The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2341: Jian Jie articles (21)

"Old man Xiao, where do you come from?"

A mocking voice faintly came with a smile, revealing self-confidence.

As the voice fell, I saw that Graphite Chen looked very embarrassed, but on the contrary, those black eyes that shone like stars, revealing the sharp light, shocked people.

Qiao Yu's original nervousness was instantly relieved, and the bottom of his eyes, also rare, had joy.

A Liu "tsk tsk" said, "There is still one minute to the prescribed time...Master Xiao, Chen Shao did it."

Xiao Mu didn't move, just smiled and looked at Graphite Chen, "It's really an accident!"

He didn't think that Graphite Chen could come out, because the obstacles he set up in it were aimed at all the training of Graphite Chen in the past few years, and even more brutal.

XK's words matter to everyone, every assessment in the **** forest is extremely harsh and cruel.

And when it comes to Graphite Chen, even more!

What's more, he set aside even less time for himself than his adoptive father came out.

Graphite Chen raised his hand, rubbed the blood on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes had a fierce color.

He limped on one leg and walked forward step by step, and finally stopped three or four steps in front of Xiao Mu.

The blood slid down along the arm, dyed the palm of the gun holding the gun, and then down the gun, the drops fell on the grass that was still mixed with no new but mostly green.

Slowly raising the hand holding the gun, Graphite Chen's eyes and Xiao Mu were always facing each other, with a sharp smile across his mouth.

This kind of laughter is cynical, but it is more of a natural king.

A soft sound of ‘click’ came, and the magazine was pulled out.

Just as it fell, Graphite caught the magazine with his other hand, and then flicked his finger, the bullet inside was bounced out...

Suddenly, everyone present changed their expressions.

"You still have one bullet left!" Xiao Mu's smile widened, but there was not too much inconceivability, some, just praise.

A cold sneer crossed the corner of graphite Chen's mouth, "Shuangfei didn't have time to use it, they all fell!"

Ling Ao's words were arrogant.

But he has arrogant capital!

"Old man Xiao, you...but so!" Graphite Chen looked down, his actions were not as handsome and capable as he was just now, and he put the empty magazine back into the pistol in a casual manner.

"Smelly boy..." Xiao Mu changed his face after all and stood up abruptly.

Ah Liu held back his laugh, but the crowded smile on his face obviously exposed his mentality in the theater.

In XK, especially when Xiao Mu hasn't retreated, who would dare to make trouble in front of him?

But since Chen Shao came to XK at the age of twelve, I felt that Master Xiao would not be shackled by him for a few days...

Thinking of it, I felt very sad for Master Xiao.

"Young Master Chen," Qiao Yu stepped forward, "Are you okay?"

"It's all skin trauma." Graphite Chen finished. After taking a look at Xiao Mu, he turned and walked to the house. While walking, he said, "Old man Xiao, you should think about it now, which day will you hand over!"

Xiao Mu didn't speak, but looked at the back of Graphite Chen, who was limping away with Qiao Yu. The anger on his face gradually disappeared, and the corner of his mouth raised a satisfied smile. "Master Xiao is actually happy too, right?" A Liu got up, looking at the two people who were moving away with his hands in his trouser pockets, "For six years, Chen Shao only started training in the **** forest two years ago, and it was not before and after. Just four times... this time, use

It was at least four or five times more difficult than during training, but he came out in the shortest time..."

"So, it proves that my vision was right!" Xiao Mu's smile widened.

At first, he liked this kid's father, who could last three months in Mo Palace, and turned from a sunny boy into a cruel character.

Such a person has a predatory and domineering nature in his blood, but the environment in his childhood did not stimulate him.

And Graphite Chen, the son of Gu Beichen, was born in Mogong, and with Shi Shaoqin's cultivation, how could he be the thing in the pool? !

Besides, there is Silence's urging.

When Fengxing was studying the antidote to Silence, he said that this medicine is a poison but also a treasure.

It can stimulate many things that cannot be stimulated in people's bodies, and this also makes Graphite Chen's more extraordinary ability now...

And there is another person, the same as Graphite Chen.


Los Angeles, Emperor Group. "For the planned project that Mr. Xiao said, within a week, I will first see the research reports of each department, and in half a month, I will see the feasibility plan of each department appearing on my desk..." Gu Yan said lightly. The executives passing by the meeting have a softer voice

It seems like discussing with everyone, "Do you have any questions?"

The executives looked at each other one by one, and finally fell on Xiao Yi.

In fact, many people here agree with Xiao Yi more, and they are still investigating Gu Yan's ability.

But everyone here is also very clear that no matter how capable Xiao Yi is, her height is basically reached.

And Gu Yan was the only heir to the emperor.

"It seems that there is a problem?" A faint smile crossed the corner of Gu Yan's mouth, and his eyes suddenly became deep, "Then it will be fine for five days!"


All the executives swallowed secretly one by one. Some wanted to say something, but as soon as they met Gu Yan's eyes, they swallowed them inexplicably.

"The meeting is over!" Gu Yan stood up indifferently and stepped out.

Wang Ziyang hurriedly closed the folder in front of Gu Yan, held it and followed it out.

"Good luck everyone." Xiao Yi raised his mouth slightly, got up, and took Yu Na away with confidence and arrogance.

Gu Yan is Gu Beichen's son after all. Although he usually fishes in troubled waters, it doesn't mean he is incapable.

How outsiders care about Gu Yan, in fact, whether it's President Gu or her, they don't care.

But inside the company, they must first know Gu Yan's identity.

As for ability, it's not that Gu Yan is incapable, but rather a question of whether he wants or not.

How could Gu Beichen's son be simple? !

Gu Yan returned to the office, signed a few documents he had to sign, and explained something to Wang Ziyang.

"Sao Yan, the medical equipment project you mentioned before has been approved." Wang Ziyang handed him a folder.

Gu Yan took it, turned it over, and a small smile crossed the corner of his mouth. "I heard that the Department of Medicine of Luohe University is filing some new equipment in the laboratory. Someone will come over to talk later, so let's delay it."

Wang Ziyang was a little puzzled.

Let's not say that Luo University is the alma mater of Mrs. Gu and Shao Yan. Even if it is not, Luo University has many projects supported by the emperor all the year round. Isn't it reasonable to delay? !

"Just do what I said..." Gu Yan chuckled lightly, and glanced across the reminder on the computer screen. One week, one by one will be back...

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