The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1842: Stabbed the scumbag

Chapter 1842

I saw...

Lin Xiangnan hugged a girl, her appearance was exceptionally intimacy. The cloudy weather in the morning shrouded them, and the hazy fog made people feel unreal, like a scene from a fairy tale.

Ye Ziyu bit her lip lightly and looked at Ye Ziyu's matching text: A beautiful feeling, it turned out to be like this... The years are quiet, I have you by my side!

The nose suddenly sore, and Ye Ziyu's eyes instantly turned red.

She needs a lot of strength to prevent herself from crying here, and even more strength to suppress the suffocation in her chest that seems to be suddenly suppressed by a stone.

He said that it will be very busy lately and there is no time...

However, now she saw him looking at a girl so affectionately, it was so beautiful.

Was it because of this girl that he left suddenly last night?

Ye Peiyao kept breathing deeply, she knew that maybe things were not like that, and even Ye Peiyao's purpose of sending this ring.

Besides, this photo may not be taken today...

I don't know why, there is a voice in Ye Ziyu's heart shouting, this photo was taken this morning!

Ye Ziyu, you have to be calm, you must not fall into Ye Peiyao's trap!

Ye Ziyu continued to breathe deeply, but he couldn't control the heartache, subconsciously, the dream of last night reverberated in his mind.

That dream was too real, but it was so illusory that I couldn't see the girl's face at all.

Inexplicably, at this moment she unexpectedly overlapped the girl in her dream with the girl's face that Lin Xiangnan was holding in the photo at the moment.

Even without any sense of disobedience, there is still a feeling that the girl is her!

With a sneer of "Oh", Ye Ziyu opened his eyes hard, and turned his head to look at the school gate without letting him cry.

She knew that people coming in and out were watching her, but she was not in the mood to bother at the moment.

Suddenly there was a ringing tone from the mobile phone, and a panic ran across Ye Ziyu's eyes. She hurriedly looked at it and saw that Wang Xiaoqin had hit it, sniffed, and picked it up, "Xiaoqin?"

"Yeba, something has happened!" Wang Xiaoqin screamed out anxiously.

Hearing what Wang Xiaoqin said, Ye Ziyu didn't care to feel sad, so he hurried back to the dormitory, opened the door and asked, "What's the matter? How could Lan Lan..."

"We don't know. You didn't come back last night. Lan Lan only said that she was watching a tennis match. Mo Ran and I didn't think much about it. Later, she didn't come back. We just thought that the tennis club was going to the party..." Wang Xiaoqin said hurriedly "Just now, Mo Ran heard that when he went to the student union, Lan Lan stabbed Qin Xu. He was detained at the moment, and Qin Xu is still in the hospital."

Ye Ziyu's mind was instantly empty, and she didn't know how to react for a while.

Wang Xiaoqin was already crying, "Mo Ran is already looking for someone, but the girlfriend Qin Xu has recently made is Ge Qiao from the dance club. The family seems to be very powerful..." She sniffed, "The main thing is What's more, I heard that Ge Qiao's face was also scratched... Ye Zi, what should I do? Lan Lan won't go to jail, right?"

Ye Ziyu had never encountered such a thing. He was panicked, but kept saying, "No, no...Let’s not scare ourselves, wait until Mo Ran returns. Let's see what happens!"

Wang Xiaoqin wiped his tears and made a choked "Um".

As the waiting time lengthened, Zhou Moran returned in a hurry when the two girls were having no master.

"Mo Ran, what's the situation?" Wang Xiaoqin stood up suddenly.

"Things are not simple. I can't tell the specifics at this time. Just last night, the people from the tennis club went to KTV after the game. Qin Xu and Ge Qiao were also at the KTV. It seemed that there had been an argument. Lan Lan took a fruit knife and stabbed. After Qin Xu, Ge Qiao stepped forward and pushed Lanlan, who missed her hand and scratched Ge Qiao's face."

Zhou Moran frowned, "The problem now is that the specific situation is not clear. It happened too fast at the time. By the time everyone reacted, it was already like this. I didn't know the specific situation at all."

The three girls frowned tightly, and for a while, they didn't know what to do.

"Which police station is Lan Lan locked in?" Ye Ziyu asked after being surprised.

"The one in Yanyang District." Zhou Moran said, "If it doesn't work, let's go and take a look first?"


Ye Ziyu and others hurried out of the dormitory, wanted to take a taxi, but didn't wait for a long time.

"Let's take the subway, although it's going to be reversed, it's better than waiting..." Zhou Moran said calmly.

Ye Ziyu nodded. The three girls were about to turn around to go to the subway station when the car whistle of'Didi' came.

Ye Ziyu almost became an instinctive reaction. Turning around, he saw that it was Xi Hongwen's car, and he gritted his teeth with anger.

The car window was opened, "Where are you going to take you there?"

The voice of Xi Hongwen's mouth pursed and laughed, and when he returned from work, he unexpectedly met Ye Ziyu again.

From a distance, I saw the three girls look anxious, looking around, guessing that they could not get a taxi.

"No need..." Ye Ziyu finished speaking coldly and motioned for Zhou Moran and Wang Xiaoqin to leave.

Xi Hongwen sighed softly, got out of the car, and stepped forward and pulled Ye Ziyu's wrist. She squeezed her into the car with a scream, and then signaled the other two girls, "Get in!"

The two words convey the hegemony under the inherent superiority and cannot be rejected.

"Xi Hongwen, you bastard!" Ye Ziyu wanted to come out and was pushed in by Xi Hongwen.

Zhou Moran and Wang Xiaoqin looked at each other, knowing that Ye Ziyu would not be able to get off, thinking about them, they were also anxious to see Song Lanlan, and finally got into the car.

Zhou Moran pulled Wang Xiaoqin to the back seat, and Xi Hongwen raised his eyebrows and smiled, admiring the girl's calm mind a little.

They were all in the back, naturally, he could only go to the co-pilot.

After getting into the car, Xi Hongwen said calmly: "Where to go?"

Ye Ziyu snorted and heard Zhou Moran say: "Uncle, let's go to the police station in Yanyang District!"

uncle? !


Xi Hongwen only felt that a mouthful of old blood was coming up.

He is only two years older than Lin Xiangnan, and he grows like a Yushu Linfeng... Why is he an uncle? !

Ye Ziyu laughed with a'pouch,' and looked at Zhou Moran appreciatively.

It is indeed the best brain in the dormitory, the one who "kills" people thousands of miles quietly!

Zhao Lin glanced across Ye Ziyu's triumphant smile from the rearview mirror, and the corners of his mouth raised an invisible arc, but somewhere in his heart was filled with something, suppressed and unable to disperse.

"Drive!" Xi Hongwen finished instructing in a low voice, and decided not to be as knowledgeable as a child, but asked casually, "What are you going to do at the police station?"

Ye Ziyu wanted to choke him instinctively, but he hadn't spoken yet. He suddenly reacted to something and asked, "Xi Hongwen, can you help me?"

"Help?" Xi Hongwen smiled and asked meaningfully, "Why should I help you?"

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