The Exorcist

Chapter 6: The Lost City Chapter 41: Hard Fight (Part 2)

Sima Nan gained a substantial advantage for the first time in the confrontation with Ruan Zhan, which made him feel comfortable and couldn't help but smile proudly.

However, this smile only lasted for a while before it froze on his lips, because a super-large blue electric spark composed of three palm thunders flew straight out of the flower pond and hit Sima Nan!

The distance of more than ten meters may take more than ten or twenty steps for human movement, but for the palm thunder, it is just a blink of an eye.

Sima Nan was worthy of being a master of profound Taoism. When he saw this, he didn't panic at all. He just snorted coldly, What a trick! He also struck out with a thunderbolt from the palm of his hand, Watch the thunder from my palm break yours!

Two beautiful blue electric sparks met for the second time in mid-air, and they also made a loud noise. However, this time it was Ruan Zhan who moved his hand first, and the thunder in his palm was released quickly, so the explosion site was far away from Sima Nan. closer.

But Sima Nan's palm thunder hit Ruan Zhan's palm thunder like a heavy hammer, splitting Ruan Zhan's palm thunder in half like a walnut, split into two parts and hit the ground. The square tiles on the ground shattered into two lightning-like cracks. Sima Nan's palm thunder then suffocated and then struck towards the flower pond opposite, hitting the spot where Ruan Zhan fell without any bias!

Flowers and grass were flying, and the entire lush flower pond was bombarded until only a pile of scorched earth was left. Even the surrounding hard stone flower pond walls were blown into small pieces and scattered everywhere! If there were people in the flower pond, they would definitely not survive!

However, Sima Nan hit the flower pond that Ruan Zhan fell into, but what was completely destroyed was another flower pond ten meters away!

Sima Nan was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately understood what was going on. He couldn't help but feel angry. He felt like his heart was scratched by a cat's claws. Transfer Technique! He roared lowly, She actually taught it to you. Transfer technique!

Do you have any opinions? Ruan Zhan crawled out of the flower pond. Although he looked extremely embarrassed, his expression was a little arrogant and joking, and he said deliberately and proudly, I am now learning and selling, I hope I can still be in your company. Dharma Eye!

It was too difficult for him to confront the well-prepared Sima Nan. In order to achieve his goal and to guide the decisive battle into his prior plan, he had to take risks at every turn. On the surface, it seems that the two people are in a stalemate, but in fact, Sima Nan is just trying his best, and he has to gamble his life in every round, otherwise he will lose his life if he is not careful!

In this case, he can only give Sima Nan one move, one man will fight hard and ten thousand men will not stop him!

He couldn't dodge Sima Nan's ferocious blow just now because he was passive. In a hurry, he had to use the 'transfer technique' taught by Abaya Jin temporarily. He had seen Guan Zheng and A Wu use it before, but he had never used it officially. At this moment, he had to do it as a last resort, and he couldn't predict the result. If he succeeds, he will avoid this fatal attack, and the following scene will be easier to sing; if not, he will definitely meet the King of Hell directly!

Fortunately, he succeeded. Perhaps when a person's life is threatened, he will unleash his huge potential and be able to do things that he cannot usually do. Or maybe he is really a Taoist genius as Abaya Jin said. But no matter what, he avoided this disaster again, and he could see that this had a great impact on Sima Nan.

She actually taught you how to deal with me! Sima Nan continued to murmur and growl. When he saw Ruan Zhan standing in the flower pond and looking down at him, the anger in his chest became even more intense. He waved his hand and struck Ruan Zhan with a fire hand seal.

The fire hand seals he played were so fierce and urgent, much more powerful than those played by Ruan Zhan, that Ruan Zhan was unable to take a direct hit, so he had to use his half-baked transfer technique to pull to the left, barely deflecting the damage, but he did not make any judgment in his haste. direction.

There was only a 'pop' sound, and the fire handprint was moved to the top of the corridor in the lake. Except for the ground, which is made of stone, the rest of the corridor is made of wood. When encountering this extremely ferocious fire handprint, a raging fire immediately broke out!

Oops! The fire was burning too close to the tower! I hope Sima Nan won't use this fire to ruin his plan! You have to start early!

Ruan Zhan thought quickly in his mind.

In Sima Nan's eyes, the fire had no impact at all. At this moment, he had an indescribable emotion in his heart. In addition to being shocked that Ruan Zhan had learned the transfer technique so quickly, he also had to endure it. The fangs of jealousy and resentment bit into the pain of the softest part of his heart.

