The fairy father

Chapter 137: Three Questions about Ambition, Peace and Determination of Demons

Conquer people with virtue?

According to Li Ping'an's opinion, it would be best for the two of them not to continue showing up now.

Just now, Old Man Tianli pointed out the relationship between the Deputy Tianhe Alliance and the Deputy Master of the Blood Demon Palace - an old subordinate.

Judging from the reaction of the deputy master of the Blood Demon Palace when he was forced into a desperate situation, this person was a standard narrow-minded person. He killed so many people and didn't even feel that he had done anything wrong.

It cannot be said that it is unbelievable, it can only be said that this person has evil intentions.

What my father said was right, we must find a way to take advantage of the situation to get rid of this person today, otherwise this person will definitely take revenge on Wan Yunzong and their father and son.

Li Ping'an kept thinking in his heart.

I'll let my father give it a try later. If my father can't withstand the opponent's firepower, even if he gives up his ASEAN official robe and carries the sign of 'Master Yun Zhongzi', he still has to let the old man Tianhe be unable to protect this person. Bloody evil demon.

Having made up his mind, Li Ping'an's eyes became colder and colder.

A big hand waved in front of Li Ping'an.

"What are you thinking about?"

Li Dazhi muttered: "I feel like you're going to go up and kill someone."

"It's okay, Dad, don't you want to convince others with your virtue?"

Li Ping'an made a gesture of invitation.

"Don't worry, let's take a look first."

Li Dazhi smiled with narrowed eyes and said:

"The two deputy allies are fighting overtly and covertly, which is not a fun thing you see often.

"Also, you are a third-grade ASEAN patrol envoy. There are some things you have to say even if you want to say them again. In the worst case, I will say them for you.

"I don't know you yet? Your lab did something dirty before, and you just stood up and cursed, which offended your instructor."

Li Pingan turned around and glared: "How do you know this?"

Li Dazhi smiled and said: "You will understand when you put a few boxes of tables in your trunk... Of course, there is no chance now. Just concentrate, Mr. Xu Sheng is here."

Senior Xu Sheng and Senior Zhan Yuan have now retreated to the side of the father and son.

Wenrou and Zisang, the master and apprentice pair who appeared later, also fell next to Li Dazhi and Li Pingan. Wenrou bowed to Li Dazhi and saluted, while Zisang stood beside Li Pingan with a smile.

Wenrou and Ye Zisang also received orders from Old Man Tianli to stop the father and son when necessary.

Everyone held their breath and watched the confrontation in the air.

Old Man Tianhe was the first to break the deadlock and said with a smile: "Tianli, what do you mean by this? My old general?"

"Is it possible that you don't know this person?"

Old Man Tianli narrowed his eyes and said:

"I think what Ping An said just now is right. Why not take off this person's mask right here and confirm his identity.

"You and I are both ASEAN Vice-Associates, and our words and deeds represent the whole of ASEAN. No rumors can spread, and everything we do should be reasonable and reasonable."

The old man Tianhe sighed: "The deputy master of the Blood Fiend Palace has a great relationship and has committed many crimes, but after all, he is also an older generation of golden immortals from our human race. He survived the battles with hundreds of tribes. He should be given some dignity. You can’t chill the hearts of the older generation of golden immortals.”

"It's not you and me who are chilling."

Old man Tianli also sighed:

"It is not easy for the human race to open up such a prosperous age, but it has only been tens of thousands of years? People's hearts are not ancient, the world is declining, demon cultivators are rampant, and they collude with monsters.

“No matter who the deputy master of the Blood Fiend Palace is, he cannot protect him.

"Ping An has been busy working on this matter, and was almost killed by that little snake before. Even if the Wan Yun Sect planned to ambush the evil demon of the Blood Demon Palace, they were also paying attention to protecting the mortals and casual cultivators in the city. For this reason, they have to do more Dozens of immortals were injured.

"If you and I can't even satisfy our wish for peace, will everyone in the Wan Yun Sect be heartbroken?"

Old Man Tianhe said again: "But if you take off this person's mask and reveal his identity, how will his sect deal with it?"

"The upper beam is not straight, it's just that the lower beam is crooked."

