The Fall of the Vampire

Chapter 359: Golden Dream Bamboo

Out of the instinct of Buddha's blood in the body, Chenguang wanted to attack the policewoman. But he is not the kind of lunatic who is dominated by instinct. Reasonably tell him that if you attack the female policewoman at this time, it is an attack on the police. Then it will be more than just detention for 5 days.

Moreover, the outside of the car is more important than the policewoman. Although I couldn't see any demonic atmosphere, it was obvious that the accident just now was not an accident. Someone attacked the police car.

[Who is so bold? I dare not attack the police. When Chen Guang was puzzled, he saw the driver's door being torn off with a "bang", as if it were paper.

Then a big hand reached in to catch the policewoman.

【Depend on! ] Chen Guang was furious. How could this be the body of his future mother-in-law?

He was about to kick over.

But the lady policewoman moved faster than him. The policewoman who was lying on the airbag just now seemed unconscious and suddenly shot her hands and grabbed the wrist of the big hand. With the other hand, she quickly unfastened her seat belt, and she jumped out of the car like a swift cheetah to fight the people.

[A handsome policewoman. ] Chenguang sighed with emotion.

Then he saw the silhouette of the person in front of him flashed, and the policewoman flew back again, slammed into the car heavily, hit her back on the steering wheel, and turned her body back 90 degrees.

"Damn!" Chen Guang's eyes were splitting apart. How could he never think that the force of Miss Policewoman's sister was so watery, it took less than a second, and he just hung up?

Looking at the twisted corpse, Chen Guang felt only a burst of anger swept through his body. This is the woman who is going to give birth to his wife in the future, so she died like this.

"Asshole!" His original diamond-like pupils were inexplicably stained with blood, and they changed from ordinary diamonds to blood diamonds.

Then he kicked the car door beside him and rushed out to see the culprit of the accident.

It was a tall man with muscles. From the outside, it was not a mythology, but a science fiction supernatural power. But the rank is obviously very high, otherwise it is impossible to label the devilish young lady like this.

Chen Guang was already raging, and he basically made a little judgment in his mind before he started.

The other party obviously didn't expect that there was an evolutionary in the car. He planned to leave after killing the policewoman, and immediately put on a guard posture when he saw Chenguang come out.

However, there was no use for eggs, Chen Guang didn't even break free of the handcuffs, just a burst of golden light covered his body, and then dashed towards the man.

The latter also showed a trace of disdain when he saw him attacking in such a straightforward manner. He is the evolutionary of the power system, who is he afraid of?

As soon as this thought came to his mind, he felt a thump in his chest, and then he lost consciousness.

"So fast……"

He clearly looked at Chen Guang who was still three or four meters away from him. He didn't understand why the latter suddenly crashed into his arms, and he didn't even understand how his muscles, which can support a huge explosive force, could not prevent this bald man. One hit.

At this moment, if someone is watching from the side, they will find that the muscular man is standing in place, with Chenguang's shoulder leaning against his chest, as if he is doing something wrong. However, the back of the muscular man exploded like a balloon that was blown up. The spine, internal organs, and blood all exploded like fireworks, and finally a **** mushroom cloud was scattered on the ground.

"Goodness, goodness," Chenguang stepped back and stood upright, putting his hands together in the Buddha's ceremony, "May you fall into **** forever and not reincarnate."


The voice fell, and the muscular man fell face down on the ground and rushed to the street.

Chenguang's eyes gradually changed from a blood diamond back to a transparent diamond shape. He sighed, "It's a pity, where can I find such a good girl?"

"Who are you looking for?"

Suddenly a female voice rang in his ears, and Chen Guang jumped three feet high in fright: "Wow!"

He looked to the right in shock, and saw the police lady standing there intact. Except for a footprint on her abdomen, she could hardly see that she was folded 90 degrees in the car just now.

Chen Guang was stunned for 3 seconds, then he muttered for 2 seconds, and finally completed the expression change from shocked to overjoyed in 1 second: "Is the girl's body softness so high now? Haha, this is good! I like it. ! I don't know if it will be inherited."

Policewoman: "..." [MDZZ]

She looked at the scarred mushroom trace on the ground and the muscular man with a big hole in his back, slightly shocked in her heart.

"Are you an evolutionary?"

"Yeah." Chen Guang nodded.

"Since you have such a great ability, why are you still being arrested honestly?"

Chen Guang said: "Evolutionaries must also abide by laws and disciplines. After all, I want to integrate into this society in the future, so naturally I can't get out of the normal track of society. Of course I don't have to follow the rules today, but then I will also lose mystery. There are many benefits in the alliance, whichever is less."

The policewoman nodded: "You are not bad, but unfortunately you are an idiot."

