The Exorcist

Part 5 Secret Chapter 63 Bug

Chapter 63: Bug

Guan Zheng was frozen in a thin layer of ice, and he was not willing to surrender. Since his limbs could not move, he simply closed his eyes and used his mind power to exert his final strength.

I saw that the wound on his chest that had not healed was bloody and bloody. Instead of stopping the bleeding in the ice, it became more serious, and the skin and flesh had turned out.

If you look closely, you will see that there are densely packed red bugs crawling out of his flesh, blood vessels, and body! Because it is the same color as blood, at first glance you might think it is the slow flow of blood!

He threatened to make Awu a 'gu man', but actually he was the one! This person is so paranoid about voodoo. It should be said that while he is a voodoo genius, he is also a voodoo madman!

Those little bugs seemed to have huge heat. As soon as they came out of his body, the sealed ice layer melted into small holes from the inner layer. As they poured out in large numbers, the entire ice layer became like a sieve. In the same way, in the blink of an eye, a huge solid block of ice was turned into something like hemp glass, which was extremely thin and brittle. As long as Guan Zheng struggled, the whole piece of 'glass' would shatter.

Seeing this, Duan Jin hurriedly channeled his spiritual power into the Yin Eye, trying to add another layer of ice to the outer layer, but Ruan Zhan stopped him. In his opinion, the square formation and the continuous fighting have consumed enough of Guan Zheng's strength. In order to deal with Duan Jin's dark eyes, he even used blood poison. It is obvious that he is at the end of his strength and can use his method to eliminate Guan Zheng. !

Because Guan Zheng's witchcraft power is too great, killing his body cannot get rid of him. If it cannot be completely solved, he will be resurrected by his corpse at any opportunity, and he will be the next Sima Nan!

Moreover, he also wanted to fulfill Abaya's forbidden wish.


The ice cube cracked a big crack in the middle, then fell apart, and Guan Zheng jumped out of it!

His face was so pale that there was no color left, and his brain could no longer think carefully. After a night of continuous fighting, the four square formations and the cold and hot attacks of Yinyan, Awu's death, and his efforts to win. The use of too many taboo techniques that he didn't usually use had made him confused both mentally and physically. Only one word appeared repeatedly in his mind - escape!

He looked around, and his eyes were a little scattered, but he still judged that the due east was the weakest link, so he rushed towards this direction like crazy. His ferocious face, the blood still flowing on his chest, and the poisonous insects in his blood frightened Xiaoxia, and she had to pull Wanli away before she realized that she still had a mission.

She quickly took out the old purse from the bottom of the incense burner and handed it to Wan Li.

Wan Li held the purse high and shouted at Guan Zheng, who was quickly approaching, Abaiya's forbidden sacred object is here, please don't come forward!

Guan Zheng ignored his words and continued to run. Wan Li shouted twice more, but he still ignored him. Seeing that he was about to run in front of him, Wan Li quickly picked up the talisman stick with one hand and chopped his purse into pieces with the other. Throw it to Guan Zheng!

Your master's relics will be returned to you!

Guan Zheng subconsciously caught it and stopped abruptly. When I picked it up with my hand, I felt that there was a hard object the size of my thumb inside, which made me a little confused. At this time, he could still think. He didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Wanli Gourd, so he didn't dare to open it rashly.

When he looked up, he saw Wan Li's sarcastic smiling eyes and Xiao Xia's disbelieving look, and immediately felt arrogant. Who has he been afraid of since Guan Zheng was imprisoned by Abaya? Even his master with great magical powers still had to coax him into talking! He is the Son of God, has divine powers granted by God, and is a genius in the art of witchcraft. Is he so useless tonight because he fell into a trap by mistake?

Thinking of this, he opened his purse and took out something from it.

It was a small bamboo tube, slightly yellow in color due to its age. This is the most common thing in the mountains and forests. What is rarer is that it is very small and has a wooden stopper with shamanistic writing on it to seal the mouth!

There was no movement in the bamboo tube when he held it in his hand, but he suddenly felt a sense of fear, and felt that the cool feeling in his hand seeped into his heart.

Mysterious! He snorted coldly, suppressing the uneasiness in his heart. He thought that they had already deceived him once in the Octagon Building with false relics of his master, and this time they were definitely just trying to scare him.

Ruan Zhan is not as strong as him, so he must be using a trick, so he won't fall for it!

Thinking this, he stretched out his hand and threw the bamboo tube into the air. But before the bamboo tube hit the ground, Ruan Zhan, who had been waiting due south, suddenly cast a spell!