Old man Tianli said calmly:

"His sect also has problems. If there are problems, it must be rectified. The big demons will raise the little demons, and the little demons will become big demons. From generation to generation, how can Dongzhou not be in chaos?"

Old Man Tianhe shook his head: "This matter is different. There is no point in talking about it here. Why don't we go back together and ask the alliance leader to discuss it with the deputy alliance members."

"Go back? Yes."

Old Man Tianli smiled and said:

"This deputy palace master asked me to escort him. I can't trust your people."

Old Man Tianhe frowned and said, "Tianli, do you and I have to make such a scene?"

"I'm not making trouble with you, junior brother," Old Man Tianli said sternly, "I really don't know how to explain to Ping An. You and I are both seniors. If you are looked down upon by the juniors, here."

Old Man Tianli pointed to his heart.

"It's so uncomfortable!"

There was no sign of anger on Old Man Tianhe's face, he just stared at Old Man Tianli quietly.

Li Ping'an murmured to himself... Why didn't these two people talk to each other?

He thought for a while, it should be when one party spoke to the other, the latter pretended not to hear, and then forced both parties to speak openly.

Suddenly, Li Dazhi took two steps forward.

Wenrou Tianxian, who was originally responsible for holding Li Dazhi, was stunned and immediately wanted to stop him.

Li Ping'an smiled and said: "Senior Wenrou, my father has something to say."

Wenrou couldn't stop him immediately and looked at Li Ping'an helplessly.

How could she not have guessed that the father and son would never let go of the deputy master of the Blood Fiend Palace easily, but it was a bit inappropriate for them to directly hate the old man Tianhe. After all, they were the fourth deputy alliance of ASEAN.

Li Dazhi flew several feet up in the clouds. Xu Sheng, holding the Cang Yuezhu in his left hand, stood beside Li Dazhi, guarding against anyone attacking Li Dazhi.

Li Dazhi cupped his hands in a naive manner: "Senior Tianli, how about I say a few words?"

When old man Tianli looked at this fat Taoist, he couldn't help but feel a little irritated and muttered:

"What are you doing out here? Let your son come out and tell you!"

"Ping An is still too young. I'm afraid that he will speak rashly and bump into the two seniors."

Li Dazhi smiled and said:

"I have something to say in my heart, and I won't express it out loud. I ask the two seniors not to blame me."

Old Man Tianhe showed a gentle smile: "It turns out that he is the Great Fortune Immortal, the great fortune-teller of our Dongzhou human race. I wonder what you can say? Why don't you father and son go to my practice place later to talk about it?"

The implication was that he told Li Dazhi not to speak today, and that there would be benefits for them and his son later.

Li Dazhi looked horrified and said hurriedly: "The so-called great luck is nothing but hearsay. The human race is what it is today, thanks to the bloodshed and sacrifice of the human race's ancestors. What does it have to do with the word luck? Luck is nothing but the shackles of heaven that bind the human race."

Old Man Tianli's eyes lit up: "Hey, have you realized it?"

"That's right!"

Li Dazhi said with a smile:

"After being trained by you, no matter how stupid we are, we should understand your good intentions.

“I have truly realized that the Way of Heaven, the Way of Humanity, and the Great Way influence and interfere with each other, one ebbs and the other grows, and they replace each other.

"Just like now, the way of humanity is prosperous and the way of heaven is declining. The way of heaven can only operate behind the scenes, and it is difficult to appear in front of the Qi Refiners... This actually creates a big problem.

"That's right, if human masters make mistakes, who can take care of them?"

Li Ping'an took a jade talisman and hid it in his sleeve, and began to write the 'minutes of his father's speech'.

Lao Li's entry point is very good and worth learning.

Without waiting for the two old men to speak, Li Dazhi glanced across the field. Under the gaze of all the immortal soldiers and generals, he slowly stood up straight and started talking with a smile.

The Great Fortune Immortal said:

"I have only been practicing for a short time, but I have also noticed some problems. The Qi Refiners of Dongzhou are free and unrestrained.

“The biggest problem is that there is no restraint.

"Someone told me before that every major sect actually has two gloves, a white glove and a black glove. The black glove is the incarnation of a demon cultivator to do things that are obviously difficult to do, such as this deputy Palace Master, he did one thing after another in order to facilitate his sect, to facilitate his sect's plundering, killing people and destroying the sect.

