The Exorcist

Part 5 Secret Chapter 52 The Second Acquaintance

Chapter 52 The second acquaintance


The man behind the scenes, A-Yu, the Son of God with divine power, the Taoist Master with extremely advanced witchcraft and spells, the nearly seventy-year-old Huang Shitou who has caused countless harm to people, turned out to be Guan Zheng! The dead Guan Zheng!

As soon as Wan Li saw the photos on his cell phone, the memories that had been blocked in his mind due to the injury were suddenly stimulated and restored. On the night when he lost consciousness, the face that once maliciously appeared outside the wooden building window immediately came to mind. It was the person in the photo, Guan Zheng!

Isn't he dead? Xiaoxia asked in shock, He was dissected by a forensic doctor! He was also cremated. I organized his memorial service myself!

His witchcraft and magic powers are so high, it is entirely possible to hide it from the police and make the forensic doctor hallucinate that he has been dissected. Moreover, Huang Boheng is a tycoon and the benefactor behind the scenes of the Aid Office. Guan Zheng's death is theirs. You are just helping him hold the memorial service. There are too many links that can be faked with money! Ruan Zhan explained.

But how did you think it was him? Wan Li asked, I have to admire you against my will.

It's not through any precise reasoning, it's just a feeling. Ruan Zhan said honestly, I have sorted through all the people and things related to this matter. As long as there is a little connection, I assume that he is the person behind the scenes. , and finally eliminated it, the result is that only the line of Guan Zheng is blurred, so I will show you his photo, after all, you have seen him. Fortunately, Xiaoxia took a photo of him with her mobile phone.

I didn't expect that she could get clues out of her nonsense. Wan Li patted Xiaoxia's head, Did you realize that although she is a troublemaker, she is also a lucky general. Many things were solved by her mistakes. The clue to the problem. So, Gu Long said it well: Those who are born beautiful and those who are born smart are not as good as those who are born lucky. Our family is Xiaoxia.

Don't be kidding. Xiaoxia was still a little unbelievable, But why do you think there is something wrong with him? she asked Ruan Zhan.

Because he is dead! Because he has always stayed out of the matter, in a real dark place, but he is inextricably linked to this matter. Do you think about who approached you and who brought you into this matter?中文:Who led you into this forest, who came into contact with these cases of elder abuse, and who is closely related to Huang Boheng? Holmes said it well: eliminate all impossibilities, then no matter how unbelievable the remaining one is , is also possible.”

But what is his purpose?

Then after you find him, let him speak for himself, or let our great psychiatrist analyze it.

Let him speak for himself. Wan Li shrugged, What I'm worried about now is how to lure him out and then defeat him?

No need to lure him out, he will find us. Ruan Zhan sneered, What we have to do is to defeat the strong with the weak again. We have done it many times before, and we can definitely do it this time.

Then let's go back and wait for the rabbit! No, the rabbit pretended to be dead, and then kicked the eagle to death! Wan Li stood up and pulled Xiaoxia up.

You guys go back first. I'm going to go find the village chief and show him Guan Zheng's photo. I want to be absolutely sure that Ah Ya is Guan Zheng!

Okay, I'll go back and put on that wedding dress. Xiao Xia suddenly said, I want to try to ask Abaiya to communicate with me through hallucinations again and tell me more things. Maybe I can help you.

Abaiyajin sat cross-legged on the altar, wearing a long red dress embroidered with strange words, and a feather crown decorated with red and white beads. She held the magic spell elegantly with her hands and whispered something in her mouth.

There were some special objects placed around her, like the skulls of various animals, but they were decorated with flowers. Perhaps because of her gentle and kind face, all these did not appear eerie and weird, but made Xiaoxia, as a bystander, feel A sense of sacredness.

She continued to recite incomprehensible spells, and the whisper became louder and louder, and finally became a buzzing sound, like the chirping of cicadas on a summer afternoon, noisy but peaceful, making people drowsy.

At this moment, the scenery in front of Xiaoxia shook, and her feet trembled, as if there was an earthquake. After everything calmed down for a few seconds, Abai Yajin stood up, opened the bamboo mat in front of her, and revealed a diameter of There is a huge copper basin more than two meters tall.

The copper basin was filled with water. As soon as the bamboo mat was opened, the water inside began to oscillate violently. The strange thing is that with such a full volume of water and such a large amount of shaking, not even a drop of water spilled out.

