The Exorcist

Part 5 Secret Chapter 48 Legend

Chapter 48 Legend

After all the information was gathered, the three men studied the next course of action.

They believe that the conspiracy flavor of this incident is not strong, but there is a strong sense of contradiction. It always makes people feel that the person behind the scenes hopes to be discovered by others. This secret that has been buried for many years has a strong sense of confiding; On the other hand, if someone is close to the truth, he wants to bury the insider here and never get over it.

In the past, they had always wanted to find the jungle monster Awu, but now it seems that this way is unavailable, because from Huang Boheng's words, they knew that Awu was extremely difficult to find, and even if she found it, she would not tell him for some reason. The truth of the matter seemed to be that she had been brutally punished for something she had done back then.

For Ruan Zhan, he was desperately looking for Awu in order to get rid of Wanli's poison. But now Wanli is not in much danger except that he may starve to death for two days without water or rice. As for his own life, although he also cared about it, he didn't want to take any more detours, so he decided to investigate the matter step by step and then make a complete solution.

He once didn't want to disturb the peaceful villagers because of this matter, but now this matter is getting more and more complicated, and it seems to involve things that happened many years ago, so he has to ask the locals for information. This is a remote mountain village, and there are no written records to record it. If you don't ask, you won't know anything.

Okay, let's sort out the various clues. Wan Li said as if he was making a closing statement, Xiaoxia discovered a strange phenomenon in her case - there were living plants around the dead client, even if the body was cremated After being buried in a grave, those strange seeds will still grow out.”

I also saw the black cat in the building of the Helping Hand office. Xiaoxia added.

This black cat is a guest on the show, and seems to be the host of the show. Wan Li nodded, In addition, your unlucky second boss Guan Zheng may have been killed because of what he discovered, and he tortured and killed a cat before he died, leaving We got clues about 'Naman Village'. And Azhan discovered through betrayal of sex that Huang Boheng and Yang Muyou are also related to Naman, so we came here.

Also, Huang Boheng showed a deep interest in Xiaoxia in the city. Ruan Zhan paused here, feeling a little uncomfortable, And we were blocked as soon as we arrived here. You were accused of impersonating Xiaoxia's man. A friend was poisoned with death poison, Xiaoxia was forced to get married, and her opponent happened to be a person who could control animals and plants.

I want to correct you. Wan Li took over, You said that Huang Boheng is not a real person, but a puppet made of corpses. Then he should not have his own love and hatred. What he shows and reacts to is... It is the emotion of the manipulator, so it is not the mummy Huang Boheng who is interested in Xiaoxia, but the man behind the scenes. Xiaoxia, do you have any admirers or secret admirers?

How do I know? Xiaoxia blushed.

Ruan Zhan knew that Wan Li deliberately relaxed the atmosphere.

Wan Li has a chic personality, and the more danger he faces, the more he talks and laughs. However, he was afraid of embarrassing Xiao Xia, who was very shy at heart, so he quickly changed the topic, There is also an explanation for this problem - Huang Boheng, or the person behind the scenes. The ghost voodoo that is more terrifying than the death voodoo is on the bride who died many years ago, and Xiaoxia looks exactly the same as that bride. Assuming this is not an illusion created by the other party, Xiaoxia was probably chosen because of her appearance.

So it's a feeling of regret or resentment caused by her appearance. But speaking of the bride who turned into a ghost in the raincoat, she is very pitiful. What did you do to her? Wan Li asked.

Place it in the Broken Flag. After becoming a ghost, unless the other party voluntarily removes it, she will be wiped out. Since Huang Boheng is just a puppet, she needs the person behind the scenes to remove the ghost Gu before she can be free. It's better to wait in the flag now. To avoid being controlled and harming others!

Is this related to the groom back then? Xiao Xia asked.

At least there is a serious suspicion. Ruan Zhan said, Whether it is out of love or hate, he has a motive, and he disappeared mysteriously, and the villagers are unwilling to talk about him.

In other words, he is the only suspect at present. This is how the police should solve the case. If there are not many clues, they must investigate the only clue. Wan Li suddenly smiled, There is also the most important piece of evidence - Azhan went to dig someone's grave. The special plants there grew very well, which fully proves that violent deaths due to elder abuse occurred in cities and mountains, and the killing methods were the same. So, we can definitely find everything from here. The answer. The question now is: What is the connection between the mysterious groom, the beautiful woman Abai, her man Sima Nan, Yang Muyou, and the jungle weirdo Awu? It seems that we need to find out the situation from the villagers who know the situation.