"Is this of any benefit to the development of Dongzhou? It is of no benefit at all. Is there a place for the dead to redress their grievances? There is nowhere to redress their grievances.


"ASEAN, or the great, wise, mighty and handsome Yellow Emperor, retired after defeating the hundreds of tribes. There were also many things in Nanzhou, which caused the Qi Refiners of Dongzhou to be in such a free-range state. .

"Maybe you haven't noticed it.

"In the middle part of Dongzhou, there are frequent conquests between immortal dynasties, with hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands of mortal casualties. Behind these are just sect disputes, and sometimes even conflicts of temperament.

"Why do the sects fight? People's hearts are dissatisfied and desires cause trouble.

“This is also a major disadvantage of allowing demonic cultivators to wreak havoc.

"Punish this person severely, and you can also scare the monkeys, so that those who are ready to take action can calm down.

"There is also the saying that the Golden Immortal cannot die. It is really ridiculous. I don't know who made this rule, but it doesn't make any sense at all. Is the Golden Immortal an iron ticket in the elixir book or a gold medal for immunity from death?

"In the ordinary world, people who kill people are subject to death and those who hurt others are punished. How come in the world of Qi Refiners, golden immortals cannot die?

"Two seniors, can I ask a few questions?

"Of course, the two seniors don't have to let me ask. Then I will ask my master to take me to Nuwa Palace to be in front of His Majesty the Yellow Emperor later.

"I think that my so-called status as a person of great luck, which is not worth mentioning, should be summoned by His Majesty."

Old Man Tianli and Old Man Tianhe changed their expressions at the same time.

Tianli frowned and said, "Don't mess around! Don't ask to see His Majesty if you have nothing to do!"

Old Man Tianhe smiled and said, "What does the Great Fortune Immortal want to ask?"

"The first question is," Li Dazhi put his hands behind his back and looked directly at the old man Tianhe, "Does ASEAN support the righteous Qi practitioners or the evil Qi practitioners?"

Old Man Tianhe narrowed his eyes slightly.

Old Man Tianli immediately said: "Of course ASEAN supports the right way! Looking at your question, do ASEAN still encourage human Qi refiners to kill each other?"

Li Dazhi smiled and said: "I think so. ASEAN is the ASEAN of the human race, not the ASEAN of the East Continent. ASEAN should protect the righteousness of the East Continent."

He changed the topic and continued loudly:

"Then I have a second question. If a human immortal kills a human being in the name of a demon cultivator, should he be beheaded?"

Old Man Tianli was about to speak, but Old Man Tianhe had already started speaking.

Old Man Tianhe said with a smile: "Let's deal with this matter separately."

Li Dazhi frowned and asked, "How to calculate it differently?"

"We must first see whether this person has contributed to the human race, and whether he can be remedied in the future."

Old Man Tianhe said slowly:

"The combat power of a Golden Immortal is so precious. Since ancient times, our human race has accumulated only a few Golden Immortals. The number of Golden Immortals is still only a few thousand. The sins committed by murder can also be given a chance to atone for their sins."

Li Dazhi suddenly realized: "So that's what you mean, then the relationship is good, and all the sins committed by murder can be redeemed. Then I will kill a few people I don't like later, and then turn around and save the corresponding people. I'm good at it." If the balance is exceeded, then there will be no crime... Is it you who is higher? This can be widely promoted in Dongzhou, oh yes, if a demon eats a person and then saves the person, it means it has not eaten the person. How wonderful!"

Old Man Tianhe frowned and said, "Pindao doesn't mean..."

"Gong is merit, fault is fault, how can merit and fault be offset by each other!"

Li Dazhi suddenly shouted, with a solemn face, and shouted:

"Those who have made great contributions to the human race can naturally protect future generations, but they are definitely not a bargaining chip for wanton murder and misdeeds!

"What is the right path? What is righteousness!

"Senior, have you ever thought that among these golden immortals who opened up territories for the human race, some are misbehaving, while others are law-abiding and obedient? If you favor and support this black sheep, wouldn't it chill the hearts of more golden immortals who are law-abiding and obedient!

