The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1013: Reincarnation Gathering


"Forget it, let's just say a few words less." At this moment, Wang Feng said, at such a juncture, he had to act as a peacemaker.

"Our goal now is the woman who carries the power of the gods. Since both of you have masters coming, I think you might as well join together to win the woman who carries the power of the gods. I don’t know what you think. "Wang Feng continued.

"Of course I have nothing to say about this matter. After all, there are many people and great power. If we join hands, our chances of success will be greater." Wang Xuansong responded.

"As long as I can obtain the power of the gods, it doesn't matter to me." At this time, the little devil also expressed his opinion.

"Then I just ask one question now, will your ancestors listen to you?" Wang Feng asked, sweeping his eyes across the two of them.

This matter is about Guan Fu's life, Wang Feng has to ask clearly.

"Don't worry, our ancestors are all for our good after all, I think they should be able to listen to us." Wang Xuansong said at this time.

Although the old ancestors are all masters who have been famous for a long time, they are already old after all. The future of the family still depends on the younger generation, so these younger generations also have a great say.

"Then I said ahead, you can take away the power of the gods, but the woman must save her life." At this time, Wang Feng said very solemnly. ,

Hear Wang Feng's words, Little Devil<>

Only Wang Xuansong understood that Wang Feng might only want to save the other party out of good intentions. The last time Wang Feng took this woman away in front of him.

Originally, Wang Xuansong was worried that Wang Summit would take away the power of the gods of this woman alone, but now it seems that Wang Feng has not taken any action against this woman at all. He has thought too much.

Until now, even Wang Xuansong felt that this woman with the power of the gods was like a fool. She had already been rescued, and now she is still running here, isn't she here to die?

It was a waste of other people's pains.


At this moment, Void made a huge roar, Void split open, and an old man stepped out of it. Wearing a golden jade robe, this person looked very mighty and domineering.

"Uncle Emperor." Looking at this person, Little Demon King Jiuyou showed joy, and quickly galloped toward the other party.

"Remember, don't forget what I said." At this time, Wang Feng exhorted.

"Don't worry, you can't forget." After saying this, Little Demon King Jiuyou rushed to the front of the old man in one step.

"You kid came here without our consent. Don't you know that this place is dangerous?" Looking at the little Demon King Jiuyou, the old man showed a kind smile on his face.

No matter what the little devil's evaluation is from the outside, in the eyes of the old man, this is one of his own juniors, and he should take care of it.

"But am I okay now? Uncle Emperor, you are late this time." The little demon king Jiuyou showed a childlike smile, as if the little demon king Wang Feng knew no longer knew where he went.

"Next time you don't allow this." Touching the little devil's head, the old man then cast his gaze on another piece of void.

Just where he was looking, the void cracked silently, and another strong man came here.

"Uncle Clan!"

A smile appeared on Wang Xuansong's face when he saw the incoming person, and he quickly stepped forward. This is the master of the Wang family.

This person, Wang Feng, had also seen him before, and it was the same person who picked up Wang Xuansong.

At the beginning, Wang Feng only thought that he was strong and didn't know what kind of realm he was, but now it seems that this person must be a master of the reincarnation mirror, and he has stood at the top of the pyramid of Zhongsantian.

He still said the same thing to the little devil, and then Wang Xuansong also left beside Wang Feng.

Under Wang Feng's gaze, he saw Little Demon King and Wang Xuansong respectively telling the results of their previous discussions, so that the two masters of the reincarnation mirror were directly focused on.

They didn't speak, it was more like an exchange of eyes, they were silent for a few breaths of time, and then the two of them locked their eyes on the mountain leader at the same time.

"Do it."

A low drink came from the mouth of the uncle of the little demon king, and then he directly rushed towards the mountain leader.

Behind him, Wang Xuansong's clan uncle waved his big sleeves, and two masks protected the little devil and Wang Xuansong respectively.

It can be seen that the two of them have reached a joint consensus.

"The head of the mountain, this woman is not under your control, hand it over."

In just the blink of an eye, the little devil’s emperor had already rushed to the head of the mountain not far away. Under the deterrence of his powerful aura, the monks along the way almost automatically gave way to a path. Block its way.

"If you want me to hand someone, you can talk about it with your strength." Carrying Guan Fu, this mountain leader doesn't mean to hand someone.

If it weren't for the numerous enemies now, he would have already extracted the power of the gods from this woman's body.

It is a pity that he reacted slowly when he caught people, so that now he wants to leave has become a problem.

"If this is the case, then we have nothing to say, let's see the real chapter under the hand." The emperor of the little devil sighed softly, and then slapped the palm of his hand toward the mountain leader.

This is the power of the Samsara Mirror master, although it is only a simple palm, the power contained in it is enough to beat a hundred masters at the pinnacle to death.


