The Exorcist

Part 5 Secret Chapter 45 Grafting

Chapter 45 Grafting

With a bang, Ruan Zhan did not hit Huang Boheng with the fire handprint, but hit it on the ground.

But with just such a gentle wave of his hand, the dust on the ground flew into the air, and even the vegetation close to the ground was scorched in an instant, revealing a two-square-meter layer of yellow soil.

And as this circular soil layer was exposed, a circle invisible to the naked eye rapidly expanded along its outside into the distance. It was like a strong wind blowing on the ground. Wherever the invisible circle went, all the plants fell to one side. In the blink of an eye, they reached the edge of the barrier, stuck to the barrier wall, and then 'wow' Suddenly a majestic flame was ignited!

Now, all participants are in the circle!

Because Ruan Zhan was there, Xiaoxia was not afraid at all, but Huang Boheng screamed, ran forward a few steps, and quickly threw off his burning coat. In panic, he could no longer control his 'helper'.

Once those ferocious snakes and monster plants lost the control of their magic, they immediately returned to their natural nature and fled in terror when faced with the burning wall of fire. No animal or plant is not afraid of the fire that can destroy everything, so the scene in the open space was chaotic for a while, but no one could get out!

Ruan Zhan, who had been standing still, stood there and stared for a few seconds, frowned, and then finally moved, his eyes fixed on Huang Boheng, and he strode over.

He walked so domineeringly and directly, with a fierce and murderous attitude. He made handprints all the way and took pictures without looking. Amidst the crisp sound of 'PapPap', balls of flames ignited where he waved his hand. It started to burn, causing the poisonous snakes and branches tied with twist silk threads to squeak, and the huge fire circle looked like a scene of demons dancing wildly.

Don't come over here! Don't come over here! I want to fight Gu with you!

Seeing Ruan Zhan walking closer and closer to him, Huang Boheng, who was as frightened as a bird, was frightened by Ruan Zhan's appearance of wanting to eat him alive and started running around in the circle. But wherever he ran, Ruan Zhan rushed over with a fire hand seal, squeezing his space for movement smaller and smaller, until finally, he was forced into the corner between two trees.

It's not fair, I'm not ready! Huang Boheng was frightened and groped around on his body as he spoke. But he forgot that his coat had been taken off when he was burned. At this moment, he could no longer take out those strange porcelain bottles from his arms.

When you attacked us in the wild store, you didn't let me prepare. Ruan Zhan took another step closer.

Huang Boheng didn't answer, but just tried his best to shrink back, and suddenly fell backward from the gap in the tree. As soon as he landed, he crawled away using his hands and feet, but Ruan Zhan, who arrived in three or two steps, grabbed his collar and picked him up.

Don't let me look down on you! He threw Huang Boheng into the corner between the two trees again, I have to kill you, but I don't want to insult you!

No, don't kill me!

It's a pity that from the moment you put the death poison on Wan Li, you cut off your own way of survival.

As long as you don't kill me, I will give you whatever money you want. No - I can give you one-third of my property! Otherwise, half is fine! Okay, I'll give it all to you! Huang Boheng was in despair. , began to negotiate conditions, What does a life mean? You have money, friends - there are many, and the same goes for women. I'll give it all to you, take it. I just ask you to let me live!

Stop talking nonsense, I don't have time, and you, a heartless thing like you, won't understand. Ruan Zhan said expressionlessly, and the distance between him and Huang Boheng was so close that they were almost touching each other. He used his body language to clearly tell Huang Boheng how dismissive and contemptuous he was of this monetary proposal!

Huang Boheng was so frightened that he could not speak, and his eyes were scattered. He was silent for a few seconds, and finally understood that the man in front of him could not be bought or defeated, so he gave up completely and had the idea of ​​​​destroying everything in his heart.

He had a dark idea in mind and continued to shrink back. Although his face was extremely frightened, he subconsciously put one hand behind his back. After some groping, he suddenly touched something, which made his sinister heart rise. hope.

