small gray thing with a furry long tail broke out of the ground!

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