The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1035: Collect the treasure map fragments

"If you want to leave, hurry up, I want to use the secret method. ▲∴," Chu Mengtian shouted.

"Brother, stay here to practice well by yourself, and I will come back to see you after a while." Guan Fu said, his expression a little bit sad.

"Take care of yourself." Here Wang Feng is also saying goodbye to Dongling Tianxue and the others. Although the parting is a bit sad, in order to improve his strength, Wang Feng has to resist leaving here.

Right now, even the king of gods has come to attack, so hiding them is a good way. They may not be able to meet for a while, but at least they can be safe.

With a cruel heart, Wang Feng flew directly away from the Tiandi Pavilion, and Guan Fu and Tang Chen also appeared next to him. They were all people who were leaving here.

"During the time I am no longer, you all cultivate well, and regular maintenance must be indispensable. If I find someone slack or mess up after I come back, don't blame me for the killer." Chu Mengtian said in a harsh tone to his men. Said.

"Yes." The disciples nodded in response.


The void was torn apart by Chu Mengtian, and the power enveloped the entire Tiandi Pavilion. At this moment, Chu Mengtian directly pushed the floating island into this huge space channel.

"Let's go."

Seeing the void gradually closing, Chu Mengtian said.

"Uncle Chu, are you sure this is all right?" Wang Feng asked hesitantly.

"My Tiandi Pavilion has already been laid down by me. At this moment, I think those formations have been activated, and others will not be able to find out." Chu Mengtian said, his tone was very confident.

"And even if someone else found out, with the formation I set up, it was enough to support me in rushing back."

"If this is the case, then I have nothing to worry about." Wang Feng said, all his doubts were gone.

Uncle Chu's strength, Wang Feng, had already witnessed it with his own eyes. According to him, he was a top powerhouse. If he was not even trusted, Wang Feng didn't know who to trust.

"I'm going to find that guy to take revenge, you guys can do it yourself." Chu Mengtian glanced at the three of Wang Feng and the others, and then directly tore the void and stepped in.

I am afraid that this separation will not be able to find him in a short time, because the Tiandi Pavilion has moved, and Wang Feng now does not know which space the Tiandi Pavilion has drifted into.

"Junior Brother, I have to go to seek revenge, you take care of yourself." At this time, Tang Chen also spoke, and he wanted to leave alone.

The last time he was murdered by the head of the mountain, he had to avenge this grudge.

"Then let's meet again at the sacred mountain." Wang Feng said with a fist at his senior brother.

"Don't worry, I will definitely go to the sacred mountain of nature. If you improve your own strength, I may not be able to take care of you." Tang Chen said, and his figure disappeared directly from Wang Feng, as if teleporting. .

After the two masters had gone, Wang Feng couldn't help but put his gaze on Guan Fu.

"Are you leaving too?" Wang Feng asked.

"I'm not familiar with Zhong Santian at all, are you trying to drive me away?" Guan Fu's voice was a little weak, and he didn't know if it was deliberately pretended.

She was originally a cultivator of the Kingdom of God. She came to this middle school for three days to escape her life. Although she has not much to do with her, at any rate, her brother and her daughter are the same master. Wang Feng's driving away like this is indeed somewhat inappropriate.

"If this is the case, let me get acquainted with me for a while. When you truly control the power of the source of God, I think you should not worry about your safety." Wang Feng said, and did not drive her away.

"Nima, finally left." At this moment, the sound of Willow knife resounded from Wang Feng's body.

This old guy has been silent since he awoke and said a few words, regardless of how Wang Feng asked.

Wang Feng thought he was sleeping again, but he never thought he was still awake.

"Are you afraid of my brother?" Wang Feng asked.

"A master of the reincarnation realm can easily pinch me to death. Can you say I am not afraid?"

"Furthermore, your senior uncle is even more terrifying. He has reached the limit of the middle three days. If I were killed by them, where would I go to cry?" Liu Yidao's voice was a bit miserable, probably because he was really afraid of his senior.

After all, when he was awake, Senior Brother Tomson once showed him a stern look. It is estimated that Liu Yidao was shocked at that time.

However, Liu Yidao was indeed cheating, so scared that he didn't even dare to say a word, Wang Feng thought he was asleep again.

"Don't worry, the two of them have already left. Now you are very safe." Wang Feng said, and then he saw a force rushing out of his dantian, and finally condensed into a figure beside him.

This was a young man, and he looked a little handsome. Could this be the appearance of Liu Yidao when he was young?

Just as Wang Feng was thinking about why Liu Yidao appeared with this face, he heard Liu Yidao's undue beating voice: "This beauty, I don't know what your name is?"

Liu Yidao had a mean smile on his face, and Wang Feng who was watching really wanted to pat his face with the shoes on his feet.

She deliberately changed her appearance when she was young, it turned out to be to strike up a conversation with beautiful women, this stinky shameless.

"Who are you?" Looking at Liu Yidao, Guan Fu's face was obviously wary, she had never seen this person before.

