The Exorcist

Chapter 6 The Lost City Chapter 31 Dragon Master (Part 1)

The burning pain reminded Wan Li that he was only interested in kicking people for fun, but he forgot that the other person was a wooden person! Now, he will have to limp for at least a week before he can return to normal. He vowed never to laugh at Ruan Zhan again, laughing at him for being injured every time he fought. Only today did he realize how difficult it is for a main force to fight against foreign objects, especially when he is alone. situation.

You really can't be mean-mouthed, otherwise you will be punished immediately! He said angrily, jumped over to pick up the bloodwood sword, took out the spare flashlight in his backpack, and prepared to go into the yard.

But at this moment, there was a sudden strange noise next to him, and a decapitated puppet closest to the door actually took the lead and crawled towards the door!


The sound of the friction between wood and the ground and the collision of wooden joints were particularly harsh in the silent night. As soon as the first puppet moved, the other three also began to move, and they all struggled to climb into the yard.

Wan Li felt his heart tingle at the sight, but before he could realize what was going on, he felt something hit his heel. He quickly jumped to the side, only to see that the puppet that was smashed into two pieces was holding his lower body with one hand and supporting the ground with the other. It was also crawling forward. Because Wanli blocked its way, it kept bumping into him.

Seeing the four puppets crawling to the door, Wan Li suddenly realized that the puppets had no power and could not move on their own. They were either controlled by demons or spells, or had spirits attached to them.

Thinking of this, he immediately drew out the bloodwood sword. As soon as the sword came out of the box, it immediately glowed with a faint red light!


The reason why the Blood Wood Sword was so calm just now must be because Master Long did some tricks on the puppets. At this moment, all their heads have fallen off, which is equivalent to breaking the outer layer of protection. The Blood Wood Sword immediately senses it!

Wan Li ignored the pain in his right foot and walked over, picked up his sword and stabbed it.

Mercy with the sword! A voice suddenly came from the yard, stopping him. At the same time as the words rang, the door of the small stone house opened with a ah sound, and a thin figure appeared at the door, They are all damaged souls with nowhere to go. I'm just helping them gather energy, no. It will hurt people!”

Wan Li let out a sigh of relief and looked down at his wretched state and his right foot, which had never dared to touch the ground. He thought to himself, Isn't this harmless? If he hadn't been alive and alert, he would have been lucky if he could still crawl on the ground. Would he still have a chance to stand here and talk?

I warned you to be careful. Master Long said calmly, as if he had read Wan Li's thoughts.

I'm very grateful. If I can't stand it any longer, will you come out and call it a day? Wan Li asked sarcastically, taking another step to the side and letting the puppets crawl into the yard with a click. , until he climbed into the big stone house.

That's not true. If you can't even deal with these possessed puppets, and you don't have to go to the new town to help your friends, then you are simply sending yourself to death with no chance of winning. Master Long was still calm, as if Talking about unrelated people, Come in.

Wanli Yujie knew that what Master Long said made some sense, but he always felt that this test method was a bit excessive. After seeing the thin old man talking to him, he walked out of the small stone house and followed the puppets into the big stone house. He didn't even look back and had no choice but to follow them in bounds and bounds.

It was pitch dark inside the big stone house. As soon as he entered the door, a damp and cold breath hit him, making Wan Li shiver uncontrollably. What made him feel even more uncomfortable was that he felt that there were many pairs of eyes staring at him in the stone house, but there was no sign of anyone alive. On the contrary, even Master Long was nowhere to be seen.

Wan Li stood still, holding the bloodwood sword tightly with one hand and turning on the flashlight with the other. I saw that this stone house was very large, at least forty square meters, and was a flat rectangle. For some reason, Wan Li felt as if he had entered a huge stone coffin. There was no furniture or anything in the room, just large white things piled up against the wall.

The light of the flashlight hesitated for a moment, then rested on something standing by the wall.

