The Exorcist

Part 5 Secret Chapter 29 Once Upon a Time

Uncle Bao picked up a flashlight, then walked over and opened the clothes, and immediately a bead appeared in front of us. As soon as it was covered by its uniform, it rolled around on the ground, as if it was trying to find a way out, but couldn't find it! Only then did I realize that it was not the clothes that were moving, but the beads under the clothes.

Yangyan! Uncle Bao picked it up carefully and put it in the palm of his hand.

Azhan and I looked at each other, because from the outside, this bead was no longer the same one!

It turns out that the shadow of that one cannot be seen at all in the daylight, and its traces can only be judged in the dark by the silver brilliance it emits. And now this one, even if you don't look at it under normal light, you can see that it has changed color, from silvery white to blood-like red, with a small black ball in the middle.

I am quite curious, so I couldn't help but pick up a flashlight and look closer. I saw that the bead was trembling in Uncle Bao's hand. When the strong light came from my hand, it He shrank back as if he was stimulated, and the black ball in the middle turned into a flat line, as if his eyes were avoiding the bright light.

I was so surprised that I wanted to pick it up from Uncle Bao's hand and look at it, but before my fingers touched it, the bead turned in a circle and looked at me warily, and then I saw with my own eyes the black in the middle of it. The ball grew round and big, and suddenly hit me in the face!

I instinctively ducked back, but Uncle Bao grabbed it in the air, took out a piece of talisman paper in his right hand, quickly wrapped it, and put it into the big cloth bag like a treasure bag that he carried on his body.

Outside the bag, you can still see a ball rolling, looking so restless, but Uncle Bao doesn't seem to feel it.

What's going on? I asked in shock.

That female ghost was absorbed into her inner alchemy! A Zhan was a Taoist after all, and he saw the whole story on the spot.

How did you do it? I asked again stupidly.

Uncle Bao designed it!


Stop it, let's go up first, and then I will explain it to you slowly. Uncle Bao returned to the image of a simple and smiling old farmer. At the same time, he took out a small bell and rang it while chanting a spell until it was sealed to the wall. Two black shadows, the souls of Zhao Jiang and the little maid, chirped inside before putting away the bell.

Then Azhan and I spent a lot of effort to open the heavy wooden door. Sure enough, we saw that the tomb outside was empty. Bao Datong and the evil classmates were nowhere to be seen!

Seeing Uncle Bao's confident look, I didn't feel like asking any questions, so I had to crawl out of the tomb along the same path. As soon as I came up, I saw people lying in the clearing in the woods, and Bao Datong was sitting there. On the big rock on one side, there is a look of virtue that survives the disaster.

Finally out! He sighed exaggeratedly, If it weren't for these burdens, I almost went back to rescue you.

How are they? Azhan asked.

They are possessed, you know that, but after you closed that door, the monster baby's mother's control over them was obviously reduced a lot. I think if they were left underground, I don't know what kind of trouble they would get into. So I used some soul-inducing charms to let them crawl out with me, and then used some calming charms, and they fell asleep obediently. Bao Datong explained proudly.

I was not in the mood to listen to his chatter, so I searched around and saw Nana lying under a tree on the left. I quickly ran over to see how she was doing.

Dad, do you have to hurry up and get rid of their evil spirits? I heard that if they are possessed by evil spirits for a long time, they may damage their bodies!

What did you hear? I didn't teach you, you unfilial son! Uncle Bao scolded, but his men were not idle. He took out a wooden ball the size of a tennis ball from somewhere and rubbed the heads of the students one by one.

The small wooden ball was black and white, with incomprehensible spells engraved on it.

Okay. After a long while, he said after 'rescuing' the last classmate, but I didn't see anyone stand up. Seeing my confused eyes, Uncle Bao explained, They have been possessed for a long time, so they need to slow down. You will wake up after a while, and you will only remember things before you were possessed by the evil spirit.

Then can you explain now what exactly happened? I asked.

It's all because of her yin and yang eyes. Uncle Bao sat down, looking like he could answer all our questions.

