The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1164: Challenge supreme

"Don't be so absolute. Can you kill me? It's still a matter of two things. The most in my life is to discuss your kind of people who talk big when you open your mouth." Wang Feng said, making the Huoyin Supreme itch with anger. .

"Then you can taste it."

The killing intent in his heart was overwhelming. At this moment, he didn't hide anything at all, and his breath was completely revealed as soon as he shot.

Over there, the supreme of the Nile religion is being besieged by many supreme beings, and here, Wang Feng is also getting started with this supreme of the flame race.

"Yin and Yang Promise."

As the saying goes, fire and water are incompatible, and two completely different forces are contained in a person's body at the same time, so this creates a condition for them to create such terrible tricks as Yin and Yang.

The reason why the flame race is terrible is because the Yin and Yang Promise can kill the opponent in an instant, so that the opponent has no time to react.

At this moment, two completely different powers filled this Huoyin Supreme's body. With a palm, Wang Feng could see two different rays of light attacking him.

If hit by such a force, Wang Feng was afraid that he would peel off if he died.

"Prime rune."

It's just that Wang Feng is not such a stupid person, he will not stand stupidly waiting for others to attack, so at this moment he also started to fight back.

In the face of Supreme, Wang Feng will not have any contempt, because he understands the horror of Supreme, such people, once they are given a chance, I am afraid that he will fall into a dead end.

So this shot, Wang Feng is also a killer move.

More than a hundred golden runes flew out in front of Wang Feng and went straight to this Huo Yin Supreme.


The void seemed to be frozen at this moment, this Huo Yin's body was frozen in the air by Wang Feng, his eyes shocked.

You know that he is a real supreme in the middle of the holy realm, and Wang Feng?

He is just a monk in the middle of the reincarnation realm, and the monks in the middle of the reincarnation have imprisoned a supreme in the middle of the holy realm in midair.

"Break it for me!"

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, this Huo Yin also knew that if he was defeated by Wang Feng today, all his reputation would be wiped out.

Even when he encounters other Supremes in the future, he can't raise his head.

So at this moment, he directly burned his lifespan, and broke free from the suppression of the ancient runes.

The monk's lifespan will continue to increase as his realm improves, and he has been forced to ride a tiger by Wang Feng, so he can only work hard.

There is still hope of victory if you fight, but if you don't fight, then all his glory will be stepped on by Wang Feng.

He defeated Wang Feng, that is normal, and once he loses, then others will really step on his body.


A huge roar resounded through the void, and at this moment, the Primordial Rune set by Wang Feng was abruptly broken free by the opponent, making Wang Feng stunned.

However, when he saw the red light igniting on the opponent, he was relieved and burned his lifespan to fight, which seemed to increase a lot, but this was another bet on his life.

And this kind of battle certainly won't last long.

Sure enough, after burning his lifespan, this Huoyin Supreme became at least several times crazy. At this moment, only killing intent was beating in his eyes.

Being forced to burn his own lifespan by others, if he didn't kill the opponent in this way, then the burning of his lifespan would not be worth it.

Under the raging burning of Shouyuan, his combat power has at least increased several times, and his combat power is now approaching the supreme in the late holy stage.

Of course, he never really entered the late stage of the Holy Realm, because

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The further you practice, the more difficult it is to cross each realm.

He can strengthen so much at once, which is already very good.

"Burning Shouyuan to fight, it seems that he is also in a hurry."

Most of the Supremes have already participated in the war, but there is still no shortage of prestigious homestays in the crowd whispering.

He had already burned his Shouyuan to fight from the very beginning, and it seemed that the young man surnamed Bei gave Huoyin Supreme a terrifying feeling.

Otherwise he wouldn't be like this from the beginning.

People only start to go to extremes when they are in a hurry. This Huoyin Supreme is taking that path now.

"You forced me to do everything." Looking at Wang Feng, the Huoyin Supreme groaned gloomily.

"Don't forget who attacked me in the first place. This is not because I forced you, but you are looking for it yourself. If you didn't chase and kill you, how could you get the fruit of today?"

"As the saying goes, karma is what you deserve."


Hearing Wang Feng's words, the Huoyin Supreme laughed loudly. As his laughter sounded, his gray hair was shaken with the wind at this moment.

As if he had become a demon, the aura in his body increased again.

"Secret method, I have seen people from the Flame Race use such a secret method in battle with others." At this time, a homestay spoke, and he recognized what Huoyin Supreme was doing.

One of the reasons why the Flame Race can dominate in the Jueluo Sea is that they have two powers at the same time, and they fight far more powerful than other Sea Races.

There is another point that this flame clan possesses a very terrifying secret method. Although many forces have secretly studied this secret method, they have not yet figured out what is going on.

They only knew that the flame clan's secret method could improve their strength, but they had no idea how to do it.

