The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1123: Return next 3 days

Gradually, a weak monk knelt down, unable to resist the power of heaven and earth.


Another violent shout came from Emperor Xuanyu's mouth, and then he blasted the door open with a punch.

In an instant, endless divine light diffused from this portal.

Under this ray of light, Emperor Xuanyu's injuries were quickly recovering, and at the same time, a greater coercion radiated from the portal. At this moment, even some samsara masters could not help kneeling on the ground.

Here in Hunyuan Palace, the four supreme lords joined forces to resist the pressure. Although Wang Feng and the others were uncomfortable, they did not kneel down.

At this moment, they were all looking at that figure in the sky that looked like an immortal. This was their master, Emperor Xuanyu.

He was the first supreme to soar from the middle three days to the upper three days after the great change of heaven and earth.

"Brother, go all the way well, wait for us for the last three days." At this moment, Chu Mengtian said, although his face was smiling, it was difficult to hide his loneliness.

"If you want to be promoted, go to the Forbidden Sea." Looking back at Wang Feng and the others, Emperor Xuan Yu finally stopped staying and flew to this teleportation gate.

The light flashed, before Emperor Xuanyu approached the portal, he was directly sucked in by the light.

The breath of the fairyland was quickly dissipating in the sky, and the Great Emperor Xuanyu left and went there for three days. From then on, there was no fairyland for three days.

"Let's go, there is nothing to look at." The vortex in the sky was slowly dissipating. At this moment, Chu Mengtian shook his head and silently returned to his heaven and earth pavilion.

His figure looks very lonely and even more bleak. The brothers of the same period have been there for three days now, and he is going to go for three days and I don't know when it is. Maybe he has no way to go for three days in his life.

Because they couldn't reach the fairyland, they couldn't open the portal of teleportation.

This time a farewell, maybe there will never be a chance to meet.

"The master is gone, and we are the brothers who depend on each other." Tang Chen said, sighing.

Although Emperor Xuanyu didn't teach them much, and sometimes even hacked things from them, it is undeniable that they have recognized the master Xuanyu from the bottom of their hearts. There is no practice or any The preaching, but the Great Emperor Xuanyu gave them unlimited cultivation.

"I'm going to visit every three days." At this time, Wang Feng spoke, his eyes firm.

Today, in the middle three days, he has no enemies. Gong Tian was taken to the demon realm by his ancestors, and now he is even deep in the sea of ​​taboos, and his identity is destined to be no one to embarrass him again in the middle three days. Because the four supreme people in Hunyuan Palace are enough to sweep everything.

Therefore, Wang Feng was exactly as Emperor Xuanyu said, to break into the sea of ​​taboos.

Although the Forbidden Sea is perilous, it is undeniable that there are great opportunities in it. As long as Wang Feng can survive, his realm may be raised to a higher level of feeling.

"What are you going to do for the next three days?" Yi Long and the others showed different colors when they heard Wang Feng's words.

"Go and pick up some old people." Wang Feng said, and then with a thought, he released the willow in his dantian.

The old fellow Liu Yidao has now successfully promoted to the Reincarnation Realm, because he has completely integrated with Liu Zhi's body and has crossed that hurdle.

The reason why this old guy stayed in Wang Feng's dantian was entirely because Wang Feng's sapling breath was helpful to his cultivation.

"Follow me in the next three days." Wang Feng looked at Liu Yidao and said.

"Wait." At this moment, Chu Mengtian walked out of his heaven and earth pavilion and went straight to Wang Feng.

He flipped his hand and took out a sword. This was the sword of breaking the world, and it was the sword of rules. It was a super weapon condensed by Emperor Xuanyu.

"Wang Feng, this is what your master asked me to give you just before he left." Chu Mengtian said, and handed the sword of rules into Wang Feng's hands.

"When did he give you this sword, why didn't we see it?" Looking at the sword of rules, Wang Feng asked in confusion.

"You don't have to worry about this. In short, you just need to remember that your master has high expectations of you. This sword is for you to use in battle."

"No need." Looking at the sword of rules, Wang Feng had long lost his original enthusiasm, because he could not find the enemy in the middle of the third day, and he had a stronger gun, he could not use this sword of rules. Up.

"Leave this sword to the other seniors. I have a sharp spear, which is enough to defend yourself." Wang Feng opened his mouth and put his eyes on the seniors of Yi Long.

"Since the master gave it to you, then this sword naturally belongs to you." Great Sage Xian Ling said calmly.

"With our strength, no one can hurt us in the middle three days now, so you should keep this sword for yourself, and don't you have so many relatives? You can use this sword for them." Yi Long said.

What he said is correct. In Zhongsantian, their family is the only one, and no power is their opponent, so they have no use for this sword.

"If this is the case, then I will accept it." Since everyone does not want to break the sword, Wang Feng simply accepted it.

"Brother Yi Long, I may have to go for three days and a few days. In these few days, my family will ask you to take care of them." Wang Feng said after bowing to Yi Long.

"Don't worry, if we have to suffer in your family, then we don't deserve to stand at this height." Yi Long smiled slightly and agreed.