Abai slowly knelt in front of the copper basin, put his delicate white index finger into the water and stirred it. The water surface immediately calmed down, the ripples did not move, and gradually showed a silvery luster, turning into a mirror that reflected light on people. Xiaoxia felt that her water mirror was the same as the water basin that the devil in raincoat used to force her to get married that day, except that Abai's water mirror was very pure, without any evil spirit.

Disciple knows that all things have their own traces. Predicting tomorrow's destiny today is against the way of heaven and will shorten your life. She said to the water mirror devoutly, But my life will not last until this year's grain sacrifice day. How long will it take to live? There is no difference if I live less for a day. In order to make up for all the mistakes I have made, I have to go against the will of heaven and hope that the gods of all things will give me an omen so that I can make arrangements for my funeral, so that my mistakes will not cause harm to others!

After finishing speaking, Abai approached the basin hesitantly, but stopped midway, as if he was afraid of seeing what the omen showed. But after hesitating for a moment, she still leaned down.

Xiaoxia couldn't see what was displayed in the basin. She only saw Abai looking at it seriously. Within a minute, the feather crest on her head began to tremble slightly, and finally her whole body trembled. It was obvious that her mood changed very drastically. When I started, I was already in tears.

This disciple's sin is irreversible. Please punish me by the God of All Things. She took a few steps back and knelt down to worship. Then he stood up resolutely, took out a small embroidered purse from his waist, and put it into a hidden compartment.

The location of this secret compartment is different from the secret compartment where Xiaoxia stored the Bloodwood Sword last time. It is behind the altar. It is unexpected that this simple bamboo building has so many mechanisms, and no one will look through it behind the altar. , quite safe.

She used a special technique to open this complicated mechanism, and then closed it again. She did this three times slowly, and she kept her body sideways, not blocking the sight of Xiaoxia, the bystander, as if she deliberately let her see clearly.

After doing this, she took out a pair of scissors, took off the feather crown on her head, and cut hard on her thick black hair that reached her knees, and twisted off a lot of hair.

Her movements were so violent and decisive that Xiaoxia screamed in shock, but when she screamed, she realized that she had not made any sound, and only watched Abai soak her hair in a basin of solution that had been prepared long ago. The solution was green in color, and Xiaoxia could smell a strong smell of pungent herbs and plants.

The smell made her dizzy, and the hallucinations in front of her eyes became a little blurry. This made her anxious, fearing that the contact would be severed. Fortunately, the image became clearer after being weak for a while. However, the environment at this time was already on the third floor of the Bamboo House, and Abai's attire had also changed. He was wearing casual clothes at home, his uneven hair was neatly coiled on his head, and he was lowering his head to embroider the wedding dress.

Xiaoxia felt that this scene was not continuous with just now, but jumped to a few days later.

She knew that it takes a long time to embroider the wedding dresses of ethnic minorities. Girls of some ethnic groups even start embroidering and making their own wedding dresses by themselves when they are eight or nine years old, and they are not completed until a few days before the wedding. What Abai did seemed to be the final finishing work, but the silk thread she used made Xiaoxia strongly feel that it was the long hair that she had cut off and soaked in a special liquid.

Is this why she left behind hallucinations? She used witchcraft to make these hair preserve her memory. When Xiaoxia puts on this wedding dress, it will enter her heart, as if she saw what happened back then with her own eyes! But what did Abai do wrong? What did she see in the water mirror again? Why does she only give hints but no answers? Did they get the prophecy she got?

Just as she was thinking about it, the hallucinations in front of her eyes disappeared again. This time, it was like a power outage, the scene was completely gone. Moreover, she woke up at the same time, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Wan Li sitting on the edge of the bed looking at her with concern.

She turned over and sat up. Without saying a word, she ran directly to the second floor, wanting to see the hidden compartment immediately. Wan Li jumped after him, shouting all the way, Hey, wait a minute, your ankle sprain hasn't healed yet. Hey, what are you going to do? At least you have to tell me why you are running in such a hurry. Yeah. ? Ignore people! As expected, those who are close to vermillion are red, and those who are close to ink are black. Now you are just like A Zhan——

His words stopped because he saw Xiaoxia desperately pulling open the heavy bamboo altar and using a complicated and strange technique to open a hidden compartment behind it.

Is this a reminder from the hallucination? He jumped over and asked, his expression becoming serious.

Xiaoxia looked at Wanli without saying a word. She felt extremely nervous for no reason, and she didn't know what she was afraid of - was there the embroidered purse in the secret room or not?

I'll get it. Wan Li walked to the dark grid and slowly stretched his hand towards the dark grid.

