The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1020: Imperial City


"I know where the palace is, I will take you there now." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Guan Fu said quickly without thinking.

"Let's go, you lead the way." This Guan Fu must have lost the phalanx now, and she would believe whatever she said now.

The Kingdom of God is not big, and in about ten minutes, Wang Feng and the two used space to shuttle to the palace of the Kingdom of God.

It was a huge city, and it didn't seem to be very different from the city on the mainland.

It is conceivable that some of the monks in the kingdom of God must have been to the mainland, and even Wang Feng suspected that the monks of the kingdom of God were developed here by people from the mainland.

Otherwise, how could the city they built be the same as the land?

This capital city is extremely prosperous, with monks coming in and out from time to time at the gate of the city, and a powerful aura diffuses out of the city.

Suppressing his breath to the level of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, Wang Feng now looks no different from an ordinary monk. A master's entry into the city will definitely attract the attention of some interested people, so it is better to hide his strength.

Seeing Wang Feng's actions, Guan Fu also took out a white veil between her hands and put it on top of her head. She also suppressed her own breath. She looked almost the same as Wang Feng, and she was also in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

"It will be fine if you follow me for a while. Let's act on the occasion." Wang Feng said, and then stepped on the void with his foot and walked towards the gate of this city.

"You two stop. There is an order on it. Anyone who enters the city must be thoroughly investigated." The two guards waiting at the city gate opened their mouths with a cold expression on their faces.

Hearing what they said, Wang Feng didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly covered the past with soul power.

"Can we go there?" Wang Feng asked looking at these two people.

"You can go in." Affected by Wang Feng's soul power, these two guards only felt dizzy at the moment, and didn't even know what they were doing.

It was not until he walked into the city that Wang Feng withdrew his soul power, and the two weak guards couldn't remember what had just happened.

Just now, Wang Feng just bewildered each other a little bit. As long as Wang Feng was willing, those two people were now dead bodies.

"How is it? Can you sense the existence of your brother?" Wang Feng asked.

There is often a strong sense of blood between relatives. Although this sense is weak, it really exists, just like Wang Feng has felt this way several times.

"No." Guan Fu shook his head, and then said: "If they really catch my brother, they will definitely trap him. It may be isolated."


Guan Fu received the news that his younger brother was imprisoned in the imperial city of the Kingdom of God, but the exact location is unknown.

"First find a place to settle down. Let's take advantage of the night before going out to inquire about the news." Wang Feng said, and then, like an ordinary citizen of the kingdom of God, wandered on this street.

The Kingdom of God sent a large number of monks to the mainland of Zhongsantian, so even in the imperial city of a great empire, there are far fewer monks here than those imperial cities that Wang Feng had visited before.

And most of the cultivators who stayed are old, weak, sick, and disabled. Even if there are cultivators who stay, they are not very strong.

Of course, Wang Feng didn't underestimate the kingdom of God. The people around here are just ordinary people from the kingdom of God. There must be masters in the palace.

Just looking for a pub on the side of the street, Wang Feng and Guan Fu walked in.

"Two guest officials, don't you know if you are staying in the store?" Seeing the two come in, a small servant in the tavern immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Living in." Wang Feng responded flatly.

"Our store now offers a combination package of Taoist couples, as long as one hundred Lingshi can enjoy..."

"Stop talking nonsense, prepare a good guest room for us, and by the way send me the specialties of your tavern into the room." Wang Feng said, and after flipping his hand, he took out hundreds of spiritual stones, and did not know how many.

"Yes, yes." Seeing the spirit stone in Wang Feng's hand, the young man knew that he had met a major customer, and said with a bow and bow.

After hearing Wang Feng's words, Guan Fu's complexion became abnormally ruddy. Is this suggesting her?

Of course, this is just what she thought in her mind. Wang Feng felt that two people lived in the same room and acted well at night.

As for the difference between men and women, it doesn't matter to Wang Feng at all, because to this day of cultivation, Wang Feng has seen a lot of things very lightly. Anyway, he doesn't think much about Guan Fu.

"Please follow me!"

The young man spoke respectfully, and then led the two of them in front.

Under the leadership of this young man, Wang Feng and the other two finally stayed in a very luxuriously decorated guest room, which was already the top accommodation in this tavern.

"Go down." Looking at this young man, Wang Feng said calmly.

"Yes." The young man nodded, and then left here respectfully.

"When we came up just now, I saw many people showed greedy eyes at us. Are they trying to grab us?" Guan Fu asked.

"As long as they dare to come, I will let them come and go." Although the realm of the two of them at this moment is only the heavenly spirit realm, if they really fight, I am afraid that the Venerable will die in the middle.

So Wang Feng didn't have the slightest fear in his heart now, and he said that his wealth was not exposed, but since Wang Feng had a strong strength, he was naturally not afraid of other people's concerns.

"Take a good rest, I'll take you to the palace at night." Wang Feng said, and then sat cross-legged on the bed and began to rest.

