Bai Masong has studied firearms for many years abroad. He can basically handle pistols, rifles, and sniper rifles.

"This angle of incidence requires a person to raise his hand vertically, keep his arm still, point the wrist of the gun downward at the deceased, and pull the trigger."

After listening to Bai Masong's description, Inspector Megure and everyone present were even more confused.

What decent person would kill people with this action!

However, Conan understood instantly that this was Takashi Matsuo's murder trick!

Thinking of this, Conan immediately ran upstairs.

Bai Masong, even no one paid attention to Conan.

Bai Masong continued:"So, it is obvious that the bullet was not shot from the door, but from upstairs!"

"What?"Inspector Megure and everyone present were shocked!

Ignoring the reactions of everyone present, Bai Ma Song turned around and asked Gao Mu Shi:"Who are the suspects in this case?"

Gao Mu Shi was quite knowledgeable about classifying suspects, so Bai Ma Song asked him this time.

"It is rumored that the deceased, Mr. Michihiko Suwa, had a conflict with Mr. Takashi Matsuo, and no one else has a motive."Takagi Wataru quickly replied

"So, the only suspect is Matsuo Takashi?" Bai Masong asked calmly.

"Yes, for now."Takagi Wataru nodded.

After receiving the reply, Hakuba Song looked at Sato Miwako with dissatisfaction.

"Since there is only one person, Detective Sato, why don't you search him?" Bai Masong said coldly.

Sato Miwako lowered her head in panic and said nothing.

Bai Masong could understand that this case had such a big impact that Sato Miwako might have some concerns in her heart.

"Now, search him." Bai Masong ordered.


Sato Miwako responded fiercely. She just wanted to slap herself. When did she start to be cautious? This is not Sato Miwako!

"Mr. Matsuo Takashi, please let us check your belongings." Sato Miwako's two beautiful big eyes were staring at Matsuo Takashi. Matsuo Takashi was sweating profusely. He had been very uneasy since Bai Masong spoke. He didn't expect that the secret room he had planned for a long time would be seen through by others at a glance!

When Bai Masong said to search him, he felt that he was doomed.

"Me, me, me………………"Matsuo Takashi stuttered and couldn't say anything

"By the way," Bai Masong added calmly,"Search the phone first."

"After all, the only way to make the dead stick their heads out is with a telephone!"


Takashi Matsuo's legs went limp and he fell to the ground. He could no longer hold on.

"It's me, it's me, it's all Suwa's fault…………………………"


Seeing the suspect arrested, Inspector Megure sighed.

If it weren't for Hakuba Matsu, who knows how long this case would have taken to be solved!

At this time, Conan came back.

Conan thought: This time I found the real crime scene first, Hakuba Matsu, I win this time!

However, when Conan pushed open the door, he found Takashi Matsuo kneeling on the ground.

Conan's little face turned pale.

Seeing Conan push the door in, Maori Kogoro realized that he had gone out.

Maori Kogoro came over and punched Conan.

"You little devil, how dare you run around!"



Conan covered his head and cried silently. This time, Xiaolan did not pick him up, so he could only squat on the ground and be sad alone.

Hakumasong ignored Conan and said to Inspector Megure,"Inspector Megure, the case is solved and it's time for me to go."

""Okay, okay," Officer Megure said quickly,"Brother Hakuba, go back and have a rest. Leave the aftermath here to Takagi."

"?"Officer Gao Mu accepted it silently, without saying anything.


Time quickly came to the next day.

Inspector Megure felt very bad for asking Hakumasong to work overtime yesterday, so he let Hakumasong take a day off today.

There is only one good knife in the Third Department of Investigation Division 1, so of course he must be well kept. What's more, he is the young master of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Of course, other people don't have such good treatment.

Hakumasong gladly accepted Inspector Megure's kindness.

However, he didn't have much to do on his day off. So today, he came to Jalei Coffee Shop again.

As usual, there were not many people in Jalei Coffee Shop today. As usual

, Hakumasong walked to a quiet corner, sat down, and took out a case report and a mystery novel.

He first saw that it was a case report. Even though today was a day off, for him, the report was actually no different from a mystery novel.

"Welcome, Mr. Bai Ma, what would you like to drink?"The waiter Takahashi Xueli came forward and asked.

Bai Ma Song was about to speak, but she continued

""Okay, okay, just like last time, got it."

Seeing this, Bai Masong smiled and nodded.

At this time, the door of the coffee shop was pushed open and Mao Lilan walked in.

Since she was going on a date, she looked around first.

Soon, she knew that the person she was waiting for had not arrived yet. However, she saw an acquaintance sitting in the corner, it was Bai Masong.

She walked up and greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, Officer Bai Ma, are you on duty today?"

When someone called him, Bai Masong looked up and saw Xiao Lan.

"Hello, Miss Maori. I'm taking a day off today. Bai Masong responded.

"Ah, is he dating his girlfriend?" Xiaolan continued to ask

"No, Baima Songdao


Just as Hakubamatsu and Maoli Ran were chatting casually, Conan walked in.

Today, Conan felt that something was wrong with his sister Xiaolan.

She dressed up carefully today and said she was going on a date with Kudo Shinichi!

Conan was very happy at first, going on a date with me! But then he thought, isn't he here? Then who is Xiaolan going to date?

Conan felt that there seemed to be some grassland color on his head, so he hurriedly chased Xiaolan to the Jalei coffee shop.

As soon as he entered the store, Conan really saw Xiaolan. She was sitting at a table with a handsome and cold man!

This man, this man...

Conan took a closer look, isn't this man Hakubamatsu?

Could it be, Conan thought, it's rare that he not only lost in reasoning, but also in feelings.………………

Thinking of this, Conan hurried over and asked Xiaolan with a cute face:"Sister Xiaolan, didn't you say you were going to date brother Shinichi? How come this happened?"

As he spoke, Conan glanced at Baimasong, but there was no expression on Baimasong's face.

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