She is a ghost. What kind of yin and yang eyes do she want? Bao Datong asked our question.

This is not the yin and yang eyes in the usual sense, but the two eyes of yin and yang. You know that people who practice Taoism have to cultivate their own magic weapons, and some also cultivate themselves. She just cultivated her own eyes, one for yin and one for yang. If it is completed, it will be very powerful, and no one will be able to hurt mother and child! Uncle Bao explained patiently, The reason why the strange baby dared to come out in broad daylight was because he had taken away her male eye. This is the most important thing. Yang things, with it, even the most yin ghosts can come and go in broad daylight, but they can't be directly exposed to the sun.

She is a ghost! Bao Datong said in the same tone, How can she practice the most yang thing? She is still so pure and righteous!

I'll have to ask the maid who was buried with her later. Uncle Bao said, This is also one of the reasons why we can't kill her. The female ghost is so violent and will definitely not say anything to us. The whole mystery is We have to rely on this maid to untie it. Furthermore, looking at her aura, she is a kind and timid person before and after her. She should have never done any evil. It is better not to kill innocent people indiscriminately. As the saying goes, all living beings are equal, ghosts, foxes and immortals It’s the same thing with monsters!”

Hearing this, I couldn't help but admire Uncle Bao. Sure enough, Jiang is very old. When we were wandering around like headless flies, he even thought about such small things.

That female ghost must not have been a mortal when she was alive, so she can still practice after death. A Zhan said out loud.

That's right. Uncle Bao nodded, When I fought with her, she not only had the magic power of a century-old ghost, but she also had a lot of Taoist skills, although she used them all in a bad way!

Speaking of which, Uncle Bao, why are you pretending to be injured? I changed the subject, putting Azhan and I in such danger.

Huh? What's going on? Pretend? Bao Datong became more energetic after hearing this, Dad, tell me, why didn't I see the trick?

Well, I had no choice but to do it. Uncle Bao smiled apologetically, I made a mistake in my judgment at first, because we got her inner elixir, and I thought she wouldn't be able to do much. But as soon as I saw her, I I know that the yin and yang eyes she cultivated, and she still has a yin eye in her hand, are not easy to deal with, but I didn't have time to explain it to you in detail at that time.

Oh, Dad, if you can't beat me, then you'll cheat!

This - if you can't defeat her, it's the same with outsmarting her. Uncle Bao continued, Besides, it's not like I can't defeat her. She lost her yin eyes and her strength is reduced, but if we face the enemy head-on, I'm afraid time will The president will be a little longer. I am afraid that these evil people will damage the body, and you will not be able to withstand the yin energy emitted during our fight. Of course, we must fight quickly.

So, after you led us to fight her for a few rounds, you pretended to be weaker, and then when we closed the door, you pretended to go to her coffin to fight, and you trapped each other, and finally made a big show, Attract her to snatch her own Yang Eye. And you have already manipulated this Yang Eye and added a very strong spell, but in the end, she absorbed herself into it. A Zhan concluded.

Uncle Bao once again nodded appreciatively to Azhan, but corrected him, You are right, but I didn't pretend to be less powerful, because that would let her see that I just blocked a place of magic power. This It’s up to you and Wan Li to do a good job. What I did just now was not all for show. If it doesn’t work, it will be very dangerous. But I believe in you. You are a child with strong natural abilities and a tough and tough personality. I hope you will not It would be wrong.”

Yangyan, we must not let her get Yangyan! I imitated Uncle Bao's tone and expression, Which art school did you graduate from? You even majored in psychology! Not only is the acting so vivid, but also the use of The reverse method aroused her to the point where she had no doubt about the Yang Eye and was eager to get it back before us, so she did it.

My dad is from a folk art school. Bao Datong grabbed the topic, There is a folk saying that people are old and horses are slippery. It is difficult to handle rabbits when they are old. This is the rule. My dad is a lot older, so he is naturally older than me. We are cunning—ouch!”

Uncle Bao gave his son a blow on the head.

But if it's just that her soul was absorbed into Yang Yan, why did her bones disappear instantly? I asked.

