The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1042: Sky change

? The mist of the God-Swallowing Pot was blocked in a very far place, and couldn't hurt myself in a short time, so standing here, the people began to show their might. ←,

Being able to cultivate to the strength of the late peak of the venerable, he naturally has the capital of his own pride.

He turned his hand and took out a grinding disc. The grinding disc had four corners, and his palm fell directly on the center of the grinding disc.

The moment his palm fell on the millstone, the entire Wufeng Mountain shook, and then Wang Feng and the others saw the monks around them falling to the ground one by one.

With the development of perspective ability, Wang Feng suddenly felt a tingling scalp, because these fallen monks were all powers that were taken away. They had lost their lives, and after they fell to the ground, this was not the end, their bodies It was also withering at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just one or two breaths, many monks turned into corpses.

That person would definitely be able to control these people by relying on the Lord's grinding disc. I think it was the person who had taken their power away by relying on the Lord.

Looking around, Wang Feng found that the monks didn't change their complexions at all when they saw the people beside them fall, as if this were an extremely common thing for them.

Their minds have been completely controlled by the Lord, and even if they see the death of their relatives, their expressions will not change the slightest.

They are now completely a group of lambs to be slaughtered, and they will not resist at all, nor will they resist.

Perhaps the reason why people rely on the Lord to control them is because they think that one day they will directly extract all the power in their bodies.

Along with the fall of many cultivators, in the hands of the cultivator, to be precise, a very majestic power appeared on the millstone at this moment. These powers should be drawn from the bodies of those cultivators.

Guan Fu can use the power of the gods to transform the power in the spirit stone into murderous intent, but now people rely on the saint to use the grinding disc in his hand to directly extract the power of living people. The two seem to have the same effect.

"You can't let him condense like this. There are hundreds of thousands of cultivators here. If he kills everyone, then the condensed power can kill us in an instant." Liu Yidao opened his mouth, already aware of the life and death crisis.

"Leave it to me." At this moment, Guan Fu shouted, and at this moment she was full of colorful light, as if she had become a bright colorful sun.

"God said, this world will be destroyed, and you... will also be buried in the vast sea of ​​stars."

While speaking, the world suddenly changed, the original Wufeng Mountain disappeared, and it was replaced by a starry sky. Such a move Wang Feng had seen in Killing God.

It's just that compared with the starry sky that killed the gods, Guan Fu's performance is much higher now.

Under this starry sky, Wang Feng felt as if he had really come into the universe. Wang Feng had never seen Guan Fu perform such a move, and it was probably a taboo technique.

"It seems that I can cut off the power of my faith out of thin air. It looks like you are too underestimated." The millstone in his hand has lost all its brilliance and power. At this moment, people look a little ugly with the Lord's expression.

What he is most proud of in Wufeng Mountain is the power of his beliefs. These powers are scattered in every corner of Wufeng Mountain and can be used as a powerful defense.

But now, the starry sky of the other party actually cut off the connection between him and Wufeng Mountain, as if he had come to another space.

No matter how he urges the grinding disc in his hand at the moment, it has no effect.

"Don't waste your efforts. In the space of my firmament change, all your resistance is in vain." Guan Fu's mouth made a sound, and she seemed to be a different person at this moment, watching Wang Feng and Liu Yidao They all looked at each other.

Wang Feng has a heavenly eye, and he can see that this space is extremely real. It is estimated that it will be very difficult to break through here and get out, and if he guesses well, this is something that was displayed using the power of the gods.

After all, Guan Fu's past, Wang Feng, can be considered to be familiar, and she is unlikely to have come into contact with this tyrannical taboo technique.

So the biggest possibility is that her move was obtained from the power of the gods.

At this moment, the power in the eyes of the Xiantian spirit burst out wildly, all of which were integrated into the power of the gods behind Guan Fu.

With the infusion of power, the power of the **** source also rolled violently, one after another with the colorful light in Guan Fu, just one or two breaths, there were more than ten thousand colorful lights permeating behind Guan Fu.

At this moment, she was like a god's residence, and the majestic coercion exuded made Wang Feng and Liu Yidao both faces slightly changed.

This kind of realm breath, I'm afraid it is the reincarnation realm, right?

"Suddenly strengthened so much." Here, both Wang Feng and Liu Yidao have slightly changed their expressions, and on the opposite side of Wang Feng and the others, the expressions of those people are also constantly changing with the Lord.

He could feel that the woman who was carrying the power of the gods on the opposite side was getting stronger and stronger, faintly reaching the state of reincarnation.

The Reincarnation Realm is a level completely different from the Xuanming Realm. Throughout the ages, many people have been blocked at the late stage of the Xuanming Realm, unable to make progress.

Although the person can block many enemies by relying on his own advantage in Wufeng Mountain, the fact that he himself has been stuck on the ridge of the late stage of the Profound Ming Realm for more than a hundred years.

