The fairy father

Chapter 107 Safe Small Classroom

Li Ping'an always felt that he was being tricked by the boss.

He had obviously promised to stay in Fang Town on the coast of the East China Sea for a few months, but he still announced to Thirty-Six Peaks that the Ten Thousand Clouds Discussion Conference would be held.

There was no other way, so Li Ping'an ran directly to the leader to ask about the matter. The worst he could do was have a quarrel with the leader.

The headmaster smacked his forehead with regret and said with emotion: "Peace! This is my fault! When Mu Ningning came to me, several elders had already taken orders to make arrangements."

Li Ping'an really wanted to give his boss the middle finger.

There were no two options at the beginning. The leader just gave an option that he would reject 100% of the time, and then compromised with another option!


In a good world of spiritual practice, what kind of "learning by compromise" is there?

Li Ping'an screamed in his heart and said bitterly: "How long have you been practicing for this disciple? How can I preach to the immortals in the sect? Please also ask the master to modify the rules so that I can teach the disciples in the Void Realm some ways of cultivation. !”

"Oh, don't be so serious! Everyone just wants to take advantage of your father's luck and the fortune of being a quasi-immortal!"

The leader smiled and said:

"Who told you to be so mysterious and mysterious when you enlightened Senior Xu Sheng before?

"I have prepared several scriptures for you here, which only the immortals of our Wan Yun Sect are qualified to understand.

"Peace, when the time comes, just memorize these verses.

"Think about it, this time the immortals from all the peaks came out of seclusion and rushed to Guanhaimen to put pressure. Isn't this all to avenge Xiao Yue? Who is Xiao Yue? I don't need to whisper to you, right?

"You come to give a sermon as a thank you to the immortals in the sect. I will arrange some 'breakthroughs' for you in the future. I will find twelve outer sect elders and let them say that they did have a breakthrough after listening to your sermon. Isn’t this matter settled?

"Everyone knows this, who would blame you for not speaking profoundly enough? Just relax, my little master!"

Li Ping'an:...

"Okay, disciple, hurry back and prepare."

Li Pingan resigned, feeling relieved in his heart.

The worst he can do is lose face.

'Just in time, I will take this opportunity to change everyone's misunderstanding of me. I am not an enlightenment stone. I am a young disciple who is responsible for my duties. ’

Li Ping'an made up his mind and felt that his Taoist heart was clear.

This is indeed a good opportunity for him to get rid of his false reputation!

However, when Li Ping'an returned to the cave and smacked it carefully, he gradually came back to his senses.

Did he eat a few more big cakes from the leader?

Ah this!

The corner of Li Ping'an's mouth twitched. He held the three jade talismans given by the master in his hand and began to quickly write down the three 'high-end' scriptures in the jade talismans.

These scriptures are indeed obscure and difficult to understand, but in many places they can be mutually corroborated with what my master has taught before.

'If it doesn't work, let's ask the master to make up for the lessons. Although it is definitely timid, at least show less. ’

Li Ping'an got up and rushed to the inner cave.

The immortal power barrier arranged by Qing Su will never stop this only disciple;

Before Li Ping'an goes in, he always calls out in advance: "Master! Is it convenient for me, disciple, to come in?"


Qing Su simply responded, and Li Ping'an entered with three jade talismans.

In the small bedroom in the corner of the cave.

Wen Ling'er blinked, and pictures that were not suitable for children emerged in her mind. Then she laughed a few times and quickly returned to her seriousness.

She just thought about it casually.

According to her observation, Teacher Qingsu really treats Ping Anzu as his precious apprentice;

But Ping An Xiaozu's side is much more complicated. When facing Teacher Qingsu, Ping An Xiaozu often has to act as a guide.

‘Teacher Qingsu’s temperament is too simple. If she goes to Donghaifang Town, will she be defrauded of spiritual stones? ’

Wen Ling'er pinched her chin and worried about it for a while.

But she knew that although Qingsu hadn't spoken yet, she would definitely go to Fang Town on the coast of the East China Sea with Li Ping'an.

This is the iron rule for their master and apprentice to go out.

"Huh? Peace requires both preaching and going to the southeast?"

In Zhuyun Hall, Li Dazhi looked at Elder Yan Sheng in front of him and laughed dumbly:

"Is the sun rising from the west? My family usually hides from Ping An, but this time he actually takes the initiative to preach. He can only choose one of the two things, but he chose two?"

