The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1028: Chaos in 3 days

? "Has the fighting stopped?" Guan Fu asked, looking at the calm coastline. △¢,

"How is it possible." Hearing Guan Fu's shaking his head, Wang Feng shook his head. This time they did not see the withdrawal of the Kingdom of God when they came back, so the most likely explanation is that the army of the Kingdom of God has drove straight into the middle three days of the land.

Although the sea level is calm now, through Tianyan Wangfeng, it can be seen that all the corpses accumulated on the seabed near the sea are all corpses. The corpses like a mountain have almost flattened the seabed, and those dead bodies should have been thrown here.

The smell of blood is so strong that the original blue sea area has now turned into a dark color. Under such an environment, even those sea monsters that eat meat dare not approach it.

Because the life here is too strong, like hell.

"I guess there is already war on the mainland of Zhongsantian now." Wang Feng said, and then galloped towards the land of Zhongsantian.

"The continent was sunk." Looking at the brand new coastline, Wang Feng finally understood. It turned out that those corpses were not artificially thrown into the sea, because the original land was sunk by the power of a master and turned into a taboo. Part of the sea.

The corpses that were originally piled up on the ground have now naturally become things in the sea.

The densely packed corpses are endless. After Wang Feng left, there must have been fierce fighting here, and many people died here.


Without staying here, Wang Feng flew straight to the place where the Tiandi Pavilion was at this moment.

For the entire middle three days, only Tiandi Pavilion was Wang Feng's concern. All the seniors were masters, so naturally they didn't need to care about them, they could completely protect themselves.

But his wife and daughter are still very weak. Although they have the protection of Master Chu, Wang Feng is still uneasy. With the reputation of Master Chu, many people will definitely go to him for trouble.

If it is normal, of course others would not dare to embarrass them, but now the middle of the three days is a mess, then everything may be impossible.

Taking a look at Guan Fu, Wang Feng originally wanted to say that you were free, but thinking that her brother is still in his space ring, Wang Feng did not say anything.

When he took her brother to see Master Chu, Wang Feng really wanted to separate from her, because he had his own things to do, he couldn't always take her along.


After flying into the land for about half an hour, a huge roar suddenly came, and someone was fighting in front of him.

The eyes of the sky opened, Wang Feng found that there was a sect in front of him being slaughtered, and those who slaughtered them were all monks from the Kingdom of God.

The enemies of the kingdom of God really crossed the coastline and entered the inland of Zhongsantian.

The sect that was slaughtered was just a small sect, and the strongest was only in the Heavenly Void Realm. How could it be the opponent of these cultivators of the Kingdom of God. In just a few breaths of time, the entire sect’s resident was razed to the ground, and there was no one to survive. .

"It's almost like a group of robbers." Guan Fu's face showed anger as he watched the monks in his own country massacre innocent humans here.

I believe many people have hatred and hatred, but such massacres are happening everywhere, and Wang Feng has no mind to care about it.

"I want to avenge these innocent monks." Guan Fu said, rushing up instantly.

Seeing her back, Wang Feng shook her head, but didn't stop it, because she herself might soon discover that a person's spiritual power can't control the situation at all. These people are killed, and more people are slaughtered elsewhere. .

In such a chaotic situation, the first thing you need to do is to guarantee your own life, because you are going to help you get revenge, and once you die, others may only be cold-eyed.

Since practicing, Wang Feng has seen through many things.

Not long after, Guan Fu returned to Wang Feng's side. Her white clothes had been stained with blood stains. All the monks of the Kingdom of God were beheaded by her, and none of them survived, just as if they had destroyed others.

"Unexpectedly, my countrymen are actually a group of such wicked people." Guan Fu said, his expression a little cold.

"As long as there is interest, it is not surprising to do these things." Wang Feng said, and then said: "I am going to see my Master Chu now. Maybe my Master can help solve your brother's problem, you can go out and kill yourself now. People of the Kingdom of God, you can also go to Tiandi Pavilion with me, you choose one."

"I'll go with you." Guan Fu said the answer without thinking about what Wang Feng said.

Her only brother has deteriorated drastically now, so of course she cares more about her brother than others.

"In that case, let's go." Wang Feng said, but he tore the void directly and stepped in.

Behind him, Guan Fu quickly followed without hesitation.

Tiandi Pavilion was in the true inland of the middle three days, and it took Wang Feng a full hour to get outside the Tiandi Pavilion.

Just like before, there were a large number of monks kneeling under the floating continent of the Tiandi Pavilion. The number of monks was several times more than before, and it was almost like a large army.

Fortunately, Tiandi Pavilion still exists and has not been attacked.

Flying directly into the sky, Wang Feng took out a token from the space ring. This was the pass to the Tiandi Pavilion, something that Chu Mengtian personally handed him.