They seem to reject this matter. How could they say it so easily? Xiaoxia asked a practical question.

Is this it? You have to rely on me, an excellent psychiatrist! Ignoring Ruan Zhan's cold snort, Wan Li gave full play to his expertise as a psychiatrist, Azhan said, when asked about the groom back then, People in the village were hesitant and frightened about the family matter, and the Octagonal House and the jungle weirdo Awu seemed to be taboo; and Xiaoxia, you said that you repeatedly saw the beauty Abai appear in your hallucinations Here, and claiming to be a famous witch, it will be easy to handle. This proves that the villagers are very superstitious and fear the art of witchcraft, so we can start from this aspect.

Are you telling them some of the details? Xiaoxia said and glanced at Ruan Zhan.

Don't worry, for a superstitious and awe-stricken person, he may not be willing to tell the truth if you ask him to, so he won't reveal anything about A Zhan. Anyway, you are indeed hallucinating. When the time comes, with the beautiful A Bai Use your tone to persuade them.

Ruan Zhan and Xiaoxia both agreed with Wan Li's point of view.

The three of them talked for a while. When it was almost dawn, Xiaoxia finally couldn't hold on any longer and fell asleep on Ruan Zhan.

Look, I said she likes you more, but you still don't believe it. Wan Li said in a low voice, The three of us are sitting side by side, why doesn't she sleep against me?

Why are you so jealous? She has been exhausted for you these past two days and was so frightened. What choice does she have when she falls asleep?

Subconscious choices better reflect inner desires. Deep down in her heart, she feels that you can give her safety. But don't be complacent. This is a battle between gentlemen, and we don't know who will win in the end!

I won't argue with you. Ruan Zhan forgot the face of Xiaoxia who was sleeping soundly in his arms, You forgot that I won't live for more than a year, so how could I provoke her.

Not sure yet! Wan Li's heart sank, but he still looked confident on the surface, This is the difference between us. I always feel that everything is hopeful, but you always feel that everything is a foregone conclusion.

Ruan Zhan didn't say anything. He didn't want to refute Wan Li, because he knew that Wan Li was also uncertain. Three difficulties was what his father said. He was a man who never missed a prediction. In his eyes, he was also an unfathomable person with profound teachings. Even his death was so bizarre. How could there be anything wrong with what he said? !

Uncle said that unless something happens, you can survive this disaster? Wan Li asked.

Unless there's a miracle. Do you believe in miracles?

I don't believe it, but Xiaoxia does. What she says most often is: People who don't believe in miracles will not have miracles.

Wan Li didn't say the following words. Although he didn't believe in miracles, he believed that Xiao Xia's appearance in Ruan Zhan's life might be God's will. On the surface, Xiaoxia disturbed Ruan Zhan's peaceful life and caused countless troubles to drag Ruan Zhan down. But what is the final outcome? Maybe she saved him from the darkness.

It's a little troublesome up front, but you can get a lovely wife later. It's a good deal no matter how you think about it. It's just that with him as his love rival, Ruan Zhan is not sure.

Don't tell her. Ruan Zhan said suddenly.

Wan Li nodded, understanding that he was referring to the threat in his life. Whether it was the poison threat a year later or now, Ruan Zhan didn't want Xiao Xia to know.

This time, Xiaoxia slept quite peacefully. She was so tired, and she was in the arms of her sweetheart, so of course she slept soundly. But she didn't know that Ruan Zhan had already carried her to the bed, and now she was surrounded by a quilt with a protective barrier on the outside.

Because it was only early in the morning, someone was already visiting this remote octagonal building, which made the two men immediately wary. But when they went down to the first floor, they saw that the intruder turned out to be the village chief.

The three people looked at each other in shock, and they were all very surprised. The village chief was even frightened because he did not expect that there was someone in the octagonal building, while Ruan Zhan and Wan Li did not expect that the person coming turned out to be the village chief. The reason why this octagonal building has not been inhabited for many years but is very clean must be that someone comes to clean it regularly. They once thought that this person was Awu, but they did not expect that it was someone else.

Why are you here? The village chief came back to his senses and looked a little angry.

I didn't feel well that night, so I went to the hospital down the mountain overnight for a checkup. But we still had things to do, so I had to go back to the mountain. But this person- Wan Li pointed at Ruan Zhan and let out a small sigh. Lie, I'm not allowed to disturb the village anymore. We just lived here. No one lives in this bamboo house anyway. I hope I didn't offend you.