The talisman was different from the talismans he usually used. Not only was the color abnormal, it was a rotten black, but it also exuded a foul smell and did not look like something full of righteousness.

But after the spell was cast, it immediately dived into the bamboo tube at lightning speed like a black bird that found its favorite food, crashing into each other before the bamboo tubes even hit the ground.

The talisman immediately caught fire and was burned, but the bamboo tube cracked from the middle and fell to the ground, but the contents of the bamboo tube still stayed in mid-air.

It was a small insect, looking a bit like a large mosquito, but it had two pairs of wings, glowing faintly red under the light of the sun's eyes.

Like a dragonfly, it can stay at a point in the air without flying away. It just stays opposite Guan Zheng, staring at him as if curious!

Guan Zheng laughed loudly, What did I think it was? It turns out to be my treasure! Master, master, you really love me the most, and you still keep this rare treasure for me, waiting for these fools to find it and give it away Give it back to me! Come on, baby, come to the master! You are finally back, I have been looking for you for a long time!

He smiled so proudly, as if he had completely forgotten all the depression of the night and the embarrassment just now, and had received an unexpected joy that he had never dared to imagine. He did not notice that the Quadruple Formation had been withdrawn, and Ruan Zhan Zheng walked over, not even noticing the compassionate expressions on Wan Li and Xiao Xia's faces.

He wiped a little of his own blood on his finger, and then stretched it out towards the strange bug.

Blood energy filled the air, and the little insect no longer stayed in the air, but hovered, as if judging the source and authenticity of the blood energy.

It's me, your master, don't hesitate, come on! Guan Zheng urged.

Before he finished speaking, the little insect suddenly swooped over to Guan Zheng. Guan Zheng smiled and raised his hand higher, but when he saw the flying pattern and trajectory of the little insect, his expression suddenly changed!

But he didn't have time to react. The little insect shot over like a sharp arrow and hit him between the eyebrows!

Such a small bug should not make any sound when it hits an object, but at this moment it made a 'pop' sound, as loud as Guan Zheng being slapped in the face. And with this crisp sound, the bug actually sank into Guan Zheng's head and disappeared without a trace.

Guan Zheng was stunned, not believing how things could be like this. He subconsciously touched his forehead, only to feel that it was flat and without any marks, as if what happened just now had never happened. Even he himself was a little dazed, wondering if it was an hallucination caused by being chased.

This made him a little confused. He looked up and looked at Ruan Zhan who had already arrived. Just when he wanted to say something, he felt a sharp pain in his head.

The pain was so intense that he couldn't help but scream in pain, and then fell to the ground uncontrollably. He only felt that there was a thread pulling out from the tight flesh, as if the little bug was sucking the brain matter in his head, making his whole head numb and painful, and he wanted to break his skull open to feel better!

This is what he thinks, but he doesn't know that he actually does it. I saw him rolling all over the ground, howling loudly like a wounded beast, and banging his head against the rocks on the ground. After a while, his face was covered with blood, and he was no longer human!

Kill him quickly! Xiaoxia turned away and blocked her ears with her hands.

Guan Zheng's crimes are indeed heinous. He has brought so much suffering to so many people. Even if he is offended unintentionally, even if it is just ordinary business competition, he will make people unable to live or die. When he tortured other people, he might have been more cruel than what he was suffering now, but he never showed any mercy, so he should have been punished more severely, but looking at his current appearance, the kind-hearted Xiaoxia couldn't bear to see him anymore no matter what. .

It is said that a person's debt dies after death, not to mention that what he got was not death in the ordinary sense. Ordinary death is just the beginning. Good people get another life, and evil people get continued punishment, waiting for the day of repentance. And his death is complete, because he has done too much evil, and he can only pay for it by being completely eliminated!

Ruan Zhan took a few steps forward and looked down at Guan Zheng, who was banging his head on the ground with all his strength, with some pity in his eyes. Although he had been working hard to defeat him, at this moment he suddenly felt that Guan Zheng was just a poor man who always wanted to use the most extreme methods to grab what he wanted, so he committed a heinous crime and made trouble until he had nothing to do. The way back.

He waved his hand and made Guan Zheng's pain subside slightly.

Guan Zheng was lying on the ground, feeling regretful for a moment. Was the pain he had inflicted on others also so painful? He thought feebly, subconsciously grabbed a pair of feet in front of him, and slowly raised his head, just in time to see Ruan Zhan's eyes that could not see the bottom.

