Chapter 587 Reverberation!

“Fuck, Brother Dali is going to build Stonehenge in Tiangong City?”

“Like Brother Dali——”

“I like it, I’m so excited, Dali is so stupid–”

“I don’t know how to make a fortune in a muffled voice, brother Dali is too stupid–”

“Brother Dali is not saved, he is not a chicken thief at all. If he is a human being, it is better to die—”

“Good job, Brother Dali is going to make a dedication again–”

“The people of Xile Country sent a congratulatory message to express their support–”

“The people of Oulin sent a congratulatory message and fully supported——”

“The people of Jiasang sent a congratulatory message, Brother Dali is onboard——”

“Sister Beiyueguo sent a congratulatory message, thank you Dali Brother Smecta——”

“The people of Dongyue sent a congratulatory message, Brother Dali, is too generous, okay?”

“People from all over the world sent a congratulatory message, Brother Dali, thank you for your outstanding contribution to the people all over the world, and a small red flower is specially rewarded. Please call me Lei Feng, thank you——”

Wang Dali shrugged as he saw the noise on the global Internet, it didn’t matter.

Even if he doesn’t do anything now, his name will be engraved in the annals of history, leaving the strongest fortune in the past.

Some gains and losses, notcare!

Wang Dali was arrogant, he didn’t care, and said, “Since I have already expressed my attitude, I come to Tiangong City to do research, this is a great benefit!”

“But to be fair, should there be a charter?”

Wang Dali grinned and saw the picture: “I suggest that the Dongyue authorities take the lead and start a joint research draft. Authorities from all over the world are welcome to sign the draft and send people to do research!”

“The results of the research will be shared with all members. My purpose is only one, that is, the authorities and people of various countries and regions have the right to share the results of research on alien civilizations on an equal footing!”

“Hehe, let’s just do it. When the number of signatories of the draft reaches more than 100, I will start to build Stonehenge, and I will meet my requirements tomorrow, and I will build Stonehenge tomorrow. Now, Stonehenge is probably useless after it was built!”

Wang Dali shrugged, looking awkwardly beaten.

A conference room in the first city of Dongyue.

On the 1st, laughed at several of the participants: “Okay, this is a great thing that has benefited the people all over the world. Our Mr. Explorer has already made a bridge for us. I think this is the case, so I will immediately order. , Let the expert group study and draft this joint draft.”

“This is easy, I’m afraid that we will lead the line, Xileguo refuses to accept it!”

“There is nothing to dissatisfy. It is estimated that he will be furious, because this is a huge good thing for most backward countries, and they must be furious!”

“Haha, yes, let us take the lead. I estimate that more than two hundred countries and regions in the world will actively move closer to us. By then, Siller will not want to sign it!”

“The position of Xi Leguo’s big technology brother is not guaranteed!”

“Mr. Wang Dali, this is a great deed for the people of the world, especially for developing and backward countries, it is a great achievement!”

“We must cooperate well and take the lead. In this heavenly city, we must send the most elite scientific research team to thoroughly understand and digest the alien technology!”

“Savior, savior”

Sitting in the office, I almost burst into tears when I heard Wang Dali’s words, “When we have alien technology, the first general of the universe will be mine. We will maintain the peace of the universe and fight the kingdom of Sile. Go back to your hometown and save the people of the world from the turmoil!”

Wang Dali didn’t know that his proposal caused widespread and strong international response. More than half of the countries in the world called Dongyue’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the same day, expressing their willingness to send people to Dongyue immediately to discuss the draft of the joint scientific expedition.

Three days later, 80% of the countries expressed their participation in the negotiation of the joint scientific expedition draft.

On the fifth day, 90% agreed.

A week later, Siller had no choice but to sign the draft that had been negotiated.

At this point, the scientific expedition research team formed by countries all over the world was quickly pulled up, ready to go to Tiangong City to conduct scientific expedition research. As for the follow-up construction, it has been carried out successively after countless consultations.

The joint scientific expedition stationed in the city of heavenly works will become a landmark event in the future, which will be recorded in the annals of human history forever.

This is a later story. Wang Dali has not been in charge of the scientific research and construction of Tiangong City during the whole process. It is not that he does not want to do it, but Wang Dali is busy exploring and has no time to pay attention to it. This is also a later story, but Wang Dali’s initiative , But profoundly changed the world.

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