He has been seeking a breakthrough method for more than a hundred years, but it has no effect. How many monks are in the middle of three days? It is endless, no one knows the statistics.

And in such a terrifying population base, although the Profound Mind Realm is rare, there are still a lot of them, but it is truly able to stand out from the Profound Mind Realm. It is estimated that none of the 100,000 Venerables can appear. One.

Moreover, if you want to cross this realm, it is definitely not possible to cultivate talent. In the endless years, how many top geniuses have been stuck at this threshold, and died in the ordinary all their lives.

Now that he saw the opponent's realm almost ascending to the reincarnation realm, this person wouldn't be able to rely on the Lord to be surprised.

"I will kill you in the name of God!" At this time, Guan Fu heard an extremely indifferent voice, and then countless blue dragons rushed out from behind him, rushing out toward the holy sovereign.

At this moment, the space made a violent explosion sound, and at the same time, in the starry sky, there were countless rays of light collectively shooting towards the human beings.

This is the power contained in this starry sky, powerful and frightening.

"It turned out to be the power of heaven and earth borrowed." Liu said with a knife at this moment, in a shocked tone.

Guan Fu's own realm was only in the late Profound Moon Realm, and had never reached the Profound Mind Realm, but the tricks she displayed at this moment were enough to pose a fatal threat to the cultivators at the peak of the Profound Moon Realm.

At this moment, this piece of starry sky is using the power scattered between the sky and the earth.

There is the power of rules in the world, and this power can be used by monks. In addition to the power of rules, there is another power that can be used by monks.

That power is the real power of heaven and earth, just like the power of the thunder source of heaven and earth, the power of thunder is scattered in the sky, and you can’t see anything in normal days, but if a person with a thunder body breaks out , Then these forces will be gathered in an instant for their own use.

Now this Guan Fu turned out to use the might of the mighty heaven and earth to perform a fatal attack on the human beings.

"Earth Aegis!"

Feeling the deadly threat coming, the man reacted quickly to the Lord. At this moment, he turned his hand and took out a thick shield from his spatial ring.

The shield looks extremely primitive, as if it had just been dug out from the soil. If the shield is thrown in the garbage dump, it will be regarded as garbage.

However, it was just such a seemingly inconspicuous shield that burst into the hands of the Lord of Humanity at this moment.

The shield was good against the wind, and when the dragon of the power of the gods swept past, the shield had skyrocketed to more than ten feet, protecting people from the holy.

"Let's shoot together." Right now people have lost that weird power of faith, so now is definitely the best time to kill him. If they miss this opportunity, Wang Feng and the others are afraid they will return to their previous appearance.

At this moment, Wang Feng was holding the God Swallowing Pot in one hand, and the green glaze green lotus tree in the other, rushing directly up.

And by his side, Liu Yidao knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he rushed towards the loss of his soul power.

"You slapped my palm before, now it's time to pay it back." Liu Yidao let out a huge roar, and then Long Yuanjian slashed towards the opponent.

The deafening sound resounded in this space, and Wang Feng's glazed green lotus tree swept over the opponent's shield and only rubbed some sparks, and did not crush the opponent's defense.

This person had a powerful tortoise shell condensed by the power of faith when the Lord was on Wufeng Mountain. Now his shield here has also blocked Wang Feng and the others' attack.

This person has a lot of treasures from the Lord.

"My sister Ni, I have the ability to put down the shield, let's fight decisively." Wang Feng's attack never won the opponent, and similarly, Liu Yidao naturally couldn't help it.

At this moment Liu felt a little mad with anger.

"It's just that you are not qualified to fight with me." Behind the shield came the voice of people fighting the saint, how could he be agitated by Liu Yidao at this time.

This shield was obtained by him from a ruin in his early years, and it has always been regarded as a treasure. Even in previous battles, he rarely used it, completely in front of the bottom of the box.

But now, Guan Fu’s death threat to him is too so he took out this thing, as long as he can persist until the space is broken, then he can use the power of Wufeng Mountain to relax. Killed Wang Feng and the three of them collectively.


Just when Wang Feng and Liu Yidao were unable to take this man against the Lord, suddenly there was a huge roar behind them. Looking back, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao were shocked.

Because at this moment, the aura radiating from Guan Fu has completely surpassed the Venerable and reached the state of reincarnation.

Although this power may not last long, there is no doubt that Guan Fu is a real master of reincarnation at this moment.

"Get out, I'll deal with him." Guan Fu made a voice, and then Wang Feng and Liu Yidao gave way directly.

This Guan Fu is not as powerful as it is now, if she can kill this person alone, then Wang Feng will save a lot of trouble.

Wang Feng had a taboo weapon, but he was reluctant to use it on this person's body. After all, this man only relied on the strength of the saint in his later stage. It would be a shame to kill him with a taboo weapon.

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