I don't understand. He said weakly, This is - my bug. I found it after all the hard work when I was a child. Why does it want to harm me?! My bug - mine - mine --

Nothing is yours. Ruan Zhan felt pity, but his face was still calm, Everything in the world is free, and all you can do is fight for it instead of forcing it! It's a pity that you never understand!

That bug - it only recognizes one owner, unlike humans - it's mine! Ah - The short-term pain relief effect disappeared, and Guan Zheng began to roll on the ground and cry out like he had lost his mind again!

Ruan Zhan sighed, raised the bloodwood sword, and murmured, I'll give you a good time!

At the same time as the blood wood sword fell, Wan Li covered Xiaoxia's eyes.

There was nothing left at the edge of the pool! There were no traces left in the dense forest. It was as if nothing had happened. However, for the three people who returned to the Octagon safely, their emotions were very complicated. There is the fatigue after a drama, the relief and loss after completing something, and the heaviness after reflecting on the whole thing!

When Guan Zheng died, it was almost dawn. At this time, Duan Jin's figure had disappeared without a trace. She probably left quietly when Ruan Zhan withdrew.

This made Ruan Zhan feel that he owed her something, and he thought that he must repay her if he had the opportunity. Although she was a little delayed at the beginning of the formation, she still helped them in the end, and even took the initiative when Guan Zheng was trapped. Helpful.

The broken tree that guarded the north instead of A Wu also suddenly caught fire at the moment Guan Zheng died. It burned clean along with A Wu's body, and the ashes fell into the small pool with the wind, as if it was A Wu himself. The arrangements are the same. As for Guan Zheng, after the Blood Wood Sword killed him, his body slowly shriveled up and finally turned into a dead tree half a meter long. After Ruan Zhan's inspection confirmed that he indeed had no soul left, He was buried on the edge of the pool.

This can be regarded as fulfilling one of Awu’s wishes!

She was jealous and resentful, and her one thought not only harmed many people, but also cost herself a huge price. The reason why she kept wearing the embroidered shoes worn by brides may be because she fantasized about being Guan Zheng's bride. May she feel happy now that her ashes are buried so close to the dead wood that symbolizes Guan Zheng's existence!

In the final analysis, she is a pitiful and hateful person like Guan Zheng. She never knows how to pursue what she wants, and only wants to use extreme methods to monopolize it. It's just that Guan Zheng's methods are more terrifying, cruel and paranoid!

In the end, Xiaoxia couldn't understand these two people - just loving one person, how could it turn into hatred and involve a huge disaster!

According to A Wu, Guan Zheng has been refining evil Gu since the death of his master. Many of them are forbidden techniques passed down from ancestors. Legend has it that anyone who uses any of them will be punished by God. What's more, he actually turned himself into a 'Gu man'. From a spiritual point of view, it is already crazy.

This can explain why he keeps killing people, because the more evil and powerful the poison, the more lives he needs to support him. He raises the poison for him to avoid the poison's backlash. He has no choice but to keep killing people, even if he If there is no one to kill within a certain period of time, an innocent person will be found as food for the Gu.

But the people he killed most were unworthy children and grandchildren who abused their parents, probably because of the inner debt to their parents, which was a disguised form of diversion to punish himself. He was angry with his parents about the wedding. Perhaps he blamed his bad father and crazy mother for being rejected since childhood, so he killed his parents in a rage.

Afterwards, he must have extremely regretted his actions, because after all, he was not a heinous and conscientious person. This was the cause of many of his later contradictory behaviors.

He pretended to be Guan Zheng and approached Xiaoxia, eager to use her as a substitute for the unreal shadow in his mind. At the same time, he lived an extremely lonely life, eager for someone to understand his past and his heart, so when he learned that there was a person like Ruan Zhan, he deliberately set up a trap to introduce them into his heart and his heart step by step. past.

This may also be because Sima Nan, who had bad intentions and wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers, maliciously set up a trap to take advantage of Guan Zheng. It just so happened that Ruan Zhan wanted to get to know Sima Nan's bottom, which is why all this happened in the end.

Guan Zheng wanted people to understand him, and then kill the insiders to satisfy his own psychology. But unfortunately, he messed with the wrong people! When his self-esteem meets Ruan Zhan's desperate measures, the result can only be destruction!

Now tell me about the dream that Abai Yajin gave you, and that scary little bug! Wan Li pointed at Xiaoxia, then pointed at Ruan Zhan, Tell me about that stinky bug! It’s about the talisman. I’ve been serving as a sentinel for you, and I still don’t know the truth!”

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