Young man, didn't I just say that the yang eye is the most yang thing? Although I don't know how she cultivated it, she is also the yin body after all, so once her power to control the yang eye is broken, she will It will also be instantly fused into essence, which is what you call energy, including the vaginal eye.

Uncle Bao's words immediately reminded me that the black pupil-like thing in the red yang eye was the soul of the female ghost and her yin eye.

What do you want to do with your Yang Eyes? Azhan asked.

Uncle Bao pondered for a while, The yang eye is a treasure. It's rare for a ghost to practice it, but it doesn't have any anger at all. In other words, it is more appropriate to call it the yin and yang eye now. You should have seen that the two eyes have merged. For one. As for how to deal with it, I want to see why this female ghost became like this. When I fought with her, I only saw ferocity in her, but not cruelty. Alas, I think she was killed by someone. She must have been trapped in that death hole for more than a hundred years. She must have some difficulties, so it’s better to ask her clearly. If she doesn’t have any serious evil, she can still survive if she can!

Uncle Bao sighed, and then slowly walked to a shady place in the woods, with the three of us following closely behind him.

I was a little confused. I thought that interrogating ghosts could only be done at night. Although it was already afternoon, the sun was still high. Even in the woods, I might not be able to do it!

But when I found a shady place, I saw Uncle Bao take out an umbrella from the cloth bag. It was very old and very small, but when I opened it, I saw that it was also covered with charms and there were many patterns hanging down. Quirky tassels.

He opened the umbrella, stuck it in the dirt, put the little bell underneath, and started chanting a spell.

Not long after, I saw a vague shadow appear under the umbrella. Although I couldn't see her face clearly, judging from her looming appearance, there was no doubt that she was the buried maid. But because the umbrella is small, her body is also much smaller.

Because of my strong yang energy, Uncle Bao told me to stay away, but despite this, I still heard their conversation clearly.

It turns out that this female ghost died more than a hundred years ago. Her name was Duan Jin during her lifetime, and her family was a famous silk and satin merchant in Jiangnan. Because she was born with supernatural powers, she was sent to the mountains to practice Taoism by her father who believed in Taoism. It happened that she also met a master with profound Taoism, so her skills improved rapidly. Her father was very proud of her and hoped that through her she would gain Dao and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

But later she fell in love with a man and got pregnant. They originally planned to stay together and fly together, but this man was afraid of her family's power and actually ran away alone. Her father was very desperate when he found out about this, and she also knew that it had brought shame to the family, so she hid at home and did not dare to see anyone.

Later, because of her guilt towards her father and family, and because of her extreme disappointment in the man, she proposed suicide to thank her family. Her father was also a stone-hearted person and actually agreed to her. So she left home and found this place.

She was originally a filial and kind-hearted person, but she got to this point after encountering unkind people. She was afraid that she would not be able to control her resentment after becoming a ghost and hurt her family and innocent people, so she found this place of death surrounded by mountains and under the water. Learn to calm yourself down and prevent yourself from leaving forever. Even for this reason, she even drew charms on the inner walls and doors of the tomb during her lifetime to prevent herself from appearing as a ghost.

When the tomb was repaired, she was already pregnant with Liujia, but she did not want to give birth to the child. She walked into the tomb and chose to be buried alive. It's just that her father couldn't bear it at the last moment. When she wasn't paying attention, he buried the little maid with him. When she realized it, she couldn't get out.

So, these two poor women died underground. What she didn't expect was that the child in her belly was born the moment she died.

Perhaps she was calm on the surface but still had resentment and resentment in her heart, so although the child died immediately after birth, he was resurrected immediately and became a monster after he came back to life.

He first ate up the bodies of his mother and his maid. When he was hungry, a craftsman who built the tomb brought a few people in to rob the tomb because he wanted to bury the treasure with him.

This may be the retribution of greed. Not only did they not get the treasure, but they became another dinner for the monster baby.

And one of these people brought in a little monkey. Because the demon baby wanted to go out and move around, but the baby's body could not grow, it possessed the little monkey and ate up its own body.

