Chapter 598 Return!

Wang Dali and his entourage appeared in the Stonehenge of Kyrgyzstan, and the flashes of light flashed continuously.

The scene was boiling, some chanted the name of Angel Liangbing, and others chanted Brother Dali, the atmosphere was warm.

“Haha, here comes, here comes”

Representatives of various countries began to applaud, all eagerly looking forward to the appearance of Wang Dali and his party.

The media went crazy. They kept taking pictures and videos on both sides of the aisle. Some reporters even stretched out their microphones to ask Wang Dali how he felt.

“Wow, wow, so many people greet us!” Wella was so excited, the little guy looked left and right, not only not afraid of living, but also frequently waved at reporters and people, smiling, and even posing a few cute poses.

Others are much calmer.

Wang Baoqiang and Cai Yan are also accustomed to attracting attention, but they were still shocked by the cheers and welcome of so many foreigners.

“Ouba, they are welcoming you, this is so famous—” Cai Yan took Wang Dali’s arm.

“Do you know now, I’m a world-class celebrity!”

Wang Dali chuckled and saw the group of relatives and friends in front greet him.

Every time a survivor returns, the family of the survivor can always arrange to be greeted first. This seems to have formed a tradition.

The survivors this time are Wang Baoqiang and Jin Caiyan. Of course, their families and Wang Dali’s family are here.

Wang Dali immediately saw his parents and the old girl Wang Xiaoya who was waving at him.

“Cai Yan, you’re back, oh oh oh”

Cai Yan’s family greeted her, holding Cai Yan, and Cai Yan’s mother burst into tears on the spot.

Wang Dali was nervously touched by his mother: “I said my son, you didn’t hurt anything, right?”

“No no”

Wang Dali smiled bitterly, “You all know whether I was injured or not, I’m so good, I can even kill a cow with one punch!”

“Smelly little girl” Wang Zhiguo shook his head.

“Brother, you’re so majestic this time, even the City of Heavenly Work has been found for you!” Wang Xiaoya grabbed Wang Dali’s hand and shook it vigorously: “You Transformers Tinder, can you play with me?”

“Go, go, nothing is wrong with you!”

Wang Dali reprimanded and turned to see Cai Yan and her family crying into a ball. When it was almost time, Wang Dali took Cai Yan’s little hand and pulled Cai Yan to his family.

“Cai Yan, let me introduce to you, these are my parents and younger sister!” Wang Dali introduced enthusiastically, and greeted the Cai Yan family enthusiastically.

Dali’s mother took Cai Yan’s tender little hand and smiled from ear to ear: “Well, Cai Yan, I know, she is a good boy, a good boy.”

Cai Yan was a little bit at a loss, blushing, and she didn’t have the usual generous performance. She just felt that seeing her parents-in-law in the future was too sudden and completely unprepared.

Fortunately, Wang Dali’s parents quickly greeted Cai Yan’s parents with enthusiasm, and Wang Xiaoya acted as an interpreter very interestingly.

Cai Yan pulled Wang Dali and whispered: “Ouba, it seems like my aunt likes me very much?”

“Of course, Cai Yan, you are so beautiful, cute and talented, who doesn’t like it?” Wang Dali patted Cai Yan on the back of her hand.

Soon, Wang Baoqiang’s parents came to thank Wang Dali for his life-saving grace.

Wella hid beside Liang Bing with a look of envy: “It’s family!”

Liang Bing said with disdain: “Ordinary talents need family members, like our high-level living bodies, what family members do they need? Look at these mortals, their lives are only a few decades, let’s take a nap, and they will die!”

“The dragon does not live with the snake!” Ling said coldly.

“I see!” Wella looked disappointed. After all, she was a kid, but not an ordinary kid.

At this moment, seeing the family embracing almost, the representatives stationed in various countries can’t wait to come up, and even the religious leaders also come up.

The religious leader wore a big red robe, followed by several big red robes, and went straight to Liang Bing, and said piously: “Master Liang Bing, this time, we are asking you to go to the holy post!”

“Oh? Didn’t I say that our angel civilization actually doesn’t require faith?” Liang Bing smiled, his eyes closed slightly.

“No, no, Lord Liangbing, it’s not like that. Although you and the angels don’t need faith, mortals do. Full of faith, I think that angels came to the earth and helped the world eliminate evil. There must be a reason. No matter what the reason is, the world hopes to be bathed in the light of the Lord.”

“I didn’t mean me, our angel civilization only has a ruler like the queen?”

“There is always a deviation between legend and reality. Adults must understand this, but this does not prevent us from devoutly offering to adults!” the religious leader said.

“Alright alright!”

Cold ice rubbed his temples, “Tomorrow morning, you will pick me up at Wang Dali’s villa, and I will go to the holy post with you. After all, spreading justice, order, and kindness is the responsibility of our angelic civilization in the universe. Okay. , You go back first, don’t get in the way here!”

“Yes, yes, so sir, see you tomorrow!” The religious leader and his entourage were overjoyed, not caring about Liang Bing’s impatient attitude.

An angel is about to arrive at the Holy Post. It is a little excited to think about it. It is estimated that in the coming days, devout believers from all over the world will flock to Italy and to the Holy Post.

Representatives of various countries shook hands with Wang Dali one after another, while others were ignored by them.

These representatives represent the opinions of national authorities.

“Mr. Wang, the draft is still the last step, so your signature is needed. When do you want to sign it?”.

“Haha, what’s your opinion?”

“Of course the sooner the better, but we respect your opinion more!”

“Then at noon the day after tomorrow, how about borrowing the palace reception hall? Of course, before that, I have to look at the draft to make sure that Dongyue is the dominant one, and there are no minor adjustments to certain terms.” Wang Dali smiled.

“Okay, we respect your opinion. Now, do you, your family and friends want to stay in a hotel or” an English official asked.

“You don’t need to worry about it. If you can, arrange a few cars and send us all to my manor!” Wang Dali smiled.

“Okay, I’m very happy to help!” The official immediately turned around to make arrangements.

“Mr. Wang, do you want to show everyone a word? This time, there are a lot of people coming to greet you!” Dongyue officials reminded me.

“It’s necessary, it’s necessary, let’s hold a small press conference!”

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