Pinned to the back of his waist was a sharp blade that looked like an ornament, but was actually used for cutting. Now Ruan Zhan is too close to him, almost asking him to kill him!

Don't blame me! Huang Boheng clenched the handle of the knife, shouted, and suddenly swung the gleaming knife from behind, slashing at Ruan Zhan with all his strength.

The distance was so close and he used so much force, Ruan Zhan should definitely die!

But there was no feeling of cutting into a soft object, nor was there the burning sensation of blood spurting onto his face. He only felt that his wrist was caught in mid-air by a pair of iron-like hands, and a pain that felt like his bones were about to break hit him directly. Making him whimper, he couldn't help but let go of his hand.

The knife has been in the hands of another person, his opponent!

I'm just waiting for you to donate your weapon. I'm going to kill you with my hands. I'm really afraid of dirtying my hands. Ruan Zhan looked coldly and put the sharp knife on Huang Boheng's neck and gestured, I hope you It’s worth killing!”

What do you mean? Huang Boheng asked tremblingly. In fact, he couldn't think anymore, so he just asked instinctively.

Ruan Zhan didn't say anything, he waved his hand and slashed horizontally without hesitation, his strikes were fast, cruel and accurate. Under the moonlight, there was only a flash of silver light, and then the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came. Huang Boheng's head was separated from his body, and Gululu rolled into the grass.

Xiaoxia, standing in Ruan Zhan's shadow, couldn't see anything, because Ruan Zhan always faced the moonlight, so that Xiaoxia would always be protected by him.

But although Xiaoxia couldn't see it, Ruan Zhan could see it clearly. I saw Huang Boheng's severed head rolling in the grass for a while and then stopped. His face was still facing the direction of his body, his eyes were open, and he even blinked. His eyes were full of disbelief and panic.

You're dead, fall down! Ruan Zhan sighed.

The severed head's mouth opened twice, as if he was very angry, but before he could say anything, he saw with his own eyes a headless body in front of Ruan Zhan falling down. He understood that it was him, and no matter how unwilling he was, he was still dead, but he still felt that something was wrong.

Is this the loss of life? Why does he feel so weird when there is no sadness other than fear? It seems like he has already left!

He had many questions, questions that he would not understand until his death, but he had no chance to ask them because he could no longer move or think, because he had become a corpse.

Ruan Zhan sighed again, not because of Huang Boheng's death. That should make him happy, because his death means Wanli's life. But there was one problem that he didn't expect - Huang Boheng was not the real man behind the scenes!

He felt this feeling when he was fighting Huang Boheng, because although he knew very high-end Gu skills, his rank was obviously too low, which was different from the feeling in the wild shop that day. That cannot be described in words, it is completely the difference in details when the two sides take action.

The difference is so small that a layman can't even see it, but once they play against each other, everyone knows it.

This is probably why Huang Boheng was very scared when he first came up, and he was a little uneasy and confused! If someone practicing witchcraft in the wild shop came to fight him, the scene today would never be like this!

Who is helping Huang Boheng to harm them behind the scenes? Why didn't that person come to help him tonight? Kill to silence or kill with a borrowed knife? Was Huang Boheng being treated like a monkey? Could it be that he was also a puppet, a pawn in this secret scheme? !

But he kept admitting that the death poison on Wan Li's body was caused by him. He did know those strange secret techniques, but he was not that strong in skills. So what's going on?

Maybe he should go back and see Wan Li immediately. If his poison is solved, it proves that Huang Boheng's words are true; if his poison is not solved, it proves that Huang Boheng was deceived. He thought that he was the one who cast the death poison, but Actually not!

But why does he feel that way? So much so that he even lost his life without knowing that he was deceived!

In any case, Ruan Zhan decided to go back and see Wan Li first. Time was running out and he still had less than an hour to live!

He turned around and took a look, and saw that the fire cast by his fire hand seal had wiped out all the poisonous snakes and monster plants, leaving only ashes. The fire circle was a mess, but Xiaoxia's body was still lying intact on the small bed. On the edge of the stream.

