The fairy father

Chapter 161 That’s it, let’s make the hot pot first

A fire burned from Wei Yuanzong to Tianzhixu, burning the accounts of the Sixth Immortal Hall that had been stored for countless years, and also blackened the face of a famous immortal official.

When Li Ping'an arrived at the Sixth Hall of Chixian, all he saw was black walls and ashes.

Half of the more than ten deputy leaders of ASEAN appeared from above this immortal palace.

Many golden immortals flew in from everywhere to worship, most of them frowned and looked at the scene here, and many people whispered secretly, seeming to be saying something.

Li Pingan was very calm at the moment.

There are thousands of true fires in the world. Although the Guiyuan True Fire is precious, it is mostly used for refining weapons. For Jinxian, there are many magical fires that are more ferocious than the Guiyuan True Fire.

But what appeared here was the True Fire of Guiyuan.

In other words, the person behind the planning of this fire was specifically provoking him, the 'Huang Emperor's Imperial Envoy'.

Old Man Tianli fell to Li Pingan's side, glanced at the four Wan Yun Sect disciples behind Qing Su, and when his words came to his lips, he let out a deep sigh mixed with a bit of anger.

"Peace, you go to my palace to rest first, I will deal with the affairs here."

Li Ping'an asked: "Are there any casualties in the palace?"

"About ten people," Old Man Tianli's nose trembled slightly, "They are so audacious that they are destroying themselves."

Li Ping'an cupped his hands, and the group followed the two golden immortals behind them, heading towards Old Man Tianli's 'bedroom'.

The usually peaceful ASEAN headquarters soon became lively and noisy.

A large number of immortal soldiers poured out from Tianzhi Ruins, stationed in the Immortal Palace and Immortal Mountain, and began to search for suspicious people and suspicious objects.

Even the residence of old man Tianli was searched for a long time by Jinxian's team.

Naturally, no abnormalities were found here.

When the searching immortal soldiers retreated, except for Li Ping'an, the expressions of the Wan Yun Sect members all looked a little solemn.

Gu Qingcheng crossed her arms and leaned against the bookcase, her handsome eyebrows almost raised, and sighed:

"This is too cruel, setting fire to the ASEAN General Association!"

Yu Yingshu yawned, grabbing a fairy fruit and nibbling on it.

Eating is an important way of practicing body cultivation.

Yu Yingshu sighed: "The ASEAN headquarters is not safe either, and the Forging Tianmen is too unscrupulous."

"Is it really made by Tiantianmen?"

Li Ping'an, who was browsing the books collected by Tianli Old Man, said leisurely:

“We have no evidence and cannot make such arbitrary statements.

“But I think that even if the Tiantianmen were given 800 courage, they would not dare to directly burn down the ASEAN General Association.

"Eighty percent of this was done by people from ASEAN."

Chen Ting'er whispered: "I just asked the two Immortal Soldiers. There are a total of twelve Immortal Immortal Halls, which are where various accounts are stored. The sixth hall is where various ASEAN expenditures are stored, mainly covering the purchase of various items. The emergence of magic weapon."

Gu Qingcheng looked puzzled: "With so many golden immortals and masters in ASEAN, no one can notice this?"

Qingsu, who had been silent until now, suddenly said: "Most of the experts were looking at us before, and I felt a lot of eyes on us."

There were more than a dozen bamboo slips floating around Li Ping'an, and he walked back to his master with a smile and took a seat.

Gu Qingcheng said: "Senior Brother Ping'an, you can still laugh now!"

"More than ten people died here, so you really shouldn't laugh."

Li Ping'an suppressed his smile and said seriously:

"I have stayed in the Third Hall of Immortals for three months before. The people who sort out the accounts on weekdays are all old people with short lifespans and meticulous work. They come from all over the East Continent and have different levels of cultivation.

"No matter who set the fire, it is indeed too much to hurt such an innocent person."

"Then what should we do next?" Yu Yingshu asked with worry on his face, "They won't just burn us, right?"

Qing Su also frowned slightly.

Everyone looked at Li Pingan at the same time.

"Don't worry."

Li Pingan said seriously:

“We will go to the military camp in Tianzhixu later and ask Senior Tianli to help us make arrangements.