Abai actually taught Ruan Zhan the transfer technique, but she never taught him!

Transferring technique, water observation technique, precognition technique - many secret techniques of witchcraft, he really wants to learn, but although Abai understands the principles of Taoism, he has always adhered to the inheritance of their witchcraft and refused to teach him , he only figured out the water-viewing technique by relying on a few words that Abai accidentally leaked!

But Abai taught the transfer technique to Ruan Zhan, who had nothing to do with it. Why? Does she no longer hold on to her family views? Why Ruan Zhan? The most unbearable thing for him is that this is obviously meant to fight him!

All along, he knew that he was sorry for Abai and trapped her alone in that dry well, leaving her alone. He had never seen her once for decades, but he did it as a last resort. If he had a choice, how could he treat her like this! How many times in the middle of the night would he dream of her gentle and sad eyes, and he would feel that this was the only wrong thing he had done in his life. When he thinks that she is here, he will feel that it doesn't matter if everyone in the world reviles him. At least there is one woman who will always love him and will not betray him or hurt him!

But now this dream is shattered, and she actually helps others deal with him! Although he knew that she would never fall in love with Ruan Zhan, he couldn't bear any betrayal, just because that person was Abai!

In anger, he looked at Ruan Zhan.

I saw Ruan Zhan still standing on the flower pond. Although his body was scarred and covered with blood, his back was straight. Behind him was the raging flames burning in the corridor. Two fingers of his left hand were pointed directly at him, and his right hand had been painted in the void. Got a talisman. From his perspective, not only did he not look defeated at all, but he looked majestic, like a god of war, with his dark eyes shooting down at him like a cold arrow!

It's my turn! Ruan Zhan said.

What's his turn? Sima Nan was distracted for a moment and didn't understand what Ruan Zhan meant.

The corners of Ruan Zhan's mouth moved slightly, as if he were smiling. This made Sima Nan feel that something was wrong, but he didn't know where the omission was. I saw Ruan Zhan flicking the drawn invisible talisman, and the target was right behind Sima Nan!

For a moment, Sima Nan felt a chill in his heart and understood Ruan Zhan's intention.

In order to control the origami-transformed beasts and reptiles, he used both hands to cast spells, so he placed the wooden box he carried with him on the ground. It turned out that Ruan Zhan's goal was not to attack him, but his wooden box. There were many origami papers he had folded in advance in the wooden box, which was the paper manipulation technique he was most proficient in and also his favorite. Originally, he wanted to use this to deal with Ruan Zhan. Even if he couldn't be killed, the number of paper demons would make Ruan Zhan almost exhausted from dealing with them, and he would be sure to win by then.

But before he cast the spell, especially without his blood ban, these origami papers were no different from ordinary paper. They could be ignited by ordinary fire, let alone fire with magical power like the fire hand seal.

Only then did he realize that it turned out that Ruan Zhan's three palm thunders in a row were not as powerful as one of his palm thunders. This was an illusion given to him! Ruan Zhan's skill is indeed not as good as his, but the gap is by no means that big. Ruan Zhan deliberately let the thunder in his palm be smashed to the ground! Because he actually hid a fire hand seal between the three palm thunders!

The fire handprint concealed its edge and was secretive. It sneaked into the ground along with the downed palm thunder, like a time bomb buried under his feet, so he didn't notice anything abnormal at all.

When the thunder in his palm hit the flower pond, Ruan Zhan drew his attention to that side, and then the Void Drawing Talisman urged the Fire Hand Seal to be cast. Before he had time to react, two thin lines of fire stretched out from the lightning-like cracks that had just been smashed on the ground, and attacked the wooden box full of 'ammunition' in two directions. .

Sima Nan understood Ruan Zhan's intention, reacted quickly, and immediately hit the wooden box with his palm, thinking in his mind: Even if the wooden box was blown away and smashed, he could not burn it, so that he could at least keep some of the treasures he had prepared in advance!

But when he took action, Ruan Zhan, who had already cast the fire hand seal, also freed his hand. He struck Sima Nan directly in the back of the head with a thunderbolt from his palm without any hesitation, forcing Sima Nan to turn around quickly and use one hand to protect himself.

Bang bang sounded twice, and two more balls of blue fire collided in mid-air. Ruan Zhan took two steps back and almost fell again, but a smile appeared on his face.

Sima Nan didn't need to look back to understand that his wooden box was completely destroyed. Although he cut off one line of fire with one hand, because he used his other hand to receive Ruan Zhan's attack, one of the two lines of fire still hit the wooden box. Although the fire was weak, it was enough to destroy all his careful preparations!