Elder Yan Sheng said with emotion: "Ping An has a sect in his heart."

"That's for sure."

Li Dazhi raised his eyebrows, put down the account book in his hand, and moved his shoulders.

He said: "Elder Yan, please take good care of Ping An when you go to the southeast this time. Although Ping An is calm and good at planning, he is still a young man at heart. He still has the mentality of a child, and sometimes he gets carried away. Humanity is so sophisticated but not practical.”

Yan Sheng smiled and said, "Uncle Master, this is me."

"Oh, don't think blindly!"

Li Dazhi stood up and counted the time, just in time to supervise the great fairy living in the inner hall taking the elixir.

Yan Sheng pondered for a few times and then said seriously: "Uncle Dazhi, there is something I still want to ask."

"Just ask."

Elder Yan Sheng whispered: "It's about demon cultivation."

The elder sighed and said quickly:

“Although the Blood Demon Palace has temporarily disappeared, there is still the possibility of a comeback, especially since we are completely opposed to Guanhaimen this time.

"I'm really worried that people from Guanhaimen will pretend to be Blood Demons from the Blood Demon Palace and go to our Fangzhen shop to do evil.

"It doesn't matter to me that I'm an old man. He's not yet an immortal... It's better to persuade him not to go."

"I actually have doubts about this."

Li Dazhi sat at the corner of the table and crossed his arms.

Perhaps because of the beauty beside him, he has obviously lost weight in recent days, and his beer belly has shrunk visibly.

——He was just shaping his immortal body to make himself look better.

Li Dazhi said: "But this time when I went to sit on the coast of the East China Sea, Ping An refused at first, and then took the initiative to ask Ning Ning to find the leader who agreed to the matter. This is because Ping An wanted to go."

"Oh?" Yan Sheng was also slightly surprised.

Li Dazhi added: "Based on what I know about my son, he should have other ideas."

Yan Sheng hurriedly asked: "What do you think?"

"He is a third-grade inspection envoy from ASEAN. He should want to make some achievements."

Li Dazhi raised his hand and touched his head, sighed for the short hair that had just grown half an inch, and continued to laugh:

"My mother is worried about her son traveling thousands of miles away. How can I, as a father, not worry about his safety?"

"But Ping An is an adult after all. He has been practicing hard and has never slacked off. I can see all this.

"As a parent, you must not only give your child enough nutrients, but also give your child enough space to grow so that he can spread his branches and leaves. If I interfere with Ping An's decision, he may listen, but there will always be regrets in his heart. .

"How can we really live in this poor place like Dongzhou? But Dongzhou is always a hundred times better than Xizhou.

“When I came back from safely going to Xizhou for training, I suddenly thought about it.

"Why bother with him! Just let him go on his own. Can't I just burn incense and lend him some luck? At most, he will lose some hair."

Elder Yan Sheng sighed: "Uncle, if you think so, then I won't say anything more. Even if I risk my life, I will definitely take care of safety and security!"

"Hey! Elder's words are serious!"

Li Dazhi smiled and said: "I won't accompany you anymore. I'm going to see Xiaoyue's injury. It's time for her to take medicine."

"Well, Uncle Master, you are busy. Ping An is going to give a sermon at the Dao Discussion Conference tomorrow. I also have to arrange the place for the sermon. I estimate that there will be three thousand disciples in the sect."

Elder Yan Sheng took his dry tobacco bag and left.

Li Dazhi shook his head, his eyes mostly filled with depression. In fact, he just said it was beautiful, but he was still quite worried in his heart.

But he quickly picked himself up.


It is estimated that in another ten or eight years, he will be able to touch the barrier of heaven!

There is a humanoid Enlightenment Stone at home, but he is still afraid that he will not be able to break through the barrier of the immortals?

Li Dazhi hummed a small tune and strolled towards the inner hall. The immortal deacons from all over the place saw him with envy in their eyes.

In the inner hall, Xiao Yue was already sitting in front of the dressing table, carefully tracing the corners of her eyebrows.

She was wearing a gold skirt and gauze robe, and her long hair was tied with hairpins and wavy hair. She was a little delicate due to her injuries. Just a look at her could make many male cultivators unable to move away. pace.

Li Dazhi came with his hands behind his back.