The void exploded, and a large number of nearby monks died. They could not stop the aftermath of battle at this level.

At this moment, the cultivators who rushed upward were scared, and even the masters of the reincarnation mirror came, they had lost the opportunity to compete for the power of the gods.

"Mountain, I didn't expect you to reach the mirror of reincarnation after hiding for so many years. We all underestimated you." At this time, Wang Xuansong's clan uncle also stepped up and changed the color of the head of the mountain.

"Unexpectedly, you two have joined forces." Looking at each other's camp, the head of the mountain said in a deep voice.

"It is said that there are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits. If you don't want to die, hand over people obediently. If you don't, you may not be able to leave here today." Wang Xuansong's uncle's tone seemed indifferent.

Two famous masters go to attack a mountain leader, and he has full certainty to win each other.

It’s just that the power of the source of the gods has already been obtained, this mountain leader did not mean to give up, so even when facing two masters of the same level, he still grasped Guan Fu and shouted: "I want to grab the power of the source of gods. Even if you come here, even if the old man has spared his life, don't think about it."

"In that case, it would be offended!"

The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged it is for them, because there will definitely be other Samsara Mirror masters coming one by one. After all, the middle three days are so big and there are so many influences, and the Samsara Mirror masters are definitely not theirs.

The fierce battle broke out, and the void almost completely turned into a black hole. In front of the Samsara Mirror master, the tough space seemed to be paper, and it shattered with a light tear.

One ripple after another quickly spread around the three of them. Wherever the ripple passed, the entire monk died, causing them to retreat.

"You are all a lot of people, and you have come out to join in the fun, I think you might as well go home early for the elderly." At this moment, the void broke again and several people walked out of it.

The headed person is too familiar to Wang Feng, it is their big brother, Yi Long.

Last time it was he who defeated an envoy and made them lose face in front of all the people in the world.

Although they seemed to be embarrassed by the League since then, they didn't have any ass. Now that the power of the gods is present here, they have once again united here.

The seven seniors were all present now, and terrible auras permeated from their bodies, and even the expressions of the realm in the sky changed.

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng was secretly refreshed, and asked the envoys to pretend to be b. Can't pretend to be now?

It had just arrived, and the seven eyes were locked on Wang Feng's body almost at the same time. Wang Feng's body had a token of natural divine Tao, and they could sense their own existence.

Just being watched by them like this, Wang Feng suddenly screamed awful, would they reveal their identity again?

You must know that I was almost repaid by them last time, and now I have finally managed to use the name Wuming to gain a foothold in Zhong San Tian, ​​but I can't be harmed by them again.

Looking quickly away from them, Wang Feng pretended not to recognize them.

Fortunately, none of them came to Wang Feng's side, nor did they call him senior, they also retracted their gazes.

Du Shi was the last senior brother before Wang Feng, and even he has now reached the pinnacle of the venerable, so Brother Yi Long is afraid that all of them are masters of the reincarnation mirror.

Moreover, based on their breath judgment, Wang Feng estimated that his guess was 90% correct.

All the six Samsara Mirror masters were seniors. At this moment, there was a terrible power, and besides them, the old fellow of the master had surpassed this realm and reached the most extreme power in the middle three days.

It is no wonder that many masters in the middle three days have nothing to do with them. With such strength, it is not uncommon for them to flatten the big power.

The last time Du Shi was besieged because he was alone, and now he is following Big Brother Yi Long, the Venerable dare not come forward at all, because they are dead when they go up.

Even the Mirror of Reincarnation didn't dare to go forward and smash the front. None of the people of this natural shrine was easy to provoke, and if they had **** with them, they were afraid that if they stabbed a hornet's nest, they would suffer crazy revenge.

The battle between the three of the mountain leaders has been forced to stop due to the arrival of Yi Long and the, and Guan Fu is still in the hands of the mountain leaders at this moment, and has not been lost.

"I want that woman." At this time, Wang Feng used his spirit to say to Senior Brother Yi Long.

The most powerful people here are the few of them. If they are willing to help themselves, Guan Fu will definitely be fine. This woman's experience is very miserable, even worse than herself.

It's just that Wang Feng was worried that they were here specifically for the power of the gods, and he was afraid it would be difficult to speak.

But no matter what, Wang Feng couldn't save Guan Fu at all with his personal ability, so he could only save his senior brothers.

"Mountain leader, give me the woman in your hand." Without responding to Wang Feng's words, Yi Long directly stretched out his hand at this moment, pointing to the mountain leader.

Facing the ancestors of Little Demon King and Wang Xuansong, the head of the mountain didn't mean to make friends at all, but facing the group of Yi Long, his face was very bitter.

How can one fight with a group of them?

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