At this moment, there is still a strand of Divine King's Divine Sense in that Divine Kingdom Order. In order to prevent others from discovering, Wang Feng has used the power of the Liuli Green Lotus Tree to wrap that strand of Divine Sense at this moment.

Although it still cannot be expelled, it can isolate others' feelings. Now there are cultivators from the Kingdom of God, and Wang Feng has to be careful.

Not long after that, the little servant brought up the wine and food in the tavern, and a full table was placed.

I can't remember when the last time I ate, so Wang Feng was not polite and started eating.

"Why don't you come to eat together?" Wang Feng asked looking at Guan Fu who was standing at the window.

"I have no appetite." Guan Fu shook his head and sighed.

Her brother may be very close to her now, but the palace master is like a cloud, and she doesn't know if she can rescue people.

"Then it's up to you." The other party didn't want to eat Wang Feng and didn't reluctantly. This table dish Wang Feng was out of Lingshi, so he would not waste it.

It's a pity that the **** is already asleep, otherwise the guy goes crazy, I'm afraid there is no leftovers for Wang Feng.

"Wang Feng, this time there is no way to save people, I think you might as well meet me outside, how about it?" Guan Fu said with his back to Wang Feng at this time.


"I don't want you to take risks because of my business." Guan Fu responded.

"Since it's all here, I also want to visit the palace of the kingdom of God. As for whether you can save your brother, then I'm not sure."

Under the premise of guaranteeing his own life in everything, he and Guan Fu's younger brother have never known each other. If he encounters a fatal crisis, Wang Feng will not take care of the lives of others.

"What if you are trapped?" Guan Fu turned around at this time and asked worriedly.

"Joke, I can slip away even under the noses of many experts in the reincarnation realm, what is a palace of the kingdom of God?"

Wang Feng sneered, his tone filled with confidence.

As long as the space is not completely locked, Wang Feng will have the opportunity to leave with the help of the sky-breaking cone, and this time the colored glaze green lotus tree has undergone changes, Wang Feng also wants to test how amazing this sapling is.

"How many spirit stones do you have?" Suddenly Guan Fu asked.

"Why? Do you want to lend me?" Hearing Guan Fu's words, Wang Feng responded immediately. Guan Fu's use of the power of God's source requires endless spiritual stones. At this moment, she even hit her own mind. Come on.

"Now the power of the source of God is not completely compatible with me, so if I want to mobilize the power of the source of God, I really need endless spiritual stones. If we have a fierce battle in the palace, I can use the power of the source of God Help you block the enemy."

"I don't know what kind of monks can be blocked by the power of your **** source if it runs at full strength?" Wang Feng asked.

"At least it can block the blow of a master of reincarnation." Guan Fu replied very surely.

Hearing this, Wang Feng hesitated a little, and then made up his mind. If he can really block the blow of the reincarnation master, it doesn't matter even if he spends some spirit stones.

It's just that there aren't many spirit stones in Wang Feng's body. He can't withstand that kind of squandering, but there are not enough spirit stones in his body, which doesn't mean that Wang Feng can't get them.

At this moment, he saw a slight change in his face, and then the two monks were moved to him by Wang Feng with powerful magic power.

"Sneaky squatting outside for so long, I don't know what you two want to do?" Looking at the two monks, Wang Feng asked calmly.

As Guan Fu said before, Wang Feng took out several hundred spirit stones at once and already attracted some people's attention, so the two men probably wanted to rob Wang Feng and Wang Feng.

It's just that these two people may have made a mistake. The strength of their Sky Void Realm is really weak and pitiful in front of Wang Feng, so now they don't even understand how they got here.

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over all the spirit stones on your body, or you will be called to a different place today." Although they were shocked by being moved here all of a sudden, greed still blinded their minds. At this moment, a monk He even drank to Wang Feng, wanting to rob Wang Feng.

"Yo." Wang Feng smiled when he heard what they said. The two men didn't know if their heads were missing a string, and they hadn't figured out what was going on.

"I said the two brothers, don't you understand your current situation?" Wang Feng asked with some amusement.

"What do you mean?" Another person asked strangely after hearing Wang Feng's words

"Isn't it obvious what I mean? Just because you two want to rob me, do you want to die?"

"Haha." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the cultivator who spoke first laughed loudly. The cultivator of the Celestial Spirit Realm actually said such words to them, it was simply a big joke.

It’s just that his laughter freezes forever before it falls, because at this moment he is seeing his arm quickly turning into nothingness, and at the same time, the same thing is happening all over his body at this moment, he doesn’t know it is. what happened.

"How could this happen?" He made a terrified voice, but he couldn't stop the annihilation of his body at all.

"But even the two ants dared to hit me with an idea. Since you want to die, then I have to reluctantly give them a ride."

While talking, the body of another monk also began to annihilate. From the beginning to the end, Wang Feng didn't attack the two of them, and just used the power of the rules to completely destroy them.


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