He thought that Xiao Xia's soul should be allowed to return to the body first. A normal person's body would be harmed if he was in a state of being separated from the soul for a long time. But before that, he wanted to burn Huang Boheng's body first.

He made a fire mudra and struck it on the dead head, and then made a second mudra to burn the body, but the moment he waved his hand, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind, and he stopped it abruptly. The gesture!

No, something is wrong with Huang Boheng. He was perfectly normal when he was alive, but why didn't his soul leave his body after his death?

He is born with yin and yang eyes, and they are extremely pure. As his abilities are released and deepened, he should be able to see everything that humans should not see. Although he used a spell when he killed Huang Boheng with a knife, intending to destroy him physically and mentally, he was merciful in the end. It only left Huang Boheng's soul incomplete and could no longer cause harm after death, but it was not completely eliminated. he.

But why didn't he see any trace of his three souls and seven souls? ! Moreover, when Huang Boheng was killed, he had very little blood and no hot blood spurting out. This is not in line with human characteristics!

He was anxious about Wan Li's affairs and didn't notice it for a while, but when he was about to burn Huang Boheng's body, he suddenly realized many problems.

He paused for a moment, then resolutely walked to the corpse, picked up the murder knife with a trace of blood, and directly cut open Huang Boheng's chest!

Empty, Huang Boheng's chest was actually empty. Clean, smooth and clear, like the body of a mummy, not the body of the man who just a minute ago had been tempting him with money.

It's just that in the position of the heart, there is a fist-sized ball beating, like a heart, beating in a headless corpse!

The ball has a light yellow outer skin, which is very thin. It is so thin that it will break if touched. It is so thin that you can see something squirming inside. At first glance, it seems That's why the beat is happening.

It is very strange to see a human corpse with an empty chest. It is impossible to imagine how it can live, eat, drink, and think normally, but the strangest among strange things is this round ball. It seems so weird!

Ruan Zhan pondered for a moment, pointed at the moonlight, guarded Xiaoxia well behind him, and then slashed at the ball with his knife.

He doesn't always go to the gym like Wan Li, but he is still very strong, but this merciless knife did not split the ball that seemed to be extremely fragile. He gritted his teeth and made another chop, but it still didn't work. It wasn't until he made the third chop that the ball suddenly cracked, making him feel that he was chopping a coconut with a super-hard shell.

And inside that cracked ball, there were actually eyes! They are all densely packed with eyeballs!

One next to the other, some have the whites of their eyes in front, some have their pupils in front, squeezing and squeezing to get to the front row, looking like bubbles rising out of a boiling water pot, the round ball The squirming of the crust is due to this.

If Xiao Xia saw this scene, she would definitely be frightened, but Ruan Zhan was not afraid, only a little surprised, wondering what kind of mysterious technique this was. It seems that there are mountains outside the mountains and people outside the world. There are too many bizarre and unbelievable things in this world. His skills are still far behind!

Monster! He murmured softly, and punched out the second handprint, causing the body to burn together with the strange ball. He couldn't figure out what it was, but he knew that leaving this thing behind would be a disaster, so it was better to burn it clean.

The ball was burned by the fire and made a popping sound, and also emitted an indescribable stench and blood smell. Ruan Zhan frowned, with an unbearable look on his face, and stepped back three meters away, waving his hand and throwing the knife away.

The knife penetrated the black smoke ignited by the corpse and fell heavily to the ground.

Ruan Zhan pretended not to notice that there was a trace of blood in the black smoke. He just turned up the fire and quickly reduced these things that were not suitable to stay in the world to ashes, and then left there quietly. As he walked past the knife, he quietly stretched out his fingers and took back the talisman that had been attached to the handle of the knife.

Xiao Xia, close your eyes. It will be uncomfortable if your soul returns to your body, but it won't hurt anymore. Ruan Zhan said, and then cast a spell to unite Xiao Xia's spirit and body. You may not be able to move for a while, but I will take you back. .”

Xiaoxia really couldn't move, but she could speak. Has Wanli's poison been cured? she asked anxiously.