"Liu Yidao, follow me." Since there is no more worries, Wang Feng no longer hesitates at this moment, taking Liu Yidao towards the place where the Jiemeng was once.

There are two ways to go to the next three days. One is to directly tear the power of the rules and forcefully descend on the next three days, but doing so will trigger a weak scourge, and the gain is not worth the loss.

The other one is much safer, directly relying on the reverse teleportation array set up by the Jiemeng to return to the next three days.

This formation used to be a teleportation formation that was jointly controlled by many supreme beings when the treaty of the gods was established. In the entire third day, only this teleportation formation could safely reach the next three days.

Originally, this teleportation formation had always been controlled by the Jie Meng, but now that Jie Zun has already swept away the Jie Meng collectively, naturally no one has jurisdiction over it.

With the help of the rules of the middle three days, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao only took three breaths to reach the place where the alliance was once.

When Wang Feng had just ascended into the middle of the third day, he was chased by this alliance and ran all over the world. As for the residence of this alliance, he even dare not come.

It's just that with the passage of time, everything is nothing but a human being. Looking ahead, the Jiemeng is in ruins, and the once magnificent buildings are now riddled with holes. I don't know how many people have hunted for treasures here.

Judging from the scene here, it is estimated that more than three feet of digging will take place.

"Fortunately, the teleportation array is still there." In this ruin, a huge teleportation array stands on the ground. Outside the teleportation array is a machine defensive array to prevent anyone from forcing it.

It is precisely because of the existence of this defensive formation that this teleportation formation can be retained until now, otherwise it is not known how many people will enter the next three days through this teleportation formation.

With the ability of these monks for three days, if they were allowed to go for the next three days, they would not know what kind of riots would be caused.

After all, the strongest person in the lower realm is the heavenly spirit realm.

"Who" shouted loudly at this moment.

Looking up, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao saw several monks walking out of the ruins. The leader was a middle-aged man who looked abominable and looked quite vicious.

Such a posture may be feared by others, but Wang Feng and Liu Yidao both have calm faces and can't afford any waves in their hearts.

"What's the matter with you"

Wang Feng asked calmly.

"This is our brother's territory. You two rushed in without even saying hello. Get out. Maybe we will let you two live together." A monk said, without putting Wang Feng at all. In the eyes.

With Wang Feng’s current momentum, any prestigious monk in Zhong San Tian didn’t know

Even the civilians knew him Wang Feng, but the group of people in front of him didn't even know him. This shows that they are not as good as the civilians, at most a group of punks.

In fact, this is indeed the case, the peak of these people's most powerful talents, weak and unimaginable.

"Why don't I know who gave you this place?" Wang Feng said lightly, but didn't rush to take action.

"Where is so much nonsense, if you don't leave, don't blame our brothers for being impolite." One person shouted, seeming a little angry.

"A group of scumbags, who don't even have the strength of the Profound Moon Realm, dare to be arrogant here, and quickly kneel down for Lao Tzu and call him grandpa.

At this moment Liu Yidao suddenly shouted, and these people were so frightened that they knelt to the ground with a thump.

It's not that they want to kneel, but Liu Yidao slightly exudes the breath of reincarnation at this moment, making these people cold from head to toe.

"Senior." A man said dryly, his complexion extremely pale.

"Call grandpa quickly, or I will send you home today." Liu said cursingly, scared these people almost didn't pee their pants.

At this moment, they also understood that the two people in front of them were not something they could provoke at all, and the gap was too great.

"Senior, this is our unintentional offense, please leave it alone."

"Give you three breaths to call Grandpa. If you don't, you know what I will do." Liu shouted loudly when he interrupted this person.

His voice roared like thunder in the minds of these people, causing them to almost spew blood.

I thought it was two weak men here, but I never thought that these were two tigers, two tigers that could eat them.


At this time, a monk spoke, and his head was buried in his arms. Obviously, he felt very embarrassed to call others like this.

Just for the sake of his own life, he can only do what Liu Yidao said. In front of such a master, if they want to die, the other party can easily kill them. They have no second choice.

"This is like my grandson." Hearing this, Liu Yidao showed a smile on his face, but soon he became stern and said: "I don't have a grandson as weak as you, so let me cool off. "

"Yes, yes." Hearing Liu Yidao's words, the man was pardoned, and he pulled up and ran away, regardless of his brother.

"Why don't you guys want to call?" After this person escaped Liu Yidao looked at these people and asked disdainfully.

"Grandpa." Although I didn't want to open this mouth, but awed by Liu Yidao's lust, the remaining cultivators still called out the two words with difficulty.

"Go away, a group of ants without long eyes." With a flick of the sleeve, these people were swept away by the force of Willow's knife, vomiting blood.

But Wang Feng could see that Liu Yidao didn't kill them, and there was still room.

"Enough fun," Wang Feng asked calmly looking at Liu Yidao.

"It's almost there." Liu said with a shameless smile, "Let's go, let's go for three days."


Wang Feng spoke, and then his body stepped into the cross-border teleportation formation in one step, and even the formation did not stop him at all. Behind him, Liu Yidao smiled slightly, and walked in without any hindrance.


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