The eyes of the sky opened, and all the changes of this Huoyin Supreme were fully collected in Wang Feng's eyes. At this moment, Wang Feng could see that the other party's breath was once again tyrannical, because their vitality was flowing back at this moment.

According to common sense, the monk's reversal of energy and blood is obviously a sign of going into a madness.

However, the Huoyin Supreme in front of him had a tyrannical aura, but he was far from reaching the level of enchantment, which meant that this secret method urged them to flow back, but did not make them enchanted.

"It seems that I need to get this secret method." Wang Feng said, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Killing a supreme can get a lot of things, supreme cultivation is far better than ordinary people, their space ring will naturally be better than others, and if they can obtain the secret method of the other party, then Wang Feng can also apply it.

Regardless of the trump cards and secret methods, as long as they can increase their strength and kill the opponent, then this is a good thing.

"If you don't say this sentence, I won't take you to anything, but since you all said that I asked for it, then you don't want to leave this place alive today." Huo Yin Zhizun said, everything throbbing in his eyes All are crazy killing intent.

It's just that this look has no effect on Wang Feng at all, because after the last battle with the opponent, he not only got the battle spirit of the ancestors of the dragon, but also improved his strength today.

So the other party still wants to kill him at this point, it is almost impossible.

As the supreme of the late stage of the holy realm, Wang Feng may not be able to help him, but this mid-term supreme, everything may be impossible.

"Can you keep me? You have to look at your abilities." Wang Feng said, turning his hands and taking out the sharp gun.

Since the other party wanted to work hard, Wang Feng couldn't be arrogant either.

Because he understands

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The opponent burns his lifespan, and he will definitely become extremely crazy. If he can kill the opponent all at once, then it is naturally best. Wang Feng will not give him a chance.

Pour his own power into the sharp spear, Wang Feng has a solemn face, he is like a warrior, and at this moment, he is fully engaged in the battle.

"I have also killed Semi-Holy in the Reincarnation Realm, but I have never killed the Supreme. Today, you will become the first Supreme Soul under my hand." Looking at the other side, Wang Feng said calmly, and then he directly touched the God of God in his hand. The gun was thrown out.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

As an immortal weapon from the time of immemorial age, the fierce gun is naturally powerful. Just what Wang Feng saw, this gun has already been contaminated with the blood of more than a dozen supreme people.

So at this moment, Wang Feng wants to use this gun to drink Supreme Blood again.

In everyone's eyes, they had forgotten everything at this moment, and only the sharp gun that Wang Feng threw out remained in their minds.

The astonishing evil spirit was showing from the great gun at this moment. When he was on earth, because Wang Feng's realm was too low, he could not burst out the power of this great gun.

But now that he is in the middle of the cycle of reincarnation, the power he can display is even more comparable to the supreme.

Therefore, the weapon activated by him is really scary at the moment.

"The Shield of All Things!"

Seeing the long spear thrown by Wang Feng, Huoyin Supreme only felt that his whole body was upside down, and he understood that the opponent's gun could threaten his life.

So at this moment, he took out a huge shield without hesitation. The shield showed a cyan color without the metallic luster.

But with such a shield, the ancient aura displayed at this moment is amazing. This shield must have been in the world for a long time.

Only after experiencing the accumulation of countless years, it is possible to burst out such a simple charm at the moment when it is taken out.

Things of countless years still look like new, which shows how unusual this shield is.

In fact, this shield was obtained by a fluke when the Huoyin Supreme was practicing outside in his early years. Since then, he has never used it. Because the opponents against him are basically not ah's opponents, he can't use it either. This thing.

This is the first time he has used it to deal with others.


Unable to think of this Huoyin Supreme, when the fierce gun was galloping over, a green light burst out of this shield, and the surface that seemed fragile turned out to be as hard as iron in an instant. The fierce spear never pierced the shield at once.

"This shield belongs to me."

Looking at this shield, Wang Feng smiled slightly, and then he leaned forward with his arm, and suddenly returned with a sharp spear.

After grabbing the great gun, Wang Feng felt as if he was fused with the great gun.

At that time, Wang Feng's realm was low The evil spirit in this can be thought of his mind, so that it made him become disrespectful and almost did something irreversible.

But now, his realm has come up, and this bit of evil spirit can no longer affect him.

"I want my shield, unless I die." Looking at Wang Feng, the Huo Yin Supreme held the shield of all things, and then killed Wang Feng.

It was still that kind of two-color light, this Huo Yin Supreme almost reached Wang Feng in a very tricky posture.

If a normal person is attacked like this all at once, he might still be in a hurry.

But who is Wang Feng?

He is a person with heavenly eyes. This Huoyin Supreme thought that this would hurt him, but how could he think that, in fact, he just washed his neck and then moved it up.

Seek a dead end.

(End of this chapter)


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