You're amazing! he said through gritted teeth.

Every time I see Ruan Zhan, he becomes stronger and stronger, which shows that he is indeed talented. And he is ruthless enough to dare to risk his life. But the most important thing is that although he seems cold and doesn't care about anything, in fact, when you actually fight, you will know that he is very calm and flexible in actual combat, and he is almost full of tricks.

Sima Nan once again deeply felt how difficult Ruan Zhan was to deal with, but at this point, he had no choice. He must be more ruthless and stronger than Ruan Zhan, otherwise he would fail, and then what would he pursue in this life? No more!

Thinking of this, he suddenly laughed.

Do you think I can only use paper manipulation to deal with you? He sneered, I have many ways to deal with you, so you can take over! As he said that, he suddenly took out two golden ones from his body. Here comes the copper bell. Each bell is about the size of a fist, and no one knows where it is hidden on his body. It cannot be seen from his snow-white Chinese clothes.

Ruan Zhan looked at Sima Nan cautiously, his whole body in a state of preparation for war. He knew that Sima Nan definitely had other ways to deal with him, so he never dared to neglect.

Judging from Sima Nan's moves, he was even more sure that there must be a close connection between them, because Sima Nan knew everything he knew, and judging from the way Sima Nan used these moves, they were really quite decent. But if you look carefully, you will find some slight differences between their methods.

He was ignorant when he was a child and was always resistant to what his father taught him. However, his father forced him to memorize many theories and spells, as well as methods to study and buy in the future, so although he didn't know how to use them, he figured them out one by one in various actual combats later.

So, is this the reason why there is a difference between his and Sima Nan's spells? If inferred in this way, there are two results: first, Sima Nan and his father are from the same sect, but because he had no guidance and only realized it on his own, his methods are not authentic; second, Sima Nan and he are not from the same sect, but from the same sect. Sima Nan secretly learned the magic from his father's school, which is why Sima Nan's methods are not authentic.

It's not impossible. Sima Nan is a Taoist fanatic and has learned a lot of miscellaneous things. Didn't he once want to learn Abaiya's forbidden secret skills and also learn the Japanese Onmyoji? They also exchanged Chinese magic for the Japanese Matsui family's resurrection technique. Although they deceived each other, Sima Nan finally realized the true method, so that he is now basically in a state of resurrection.

These circumstances filled Ruan Zhan's heart with doubts, and he suddenly had a strong feeling that he might get many secrets about his life and father from Sima Nan.

Ding bell——ding bell——

Two crisp ringtones brought Ruan Zhan back from his thoughts.

Not only that, although the ringing was very slight, it penetrated directly into people's eardrums and was so breathtaking that it shocked Ruan Zhan's whole body and felt like someone had knocked on his heart.

Doesn't it feel good? Sima Nan glanced at Ruan Zhan contemptuously. Ruan Zhan was seen looking pale and a little out of breath.

Boy, this is called the soul-catching bell. He smiled proudly, ringing the bell again and again, while approaching Ruan Zhan step by step, Ordinary Taoist priests will only use it to deal with ghosts, but they never understand , Everything has a soul, as long as the appearance is broken, no soul can escape!

He stopped talking, rang the bell faster, recited the incantation silently, and cast spells on Ruan Zhan with all his heart.

At this time, Ruan Zhan was preparing to deal with Sima Nan's ferocious attack. Unexpectedly, he suddenly cast this soft knife-like spell. He was caught off guard and was hit immediately!

He only felt a hand reaching into his body. Every time the bell rang, the hand grabbed his heart. It didn't hurt, but there was an indescribable feeling, as if the heart was about to be shattered by the crisp ringing, and the blood flowed with the rhythm of the ringing. My whole body was so numb that I couldn't use any strength at all, and my limbs were all numb. My own.

He knew that he had fallen into Sima Nan's trick and had his mind controlled, so he struggled desperately to get rid of this invisible restraint, but he couldn't lift his hands to block his ears, let alone draw talismans, and his legs were getting softer and uncontrollable. Kneel down on one knee.

The ringtone still invaded his heart unhurriedly. Ruan Zhan refused to admit defeat and gritted his teeth to stand up again. He supported the ground with one hand and grabbed the small flowers and trees in the middle of the flower pond with the other and kept trying to resist the pressure from his own soul, but it had no effect at all. Not only did he not stand up again, he instead fell lower and lower, until he spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell straight down from the half-meter-high flower pond!

Sima Nan smiled.

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