Puppet, still puppet, life-size puppet! The same limbs, different appearances, but also the same blurry face, except that they are not dressed like the puppets watching the night outside the door, and they are not colored. Except for the two thick black circles on the eyes, they are not. All the smooth wooden surfaces glowed with a faint white light.

These puppets were all placed against the wall, one next to the other, one on top of the other, and round and round. There were at least a hundred of them, standing densely all around, making Wan Li who entered the house suddenly feel surrounded. feeling. What's even more frightening is that although they don't move or breathe, they make him feel that they are alive. They stare at the visitor speechlessly one by one. No matter what angle he changes, those round and black eyes are still cold. Staring at him coldly, making him nervous for no reason, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

This way. Master Long's voice suddenly came again, which surprised Wan Li and didn't know where he said it. After following the sound and looking carefully, it turned out that there was a small door on the right side of the big stone house, which seemed to lead to the small stone house.

Wan Li was a little dissatisfied, so he walked into the small stone house bravely. He felt that his whole back was numb from the stares of those puppets, and he wanted to leave here quickly, but he tried to keep a steady pace, not wanting to be looked down upon by this weird old man.

He has always been very courageous, and he can handle real live foreign objects, but this silent threat is a test of his mental endurance.

You are very courageous. He heard Master Long say this as soon as he entered the house. Although the tone is still light, there is finally a hint of appreciation included in it.

The small stone house was also dark, and Master Long had no intention of turning on the light, but Wan Li could still see clearly what was going on inside the small stone house with the light of his flashlight. The hut is much smaller than the big house, less than six square meters. A common earthen kang in northern rural areas occupies half of the room. Two simple pieces of furniture and some luggage - a small kang table, a small wooden box and a quilt are placed on one side of the kang. In addition, there is only a wooden shelf left in the room, with some carving tools neatly placed on it.

This stone house no longer has the cold and damp air, but is filled with the fragrance of wood!

Banli had some doubts for a moment.

Is this thin old man really Master Long? Why does he live in such a shabby and embarrassed life? This is very different from what he imagined. Such a worldly master, even if he is not a Taoist fairy, should at least be free and uninhibited. Why does he feel that Master Long is like a ghost? Same? Not only that, his behavior is also very strange. A Feng Shui master with such a famous reputation and such a high status does not study the Book of Changes, Bagua, etc., but carves puppets, and his craftsmanship is very poor!

The villagers at the foot of the mountain said that he made a living by making puppets, but in his opinion, this was simply impossible. Who would want these life-size dolls that make people’s hair stand on end just by looking at them? He doesn't look like a craftsman, but like a wizard who plays with ghosts and ghosts!

Didn't he fall into some trap again? In this current crisis-ridden situation, he had to be careful!

With this in mind, he used a flashlight to shine on Master Long's body, and saw that he was sitting in a corner of the Tukang. His body was completely wrapped in Chinese clothes, leaving only a pair of skinny hands and a head full of white hair exposed. outside. His little black shadow was reflected on the ground.

However, when the bright light of the flashlight shone on his face, his eyes did not react at all. They were still half-open and motionless!

How is this going? Why doesn't he have normal human reactions?

I'm blind. Master Long's dry lips moved to answer the question in Wan Li's heart.

Wan Li breathed a sigh of relief, really afraid of encountering another accident. He is not afraid of anyone who can communicate with him, whether it is a person or a ghost, but now that the situation is urgent, what he is afraid of is going around in circles again.

He had contacted Ruan Zhan before going up the mountain. Ruan Zhan said that he had recovered his skills and that the situation in the new town was not suitable for further delay, so he was ready to take action. He hopes Wan Li can find Master Long because he needs the person who designed and built the tower to cooperate with him outside the town.

