The Exorcist

Part 5 Secret Chapter 42 The Man Behind the Scenes (Part 1)

Chapter 42 The Man Behind the Scenes (Part 1)

Before Xiaoxia could answer, she was picked up by Ruan Zhan and walked to the stream.

I still have to put you into the water, but it won't take long and you won't feel the pain of suffocation.


Believe me?


Then, hold your breath now!

Xiaoxia didn't hesitate and complied completely.

Ruan Zhan gently placed Xiaoxia in the water, drew a talisman and pointed his finger into the water to prevent her from floating up. Although the water is shallow, as long as the respiratory system is cut off, people will still die!

Xiaoxia felt like she was being pressed into the water again, but this time she did not panic or despair. Instead, she calmly looked at Ruan Zhan who was standing by the stream. Her body, which had been kept warm through endurance, gradually became cold again.

She knew that with him around, everything would be fine, and with him around, she would be absolutely safe. He is such a man. Although he doesn't talk much, when you are with him, you will feel calm and warm. If you feel that the sky is falling, he will lift you up, and if the earth sinks, he will pull you up.

And she absolutely trusts him!

I saw Ruan Zhanning calmly taking out a charm from his pocket, moving his lips slightly, chanting the spell softly, and then throwing the charm into the air. His movements were graceful, but when he took out the talisman, it seemed that it was not a piece of paper, but like a thin but hard thing, flying straight into the air and igniting a ball of fire. . The fire lasted for a few seconds, and the talisman burned into ashes and fell into the stream.

However, the thin, smoke-like paper ash did not float away with the flow of water. Instead, the moment it hit the water, it suddenly rolled up into a small black whirlpool, spinning faster and faster until it finally resembled an awl. He stabbed it down and inserted it straight into her chest!

The speed of the black water cone was so fast that before Xiaoxia could react, she felt her chest heat up and the cone was completely submerged into her chest and abdomen. She glanced at Ruan Zhan in surprise and saw the latter looking at her with pity.

She tried to smile, to convey to him that she was fine for now. But at this moment, she suddenly felt that the area behind her ears where the talisman was drawn began to feel hot. At the same time, as if in response to each other, the heat in her chest and abdomen turned into a huge pain, hitting her directly from the inside of her body!

The pain was so sharp, as if a pair of big scissors were about to cut her in half, tear her bloody and raw, and then divide her into left and right halves based on her ears! She was in so much pain that she couldn't help but twist her body, couldn't scream, and just rolled under the water!

She wanted to restrain herself, fearing that Ruan Zhan on the water would be worried. But she didn't know that she thought she was rolling in pain. In fact, her body was sitting quietly under the water without moving at all. This pain only came from the depths of her soul!

Ruan Zhan understood her pain, and his heartache was no less than hers. He only regretted that he could not replace her! Seeing her soul slowly being pulled out of her body, she knew that Xiaoxia's torture was finally over.

He had tried his best to make the process less painful and less time-consuming. This is not like death or soul loss for a normal person, nor is it an accident caused by chance or coincidence, it is just like an operation. For a living person to force his soul to leave his body, it is the same as splitting a part of the human body. For normal people, the separation of soul and body is not only a mental pain!

This made him hate the man behind the scenes extremely!

That man didn't know what his own selfish interests were, but he hurt two people who were extremely important to him. One was his only friend in this life, and I'm afraid no one could surpass Wan Li's friendship for him; the other was his beloved woman, Although he can't say it out loud or accept it, I'm afraid no one can make him so tempted!

For this reason, he wanted to kill the bastard hiding behind the scenes with his own hands!

At this time, a strange wind blew up, bringing with it a bit of fishy smell and coldness. He understood that the enemy was coming. The man behind the scenes thought that his plot had succeeded, so he came to collect the fruits of his victory!

He glanced at Xiaoxia again and saw Xiaoxia's soul clinging to her own body, with a confused look on her face. Apparently she still couldn't understand why the sudden onset and rapid disappearance of the pain was going on. But she should have understood that her body and soul were separated, because she no longer had to breathe.

The coir raincoat ghost gave her a cold poison just to keep her soul from leaving her body, so that she could wait for the person behind the scenes to cast a ghost poison on her. But the coir raincoat ghost didn't know that the Ksitigarbha's amulet she was wearing would play a strong protective role at the most critical moment.

The reason why Xiao Xia didn't want to reveal the secret of the amulet prematurely was because she was afraid that it would have no effect at a critical moment in the future, so she kept hiding it no matter how scared she was. However, when the devil cast cold poison, the amulet automatically played a protective role, that is, He didn't hurt her too badly, nor did he immobilize her soul. Xiaoxia's current appearance of being attacked was just to confuse her.

Seeing her fragile yet brave look, he suddenly thought, what would he do if she really died? Will you go with her? In this way, there should be no pain, right? In his opinion, what people are afraid of is not death itself, but only the loss of everything they have!