"Why don't you open your eyes and look! Look at what your old general has done. Should he be killed for all these crimes?

“Destroying a sect and killing an entire family, should you kill them?

"Collude with the demon clan and harm the human race, should I kill him or not?

"Creating evil spirits and provoking ASEAN, should I kill him or not?

"You should kill loyal people and assassinate heroes, should you kill them?

"Senior! Should this deputy palace master be killed?"

"Li Dazhi!"

The ghost-faced Taoist struggled violently, but was held down by two golden immortal warriors.

He said angrily: "Pindao has no grudge against you! Why are you so hard on me today!"

"Damn you, have you lost your memory?"

Li Dazhi sneered:

"The Blood Demon Palace made two or three sneak attacks on Dong'an City, and each time they came to kill the Immortal of Wanyun Sect.

"Is this called no grudge?

"If you don't die today, I will go and bang my head against a pillar in front of His Majesty the Yellow Emperor!

"In this bright world and prosperous human race, right and wrong are axioms. How can you, a prodigal dog like you, twist it?"

The ghost-faced Taoist's eyes seemed to want to eat people.

Old Man Tianhe slowly closed his eyes and sighed: "This man should be killed."

After saying this, Old Man Tianhe raised his hand without warning, and was about to slap the ghost-faced Taoist from afar, but before Old Man Tianhe's hand could fall, a big hand grabbed Old Man Tianhe's arm.

Old Man Tianli narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Don't worry, Li Dazhi has a third question."

Li Ping'an, who was watching the show next to him, put away his jade charm and held his hand forward.

Taoist Zisang, who was responsible for pulling him, had no intention of raising his hand.

Li Ping'an said loudly: "Senior! I hate this person so much. Can you allow me to go forward and slap him?"

Old Man Tianli raised his hand and pointed out a finger, directly sealing the soul of the ghost-faced Taoist, and said with a smile: "Go, go and fight, this kid Ping An is so gentle, this kind of life and death enemy, he just wants to fight A slap in the face."

"Thank you, senior!"

Li Ping'an straightened his clothes and rushed towards the ghost-faced Taoist in a cloud.

Tianhe looked at Tianli, frowned and said: "If this person's true appearance is exposed, how will the many immortals in his sect deal with themselves!"

"You can't even become a Peace Immortal, but can you remove the restrictions on this man's face?"

When Old Man Tianli said this, Old Man Tianhe thought it made sense. Probably, this was the young man's way of venting his anger...

Li Ping'an stared at the ghost-faced Taoist. At this moment, the ghost-faced Taoist's eyes were a little hollow because his soul was sealed.

Li Ping'an raised his right hand and slapped the ghost-faced Taoist gently.

Suddenly, a beam of golden light emerged from Li Ping'an's sleeve, and was only half an inch away from the ghost-faced Taoist, transforming into the figure of an old Taoist in gray robe.

The old Taoist slapped the ghost-faced Taoist's mask with his palm, and the pure golden immortal power tore away the restrictions on the ghost-faced Taoist.


With a crisp sound, the mask of the ghost-faced Taoist flew away, and a ball of gray light exploded on his body, revealing the face inside.

The whole world becomes audible.

Previously, there were two golden lights flashing in Li Pingan's sleeves. The second golden light was actually the Patriarch of the Wan Yun Sect who appeared to be retreating to the mountain for retreat, but was actually secretly hiding in Li Pingan's sleeves!

Kong Ming Taoist!

Taoist Kong Ming frowned and stared at the old face in front of him, and for a moment he didn't know whether he was crying or laughing.

"As expected, it's you...why is it you..."

The deputy master of the Blood Demon Palace revealed his true appearance.

The founder of Guanhaimen, the first of the four golden immortals of Guanhaimen, and the master of the third elder of Guanhaimen.

Old Man Tianhe sighed, closed his eyes and said no more.

However, Li Dazhi cupped his hand and continued to ask his third question:

"I have one last question. This question is actually a bit exaggerated and offending, but I still won't complain.

"ASEAN Immortal Officials, are there any moral assessments?"

After saying this, Li Dazhi turned around and lowered his head, leaving old man Tianli staring at his back.

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