Wan Li knew that if he couldn't find Master Long, Ruan Zhan would take action, even if the chance of winning was slim. Ruan Zhan faced one hundred and seventy-three resentful spirits. The grievances of these resentful spirits are extremely deep, but they have been suppressed for many years. When they are released this time, their abilities cannot be underestimated. However, the chance to subdue them is fleeting, so with the courage and toughness in Ruan Zhan's bones, he will definitely give it a try, even if there is only a one percent chance.

The situation in the new town and the old town is constantly changing, and the opportunity may arise at any time, so they cannot agree on a time to take action, but Wan Li hopes that he can prepare in advance on his side, and then wait outside the new town, waiting for Ruan Zhan's signal to arrive , he can take action without letting Ruan Zhan send a signal but not wait for reinforcements.

I'm sorry. He was a little embarrassed, I didn't mean it.

Now you understand why I don't light up the lamp? I am not a puppet, just because I don't need it. Master Long said, If you can see me clearly, can you please move the flashlight away from my face?

For a moment, Wan Li thought that Master Long could see his little devilish look, so he coughed in embarrassment and hurriedly took back the flashlight, letting the beam of light shine on the roof.

Find a place to sit. Master Long spoke again.

There were no stools or chairs in the small stone house, so Wan Li had no choice but to sit by the kang as he was told.

Master Long, I——

You don't trust me? Master Long interrupted Wan Li, indicating that he was sitting far away from him.

I'm afraid you'll give me another test. Wan Li said truthfully, I'm at the end of my strength when I find you here, and I can't bear any more surprises.

It's true that this old man asked him to turn in from the big stone house even though the small stone house had a door. It was obviously a second test to see if he would be frightened to the ground by the strange scene.

You must wonder why I live like this, why I carve those puppets, why I hide in the darkest places like a ghost, and why my eyes are blind, because when you ask about me from insiders, you must know that I don't have any Being disabled, you even doubt whether I am the 'Dragon Master' you call me. Well, let me tell you, I am not.

No?! Wan Li almost jumped up.

No. The so-called Master Long was already dead when that incident happened ten years ago. What you see now is just a ghost. Master Long sighed.

Wan Li said nothing. He could feel the faint heat and breath of the old man, and there were shadows on the ground. They couldn't be ghosts, but he just said so in regret. However, this famous Feng Shui master was indeed different from what he imagined. He did not have that mysterious and mysterious feeling that the secrets cannot be revealed, but was instead a bit straightforward and aggressive.

No matter how you are now, you have to help us this time no matter what. Wan Li said sincerely.

Master Long sighed again, his expression full of loneliness and helplessness, and he answered the question in a different way, There is only one month left, only thirty days, but all the work has failed! What a calamity, what a calamity!

Is this really going to be resolved? Can we imprison them again and continue to suppress them for another month?

Master Long shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly, That is impossible. As I said, I am not a person with great magical power. I only rely on my years of research on the Five Elements and Feng Shui to set up formations and suppress them. Spirit, the one that communicates yin and yang. Back then, I spent all my strength trying to suppress them, so I became blind.

Master Long——

But that's not necessarily the case. Master Long continued, It's also because what I did was a dishonorable thing. On the surface, it was to resolve their anger and send them to where they should go. In fact, I was In order to save a person, I had selfish motives. This is a divine punishment, and I deserve it. I think that the fact that you found this place means that you have investigated clearly. Do you think I deserve it? He raised his head and looked at Wanli. , Oh, I can't look away after all.

In my opinion, the matter has reached this point, let's see how we can remedy it. I hope it's not too late to make amends.

Master Long pondered, as if thinking about Wan Li's words, and then said after a while, You - you are very good, you are very courageous. If you have courage, you will have a chance, but I don't know what the result will be?

No matter what the outcome is, I have to try. Wan Li said quickly, The people in the new town are my friends who have had a life-long relationship with me, and the woman I care about most. I will save them no matter what.

What if I don't want to help?

I will tie you up too!

What if I still don't help?