Xiao Yue stood up and greeted her politely, saying softly: "Uncle, are you here for tea?"

"Why are you still dressed up?"

Li Dazhi smiled and walked aside: "Come here and have a rest. I saw you took the elixir and will continue to work."

"Uncle," Xiao Yue took small steps forward, her hairpin swaying slightly, her slender fingers dyed pink wrapped around the handle of the teapot, and poured tea for Li Dazhi and brought it over, "I'm fine, don't stare like this. Let me take medicine."

"The main thing is not to affect Daoji."

Li Dazhi said seriously: "Do you want to stop being a true immortal?"

Xiao Yue said softly: "Before, I had no intention of continuing to practice. I was always stuck at the bottleneck. I have not gained any obvious insights after practicing Taoism for ten years."

"Hey, it doesn't matter," Li Dazhi said, "Ping An is going to give a sermon tomorrow, so you can go and listen, and I'll go with you."

Xiao Yue lowered her head and looked at Li Dazhi's face.

At first, she always felt that this round face seemed to be worldly and smooth, but now she always feels that it is so calm and reliable.

Xiao Yue sat next to Li Dazhi and took the initiative to reach out her right hand to catch Li Dazhi's big hand.

Li Dazhi subconsciously retracted his hand, moved half a circle to the side, and whispered: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Yue leaned sideways, supporting her cheek with her left hand, looking at Li Dazhi at ease, and said in a voice: "Uncle Master, doesn't he like Yue'er?"

"You, hey!"

Li Dazhi stood up and said hurriedly: "Why did you say this suddenly?"

"Alas," Xiao Yue sighed, "it seems that my uncle doesn't like Yue'er anymore."

"How could this happen!"

Li Dazhi hurriedly turned to look at Xiao Yue and said: "You are so pretty, like a fairy descending from heaven. Ah, you are a fairy to begin with. Anyone else would..."

He saw Xiao Yue's playful eyes and realized that he was being teased by her.

Li Dazhi frowned and clicked his tongue: "Is it interesting?"

Xiao Yue hid her mouth and smiled sweetly, stood up and moved forward, but without any pretense, she directly took Li Dazhi's arm.

Li Dazhi's body trembled.

Xiao Yue said softly: "Uncle, your child can be independent now, why are you still so reserved? I just like how calm you are, but I don't like how you act like those little disciples."

"Ahem, this."

Li Dazhi cleared his throat and unconsciously made a bubble sound.

"You rest first. I have to attend to official duties. I'll come over later to see if you've taken your medicine."

After saying that, he turned around and left, looking a little embarrassed no matter how he looked.

Xiao Yue sneered, but she couldn't help showing a bit of the coquettishness of a little daughter.

She hummed a fairy tune and floated to the dressing table. She looked seriously injured.

"Peace is about to preach!"

This sentence became the most mentioned words within the twelve hours of Thirty-Six Peaks.

Thirty-six Peaks, which had been celebrating lively due to the pressure on Guanhaimen, received such news, and almost all the immortals were in a state of excitement.

Elder Yan Sheng had previously estimated that approximately three thousand disciples of the sect would show up at this Dao Discussion Conference, which is already a top level.

But Elder Yan Sheng really didn’t expect that in the early morning of that day, the place where the sermon was prepared had already gathered...

Eight thousand!

Eight thousand disciples!

The venue originally prepared by Elder Yan Sheng was a cloud platform, but he found that the platform could not hold the space, so he had to change the venue for the discussion.

By chance, Wen Ling'er from Li Ping'an's cave came to ask for a meeting and said that Li Ping'an wanted to change the place of preaching to Liuyun Temple. Elder Yan Sheng thought for a while and immediately agreed.

Although Liuyun Temple is not too big, it is transparent everywhere and can be divided into nine layers of cloud platforms to surround Liuyun Temple.

Elder Yan Sheng actually knew it well.

Everyone is just here because of the title of "Great Enlightenment Quasi-Immortal", and they are not as safe as the Heaven and Earth Bridge. Even if they clearly understand the second chapter of "Wanyun Jue", it will be difficult to touch the Taoist hearts of all the experienced Taoists through preaching.

‘I feel aggrieved and peaceful. ’

Yan Sheng sighed softly, turned around and began to give orders, allowing the entire outer door system to continue operating at high speed.

In fact, not only the disciples in the mountain sect, but also some immortals stationed in other places came back in a hurry when they heard that "Ping An is about to preach".