"There may be some problems at the top level of ASEAN, but the military camps are still safe. The controllers of these immortal soldiers have always been the Emperor Protector Faction. The Yellow Emperor and his ministers will not let military power be controlled by people with intentions.

"When Senior Tianli comes, we will run away."

Run away...

Gu Qingcheng, Yu Yingshu, and Chen Ting'er were really stunned by these two words.

Old Man Tianli's loud voice came from outside the palace door:

"A bunch of idiots! This is the ASEAN General Association! People can set fire to this place! Why don't you burn me down too! Bastard! Let me arrest people! Arrest all the suspicious ones!"

A group of generals received the order at the same time: "Yes!"

Then there was the sound of rustling armor, and a large number of generals turned into streams of light and shot everywhere.

Li Ping'an laughed dumbly.

Why did he feel that this old man was yelling in front of him on purpose?

There are many possibilities for arson until there is no conclusive evidence to prove that it was done by the backers of Tiantianmen.

For example, other factions ‘add fuel to the fire’;

Or someone with good intentions is hiding something bigger than the sale of magic weapons.

At the gate of the palace, Old Man Tianli led several golden-armored generals into the barrier and rushed towards the corner where Li Ping'an and others were.

"Peace! Are you not scared?"

Qing Su stood up and held her hands, and Gu Qingcheng and the other four people quickly bowed.

Li Ping'an sat calmly behind the desk, put down the bamboo slips in his hands, and said seriously: "I was indeed frightened. I wonder if the senior can make any compensation."


Old Man Tianli glared and said:

"You still dare to ask me for compensation? This is clearly a fire aimed at you!"

"Although it's aimed at me, I didn't release it," Li Ping'an raised his eyebrows, "Senior, does he still want to ask me for compensation?"

Old Man Tianli made a gesture, and several generals in golden armor stood behind him ten feet away.

Old Man Tianli appeared behind the desk in a flash, and he pulled a chair to sit on.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Old Man Tianli cursed with a black face:

"These people are simply audacious, wanton, lawless, and arrogant! They dare to set fire to the General League! This is a provocation! I am so angry!"

Li Ping'an clicked his tongue, leaned forward, and said quickly: "This is not just a provocation. Senior, think about it, the person who set the fire just waited for me to come, and then he set it directly in front of so many masters. With The real fire is Guiyuan... This means that there are no taboos, and people have the confidence."

"Confidence? What confidence? Who gave them the confidence!"

Old Man Tianli slapped the desk covered with immortal power so loudly that he shouted:

"The leader of the alliance is scolding me now! Those deputy alliance members who are related to the Tiantian Clan were all called over and scolded!

"If they really did this, I would definitely give them a beating!"

Li Ping'an asked curiously: "Just a meal?"

"Otherwise?" Old Man Tianli lost his temper, lowered his head and sighed, "They were all killed together in a bloody battle back then. It's not appropriate to use harsh measures."

"No wonder."

Li Ping'an curled his lips slightly.

Old Man Tianli frowned and asked, "What's the wonder?"

Li Ping'an sighed: "Your Majesty will tell me those words."

"What words?"

"Can't say."

Li Ping'an shook his head and gave it a try.

Old Man Tianli's curiosity was hung in the air, and it was difficult to get up and down, which was very uncomfortable.

"No, Ping An, can't you and I be honest?"

Old Man Tianli frowned and said:

"I was there when Your Majesty went there that day, and I praised you father and son in every possible way to His Majesty!"

Li Ping'an shook his head helplessly: "But senior, you are also in the game."

Old Man Tianli was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head in thought.

Li Ping'an's thoughts were spinning like running water, and he took the initiative:

"It can be seen that this Immortal Palace and Immortal Mountains are not a safe place. If the other party jumps over the wall in a hurry and burns a fire on my head, I will not be able to escape. How about I go to live in Xuanyuan Palace."

"Don't, don't! Why don't you go to Xuanyuan Palace if you have nothing to do!"

Old Man Tianli raised his hand to hold Li Ping'an down and whispered:

"Don't worry, I will arrange for several golden immortals to guard you secretly later.

"If you really feel uneasy, you can go live in the secret place of the barracks, and I will arrange for you to be protected by a hundred thousand troops. Is this okay?"

Li Ping'an reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"This also depends on your face, Senior Tianli."

