The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 829: Mirror space

The welcoming team slammed the gongs and drums all the way, but none of them spoke.

There are still many ghost audiences drifting behind, silently following. Unlike the normal liveliness of the melon-eating crowd, these ghost audiences say nothing, as if they are performing some kind of ritual.

Five members of the White Phoenix team followed the crowd. Bai Xiaowen also intentionally opened the mental scan, and sensed it.

Qin Bing is not nearby, of course, it may be that the high-priority stealth status cannot be detected.

The Liujia Tunzi was not big. The welcoming team fought all the way, and soon reached the destination-a threshing field.

On the side of the threshing field, there are three or five families.

Bai Xiaowen noticed that this is already the corner of the village, which also fits the status of the Zhou family's non-residents.

Among the welcoming team, a villager who was tall and thin, and could vaguely look like the old gentleman, came forward and shouted loudly:

"Joshi is here!"

"The bride goes to the sedan!"

The ghost welcome team separated from it. A humble red wedding car was carried by four mature villagers and came to the door of one of them.

Bai Xiaowen watched with insights, and found that, no matter the old gentleman or the villagers who carried the sedan car, they were in a state of blessing and could not be selected as targets, that is, they could not be detected.

Well, now there is no way to get things done.

The villagers of Jiaojia shouted several times, the door was closed, and no one responded.

The old gentleman shouted, "Just not delay, invite the bride out!"

At the front of the welcoming team, there are two middle-aged women holding "welcome" and "avoid" signs, wearing red clothes and bloated, and rushed away immediately after hearing the words, as if two green smoke drifted into the tightly closed house. door.

Subsequently, the two women in red floated out first, the latter wearing a red jersey with a red hijab on their heads was dragged out, and at the end they followed two mother-in-laws. The bride in the red jersey took the sedan chair.

"The bride looks awkward, as if tied up?" Li Shuyi's eyes were sharp.

Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes. Looking closely, the bride's walking posture is indeed weird.

Without moving their legs, they are floating on the ground. This is a common feature of all villagers in Huaiwang Village, so I won't mention it. But the bride's arms were close to her body, no matter how she walked, she didn't wiggle at all, it looked like she was tied by an invisible rope.

"It seems that this bride is the second sister of the Zhou family, and she looks very right." Li Shuyi laughed.

"What shall we do now?" Qiao Rui asked.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head: "I can't do it yet ... I haven't figured it out in many places, such as this wedding scene, does it happen every day, or happens to happen on the day we enter? If it is the latter, it is too coincidental One point. And the former ... would be even more difficult to understand. "

In the end, Bai Xiaowen decided to wait and see the changes. After all, You Baishi's secret has not been unlocked, and everyone has little ability to kill these ghosts.

The bride was dragged into the sedan chair, and the welcome team fluttered and disappeared at the intersection.

"Go to Zhou's home and find the diary pages." Bai Xiaowen led his teammates into the wall of the bride's house.

The courtyard was empty and there were a few ridges. It was probably the Zhou family's own vegetable growing place, but it is now deserted. There is an abandoned well beside the ridge, and behind the well is an old stone mill.

Bai Xiaowen frowned slightly: "Is this the Zhou family? It's a little bit awkward. It's hard to imagine a migrant household that has been devolved. There would be such a thing as a stone mill."

Several teammates have searched in the yard separately, but found no diary pages.

Suddenly, Qiao Rui said, "Captain, come and see. It's a bit abnormal here."

Bai Xiaowen walked over.

On the stone mill, there are two deep stains, which are like deeply embedded in the stone, which cannot be eliminated for years.

The point is, you can smell a thick **** gas near the stone mill.

"This should be blood, but it has dried up like this, and there is such a heavy **** gas, it is indeed abnormal ..." Bai Xiaowen frowned, between the stone mill and the waste well, he also saw the blood, but the blood clot smaller.

Bai Xiaowen took a few steps back and looked at it visually, saying: "The second sister of the Zhou family was forcibly pulled out of the house at the beginning. She was also really strong. She hit the stone mill first, did not hit the death, and jumped Well. I think there should be gains in the well, and you should go down and take a look. "

Li Shuyi shrank her head, even Qiao Rui's face turned pale.

Han Xu said: "I'll go."

"No need." Bai Xiaowen waved his hand, and Kitts, wearing a noble dress, appeared.

"Kitts, take a look." Bai Xiaowen chose a fixed-point airdrop to target Wellhead.

Kitts: "???"

A cough came from the well, and Kitz's voice sounded, "Boss, what the hell, it's all gray."

"Anything found?" Bai Xiaowen asked.

"Nothing," Kitts said.

Bai Xiaowen opened Kitz's shared vision, glanced around the well, and really could not see anything.


Bai Xiaowen frowned, thinking that since the ghost bride jumped the well, there should be something wrong in the well.

