The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1088: Dragon Set

Only three parties remained in the quiet room.

As the seller, Bai Xiaowen is the speaker. As a buyer, Fang's family is Uncle Fang, and the Baizhang Guild is another senior elite professional awakening representative.

"The two really have the spirit, and the conditions given are almost the same. Except for the transfer to the psionic treasure that I requested, both of them gave the scheme of dark gold equipment + psionic point compensation. Alright. "Bai Xiaowen said.

"How is that possible?" The representative of the Hundred War Guild quickly hurriedly cleared.

"In most cases, only dark gold equipment can be exchanged for dark gold equipment. We give this piece of dark gold after careful consideration," said Fang Sishu, "as for psionic point compensation, it is based on dark gold weapons. Extra value ... As for the price offered by the Battlegrounds, it should be a coincidence. "

"Haha, just a joke. Coming back to business, please show me the items you want to exchange, after all, seeing is believing." Bai Xiaowen said with a smile.

The dark gold equipment written by Uncle Fang was brought on the body, but there was no problem, but the representative of the Hundred War Guild was stuck. The dark gold equipment he wrote was a collection of the guild warehouse. To be retrieved, the president's signature was required. It requires a special person to transport, which is a bit troublesome.

However, the representatives of the Hundred Battles Guild had been approved by the Guild before they came, and agreed to this condition in exchange for dark gold weapons. It does not require additional approval in terms of procedures, but it only takes some time to send.

Bai Xiaowen was not in a hurry, and looked at the dark gold equipment on the fourth uncle a priori.

This is a dark gold boot named "Skid Boots" with 5 additional spirit and 2 agility.

A total of 7 attributes, which are somewhat weak for dark gold equipment, but the true value of sliding boots lies in its additional skills.

[Ice Floe: Passive, increase the movement speed of the equipment by 15. Actively turning on the ice floe effect allows the equipped person to cast while moving for 120 seconds. The number of recharge layers /, automatically restore to the full layer every natural day. 】

Bai Xiaowen could not help thinking of his lord experience card while in the Kuroshio plane. At that time, the active effect of Lord Aura's wisdom aura was to allow allies to move and cast.

After experiencing the magic of mobile casting, Bai Xiaowen and Qiao Rui can deeply feel the abnormality of this effect. In terms of hard data, it is not very powerful, but it has given birth to a reinvention of the legal profession.

This piece of equipment is especially suitable for Qiao Rui.

When playing the rhythm of the soul and broken scales, Qiao Rui needs to continue to cast, there is no way to move, and it will easily become the target of the enemy. If you can get this dark gold boots, Joe's flexibility will be greatly improved.

When Bai Xiaowen saw the gliding boots, he already saw its function. Compared to the description of another piece of dark gold equipment provided by the Hundred Battles Guild, taxiing boots are more suitable for the White Phoenix team.

Why leave representatives of the Hundred Battles Guild, mainly to put some pressure on the Fang family. It is a good thing for sellers to leave one more competitive bid.

"Before the dark gold equipment of the Hundred Battles Guild comes over, let ’s talk about compensation. The value of this dark gold weapon of the Sea Stone Minaret is well known to both, high attack power, and damage and control The scope skills are definitely considered as the best dark gold, and as a weapon, they have a very high bonus ... The two dark gold equipment given, one is boots, and the other is leggings, which are relatively mediocre. "

Bai Xiaowen said bluntly.

The representative of the Battlegrounds said: "The white team does make sense, but in addition to providing dark gold equipment, I also gave a transfer to psionic treasures and compensation for 200,000 psionic points. The gap between the dark gold is flat. "

Fang Sishu laughed and laughed: "The dark gold leggings you gave are also worthy of dark gold? It's just that the additional attributes are relatively high, and the added skills are also the level of gold equipment."

Representatives of the Hundred Battles Guild: "The dark gold boots you gave are not strong enough, and the psionic point compensation given is only 100,000, and you can't see sincerity at all."

Bai Xiaowen tapped the table lightly: "Two people, please don't be too persistent in psionics. I said that I don't lack money ... If two people can bring out psionic items that make people's eyes shine, it will be easier to conclude a transaction. . "

Fang Sishu laughed: "Well, I can replace the psionic points with the equivalent psionic items ... How about this 'phobia scroll'? There are also wood armor, flame storm scroll, protective and There are good things that are harmful. "

The representative of the WWII is a bit stuck. This is due to his status limit. Before he came, he had talked to the president. He was almost certain. If he wanted to modify or increase his chips, he could n’t be as flexible and independent as his uncle Fang.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the representatives of the Hundred Fighting Guild quickly lent a light to call for instructions.

Xiaowen Bai smiled at his fourth uncle and said, "Mr. Fang, don't take these second-level things and charge them. I said that together with the transferred treasures, there can only be three types of trading items. The quantity is not feasible."

Uncle Fang was silent.

After a while, the representatives of the Hundred Battles Guild came together again: "White team, our president promised to replace the 200,000 psionic points with a suit part as the third item in the transaction!"

"What suit?" Bai Xiaowen's eyes lit up.

"I have the information here." A representative of the Hundred Battles Guild operated a psionic camera to project a green horned helmet image, along with equipment information.

This horned helmet is called "The Face of the Dragon". It looks like an open dragon's mouth with two horns extending from the top.

Since there are no other kit parts, only the attributes of this helmet can be seen, and 6 points of power are added ~ ~ This is part of the dragon set. In the guild's database, there are six dragon suits. After the collection, they have three powerful suit skills, which are well-deserved top suits! "A representative from the Hundred Battles Guild said.

"What sets of skills?" Bai Xiaowen showed interest.

"Ashamed, the guild database has only 2 and 4 sets of skill data, but from the perspective of these two sets of skills, it is already quite powerful. Generally speaking, the six sets of additional skills are the strongest skills . If the white team intends to trade, I can give you the first two sets of skills information. "

Bai Xiaowen took over 2 and 4 skills from the Dragon Set.

[Dragon Power (2 pieces): Increases the wearer's power by 20. 】

[The majesty of the dragon (4 pieces): passive, the wearer exerts coercion on enemies in the melee range, reducing the attack speed by 20 and the movement speed by 40. Actively activating the majesty of the dragon will make enemies in a wide range fall into a state of rigidity for 1 to 2 seconds. The closer the wearer is, the longer the rigidity lasts. 】


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