Li Pingan said:

"As for the matter of arson, you should investigate it quickly. You don't have to give me any explanation. It is enough to live up to His Majesty Xuanyuan's trust."

After saying this, Li Ping'an bowed his hands in the direction of Xuanyuan Palace in a decent manner.

Old Man Tianli smiled dryly, his expression becoming more solemn.

On this day, the ASEAN headquarters was in chaos.

The ASEAN leader, Taiyi Jinxian Tianfen, who has always presented himself as a 'good old man', rarely got angry. He once again mobilized 300 Jinxian worshipers and 72 Jinxian generals to surround the ASEAN headquarters and prohibited any People come in and out and thoroughly investigate the matter of setting fire to the palace.

Li Ping'an and his party were personally sent to the general alliance barracks by the third deputy of the alliance, Old Man Tianli.

There are six entrances to the secret realm of the General Alliance Barracks, which are distributed throughout the Tianzhi Ruins. There are millions of elite immortal soldiers in the secret realm, twelve large cities, and tens of millions of ancient remnants.

On weekdays, most of those who worship the golden immortals practice here, and there are many practicing families hidden here.

For example, the Ye family.

For safety reasons, Li Ping'an and others did not go to those bustling ancient cities and lived directly in the barracks.

He, the captain of ten, also had to find a place to take up a post, and Gu Qingcheng, Chen Ting'er, and Yu Yingshu also had to be naturalized as soldiers.

Not long after, Tianli's daughter, Tianxian Wenrou, heard the news and came over.

Wenrou originally thought that Li Pingan would be angry and restless at this moment;

She also thought about how to persuade Li Ping to calm down his anger, and how to prove that most of the immortals in ASEAN were good...

But Wenrou Tianxian arrived at the temporary tent where Li Ping'an was, entered the barrier, opened the tent door and took a look, and couldn't help but be confused.

Li Ping'an rolled up his sleeves and tucked the hem of his robe into his belt. He held a fairy sword in his left hand and held a freshly scaled spirit fish corpse in his right hand. He used his knife skills to cut out pieces of flesh like thin wings.

Several young people were busy everywhere, making fires, making soup, picking vegetables, and making pots;

Qing Su sat upright in front of the square low table, her eyes full of expectation. At this moment, she waved to Wen Rou and said softly:

"Come over for dinner."

"Well," Tianxian Wenrou couldn't help it anymore, "It's almost exploding outside, but you are still cooking here?"

"Senior Wenrou!"

Li Ping'an immediately greeted: "Call Brother Ye to come over and join us! Several friends from my sect have come over, and I just wanted to introduce him to him. I need him to take care of me in the future."

Wenrou pursed her lips and frowned, but in the end she didn't say anything more.

She turned around and spoke to the immortal soldier guarding the door, and the immortal soldier left in a hurry.

"As long as you're all right," Wenrou sighed, "What happened to ASEAN is really disturbing."

In Dong'an City, there is a prosperous shop at Tuitianmen and an underground secret room.

Mo Yunshen frowned and looked at the two 'close' senior brothers who were drinking opposite each other at the wooden table, and said in astonishment:

"All burned?"

"Otherwise? Why keep those accounts?"

The senior brother wore a red ghost mask, with white hair and a feminine breath. He picked up the wine bottle and drank it down in one gulp, and said calmly:

"That Li Ping'an has obtained the Xuanyuan Sword Order. Junior brother, you should know what this means.

"He will definitely target us next. Our only flaw is the price of the magic weapon recorded in the accounts. If he insists on the excuse of 'buying the magic weapon at a high price', we will be very passive."

The second senior brother, wearing a light blue mask, with black hair and a thin body, was turning his head to look sideways at Mo Yunshen, studying the expression on Mo Yunshen's face.

"Senior brother, look, the junior brother is scared."

"That's ASEAN! The headquarters of ASEAN!"

Mo Yunshen's voice was a bit shocked:

"You are setting fire to ASEAN! The leader of ASEAN is Taiyi Jinxian! Him!"

"Junior brother, calm down."

The two men said calmly:

"Who said we set the fire?"

"I just gave the Venerable a jar of True Fire of Return to Origin. This matter was naturally arranged by the Venerable."

"Your Majesty?"