He seemed to be kind and decent, and he was good at talking. He immediately relieved the village chief's anger. Although he was still a little unhappy, he didn't mean to blame them. He just looked at their expressions suspiciously. Are you okay? he asked tentatively.

We - basically fine. They just came with us -

That little girl named Yue? The village chief interrupted Wan Li, How is she? Well, you shouldn't live in a random place. This is in the mountains, not like your city. If you wander in casually, you will be offended. Divine.”

Ruan Zhan and Wan Li exchanged understanding looks.

Is she seriously ill? The village chief is a very loyal and kind-hearted old man. Hearing that something happened to Xiao Xia, he couldn't help but be extremely anxious. Fortunately, there is still a fifth uncle in the village who knows how to detoxify, take her quickly!

What's the poison? Wan Li grabbed the old man who was about to rush upstairs.

Alas, you are foreigners and don't understand this. This bamboo building is a place that connects the two realms of yin and yang. Before liberation, there lived a powerful Ya Jin. Several villages in the mountains knew that her magical powers were How well-informed. The village chief explained in a hurry, After she passed away, no one dared to come to this place. People who came occasionally were poisoned, which was very torturous. Such a delicate and tender little girl girl--

Is this Yajin's name Abai? Although he wanted to know more information, Wanli still didn't want to use inducement to make the old man tell the truth, so he simply made it clear.

You can't pronounce Yajin's maiden name randomly. If - well, how do you know? The village chief's expression changed from anxious to surprised.

This is what happened to Xiaoxia. Wan Li scratched his head, It can't be said that something happened. She just had a strange dream about a peerless beauty named Abai——

Really? Is this true? The village chief interrupted Wan Li again, looking excited and frightened.

Of course it's true. She was noisy all night before she fell asleep. Come, please sit down. I'll tell you slowly. I also want to ask you some questions! Wan Li moved the village chief to the table and chairs in the middle of the first floor. side.

What did Ya Jin's dream mean? the village chief asked as soon as he sat down, obviously having great faith in Ya Jin.

Let me tell you the truth. Wan Li said sternly, We are not travelers, but - it is inconvenient to say this clearly, we can only say that our work is related to the law.

Wan Li paused for a moment, thinking that he wasn't lying. Xiao Xia's work was indeed related to the law, and they did come because of the murder case.

The village chief said 'Oh', a look of awe flashed in his eyes.

Wan Li quickly smiled and eased the village chief's nervousness, Don't be afraid. It's not that there is any problem in the village, but that there were several murder cases in our place. After investigation, we found that the death method of the deceased was similar to that of Awang and his three brothers. the same.

Awang, the one who was punished by God?

It's not God's punishment, it's someone deliberately using poison to kill people. Of course, these disobedient and unfilial people deserve to die, but our country has laws and this is not acceptable.

Did someone in the village do it? the village chief asked weakly.

Probably not. But we have reason to suspect that the suspect has a certain connection with this village. Regarding this - you must keep it secret.

The village chief nodded seriously.

We searched here and there without any clues, but Xiaoxia dreamed of Abaya last night, and she gave us some inspiration.

Who did it?

She didn't say it clearly. She just talked about a bride who threw herself into the river, and said that if the poisoner is not removed, he might harm others. She also mentioned a man named Awu, as well as 'love medicine' and 'medicine' Ghosts or something. Wan Li didn't know how much the village chief knew, so he didn't dare to cover it up randomly, so he had to tell the village chief the fragments of Xiao Xia's hallucination to see if he could provide any clues.

After listening to what Wan Li said, the village chief pondered for a while before explaining the origins of 'Lian Yao' and 'Medicine Ghost'.

It turns out that love medicine is a kind of poison from the Lisu people, and is specially given by women to their lovers. When the bird suddenly falls to the ground and dies in the middle of flying, scrape some powder from the place where the bird died, prepare the poison with a secret recipe, and give it to the person you love to eat, and he will never change his heart. As for the solution, I heard that you need to eat cat claws, but in fact, I'm afraid it also requires a secret medicine.

As for medicine ghosts, they are only cultivated by young and beautiful women. Legend has it that this kind of voodoo will turn into a handsome man called a medicine ghost at night, and he will live a life of a ghost couple with the beautiful woman who raised the voodoo. Those who keep poison must often poison others, especially children, in order to serve the medicine ghost and maintain a relationship with him, otherwise they will die miserably.

In this way, the relationship between Abai and Sima Nan can be explained, but why did Abai disappear mysteriously? Also, who is the groom who also disappeared mysteriously?

In this regard, the village chief hesitated to speak.

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