Seeing him groping hard and carefully, Xiaoxia didn't even dare to breathe. Seeing him pause, he slowly took out his hand, and there was already a small embroidered purse in his hand. Although the color and appearance were old, Xiao Xia still recognized it at a glance. It was the one that Abai Yajin had placed inside.

The wedding dress was witchcrafted by Abai, so it has not faded over the years. It is said that it will only become ruined when she is heartbroken, but this little purse is obviously not the case.

What is this? Xiaoxia wanted to take the purse, but Wanli moved away.

Wait until A Zhan comes back. Don't worry, Xiaoxia.

It was already dark, and Ruan Zhan walked slowly on the path in the forest.

He had just returned from the village chief's house. When the village chief saw the photo on his cell phone, the shocked and horrified expression told him everything. He didn't need to say anything else.

Before leaving, the village chief only said, He hasn't changed, his eyes are the same as that night.

This means that when Xiao Xia was randomly taking pictures with her mobile phone, he had already planned to kill someone! As for the motive, Ruan Zhan believes there is a deep-seated reason, but there is no need to consider it now. His behavior is no different from those of perverts.

He did not take any protective measures for the village. He believed that all Guan Zheng's energy would be focused on them, because he had already taken revenge on the people in the village! His purpose now is just to let these three outsiders know everything about him, and then bury them forever in the mountains and forests like the secret many years ago, and then take Xiaoxia away from him and Wan Li, and do it forever His slave!

Since the target is them, as long as they stay away from the village, they will not bring disaster to others!

He also didn't use the time-space distortion technique, because the poison attracted from Wan Li was ready to move. If he used his own magic too much, he might no longer be able to suppress the poison. He had no right to lie down, this matter had to be settled after all.

He walked slowly, thinking about what to do next, but halfway through, he suddenly felt a movement in front of him. He didn't look up and immediately judged that it was the jungle weirdo Awu.

Stop for a moment, I won't arrest you, and I won't ask you any questions. I just want to tell you something.

Following his words, the surrounding grass moved in panic, and it was obvious that Awu ran away quickly. But Ruan Zhan stood still. He knew that she would come back, because he felt that the reason why she appeared here must have followed him to the village chief's house. She knew that the answer to the mystery was about to be revealed. As a corner of this dark secret, She was equally uneasy.

Sure enough, the human scent in the grass slowly came closer.

I already know that all of this is made by Huang Shi, and Ah Ya is the one who is called Guan Zheng in the city. Ruan Zhan looked at the stars in the sky, not looking at the grass, I I don’t know why he did that, but he killed the three Awang brothers, he was responsible for the murders in the city, and he was also responsible for the massacre in the mountain village many years ago. He was the one who gave my friend the death poison, and he also wanted to do it to me. Another friend of mine is poisoning you with ghost poison, but I will never allow it.

He paused, feeling that A Wu had not left, I also know that you and he are both A Bai Ya Jin's apprentices, that A Bai Ya Jin has a ghost husband, that Miao girl bride and even the groom, in short I know everything about him, and I'm not afraid. You can leave now, because I have nothing to do with you. But you have to stay far away and don't come out!

After he finished speaking, he lifted his legs and left, but there was a strange sound behind him, as if Awu wanted him to stay, but he hesitated.

Is there anything you can do for me? Feeling Awu's panic, Ruan Zhan sighed inwardly.

He's - very - powerful. Awu finally spoke in a trembling voice, his voice extremely small, Maybe he's hiding behind a vine and staring at you!

I will let him know that I am also very powerful! Ruan Zhan said coldly and arrogantly.

He had never spoken like this, but this time he was particularly angry because Guan Zheng hurt Wan Li and wanted to take Xiao Xia away from him!

As expected, he went to the city, because my master liked him very much and once said that he would take him away from this mountain and go to a bigger place. Awu said incoherently.

Master? The man Abaya banned? That ghost husband?

You draw circles in the air and the spell will disappear as soon as you take a step. My master can do it too.

Ruan Zhan's heart trembled, he finally knew who Sima Nan was? !

There is no way that another person can do this. Even if someone could, it would not be inextricably linked to this matter. There are no such coincidences in the world!

Sima Nan turned out to be Yang Muyou! In other words, the true identity of the person who has always been against him is Sima Nan!

Although his origin and relationship with him are still a mystery, and whether he has anything to do with his father's death, and why he became Abai's ghost husband is also unclear, but at least he finally knows the real name of his opponent. .

Help me! A hand grabbed Ruan Zhan's arm from the grass, I made a big mistake! I caused everything!

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