"Little monk is really not an idiot," Chen Guang said aggrieved. "I just didn't pay attention. I accidentally bumped into that man's girlfriend."

"I'm not talking about this." The policewoman said. She was willing to believe that Chenguang was wronged, but compared to that, Chenguang asked her when she had a daughter when they met and asked her to marry him when her daughter was 14 years old. This was even more perverted.

"Huh?" Chen Guang obviously didn't understand what she meant. "But speaking of it, who is this guy? Why are you attacking you?"

The female police said: "I don't know, I will let someone investigate later, let's deal with the scene now."

Because the other party wanted to attack her, the location chosen was relatively concealed. From the beginning to the end of the accident, let alone witnesses, it didn't even have a surveillance camera.

"Deal with the scene?" Chenguang asked in doubt, "I am murdering, right? Are you not going to convict me?"

The female police said: "I'm not a judge, what can I condemn you? And I resigned in a few days, so I didn't bother to care about these messy things."

This guy was here to catch her, but he didn't expect that she was also an evolutionary, so he made a heavier shot and "killed" her. Even if Chenguang killed this guy with a counterattack later, it was a legitimate defense (at least in her opinion), she could only pursue Chenguang after eating and doing nothing.

Seeing the policewoman stretched out her hand and stroked the ground a few times, the mushroom-like blood stains were all gathered up and turned into a ball of blood.

The policewoman flicked it casually, and the blood cells fell into the sewer. As for the remains of the corpse, she had planned to remove them and discard them, but Chenguang volunteered.

"Let me do it, I learned superb at home."

"Okay." The policewoman did not refuse either.

Chen Guang sat next to the corpse and started chanting. If it weren't for the handcuffs on his hands, he looked a bit like an eminent monk.

After reading it for a while, the muscular man's body started to catch fire, golden fire.

The fire was so fast that the body was completely burnt in a few blinks. Amazingly, the clothes on that guy are intact.

Chenguang touched, and took out a wallet and a mobile phone. He gave it to the policewoman as if offering a treasure: "This may be a clue."

"Yeah, thank you." The female policeman took care of the things, took care of the follow-up, and then called the police station and said that there was a car accident and the police car was scrapped.

What happened after that was a normal process, and Chenguang was also sent to the detention center.

For him, the opportunity to get to know the police lady once in five days of detention is really worth it.

"Sister policeman, I don’t know your name yet? How can I find you after I go out? Can you add a> policewoman said: "My name is Jin Mengzhu. As for WeChat, I don’t know... Oh, yes, thank you for today saved me. "

"Oh, what is the family's politeness?" Chenguang waved his hand, "you just remember to notify me when you give birth to a daughter."

Jin Mengzhu: "..."

For a moment, I felt that this shabbi was so handsome that I should go to the ophthalmology department.


Five days passed in an instant, and Chenguang spent a period of unpleasant days in the detention center.

Because every day he listens to the laws related to the crime of indecency, repeating and repeating it again and again, it makes his head big. The police uncle here is just like the old monk chanting scriptures on the Yishan Mountain.

After 5 days, he was finally free. He immediately ran to ask: "Uncle Police, where is Sister Jin Mengzhu?"

"Jin Mengzhu?" the policeman asked, "she resigned the day before yesterday, and I don't know where she is."

"Resign? How come? Well done..." Chen Guang suddenly stopped talking. He thought of the evolutionary who suddenly attacked. Is it because of that?

It's a pity, I didn't expect Miss Sister to resign, how will I see her after that.

"Did you miss it like that..." Chen Guang went back to the hotel to tidy up things, washed his head, and then planned to find Dan Fang according to his original plan.

Five days have passed, and Golden Week is almost over. Now there are a lot fewer people in Afang Palace, and it is more convenient for him to investigate.

In the end, only a few steps out of the hotel, I saw the lady policewoman she was thinking of on the street.

"Hey!" Chen Guang said hello quickly.

Jin Mengzhu, who was waiting for someone, was also taken aback: "It's you? Oh, you have been Yes, yes, why did you resign, Miss Sister? I thought I would never find you again. That's it!" Chen Guang was as happy as a child.

Jin Mengzhu said: "This line is different from what I imagined, I don't plan to do it anymore."

"Oh, are you shopping now?" Chen Guang asked.

"No, I will accompany my friend to do the hair, and she will have an interview later."

"Interview? What kind of interview? Can I follow along?" Chenguang had made up his mind to follow Jin Mengzhu, at least he had to come> "Why are you a man following us." Jin Mengzhu hesitated.

Just then her friend came out of the store: "Mengzhu, I’m fine, let’s go, huh? Who is this? Your boyfriend? Looks so small, does the old cow eat tender grass? Ah, you are okay with this bite."


Jin Mengzhu wanted to break up with this little **** at the time.

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