The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1069: The Wrath of the Great


Wang Feng's voice was very calm, and when his words fell, his kingdom world finally declared its collapse.

The kingdom world is the origin of a monk. The monks can use the kingdom world to resurrect an unlimited number of times. As long as the kingdom world still has power, they can use this to constantly resurrect, which is really a cheating device against the sky.

But now that Wang Feng's kingdom world is being defeated by Gong Tiansheng, Wang Feng's deity has also begun to dim, his origin has now disappeared, and he is...destined not to stay in this world forever.

What kind of person is this? You even laughed before you died?

And what did he mean by that sentence? Perhaps death is also a new birth? Is he going to be resurrected?

Wang Feng's words undoubtedly buried a huge question mark in the hearts of tens of millions of monks. At this moment, they were all guessing the meaning of Wang Feng's words, but no matter what they thought, they could not imagine Wang Feng's hope of resurrection.

Even the kingdom world has collapsed. No one in this world can cure such a person with any panacea, because they have lost their origin, which means that all traces of him in this world have been erased by the great road, a person who has never existed before. People, what about resurrection?

And at this moment, there are also many forces that are taking great risks to sweep this place with their spiritual sense, and they will see if Wang Feng still has a remnant soul.

It’s just that no matter how they searched, Wang Feng disappeared completely, Wang Feng... his body and spirit were all destroyed!

Just as Gong Tian said, he managed to make Wang Feng's soul fly away.

Perhaps his road of cultivation will be very difficult in the future, but at this moment he killed this fateful enemy.

Seeing Wang Feng's annihilated figure, Emperor Xuanyu, who had just stepped out of the domain, was stunned. He never thought that he was still a step late.

Right in front of him, his disciple fell dead, and his body was gone, leaving no trace.

The world was silent at this moment, and everyone seemed to be crushed by countless major mountains, and they couldn't even breathe.

Their eyes were on Emperor Xuanyu's body at this moment, because perhaps a new round of killing battle would begin.

Back then, the Great Saint Xian Ling fell, the Great Emperor Xuanyu slaughtered the Quartet, killing many people, but now that Wang Feng fell, I don’t know what he was going to do.

"Little Junior Brother." At this moment, Yi Long and the others were muttering to Wang Feng. They didn't expect Wang Feng to fall like this.

Even the kingdom and the world were annihilated, and this way of death was even more miserable than the great sage Xianling, their big brother at the time.

Boom boom boom!

After a brief silence, suddenly the void next to Emperor Xuanyu began to collapse. The void seemed to be crushed by an invisible big hand. It was just a blink of an eye, and the shattered void spread out for thousands of miles. , As if the whole day had collapsed at this moment.

As long as the monks on this line were crushed by the tremendous pressure at this moment, Emperor Xuan Yu was angry.

Murderous intent occupied his mind. At this moment, he was no longer Emperor Xuanyu, he was just Wang Feng's master.

"If I don't destroy the palace in this life, I write the name of Xuan Yu upside down!"

The Great Emperor Xuan Yu made an extremely roaring sound, and then his eyes were directly locked on Gong Tian.

Since Gong Tian killed Wang Feng, he had no reason to survive.

Experts generally wouldn't take action against juniors, because this didn't match their identities, but now that Emperor Xuanyu has given birth to madness, he will not have any scruples in his heart.

"You...give me my disciple to bury it." The Great Emperor Xuanyu said, and then he directly pinched Xukong Yaokong.

Under a squeeze, unimaginable power permeated, and Gong Tian didn't have any resistance at all at this moment, just like Wang Feng did not have any resistance against a supreme like Liu Zhi.

In front of Emperor Xuanyu, Gong Tian said that he was a character worse than the ant, and a road to revenge was opened.

"Run away!"

Just when Gong Tian thought he was bound to die, suddenly a lifeless body stood in front of him. This was the second ancestor of the palace family.

This is a holy realm supreme who has been hidden in the palace for many years. At this moment, in order to save Gongtian, he did not hesitate to use his body to block the blow of Emperor Xuanyu.


Without looking back, he shouted loudly at this moment, and Gong Tian's expression suddenly changed.

He didn't expect his ancestors to do this.

"The old man himself is a dying body, I am willing to exchange my life for a bright and bright future for the palace family, go!"

The old man spoke, and then his whole body burst out, and directly squeezed Gong Tian into a passage space behind him.

This old man's death spirit now seems to be late, and Emperor Xuanyu's tyranny has exceeded their expectations. Gong Tiannai is the most famous genius of the palace family and the leader who has the best chance to lead the future palace family. character.

So now he is willing to use his own life to replace Gongtian's life.

Gong Tian is still young, he has a bright future, and it is time for him to dedicate everything to his family.

He has lived for countless years, and he wouldn't be able to live long without today's battle, so he has to let himself play with the little remaining heat, even if he died, he would admit it.

"In front of me, you are not qualified to say such a thing." Hearing the voice of the ancestor of the palace, Emperor Xuan Yu showed an indifferent voice on his face.

Then he patted the void, and the heaven and the earth collapsed suddenly, and even the power of rules could not function normally. Then Gongtian, who was just sent into the void passage by the ancestor of the palace family, was squeezed out by Shengsheng. There is no right to escape.

