The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1419: Doctor Why: Why is it so difficult to be together?

Chapter 1419 Doctor Why: Why is it so difficult to be together?

He Yining looked at Qu Weiwei's e-mail for a full second, and finally did not open it. He went to open Xu Zhao's first.

Because she is participating in the docking of Huakang Pharmaceuticals, Xu Zhao will check with her every time the quantity is wrong. If anything is wrong, the two can go to the pharmaceutical factory to communicate...

He Yining compared the list given to Huakang yesterday and found that the quantity and medicines were appropriate. He replied to Xu Zhao's email and sent a copy to Ma Guangming.

Just wanted to log out of the mailbox, his eyes fell on Qu Weiwei's mail involuntarily, He Yining still clicked on it.

"He Yining, for the sake of your acting well, I will give you a gift."

"Look at the attachment!"

He Yining twisted his eyebrows and saw that there was an attachment in the email.

He Yining just stared at the attachment for a long time, until the eyes looked a little flowery, and he did not open it.

The hand holding the mouse was hesitating, He Yining raised his finger on the mouse, put it down gently, and raised it again...

After going back and forth several times, I took a deep breath and pressed the mouse to preview the attachment.

Attached is a scanned copy of a medical report. For He Yining, a doctor, this report is not unfamiliar to her.

When he was wondering who this person named "Qi Fang" was and what his medical appraisal report had to do with her, He Yining was a little bit confused about what Qu Weiwei was doing.

The finger controlled the mouse to slide down, and a scanned copy of another contract appeared in front of my eyes...

He Yining's eyes suddenly widened when he saw Li Yunze's name.

She looked at Li Yunze's signature as if she had been locked in by something, motionless, without even blinking her eyes.

At that moment, He Yining's mind was empty.

Someone pushed in the office door and greeted He Yining when he was there.

He Yining subconsciously responded to that person, but she didn't know what she said or who she responded to.

"Doctor He, your complexion is not good, are you too tired just after the operation?"

"I'm fine." He Yining answered instinctively.

The man frowned slightly, glanced at the direction of the computer, and said nothing more about why Yining was looking at something and thinking.

He Yining didn't know how she turned off the computer, how she left Shuya after get off work, or even how she got on the subway.

By the time I found that I was on the wrong route, the sky had begun to darken.

She looked at the route map blankly, got off the subway, exited the subway station, took a taxi and reported the address of her home, then lay down on the seat...

Looking out of the car window stupidly, He Yining's mind was completely filled with the appraisal report signed by Qi Fang and the contract signed by Li Yunze. The whole person seemed to have been emptied, unable to support a soul.

The driver stopped at the gate of the community. Seeing that He Yining still looked out of the car window and did not respond, he slightly curled his eyebrows and turned back to remind him, "Miss, here it is.

He Yining suddenly woke up, looked at the gate of the community, and hurriedly paid the fare and got off the car after an "oh" sound.

The night is low and the lights are beginning to come on.

Late autumn nights always come earlier than summer.

He Yining returned home, and he reached the door, motionless, his eyes fixed to the front.

She didn't know what she was thinking, or she didn't think about anything, but the whole person was a little numb...

The cell phone ringing suddenly came, breaking the silence.

He Yining suddenly startled you, and when the reaction came back, the phone rang, and hurriedly took it out of the bag.

Qu Weiwei's!

He Yining had the urge to tear Qu Weiwei at this moment, if Qu Weiwei was in front of her.

Close your eyes and breathe deeply.

When He Yining opened his eyes again, he answered the phone and put it to his ear, "Qu Weiwei, what do you want?"

"Why, don't you continue acting?" Qu Weiwei said with a sneer, "I really don't cry without seeing the coffin..."

He Yining's breathing became a little heavier, and she gritted her teeth tightly, trying to suppress the madness in her heart.

"Leave Li Yunze," Qu Weiwei said slowly, "Otherwise, I will destroy him."

He Yining didn't speak, but his breath became increasingly unstable.

"Of course, you can also choose to tell Li Yunze..." Qu Weiwei smiled, "You can try, is Li Yunze really capable of covering the sky with only one hand in the medical world, or I can ruin him."

"Qu Weiwei," He Yining gritted his teeth, squeezing out between his teeth word by word, "You will die!"

"Let's see, which one of us will die first!" Qu Weiwei said coldly, "He Yining, I will give you time to consider...Three days, if I can't get your answer, then, let's go Look."

He Yining's breathing was heavy and she was about to squeeze her chest. Before she could even speak, she listened to Qu Weiwei continuing to say: "Of course, you can do a show... But in this world, there is no scene that never ends!"

When the words fell, Qu Weiwei snorted and hung up.

The hung-up sound of'toot toot' echoed in his ears, controlling He Yining's cranial nerves.

Even after stopping, she seemed to be able to hear the magic sound.

He Yining closed her eyes, her eyelids were trembling, and her nose was sour.

She doesn't understand, let alone...

Why, why is it so difficult for her to want to be with Li Yunze? !

Tears, after scalding the nerves, overflowed the closed eye sockets.

He Yining's body began to twitch because of grief, and the breathing in his nose seemed to be blocked.

He Yining didn't know what to do to recover from the pain of the heart.

"I want to be with Li Yunze, why is it so difficult?!"

He Yining suddenly opened his eyes with a low growl.

With red eyes, she looked at the darkened room because of the dimming sky, and her voice was even more choked, "I just want to be with him, it's just that, I'm not greedy... why, why is it so A wish is so difficult!"

The air was filled with helplessness and despair under sadness.

It's so sad and powerless...

He Yining dragged his heavy body to the sofa, sat down, his eyes fell in front of him without focus, allowing tears to flow out of his eyes, hot skin, and salty corners of his mouth.

Time passed little by little.

He Yining had forgotten that Li Yunze said he was coming, but just sat there alone, just like a wooden doll.

When Li Yunze came over, he looked downstairs and there was no light, and he came up suspiciously.

He opened the door, and the room was dark.

"Yining?" Li Yunze frowned slightly, wondering if he didn't see his text message, did he not come back? !

With a soft ‘pop’, the light was turned on.

The sudden light stung He Yining's eyes, and she instinctively groaned softly and closed her eyes.


Li Yunze saw He Yining on the sofa and the tears on her face before her face was dry. He suddenly frowned and strode forward, and sat down aside, "Yining, what's wrong, eh?!"

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