However, he had no time to give himself an answer, because he felt that the enemy was getting closer, so he eliminated the barrier. Although he was still invisible, in order to better confuse the opponent, he added a spell to hide his breath. , and then hid in a bush a little further away!

The person who tried to cast ghost poison on Xiao Xia and death poison on Wan Li must die!

He thought cruelly, cruelly.

In the distance, two black shadows appeared! Although the speed is very fast, which is not the state that human beings should be in, the taller shadow in front of them moves in steps, a bit like a short-distance instantaneous transfer, while the dark shadow in the back is floating and light. Followed like the wind.

Getting closer, Ruan Zhan saw that although there were two visitors, there was only one figure on the ground, because one of them was the coir raincoat ghost, and the other was a man - that is, the man behind the scenes, the owner of the coir raincoat ghost, the vain plan The bastards who harmed them!

He was wearing a national costume, the attire of a Lisu groom. Because Ruan Zhan had been posing as a folklore enthusiast in various villages in the past two days to inquire about various things, he recognized him at a glance, which also made him more certain that the groom in front of him was the groom. The man behind the scenes.

And Ruan Zhan also recognized his face, as early as in the city - Huang Boheng!

Jizhan suppressed the idea of ​​jumping out and killing him immediately and waited quietly for the opportunity. Huang Boheng was also very cautious and did not get too close to the stream. He looked left and right, holding his right hand on a small drum at his waist. The whole body is in a state of preparation for war.

Master, the bride is under the water. The coir raincoat ghost said, although his expression was respectful, his tone was very anxious.

What? Don't you want to follow me anymore? Huang Boheng glanced sideways at the devil, his tone contemptuous and a little provocative.

No, it's not! The coir raincoat ghost hurriedly denied, with fear beyond words.

Huang Boheng sneered, said nothing, and continued to observe the movements around him vigilantly. If Ruan Zhan hadn't cast a spell to put Xiaoxia in a state of soul separation, and he also added double invisibility, he might have been discovered.

Don't worry, I'm no longer interested in you. I will remove your poison and let you go. Huang Boheng's expression became more relaxed, as if he thought there was no threat around him. But he still didn't come to the stream. Instead, he turned around and asked the coir raincoat ghost, Are you sure that the Ruan guy didn't follow you?

Yue Xiaoxia didn't tell him about the wedding. He is still looking for Awu in the woods! the coir raincoat ghost replied.

I'm still looking for Awu. I haven't found him for so many years. Who the hell is he? How could he be found? Huang Boheng sneered again and finally put his hand down from the small drum at his waist.

Ruan Zhan on the side heard their conversation and finally found out that the name of the jungle weirdo was Awu, and that he was really related to Huang Boheng. He might also be the most critical figure in the whole secret!

Even if he could find it, Awu wouldn't dare tell the master's secret!

Yes! She did something wrong back then and has already seen how powerful I am. I'm sorry she didn't dare to say it. Huang Boheng said proudly, then slowly walked to the stream, admiring and watching with a bit of fascination. The greedy look on Xiao Xia's face under the water made Ruan Zhan want to dig out his eyes.

Look, how cute she is! Why do I like her so much? As soon as I see her, I want to do everything possible to get her, and then hide her from anyone. I don't even know what's going on! Huang Boheng admired and pointed at Xiaoxia condescendingly, as if she were his slave. That sense of superiority made Xiaoxia almost vomit. She was not afraid because she knew Ruan Zhan was nearby, but she felt that she still had to put on a show to confuse her opponent, so she pretended to be very frightened.

Sure enough, her expression made Huang Boheng very satisfied, and he laughed softly. The sound came through a thin layer of water, and it was a bit buzzing. It was indescribably uncomfortable to hear, Don't be afraid, Little darling! As long as I put this in your eyes, you will no longer suffer from reincarnation, and we will be together forever.

He said and took out a bamboo tube from his arms. The bamboo tube is very small, only as big as a thumb, and very old. It feels like it is at least a hundred years old.

Inside is the corpse of a small bug. Once it enters your eye, it will come to life and then live inside. Don't be afraid, it won't hurt at all, and there will be red spots on your eyeballs, which are very beautiful. From the moment they are resurrected, your soul belongs to me. As soon as I call, you will come to me. If I don’t call, you will stay here. Look how beautiful it is here, peaceful and peaceful, The four seasons are like spring, and you will definitely be very happy. Come on, the beauty comes out of the water first! He said frivolously, and did not reach out into the water to pull Xiaoxia, but made strange gestures with his hands and took strange steps with his feet. As if using witchcraft, he struggled for half a minute before waving towards the water.

Xiaoxia only felt that she was being pulled violently by an invisible force, and her body broke out of the water with a swish and landed on the grass beside the stream. But she was standing in the water, and she immediately understood that what was on the bank was her own body, and what was in the water was His own soul.

The ghost on the side of the coir raincoat watched all this silently. Although there was nothing under the coir raincoat to support her, it was impossible to know her expression, but the entire coir raincoat was trembling, and the water droplets on it fell rapidly. It was unclear whether it was excitement or nervousness.

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