Kitts turned into a bat colony and flew out of the waste well, patting the dust on his body: "To be weird ... well, it seems a little cold below? But I'm a vampire. There is no difference in temperature difference.

"Maybe it's because you're a vampire, not a living person," Bai Xiaowen suddenly opened his eyes. "It seems that I still can't be lazy to use the summoned creature to explore the way, I will go and see for myself."

Bai Xiaowen's summoned creatures are basically undead species, and angry claws are beasts, and it is difficult to trigger strange places in the well.

"Xiaowen, be careful." Li Shuyi said.

"Well, this yard is weird in the yard, and there is no other clue. Shuyi, you and sister Qiao first go to Zhou's house to find it. Lao Han, you are in Jingkou, help me to guard."

After Bai Xiaowen finished speaking, he jumped into the well.

The wind roared, one second, two seconds, three seconds ...

Not yet landed.

Bai Xiaowen felt awful in his heart. When Kitts went down the well, he fell to the bottom, and the waste well was at most three or five meters deep. But now it seems that you can't stop at thirty or fifty meters!

Bai Xiaowen danced and tried to catch the wall of the well in the air, but he kept catching air.

"Should I not die?"

Bai Xiaowen's fingers touched the city roll, and he opened his eyes and looked down.

The bottom was shrouded in a thick fog, like a monster with a wide mouth, and it was not real.

Suddenly, Bai Xiaowen was in a stature. He felt his feet touch the ground, but did not feel the pain of falling from a height.

There was a clear feeling of weightlessness and dislocation. At the next moment, Bai Xiaowen was already standing in a courtyard with a look of aggression.

Familiar stone mills, familiar wells, and familiar earth walls.

"This is clearly the courtyard of the Zhou family ... I just had the illusion of being turned upside down. It was like entering the world in a mirror, and my head and feet instantly. Then this courtyard, in a spatial sense, should not be the courtyard where Han Xu is. . "

Bai Xiaowen sighed. Fortunately, he was bold and judgmental, and it might take a long time to change to another person.

This mirrored space is also a gray sky.

Suddenly, a sound of gongs and drums came from far and near. Bai Xiaowen's face changed: "No, there is also a welcome party here?"

Unlike the previous onlookers, Bai Xiaowen was in the yard this time and saw the situation at the bride's house.

With the shouting of "Just arrived," the two sturdy mother-in-laws opened the door of the hospital and entered. The door in the room was also opened. The bride was wearing a big red jersey and tied by a rope. There were also two sturdy mother-in-laws pushing it out.

"Hua Yurong, don't you know how to be in the middle of the blessing. How many girls want to marry Da Liu in this Liujiatunzi? After you enter the door, you will not have to worry about eating and drinking. "

Under the red hijab, a voice sounded:

"I see. Can you untie me?"

"Well, that's not going to happen. In case you're looking for life, we can fix it."

"No, I've figured it out. Besides, if you are forced into a sedan, your old Liu family can afford to lose people?"

"It's such a rational ... Okay, now that Yu Rong has figured it out, she will untie her and walk through the door smoothly and kindly ..."

Bai Xiaowen seemed to be a transparent person. The sturdy mother-in-law ignored him. He reached out and touched the air. The other side was just an illusion.

Soon, the rope was untied.

The bride in red ripped off her red hijab, revealing a pretty face with a little British spirit. She snapped:

"I spend Yurong as a ghost and I will not marry the Liu family!"

The four mothers-in-law stunned, and before they had time to speak, Hua Yurong rushed to the stone mill.

A mother-in-law stood on the road ~ ~, seeing Hua Yurong coming fiercely, she subconsciously flew away. There was a sudden buzz, the stone mill trembled, and Hua Yurong's head was dripping with blood, and two pieces of blood splashed on the stone mill.

The welcome team outside the hospital seemed to hear the movement, and someone immediately followed in, and said eagerly for the first middle-aged man wearing a felt hat: "Well, I still see blood ..."

The three mother-in-laws surrounded Hua Yurong, all of them were frightened.

"The master, this flower Yurong said she figured it out, and I untied the rope. Who knew she ran into it ..." The last mother-in-law, the wife of the village head Liu Fu, said in a panic, "Fortunately, There are no dead people, you see, or else ... "

The man with a felt hat froze slightly, repeating: "Did you die?" His face quickly returned to normal, and snorted: "Is this not dead! Who frightens me? I told you Hua Yurong, you must go through the door today , Is a member of the old Liu's family alive, dead is a ghost of the old Liu's family! Tie her away! "

Hua Yurong punched and kicked, and a few strong mother-in-laws were turned aside. As a large number of men and women of the welcoming team rushed over, Hua Yurong screamed suddenly, rushed over and jumped into the well.


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