Duan Jin didn't want his child to kill creatures like this, but because mother and child were connected, they didn't want him to suffer, so he cast a spell to trap him underground and only let him eat animals occasionally. And she herself is desperately cultivating the yin and yang eyes by virtue of the superpowers she had during her lifetime, hoping that one day she can use treasures to resolve the hostility of the monster she gave birth to, so that he can go on the right path and return to the way of heaven.

But she forgot one sentence - a loving mother often loses her son!

Many years passed, and the strange baby slowly grew up. Although the monkey face was transformed into his own face, his body shape never changed. However, his anger became more and more violent, and his personality became cunning and sinister. He gradually learned to use the person who doted on him mother's weakness.

At this time, we travelers broke into his sight. His desire for human flesh led him to use all kinds of tricks and threats to force his mother to help fulfill his desire to eat people.

Duan Jin originally didn't agree, but the flash flood that night gave Wei Ying a chance. The water overflowed the top of the tomb and submerged us, allowing the strange baby to escape from the mother's control.

At this time, Duan Jin originally wanted to stop it, so although the strange baby acted strangely on the water, it did not succeed. Zhao Jiang was the first to be killed in order to save Nana. Only instead of being eaten, he was used by the monster baby to follow us.

It wants to eat us all!

But I found it and wounded him with the bloodwood sword, so he took the opportunity to pretend that he would die if he didn't eat people. Because he felt sorry for his son and because of his mother's selfishness, Duan Jin finally helped him!

She didn't do it herself, but she used her magic to assist the strange baby, causing three of us to die! As for those students who were possessed by evil spirits, the monster baby wanted to store them and eat them slowly.

This is the whole reason why such a tragic thing happened to us! Just because we are food for a ghost!

I can't tell whether I should sympathize with this woman or hate her. On the one hand, she was so kind in life, and after her death, she trapped the demon baby for more than a hundred years, preventing it from doing any evil; on the other hand, she was an accomplice in killing my classmate after all!

Three classmates, three friends, three lives that were young and fresh a day ago, now not even the residue is left!

What are you going to do? Bao Datong asked A Zhan and me.

We both looked at each other, speechless.

Destroy her? But isn't she pitiful enough? Besides, she had lost everything and was punished. Forgive her? Will those classmates who died unjustly agree? She is an accomplice after all!

That's it. Uncle Bao solved our hesitation, In the evening I will collect the scattered souls of your deceased classmates. Because they died violently, were eaten, and are still in other places, their souls must have no one to rely on. We let them Let’s decide, after all they are the victims.”

I guess they will give Duan Jin a chance to change his ways, because he is an accessory after all. As the saying goes, you have to be merciful and forgive others! Bao Datong obviously sympathized with Duan Jin.

And, he guessed it right.

That afternoon, after the possessed classmate woke up, he was arranged to stay in a local town. Because a murder had occurred, a large number of police officers also arrived. However, the final result of this kind of supernatural incident is still unsolved, so I don’t need to elaborate on the process.

It was only when Azhan and I left the hotel in the middle of the night to meet up with the Bao and his son that we realized that the murdered classmates were willing to let Duan Jin go. First, because the real murderer had been eliminated without even a trace, and It was considered revenge, and the second reason was because Uncle Bao promised to let Duan Jin change his ways and become a good person, and then cultivate blessings for them and bless them with peace and happiness in the next life.

I once asked Uncle Bao where he wanted to take those souls. Uncle Bao said that there is a boundary in this world. Most people don’t know where it is, but it is the junction of yin and yang. He wants to put those souls there. Go there, for every creature and spirit has its own rules and ways.

I didn’t ask further, and after a few days of struggling, the police came up with a so-called ‘scientific explanation’ and we left. It was originally a happy trip, but I didn't expect it to turn into a tragedy in the end!

I still have a shadow of this incident, so I have some strange feelings when I go to the mountains.


Wan Li finished telling the story and looked out the window.

It was pitch black at this time, the last and darkest time before dawn.

Outside the window, a black shadow flashed!

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