The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1874: To meet Mr. Gu's friends

Because of what, Lin Xiangnan could not talk to Ye Ziyu.

The speed of sadness and forgetting... It's not because of the task to tell her, it's better to be a little one, but it can make her feel an instant pain.

After that kind of pain, naturally, it will fade easily.

Doesn't everything have an outbreak period? !

However, what Lin Xiangnan didn't know at the moment was that he received so much training and even thought about it. He believed that as long as he analyzed it carefully, he would definitely stay the same.

I lie to you, there are some people in this world who still don't understand... For example, Ye Ziyu's persistence and obsession are just like him!

Lin Xiangnan sat in the small garden all night, smoking a pack of cigarettes long ago but did not leave.

As the early morning approached, the smell of tobacco and alcohol on his body was blown away a little by the coolness, and he got up and borrowed the tools of the sanitation workers who were cleaning, cleaned up the cigarette butts all over the floor, and left the small garden.

Li Hao looked at Lin Xiangnan, who was filled with a cold breath, subconsciously glanced at the direction of the apartment building, and grinned secretly and grinned bitterly: "Captain, you wouldn't have been driven out by your sister-in-law last night. ?"

Lin Xiangnan glanced at Li Hao lightly, without saying anything. He just pulled out an unopened cigarette from the car, opened a box, smoked a cigarette in his mouth, and lit...

Li Hao looked at Lin Xiangnan from the rearview mirror, sighed inwardly, said nothing, and drove to the troops quietly.

Whether it is the nameless tombstone or Ye Ziyu, the captain should be very difficult now, right? !


When the first ray of sunlight hit the house in the morning, Zi Ziyu slowly opened his eyes with a splitting headache.

She flicked her eyes weakly and looked left and right, finally falling on the phone that fell on the ground.

Pick it up, open WeChat...

There is no reply from Lin Xiangnan.

Ye Ziyu sighed for a long time, and at the same time a touch of self-deprecation flashed across his eyes, he felt a little regretful.

Last night, he obviously held back and did not say that he broke up. Why did she ask so unsatisfactory? !

It's all right now, tear the window paper!

Ye Ziyu leaned on the ground, stood up slowly against the wall, rubbed his sore legs before going to the bathroom to wash. Looking at her self-deprecating self in the mirror, Ye Ziyu laughed at herself, and then took a deep breath, and said to herself in the mirror: "Yi Ziyu, you have to fight for everything on your own. He retreats. You should work harder. Go forward... Su Xiaoxiao is no longer there, he can't be alone

Only for a lifetime, so you have a chance! You can't let this opportunity be given to other women under your self-pity, then you will really cry! "

With that said, Ye Ziyu seemed to be full of vitality suddenly.

Leaving the apartment and arriving at school, she also posted a Moments of Friends: Here is the school, another day, new persistence... I will not give up what I believe in my heart!

Seeing the new post from Moments, Ye Ziyu raised her eyebrows and murmured: "The cat should be with the fish, hum!"

She curled her lips, and just about to install her mobile phone into the school gate, the ringtone suddenly came.

An uncontrollable smile filled Ye Ziyu's eyes. Although he knew that it could not be Lin Xiangnan in his heart, he subconsciously looked forward to...

Of course, when he saw that it wasn't Lin Xiangnan, the smile in his eyes instantly turned into disappointment.

Ye Ziyu answered the phone and asked in a hard voice, "What are you doing?"

Xi Hongwen laughed, "It seems that you and Lin Xiangnan were not happy last night!"

When Ye Ziyu heard this, he hung up the phone and cursed: "Bitch!"

The phone rang again, and Ye Ziyu didn't answer it this time and hung up.

Xi Hongwen didn't seem to understand her mentality as she didn't want to answer his phone, so she called again, and while she walked to school, she answered angrily, "If you come to see me not happy, how much trouble you Far... just roll as far away, okay?!"

When Xi Hongwen listened to Ye Ziyu's gritted teeth with a smirk, he was immediately very happy, "I will transfer in a few days and I will invite some people to have a small party. Are you interested in coming over?"

"No!" Ye Ziyu refused immediately.

"Don't answer so quickly," Xi Hongwen said with a smile, "I'll wait for your call."

"Insane!" Ye Ziyu cursed and hung up the phone.

Xi Hongwen didn't mind being scolded at all, but slowly put down the phone with a smile, and didn't dial again.

"You have been very attached to this Ye Ziyu recently?!" Luo Hai frowned.

Xi Hongwen tapped his leg lightly with his mobile phone, his expression showing the leisurely Evil Ning, and he only heard him slowly say with a smile: "The little girl is very interesting, but it's a pity, too persistent... I don't understand Lin Xiangnan's painstaking efforts."

Luo Hai twisted his eyebrows, and after looking at Xi Hongwen for a while, he shook his head and said, "I don't understand your'work hard' anymore."

Xi Hongwen smiled without explaining anything.

Lin Xiangnan may still be in his heart with the mind to control the overall situation with Zi Ziyu, but after the villa incident, he vaguely felt something... So, yesterday he was cruel to himself, and at the same time he was cruel to Zi Ziyu. Up.

But in this world, there is one thing that people cannot control...

That is feeling!

Especially Lin Xiangnan, a person who values ​​love and righteousness!

The light in Xi Hongwen's eyes gradually became dark and bottomless, and a strange light appeared in the depths...

Maybe, he doesn't need to do more now, just secretly contribute to the flames.

"No news about Ye Xuan yet?" Xi Hongwen asked suddenly.

Luo Hai shook his head, "I always feel that the people behind Ye Xuan are not simple. If it weren't for Lin Xiangnan, the water would be even more muddy."

Xi Hongwen sneered, "It's muddy, so I can fish in muddy water!"


Los Angeles.

"Sister Mo, do you want to go out?" Mu Xiaoran asked, holding a few tubes with design drawings in her hand.

"Yeah!" Jian Mo turned off the computer and raised her eyebrows with a smile, "General Gu's good friend is here, ask me to eat."

"Oh..." Mu Xiaoran didn't think much about it. Under Sister Mo's evil taste, Gu always has many CPs, and everyone is used to it.

Jian Mo got up, took the bag, and left Xiangyu after explaining a few things to Mu Xiaoran.

Mr. Gu's call came just as soon as he got in the car.

"I'm a little busy here at noon. Come and bring me food." Gu Beichen's magnetic voice seemed to come unintentionally.

"Hey, I told you last night that the beautiful lady has an appointment today." Jian Mo said with a smile, "General Gu, people, sometimes you have to learn to be generous."

"Generous?" Gu Beichen's stern face was covered in a haze, "Near Shi Shaoqin, none of my people can get close!" He gritted his teeth, "Who knows if he will have any neuropathy?"

Jian Mo was stunned, "You mean...he will take me away again?!"

"Who knows?" Gu Beichen's voice was sneered. "When that person gets sick, no one can guess what he wants to do."

"But, I don't feel the danger." Jian Mo frowned.

"Heh!" Gu Beichen sneered, "Jian Mo, when you first met him, did you find him a dangerous pervert?"

"No!" Jian Mo answered honestly.

When she first came into contact with Shao Shi, she felt that this person was perfect, not to mention that she could still chat with him very well.

Who knows, it was only later discovered that he had prescribed the right medicine to understand her thoroughly and dealt with her specifically.

"Then you mean you are not going?" Jian Mo asked. "Of course!" Gu Beichen strained his voice, but a smile flashed in his eyes.

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