Chapter 1603

"Jin Shaoshi!" Fang Xiran was a little anxious when she heard Jin Shaoshi's footsteps, she blurted out immediately, "He Yining is already Li Yunze's wife, no matter how well she has been or not, what does it have to do with you? ?"

Jin Shaoshi stopped, frowning slightly.

"Why can't you let it go?" Fang Xiran was originally to keep Jin Shaoshi, but when he said this, his heart became agitated. "Have you ever thought about your company, it seems to be for She is good, in fact, it is also a kind of **** to her."

Jin Shaoshi squinted his eyes slightly, and a touch of pain struck deep under his eyes.

Fang Xiran sneered, "Jin Shaoshi, why do you have a good attitude? In fact, you are selfish." She sneered and smiled, "In your own heart, do you particularly wish He Yining and Li Yunze to live together? Okay, that way, you have a reason to take He Yining, right?"

"I didn't!" Jin Shaoshi seemed to be taken by Fang Xiran's thoughts, and subconsciously turned around to retort.

"You have it!" Fang Xiran's eyes were sharp, "In your heart, or subconsciously, that's what you think." She gritted her teeth, "Your love is really selfish!"

Jin Shaoshi's eyes turned dark, and he looked at Fang Xiran with subconscious disgust.

Fang Xiran tugged at the corner of her mouth with a mockery, "I was pierced by my heart, and turned into anger?!" She "haha", the arrogance between her eyebrows made her feel sad at the moment, and she is not allowed to show it, "Jin Shaoshi, Even if you don't plan to give yourself a chance, don't you have to see He Yining and Li Yunze are separated, really heartbroken, so depressed, is that what you want to see?"

Jin Shaoshi twisted his eyebrows.

He hadn't thought about it this way, but why was Fang Xiran unable to refute when he questioned him like this?

Slightly narrowing his eyes, Jin Shaoshi seemed to ask helplessly: "Fang Xiran, what do you want to do?"

"I want you!" Fang Xiran said boldly.

When love didn't come, she felt that it would be better to marry a suitable person.

For example, Li Yunze at the beginning, she felt that she was a good match for her regardless of family background or personal conditions.

But later, when she felt that Jin Shaoshi was more suitable for her, regardless of status and status, she felt that they would be suitable together.

Jin Shaoshi didn't speak, but he looked at Fang Xiran quietly, with unclear thoughts in his heart.

"Young Secretary," Fang Xiran stepped forward, "Let He Yining, isn't it?" She nodded, "Whether she is happy or unhappy, that is not something you can define, only she knows her luck. Happiness, not happy, right?"

"I know that Yining's happiness lies with Li Yunze. Although I am not reconciled, I never thought of depriving Yining of his dream." Jin Shaoshi sighed helplessly, "Although, I have thought about it many times, But in the end I didn't implement it, did I?"

"So, no matter what, you won't take her away, will you?" Fang Xiran asked.

Jin Shaoshi frowned, feeling that Fang Xiran's question was a bit strange, but didn't think about it for a while, but said emotionally: "She has obtained the certification with Li Yunze, how can I take her away?" paused. , "Moreover, even if he is sad, Yining is only willing to be by his side, how can I take it away?"

With a self-deprecating smile, Jin Shaoshi sighed and turned away, looking forward to the place that was soaked in light by the sun approaching noon, "If I really want to take her away... Then there won't be her. These three years of unhappy."

Even though Yining didn't say anything, he knew that in the past three years, she was unhappy and even suppressed a lot of her emotions.

"Really?" Fang Xiran asked with certainty, "Even if you get hurt by Li Yunze's side, won't you take He Yining away?"

Jin Shaoshi tilted his head and glanced at Fang Xiran, "No!" After a pause, "I will only beat Li Yunze!"

"Remember what you said!" Fang Xiran said, walking in the direction of his car, "Take my car, let's visit them together."

Jin Shaoshi frowned slightly, after all, he still got into her car with Fang Xiran...

When he saw He Yining, who was full of instruments and his whole body seemed to have no signs of life, Jin Shaoshi put a fist on Li Yunze's face without saying a word!

"Li Yunze, Yining is a good person, who has worked hard by your side for more than ten years, and finally stayed with you... But because of the unintentional mistakes at the beginning, he was suffering, and he obviously didn't want to, so he could only leave..."

As Jin Shaoshi said, he landed on Li Yunze with a punch.

The nurses looked stunned, and when they reacted, they wanted to go forward to pull, but Fang Xiran stopped them.

"Miss Fang, Young Master Li..."

"Let him suffer," Fang Xiran crossed his arms, "maybe, so he can get better."

"Because of your reluctance, she is greedy again. So, marry you, but what about you?" Jin Shaoshi said, with a fist hitting Li Yunze's abdomen, "You let her immerse her for three years After suffering and entangled grief, in the end, what she got was not salvation, but like this, lying here with almost no signs of life..."

With another "bang", Jin Shaoshi exerted a great force this time, and hit Li Yunze directly with a punch to the corner of the resting bed.

Li Yunze didn't fight back from start to finish, but silently accepted it.

Jin Shaoshi's accusation, as well as his fists, made him hate himself even more.

Yining's emotional illness, as well as the look in Yining's eyes that he didn't want to hold on to the end, cut his heart deeply.

Jin Shaoshi stepped forward and grabbed Li Yunze's clothes on his shoulders and pulled him up abruptly. "Do you think you will take it silently and you will feel better?" His eyes were scarlet, "Li Yunze, I was You shouldn't allow Yining to follow you, I should take her away regardless of whether she wants it or not, so there won't be today!"

"It's my fault for Yining to do this," Li Yunze's eyes were also scarlet, he slowly raised his eyes, and said with a low growl, "Jin Shaoshi, I won't escape... But Yining is my wife, this is my life. A fact that cannot be changed."

"Now you are about to kill your wife!" Jin Shaoshi yelled like crazy.

Li Yunze pushed away Jin Shaoshi's restraint, staring and gritted his teeth and said, "Yining will definitely wake up, definitely!"

"Wake up, can you wipe out your hurt when you wake up?"

Jin Shaoshi roared, then he raised a fist and then hit Li Yunze again...


Suddenly, just as Jin Shaosi finished speaking, there was a harsh sound from the instrument.

A nurse screamed subconsciously, and Li Yunze was taken aback, his face was shocked and he hurriedly pushed Jin Shaoshi away and rushed to the intensive care unit...

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