The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1144: Old friend


The speaker was the current patriarch of the Jiaolong clan, the old man who had just manifested here.

Before, Wang Feng's gaze was on the resurrected old man. He did not pay attention to the current patriarch of the Flood Dragon clan. It was only when the voice of the other party sounded that Wang Feng realized that he actually knew the current patriarch of the Flood Dragon clan.

He was one of the many nobles who was taken to the middle three days by his master Xuanyu the Great at the time of the World War.

Those supreme sacreds were all captured by Emperor Xuanyu from the Sea of ​​Taboo. Originally, Wang Feng thought he would never meet them again, but what he didn't expect was that the patriarch of the dragon clan was one of them.

"I haven't seen him for a long time, I don't know if the seniors will be well." When he bowed to the old man, Wang Feng's attitude was quite satisfactory.


Hearing Wang Feng’s words, he was speechless. The matter of his being caught by Emperor Xuanyu was almost only known to the supreme. But now that Emperor Xuanyu’s disciples appeared here, he found that he didn’t seem to know how to speak. .

The great Emperor Xuanyu was beyond their imagination. That person could be called the strongest in the middle of the three days. He never thought that the disciple of Emperor Xuanyu would come to his family of flood dragons and be in their clan land.

"Where is your master"

I really don't know how to speak, this person can only suffocate such a sentence.

"My master naturally guarded the middle school for three days. Could it be that seniors missed him?" Wang Feng said, without saying that his master had been ascended for three days.

In this person's heart, he is very afraid of Emperor Xuan Yu, so how dare Wang Feng say that Emperor Xuan Yu has ascended.

Being taken away as a slave, this person must have some resentment in his heart. As the apprentice of Emperor Xuanyu, if he is told that Emperor Xuanyu is no longer in the middle of three days, Wang Feng might still be treated like that. , So he will not be so stupid.

"No, I don't want to." Hearing Wang Feng's words, this person was taken aback first, and then he said quickly.

The Great Emperor Xuanyu was like a nightmare to him. He swore that he would never want to see each other again in his entire life. The Supreme Sacred Realm was arrested as a slave. This was the biggest heart disease in his heart. I can't forget it so far.

What made him even more unexpected now was that the apprentice of the Great Emperor Xuanyu had actually appeared in his family. What about the Great Emperor Xuanyu himself?

He couldn't believe what Wang Feng said, because he was really afraid of Emperor Xuanyu.

"Big brother, what are you talking about" at this moment, the old man who had just awakened asked with a puzzled look.

"It's nothing." Hearing the words of the second brother, the man didn't dare to stay here, and just flashed away.

Even though Emperor Xuanyu's apprentice came to his house, he didn't dare to move his mind at all, because once he touched the opponent's apprentice, I was afraid that his fate would be extremely miserable.

When Emperor Xuanyu beheaded so many devil emperors one after another, he was on the scene. With the strength of Emperor Xuanyu, even if he escaped to the end of the world, it would be difficult to get out. So how dare he move Wang Feng?

Although Wang Feng's realm is not as good as him, looking at Wang Feng, he always feels like seeing Emperor Xuanyu, so he doesn't want to stay here for a moment.

"Big brother, wait for me." Seeing that the big brother is gone, this awake old man didn't know what was going on, so he hurried to catch up.


Seeing that the two ancestors were gone, the elder Jiaolong only felt his head dry and his tongue was dry. He had never seen a patriarch such a gaffe before, and the object of the gaffe was the alchemist named Bei.

In this way, the people in front of you don't seem to be ordinary people, otherwise, it would shock their patriarchs to look like this.

"That's what." Looking at Wang Feng, the elder Jiaolong also stuttered, not knowing how to face Wang Feng.

"Is there any news about the Fen Tiansha that I want you to find?" Looking at this elder Jiaolong, Wang Feng asked.

"Not yet, but we have deported many people from the tribe, and they are looking for the burning sky sand for your Excellency."

"Remember that year's appointment." Looking at this elder Jiaolong, Wang Feng turned and left.

"Your Excellency has great kindness to our Jiaolong clan. If we can't find Fen Tiansha, we shall agree to it." The Jiaolong elder spoke, not daring to disobey Wang Feng's meaning.

"By the way, what is going on with that Seagod Treasure now" Wang Feng suddenly asked at this time.

It was almost a month since he came to the Flood Dragon Clan. At that time, the half-sage of the Flame Clan said that the Seagod Treasure would emerge in a month, and the time should be almost there now.

"That treasure has already appeared in the sea two days ago, and many people have already gone. Our Jiaolong clan has also dispatched people to go there." said the big elder Jiaolong.

"R Your uncle."

After shouting aloud, Wang Feng really felt that there were ten thousand grass-and-mud horses running past in his heart. If he had known that the treasure had already appeared, he would not have come to rescue the ancestor of the dragon family.

Because for him, this treasure is obviously more important, because it is closely related to his strength improvement.

"Liu Yidao, came out quickly."

When he arrived outside Liu Yidao's closed chamber, Wang Feng shouted.

"Noisy, you told me not to practice hard" The yelling voice came from Liu Yidao, and under Wang Feng's interruption, he walked out of the secret room.