Mo Yunshen kept pacing, and stopped talking several times, but couldn't help but sigh:

"This is too risky! The last time we used the Guiyuan True Fire in Wei Yuan Sect, the Guiyuan True Fire is a weapon refining treasure fire. Doesn't this mean we are provoking ASEAN?"

The senior brother said: "Junior brother, you are overthinking. You know the skills of the venerables."

"And junior brother, they have already started to attack us," the second senior brother said calmly, "The exact news has been sent back over there. ASEAN will give Zhuyuntang hundreds of thousands of sets of magic weapons, and only two or three will be given to us. Thousand Immortal Treasures.”

The senior brother also said: "Although fairy treasures are expensive, the materials used for fairy treasures are generally produced by ASEAN. All we can earn is the cost of refining the weapons."

"Our Tiantian Sect is recognized as the number one sect in refining weapons."

"This is just a response to them. Don't really think that I have lost my temper."

"We have so many clues in our hands. Even without the protection of His Holiness, they would not dare to touch us. Besides, it was His Holiness who did this."

"When His Holiness asked us to retrieve the True Fire, I took a photo. If the incident comes to light and we are found, and His Holiness treats us as abandoned, the photo will appear in ASEAN."

"Yun Shen, what are you afraid of?"

The eldest brother and the second brother looked at Mo Yunshen at the same time.

Mo Yunshen looked a little pale. He lowered his head and thought, always feeling that something was not right, but he couldn't say the words.

Yes, His Holiness started the fire in ASEAN.

The two senior brothers are very thoughtful and have been dealing with ASEAN and His Holiness for many years. It is impossible that they do not have countermeasures.

But this matter...

"Come over and drink."

"How are you preparing? When will you take action against Zhuyuntang?"

"Oh," Mo Yun sighed deeply, "Don't burn it again."

"Don't worry, Master also has instructions. We will not directly attack the people of Wan Yun Sect. Matters in the weapon refining world will be resolved by weapon refining."

The senior brother patted Mo Yunshen's arm and said warmly: "You can fight them here with peace of mind. It doesn't matter if you lose thousands of square spirit stones. No one in the door will say anything to you."

"Thank you, senior brother."

"The three of us are being polite. We are drinking and drinking. It is a pity that we can't see the ASEAN fire."

"Hahaha! I haven't discovered that the Shadow Bead has such a use before."

ASEAN Headquarters, Tianzhixu Barracks.

Heat was rising in the big tent that Li Ping'an had just arrived at.

Six or seven people sat around behind the square low table, cooking hot pot and drinking fairy wine, feeling very comfortable and happy.

Wen Linger ran around with a little white tiger on her head, diligently serving tea, water and food.

Chen Ting'er really didn't expect that she had no time to do anything and had a big meal here.

Taoist Zisang wiped the grease from his mouth, leaned back, supported his upper body with his arms, and praised incessantly:

"Brother Li, this four-square hot pot thing is really beautiful. Can it be promoted in the military later?"

"Promote it as you like," Li Ping'an said with a smile, "It's not a big deal in the first place, but this meal can't be in vain. You will take Qingcheng and the three of them to naturalize later."

"It's all small things, I'm familiar with them!"

Taoist Zisang agreed, then frowned and thought quietly, asking in a low voice: "Brother Li, where should we start investigating this arson case?"


Li Ping'an held the chopsticks in his left hand and the bowl in his right hand. He looked at the four-color soup pot that was bubbling in the four-square grid of the magic weapon and curled his lips slightly.

"Why check?"

"Aren't you going to investigate?" Taoist Zisang was stunned for a moment, "You don't care about this matter?"

"ASEAN is on fire, what does it have to do with me? Brother Ye, let's make a bet?"

"What bet?"

"If I win, how about you get me some more fountains of youth?"

Ye Zisang smiled and said, "Brother Li hasn't said anything about the bet yet."

"Just bet..."

Li Ping'an took a piece of crystal-like spiritual beast meat, scalded it for two breaths in the hot pot, put it in his mouth and chewed it carefully, and his lips and teeth were full of fragrance.

The two sentences his father had said accidentally before flashed through his heart, and his eyes were full of peace.

"Within three months, ASEAN underwent drastic changes. The arsonists were executed and the Forging Heaven Sect was severely damaged."


(PS: Please vote for me at the end of the month! The next chapter is a big one and I won’t be able to finish it by noon. It will be released at 7pm!)

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