I don't know. I have to go back and take a look. Ruan Zhan knew that although Xiaoxia didn't see the key situation, he also knew sporadic information, so he didn't hide it from her.

Then - if it can't be solved - what should I do?

Ruan Zhan didn't speak for a few seconds. He just stared at Xiaoxia's eyes that were about to burst into tears. He suddenly reached out and touched her face with a very gentle expression.

You don't want him to die, do you? he asked, his eyes very close to Xiaoxia, as if he wanted to look into the depths of her soul. His breath blew on Xiaoxia's face. For a moment, Xiaoxia thought he was going to kiss her, and her heart was beating wildly at such a tense moment.

Even if this poison cannot be solved, I still have a way to prevent him from dying. Ruan Zhan continued, his palm lingering on Xiaoxia's delicate face again and again, Your wish will come true, I will not let him die.

Looking at his determination, Xiaoxia believed in him!


There is no solution to the poison thousands of miles away!

He was still unconscious and his breath was getting weaker and weaker. There was less than half an hour before midnight, and he seemed to be reaching the end of his life, lifeless.

But Xiaoxia believes in Ruan Zhan!

He said he had a way, he said he wouldn't let Wan Li die, so she had nothing to worry about. Because he never fails to keep his words, and whatever he says, he will definitely do it! So, when Ruan Zhan asked her to stay on the second floor for a while so as not to disturb him and forcefully remove the poison from Wan Li, she agreed without thinking.

Ruan Zhan carried her back, and she still couldn't move, so Ruan Zhan still had to hold her and put her on the altar on the second floor. Even though it was only for a short time, she was still happy to be in his arms for one more second.

Seeing Ruan Zhan busy setting up formations and hanging talismans around her, she suddenly remembered the location of the Blood Wood Sword.

There's a secret compartment over there. She could still move her arm a little, so she pointed with difficulty and told Ruan Zhan how to open the secret compartment, I'm holding the Bloodwood Sword, so I should be fine. You don't want to Waste your time on me, it’s more important to save Wanli quickly.”

Ruan Zhan only smiled and did not answer. He took out the Blood Wood Sword and placed it in Xiaoxia's free hand, but the action of setting up the formation and hanging the talismans still didn't stop. Xiaoxia felt that he was too careful and didn't think anything would attack at this time. She wanted to urge him a few words, but seeing that Ruan Zhan looked confident, she held back her words and kept her calm.

After Ruan Zhan finished all this, he stood there and looked at Xiaoxia for a while. Although his expression was calm and no different from usual, there was an unspeakable loneliness in his heart.

After all, she won't be his! fair enough!

He looked at her seriously, wanting to bury her deeply in his heart. Then, without waiting for the confused Xiaoxia to ask anything, she resolutely went upstairs.

Upstairs, Wan Li was lying on the bed, the black air on his face was already very deep and began to gather at Yintang. Ruan Zhan reached out and felt his breath, knowing that what he had to do next was what he had to do.

He bit his middle finger, drew a talisman between Wanli's eyebrows, and then used all his strength to make him conscious. He was not stingy with his spiritual power and magic power. In just a few minutes, his clothes were soaked with sweat. However, his efforts were not in vain, because Wan Li, who seemed to never wake up, opened his eyes leisurely and let out a sigh of relief.

Ruan Zhan waved his hand and formed a small barrier to prevent his words from being heard by Xiao Xia downstairs.

You can't speak, I know, but I want you to wake up, because I have something to say. Ruan Zhan stood beside Wanli's bed, Don't look at me with that questioning look, believe me, you are not dead, but It's almost there, there's about half an hour left. But I said I won't let you die, so even if the Lord of Hell comes to mention you in person, you bastard, I won't allow it, because I always do what I say.

He took out a small knife and said, I have learned a technique called 'grafting' before. This is not planting flowers and grass, but the principle is somewhat similar. It is to introduce things from one person to another person. This Gu, I can't solve it because it's too complicated and the time is too short. I can't do it. But your life is only until midnight tonight, so I will use this technique to attract your poison to my body.

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