"Put the cultivation away in advance, now that the treasure of the Seagod has been born two days ago, are you interested in going around?"

"If you don't tell me this, I almost forgot, walking around, this is a good time to make a fortune." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Liu Yidao showed joy in his eyes, and he wanted to rob others.

It's just that the two of them did not do it once or twice. They had already reached a consensus.

"From then on, those two humans will be our permanent guests of the Jiaolong clan. Whoever disrespects them will be punished by the family law." A calm voice came from the head of the Jiaolong clan.

He didn't know if Emperor Xuanyu was near here, but he knew that Emperor Xuanyu's apprentice didn't dare to provoke him, so he could only do so.

Hearing this, the whole family of dragons were shocked, especially the elder of the dragon, which set off a stormy sea in his heart. What are the identities of those two people?

It’s just that at this time, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao had already left the Dragon Clan. They had never heard this voice, but even if they heard Wang Feng, there was nothing surprising, because he had seen the power of Emperor Xuanyu. The Holy Realm Supreme is no effort, and it is normal for the opponent to have fear in his heart.

The treasure has already appeared. In order to ensure that the two of them won't go too late, Wang Feng directly took Liu Yidao and used the force of this rule to move forward.

If you only rely on space shuttles, you don't know how long it will take. After all, the place where the treasure is marked is very far away from the dragon family.

Although he teleported with the help of rules, it took about two minutes for Wang Feng to reach his destination. In terms of distance, Wang Feng had already traversed at least several mid-three-day land within two minutes. Up.

The forbidden sea is endless, and it is by no means comparable to the land of the middle three days. In terms of territory, the middle three days is at most only a piece of the island in the forbidden sea, but this island is much larger than the others. .

Of course, this is also related to the power of rules in this sea of ​​taboos. The power of rules here is much thinner than Zhongsantian. This is also a disadvantage that prevents Wang Feng from rushing.

If not, he could arrive within a minute.

"Even the sea has been dyed red, which shows that a tragic battle took place here."

A mountain peak appeared not far from them, a mountain peak that seemed to have just risen from the bottom of the sea. The rock was bare, and there were some dead shells attached to it. At the moment, a big hole was opened in the center of the mountain. Nakano is a vortex that rotates fast, and under this huge vortex, there are endless blood and dead corpses.

The sea water was stained red with blood because of the fierce fighting that had been discovered at the mouth of this whirlpool. Many sea creatures were killed here, and blood flowed directly into the sea from here.

"help me."

There was a voice calling for help in the vagueness. Looking up, Wang Feng saw that it was a Sea Clan creature with only the upper body left calling for help. It was not long before his death.

The blood under his body is blurred, and some intestines and stomachs scattered outside can be seen. This is a tragic scene. If ordinary people see it, they may be afraid.

It's just that Wang Feng has long been unable to remember how much blood was contaminated, so he looked at the scene as usual and walked towards the other side.

Wang Feng, a breathing creature, could rescue him, but this person was a creature of the Sea Clan, and the Sea Clan never impressed Wang Feng from the beginning to the end, so how could he go to rescue? He didn't have such idle time.

A force was injected into his body, and then Wang Feng's palm fell directly on his head: "Since you are about to die, let's use the last remaining heat."

While talking, Wang Feng began to search for souls, and the power he had penetrated into the sea creatures was only to keep the other party alive, and what Wang Feng really wanted to do was to look at this place with the help of this person’s memory. What happened?


The soul-searching technique is very vicious, and the soul-searched person will be even more uncomfortable than death, so at this moment the sea clan monk uttered a terrible scream, which made people horrified.

Not long after, Wang Feng's palm was retracted, and in front of him, the Sea Clan monk had stopped breathing and was tortured to death by Wang Feng.

He was going to die sooner or later, Wang Feng ended his life in this way, and it was a relief, at least in Wang Feng's heart.

This vortex was opened one day ago. At that time, there was a terrible battle here. As for why, this sea clan monk did not know, because his status was too low, he came here as a soy sauce at best. Role, so until he died, he still didn't know what was going on.

The Poseidon’s Treasure appeared two days ago, but it was only opened by the crowd yesterday. It can be seen that there should be some trouble in this whirlpool No one has come out for so long, and I don't know what happened.

With the eyes open, Wang Feng couldn't see what was behind the vortex. After all, the Seagod was a supreme immortal beyond the holy realm. It was normal for Wang Feng to not see through the vortex.

"The whirlpool was opened a day ago, do you want to go in and take a look?" Then Wang Feng put his gaze on Liu Yidao and asked.

"It's all here, I want to go in naturally, are you still afraid?" Liu Yidao responded, causing Wang Feng to smile slightly.

"If this is the case, then let's take a trip." During the speech, Wang Feng lifted up a light mask, and then he took a step towards the vortex.

Behind him, Liu Yidao did not hesitate, and quickly followed.

The outside of the vortex is still in the sea, and inside this vortex is a teleportation formation, and the feeling of being torn from the body continues to come. This is the feeling that can only be experienced when teleporting.

I just don’t know where this vortex will teleport them to.


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