"I am a romantic and suave match Pan An, a pear blossom pressed a begonia willow with a knife, people give the nickname, a peerless man." Liu Yidao said triumphantly.


Hearing Liu Yidao's words, Wang Feng directly retched. This Liu Yidao was shameless, right?


At this time, Guan Fu was obviously amused by Liu Yidao. When introducing himself to others, he even said that he was a beautiful man. Is there such an introduction?

This seems too narcissistic, right?

"Liu Yidao, let me be normal. She is the woman who carries the power of the gods. Her name is Guan Fu." At this time, Wang Feng took the initiative to introduce.

"Could it be that you two have a leg?" Liu Yidao said suspiciously when he heard Wang Feng's words.

"You get me away." Wang Feng kicked Liu with a knife, but he easily avoided it. Liu Yidao is the strength of the mid-Xuanming realm, three grades higher than Wang Feng, Wang Feng kicked It is normal to fail him.

But seeing him become so wretched, then Wang Feng is relieved, which at least proves that he has come out of the shadow of the last time.

"After this time, I have decided to improve my own strength, and Liu Yidao, your physical problem should also be resolved."

"Could it be that you have a good physical body?" Liu Yidao wondered at this time.

With his strength reaching his level, he could completely reshape his body, but after seeing the abnormal physique of Wang Feng and the others, Liu Yidao felt that instead of reshaping his body, he might as well take one away.

If he reshapes his flesh body, his flesh body will still be the same as in the past, not much strong at all, so now he has a strong strength here, he would rather look for a stronger flesh body.

"This is not there yet, but if we can kill Gong Tian, ​​his physical body is definitely the best choice." Wang Feng said.

Gong Tiannai is a top genius in the middle three days, very famous, born with a vision, his physique must be very strong, so if he can use his physique for Liu Yidao, it is naturally the best.

"But did we kill that Gong Tian?" Liu Yidao said grimly.

"It doesn't work now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future. If it doesn't work, we can find other physiques. There are thousands of special physiques in the world, and there is always something suitable for you."

"Let's discuss this matter in the future. Right now I have more important things to hand to you." While speaking, Liu took out a space ring with a knife, and took out a piece of animal skin from it.

"This is the seventh fragment of the treasure map. It was obtained by Qing Song in the early years." Liu said with a knife, and then said: "This guy also knows the secret of the treasure map and has always kept this animal skin in it, but now this It's cheaper for us."

"It's really a fragment of the treasure map." Wang Feng just glanced up and revealed a different color.

Because he saw the last volume of Hunyuan Divine Art on this fragment.

The treasure map was one piece and eight pieces. Wang Feng had already obtained the seventh piece of the treasure map when he was in the Kingdom of God. Now, with the addition of this piece in Liu Yidao's hand, all eight pieces of the treasure map Wang Feng have been collected.

Originally, Wang Feng thought he would have to look for a long, long time for the eighth fastest, but there is nowhere to find it. The eighth fragment of this treasure map turned out to be in Liu Yidao. Hands.

The treasure map that I got in the kingdom of God recorded on it that Wang Feng collapsed his own kingdom, and then created an unprecedented kingdom.

And the exercise recorded on this last piece is how to ensure that one's own kingdom will not die when it collapses.

It can be said that the final purpose of the cultivation of the Hunyuan Divine Art is to reshape the kingdom, and I don't know which great power created it.

"Are you stupid?" Just then Liu gave Wang Feng a knife and asked in confusion.

"I'm thinking." Wang Feng said.

"Don't think about it, you first see if this treasure map is real." Liu Yidao urged.

"It's true, but you are not the seventh treasure map. The real seventh treasure map has been found in the kingdom of God in the distant sea of ​​taboos. The one in your hand is a treasure. The last corner of the treasure map." After thinking about it, Wang Feng still told the truth.

After all, Liu Yidao is an old partner he has worked with for many years, and he is completely trustworthy. Although Guan Fu has known Wang Feng for a short time, Wang Feng has no doubt about her, because she already knows almost everything about herself, which can be said to know the roots.

The treasures on this treasure map must be amazing, and if one more person can contribute, it will appear calmer.

"What are you talking about?" Liu Yidao wondered if there was something wrong with his ears when he heard Wang Feng's words.

The treasure map was originally broken into eight pieces and scattered in various almost no one can collect them completely. It is the luck of heaven to be able to get the seventh piece of the treasure map.

But now Wang Feng actually said that he had gotten the seventh piece of the treasure map early, which made Liu Yidao feel incredible, thinking Wang Feng lied to him.

"I said we have collected all the fragments of the treasure map, and we can check the specific location of the treasure." Wang Feng said, then he palmed his hand and took out the other seven pieces of treasure map fragments.


Seeing these treasure map fragments in Wang Feng's hands, Liu Yidao finally no longer doubted what Wang Feng said, because Wang Feng indeed has seven treasure map fragments in his hands. If you add this one in his hands, it really Their treasure map has been put together by them.

"God helps me too. God really helps me too." Excited, Liu Yidao laughed out of love.

"I don't know what you...what are you talking about?" Guan Fu's doubtful voice came at this moment.

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