"It just so happens that I need the Supreme Soul to resurrect my eldest disciple. You are the first one." Looking at this palace ancestor, Emperor Xuan Yu has already sentenced him to death.

"Kill Gong Tian!"

Gong Tian had already lost the opportunity to escape. At this moment, Yi Long and the others directly gave up the reincarnation masters behind them, and they all cast their eyes on Gong Tian.

Gong Tiannai was the culprit who killed Wang Feng, so today he must die!

Being stared at by Yi Long and a group of reincarnation masters, Gong Tian's complexion also changed drastically. Even if he now has the strength of the mid-term reincarnation, he still can't escape the situation of the murderous gang of Yi Long and the others.

Wang Feng's death angered the Great Emperor Xuanyu, and it also stimulated Yi Long and the others. A few days ago, Wang Feng gave each of them the Tree of the World with a smile, but now Wang Feng has fallen like this, and they cannot accept this situation.

People who practice natural gods have always been in the same spirit. Now even if they are injured, they will solve this Gongtian for Wang Feng.

"You want to kill him, have you asked me?" At this moment, Gong Jiexiong stepped through the realm of Emperor Xuanyu and slapped Yi Long and the others directly.

Gong Tiannai is the jewel of their palace family, and even Gong Tian will be in charge of the entire palace family from now on, so how could Gong Jiexiong allow Yi Long and the others to strangle the palace family's future.

The palm of the supreme is extremely terrifying, and Yi Long and the others have changed their faces at the moment.

"Today we will come to a complete end."

At this moment, a person descended from the sky, it was Chu Mengtian.

Behind him, the ancestor of the Liu family also hurriedly pursued.

"Kill Gong Tian with all your strength, leave these two to me." Chu Mengtian gritted his teeth while blocking Gong Jiexiong's blow.

"Don't forget, there is still me." At this moment, the ancestor of the Liao family also walked out of the realm of Emperor Xuan Yu. The Emperor Xuan Yu had already gone to deal with the second ancestor of the palace family at this moment, so Gong Jie The male side suddenly had three vacancies left.

The battle has undergone tremendous changes. Supreme and Reincarnation are two levels that are completely unequal. If three Supremes attack Yi Long and the others at the same time, perhaps Chu Mengtian can survive, but Yi Long and the others are suspended.

"You are the second mortal man."

Almost at the moment when the ancestors of the Liao family spoke, a light mask that fell from the sky suddenly buckled him, and the person who shot it was the Great Emperor Xuanyu.

"This mask can trap him for twenty breaths, do it!"


Hearing the voice of Emperor Xuan Yu, Chu Mengtian nodded slightly, then made a bold move.

In the eyes of outsiders, the pavilion owner of the Tiandi Pavilion only knew the yin and yang of the heavens and the earth, and knew many secret things that outsiders didn't know, but no one knew that Chu Mengtian was actually a terrifying supreme holy realm.

Although it was difficult to fight one against two, he did it at the moment.

"Gong Tian, ​​take your life." Now Gong Tian is unprotected, so Yi Long and the others directly joined hands at this moment and gave Gong Tian a thunderous blow.


Yi Long and their strikes were extremely terrifying, even if the masters at the peak of the reincarnation realm wanted to take their combined blows, it would be extremely difficult, but unexpected things happened. At this moment, the phantom behind Gong Tian turned out to be A huge roar erupted, and then his huge palm smashed against Yi Long and the others.

This figure may belong to the ancestor of the palace family. At this moment, as he started, Yi Long and the others were lifted by a huge force, showing shocked expressions.

This phantom is really incomparably powerful, no wonder their little junior brother can't resist it, because this kind of attack power is already close to the Holy Realm Supreme.

"Nine days destroy the world!"

At this moment, Du Shi let out a huge roar, and he used his strongest magical powers.

At the same time, he waved the sapling in his hand and killed Gong Tianqi.

The first brother Wang Feng met three days after he came to middle school was him. At that time, Wang Feng's strength was so low that he did not have the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Now that Wang Feng has grown stronger, he never thought that such a change would happen. At this moment, he had completely written Gong Tian on his blacklist, and Gong Tian would definitely not survive today.

"Kill him." Seeing that Du Shi had begun to desperately, Tang Chen and the others also reacted back and displayed terrible magical powers.

At this moment, they even took out their saplings in their The saplings are their most powerful weapon, both offensive and defensive.

No matter how strong Gong Tian is, it is absolutely impossible for the phantom to protect his safety, so no matter how much Gong Tian struggles, he is still a dead end.

"Did it fall like this?"

Here Gong Tian is already in desperate situation, but among the many monks in the periphery, the face of Little Demon King Jiuyou shows regret. Since Wang Feng's identity was revealed, he has never had a good conversation with Wang Feng.

In fact, he wanted to tell Wang Feng that he didn't care about Wang Feng's identity, because during the entire middle three days, Wang Feng was his only friend of the Nine Nether Demon King.

"I will help you too." At this moment, Wang Yuan also rushed up. Last time he received Wang Feng's favor before he could repay him, and now he witnessed Wang Feng's death with his own eyes, so at this moment he will also kill Gong Tian.

A large group of reincarnation masters dealt with Gong Tian, ​​making Gong Tian's face paler than ever before, and just behind Yi Long and the others, the reincarnation masters of the palace also killed them, and a melee broke out.


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