"It's you?"

A disciple of Tiandi Pavilion galloped out from the top of the mountain. Originally, he wanted to scold someone, but when he saw that the person was Wang Feng, he immediately recognized it.

Those who can take out the token of the Tiandi Pavilion are all the distinguished guests of Tiandi Pavilion, so all his original unhappiness has become respectful, and said: "Are you here to find the Pavilion Master?"

"Yes." Wang Feng nodded, and then asked: "I wonder if your pavilion master has ever returned?"

"Pavilion Master is on the top now, I will take you up." The disciple said, and then led the way.

However, he immediately turned his head and said, "You can go up, but the woman next to you can't."

His tone was a little cold, and this change made Wang Feng a little uncomfortable for a while.

"She is my companion." Wang Feng said in a deep voice.

"According to the regulations, Tiandi Pavilion does not allow idlers to wait up, forgive me." The disciple said with a fist to Wang Feng.

"Could it be that I can't even bring someone up?"

"No." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the disciple said very firmly.

"If that's the case, then you give me a step aside." While speaking, Wang Feng flicked his sleeves, and this disciple was immediately dispersed by a gust of wind, and he couldn't stop Wang Feng's path at all.

"Stop them." The disciple yelled when Wang Feng's power swept away.

This change also attracted the attention of many cultivators below. In their eyes, Wang Feng took Guan Fu and almost climbed onto the body by force. Although someone stopped them in the process, it didn’t work. .

These people in Tiandi Pavilion simply couldn't stop them.

"Let them come up." Just then a voice came out, Chu Mengtian's voice.

"Yes." Hearing the voice of the pavilion master, these people who were going to attack Wang Feng stopped one after another and gave him a way.

Not long afterwards, Wang Feng met Master Chu, and at the same time saw a person who surprised him, because this person was Tang Chen, his second senior brother.

"Junior Brother." Seeing Wang Feng, Tang Chen's face showed an unexpected look.

"Senior Brother Tang, why are you so seriously injured?" Wang Feng's brows wrinkled slightly as his eyes were swept over Tang Chen.

Tang Chen is a real powerhouse in the reincarnation realm. When he was at the seaside, he was chasing the mountain leader, but Wang Feng would not have thought that his whole body was hurt now.

"This is a long story, so let's talk about it later." Tang Chen sighed and didn't elaborate.

"I heard that your kid escaped at the time. Did you enter the sea of ​​taboos for a while?" Chu Mengtian spoke at this time, and his eyes finally fell on Guan Fu.

"Go to the Kingdom of God for a stroll." Wang Feng replied.

"If I didn't expect it to be wrong, isn't this the woman next to you who carries the power of the gods?" Chu Mengtian spoke at this time, making Wang Feng wary.

"Uncle Chu, I can warn you, I spent a lot of effort to save her, you should not hit her with the power of the gods."

"Do you think I am like that kind of person?" Chu Mengtian glanced at Wang Feng, and then said: "Once the power of the source of the gods chooses the host, the host will die with you when you deprive the power of the source of the gods. Do you think I will kill her?"

"Is there anything like this?" Hearing the explanation from the uncle, Wang Feng's face showed a different color, because he had never heard anyone talk about it.

This Guan Fu even said that she would give her the power of the gods to herself, does she not want to live?

"Your kid does nothing but goes to the Three Treasures Palace. Are you seeing your wife and daughter coming?"

"Now that the middle three days are in chaos, I am worried about their safety, of course, I have to come and have a look, but before that, I still want you to help solve a problem."

While talking, Wang Feng took out Guan Fu's younger brother Guan Xing with a thought.


But this time, it was unlucky. Guan Xing had just been released, just when he was going crazy.

After he was released, he directly attacked Chu Mengtian who was above the first seat. He had no idea who he was attacking.

"The heart of killing is so heavy at a young age." Seeing Guan Chu Mengtian calmly said, then he pointed a finger towards Guan Xing.

Watching this scene, Wang Feng widened his eyes, thinking that he was going to kill Guan Xing.

It's just that Chu Mengtian didn't do that. His finger just caused Guan Xing to faint.

"This young man's body has an innate cold power, Master Uncle, can you see what is going on?" Wang Feng quickly explained.

"What's the matter?" Chu Mengtian's face showed a different color when Wang Feng said it.

"When this yin and cold power strikes, this young man will lose his mind and become unrecognized by his six relatives, and this yin and cold force will be stronger once it strikes. Someone once said that this power can make him cultivate into a yin and cold body. If this continues, I guess he will die soon."

"Sure enough, there is a special power." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Chu Mengtian reached out his soul. After a while, he withdrew his consciousness and said.

"Is there any way to save this?" Wang Feng asked.

"This is for me to consider."

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