Then I will kill the person you protect. If you push me too hard, I can do anything! Wan Li was anxious, with a hint of provocation in his tone.

He? Master Long's face was calm and he was not angry with Wanli. Paper cannot cover the fire. The so-called sky net is vast and sparse. I just wanted to put out this fire and go against the will of heaven. It seems that It's really a mantis trying to block the car. Now that this matter has come out, he will die sooner or later, so what should I be afraid of? But don't worry, I won't fail to help. This is my fault, I can't implicate others - you answer honestly , is that friend of yours a person with natural talents?

You know? Wan Li asked.

In fact, Wan Li was not too surprised. From the time he had been in contact with Master Long, the master had foreseen every opportunity. He had heard someone say in town a few days ago that Master Long's divination was extremely accurate, so it was not difficult to imagine that he had known something for a long time.

I knew it from the moment the new town changed. Master Long said, turning back, accurately pulling the small kang table, and uncovering a piece of black cloth covering it.

Wan Li moved the flashlight's light and realized that there were no food, drinks or utensils on the Kang table, but a model. It's not a model used by a real estate company to display real estate, but like a sand table used for military drills. Horizontal and vertical lines are clearly drawn on the sand table, which look like streets, and the small squares separated by them are buildings. In the center of the sand table, there is a small saucer filled with water, and in the center of the saucer stands a lifelike small wooden tower.

Did you see that tower? Tell me, what is it like around the tower? Master Long asked.

Wan Li focused all his flashlight on the sand table, The sand around the disk is very messy, the water in the disk is very turbid, and this small wooden tower is - my God, it is moving! When he got closer and observed carefully, he saw the small wooden tower. When the tower suddenly shook, I was really startled and instinctively stepped back.

what happened? Are all the wood around Master Long alive?

That's it. Master Long said calmly, The sand was originally flat, the water was clear, and the tower was stable. When one day, everything changes, I will naturally know that someone broke it. Got the Feng Shui formation there!

How is this going?

As I said, my magic power is limited. I usually only rely on my familiar knowledge to cut off Yin and Yang. Besides, do you think that Feng Shui formation can trap those resentful ghosts?

Could it be that you have been guarding the formation here for the past ten years? Wan Li took a breath and finally understood why Master Long wanted to live alone in such a weird and cold place, and used the formation to isolate himself from the world. It turns out there is a reason for this.

Master Long nodded, There are also these puppets, a total of one hundred and seventy-three. Each one has a name, and their birth date and horoscope are engraved on the back of their heads. Every night I will place these special puppets I went to the yard and used the magic of yin and yang to calm their grievances and ensure that the Feng Shui array would not be broken! The other four puppets I made were, firstly, to take in those poor remnant souls, and secondly, to keep them on watch at night. , scare away wild beasts with the light of fire, because wild beasts do not have human thinking, and they do not have the limitations of human souls, so they are not confused by peripheral formations, and their breath will frighten these unconscious wooden people. It has also become an evil thing!”

This bastard! Wan Li gritted his teeth and cursed, referring to Sima Nan.

Of course Master Long understood what he meant, It should be said that he is an expert. Although he broke my Feng Shui formation, I have to admire him. He smiled bitterly, In your opinion, maybe this person messed up the situation. , but in my eyes, this is called a natural cycle, and retribution is not good. That day, I was casting spells on these puppets, but I felt that they suddenly started walking around randomly. You have to know that they are just dead objects, but because of the engraved in their brains The last name and birth date made them seem to be sentient when I cast the spell, but in fact they were just wood. But that day was different, they seemed to have responded to the resentful spirits in the new town. I hurriedly withdrew the yin and yang spell and returned When I got into the house, even though I couldn't see it, I felt that the sand table had changed! That's when I knew someone had broken my game!

Just as he was talking, a small sound suddenly came from the big stone house. If you listen carefully, you will see that someone is talking, many, many people talking at the same time!

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