An hour before the sermon began, the platforms in all directions of Liuyun Temple were already crowded with people.

Eight thousand people can't stop it!

The position of listening to the sermon is also particular.

For example, on these cloud platforms outside, the people sitting there are disciples who have not become immortals, half of them are outer disciples;

Those who can stand on the wall of Liuyun Temple are all disciples of the Heaven and Earth Bridge Realm, or those who have just ascended to the Yuan Immortal Realm within a hundred years.

In the courtyard, the real immortals are outside and the celestial beings are inside. The futons are already in strings and rows close together.

The main hall of Liuyun Temple enshrines the statue of Nuwa, and now only the statue of Nuwa is left. ——Several elders have used magic to tear down the ceiling and walls of this place, leaving only the statue of the Virgin Mary and a futon for preaching.

On the unnamed peak, inside the cave.

Li Ping'an had a dark face, watching this situation with his spiritual consciousness, and his legs were a little weak.

Mu Ningning has been called to Liuyun Temple by Zhenxu Qingxu.

Mu Ningning originally wanted to appear on stage with her senior brothers and follow the prestige, but now she can only squeeze together with her senior sisters and sisters, without even a seat near the front.

This made Fairy Mu really depressed.

At this moment, Qing Su couldn't help but urge: "Apprentice, everyone is waiting for you, please hurry up."

"Master, there's no need to worry," Li Ping'an took a deep breath, "I'll go burn incense sticks for Master Sanqing!"

He burrowed directly into the ground, rushed to the underground secret room, and personally lit incense for the memorial tablet of Sanqing Daozu.

‘My dear Dao Ancestor, I wish you a smooth passage today. Don’t let any real or heavenly immortals break through in the next half month. ’

Then, Li Ping'an took two steps back and went to the new tablet beside him.

Light incense and kowtow.

This is the position he enshrines as the teacher Yun Zhongzi.

After doing this, Li Ping'an felt a little at ease, and then used the cloud escape method to return to the cave, said goodbye to his master, and rushed to Liuyun Temple on the clouds.

It is not appropriate for Qingsu to show up today.

However, Li Ping'an, with the heavy gazes on his face, accompanied by the headmaster, sat in front of the statue of the Virgin in the main hall of Liuyun Temple, breathed out gently, and began to close his eyes and adjust his breath.

The front mountain was completely silent, and the Qi practitioners who practiced the Way of the Cloud stared at Li Ping'an's figure, no longer whispering at all.

The leader, Yun Mo, didn't shy away from it, and went straight to the front row, sitting next to Li Dazhi, surrounded by the immortal elders on the left and right, and behind him.

After a while, Li Ping'an had restored his Taoist stability.

He opened his eyes and saw the smiling face of the leader and the slightly worried look in his father's eyes.

Li Ping'an suddenly felt at peace.

He said calmly:

"As a disciple, I shouldn't be preaching here, but the master has orders and I have to obey them.

"There were rumors before that I enlightened the Yuan Immortal, the True Immortal, and the Golden Immortal. After careful consideration, it turned out that it was just my father's great luck.

"The Wanyun Sect has a wonderful cloud path. I will talk about it casually today. All the teachers in the sect can just laugh when they hear it. All of you who are in the same sect and are in the true realm need to listen carefully or gain some insights into your practice."

Figures everywhere bowed their hands at the same time.

Li Ping'an couldn't find Gu Qingcheng and others he was familiar with, so he simply closed his eyes again and began to explain the basic practice methods.

Just at this time.

Kunlun Wonderland, in Yuxu Palace.

The thin old immortal lying on his side of the bed opened his eyes, slowly sat up, and murmured:

"Find me in peace?"

He closed his eyes again, and a cloudy shadow flew out of his forehead. In an instant, he crossed the universe, crossed mountains, rivers, lakes and seas like a leisurely stroll, and appeared above Li Ping'an's head.

Yun Zhongzi was slightly stunned when he saw this scene, then covered his beard and chuckled, listening carefully to Li Ping'an's explanation of Yun Zhidao's cultivation method.

Then, Yun Zhongzi frowned slightly again.

His phantom went straight into Li Ping'an's spiritual platform, stood behind Li Ping'an's Yuanshen, and looked up at the golden clouds above.

Is this... the way of heaven?

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