The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1171: Jigokudani

After some inquiries, Wang Feng learned that the name of the Jedi was Hell Valley, and the reason it was named this was that this valley had cost too many Sea Clan monks' lives.

The creatures who entered, ten of them cannot return, and the ancestors of the Flood Dragon have also entered, but he has never returned since then, and he is also damaged by it.

"Damn, you run so fast." Under Wang Feng's perception, he could find that the flame chief was quickly drawing closer to him.

The Half Immortal's strength was far more terrifying than the Supreme, and Wang Feng was now unable to get rid of the opponent even if he was teleporting, which immediately made Wang Feng's expression gloomy.

At this rate, he must be caught up.

"How far are we from that Hell Valley?" Wang Feng couldn't help asking during the process of fleeing.

"At your speed, it will take at least ten minutes."

"Ten minutes..." Hearing this, Wang Feng's heart suddenly sank.

He couldn't get rid of the opponent with the help of teleportation, and Wang Feng no longer had any faster speed.

Because the teleportation with the help of the power of the rules, even if he burns his lifespan, it has no effect, because it can't increase his speed at all.

He could only watch as he got closer and closer to the flame chief.

"Even if you flee to the end of the world, you will not be able to escape to death." The voice of Patriarch Flame came from behind, and he was very close to Wang Feng at this moment.

If you get closer, Wang Feng will be within the opponent's attack range.

"Perhaps, I can only use this thing." After thinking about it, Wang Feng flipped over and took out a small dagger.

This was what Chu Mengtian had given him three days before he left the middle school to save his life, and it contained a full blow from Chu Mengtian that could help Wang Feng escape or confront the enemy.

Perhaps this thing can't threaten the life of Patriarch Huo, but as long as Wang Feng can buy some time to escape, then this thing will play its role.

Good steel is about to be used on the blade. The last time he was chased by Huoyin Supreme, he was not willing to use it, but now, he feels that the time to use it has arrived.

Compared with his own life, a life-saving taboo weapon is not rare, because this thing is manufactured sustainably. As long as he can survive, then even if he uses it, Wang Feng will not feel at a loss.

"Die to me!"

A minute later, Wang Feng finally fell into the range of Patriarch Flame's attack. Facing the back of Wang Feng's escape, Patriarch Flame raised his hand and punched him.

"go with!"

Facing the opponent's palm, Wang Feng directly poured his power into the dagger and threw it in the opposite direction.

After doing all this, Wang Feng turned and left without turning his head, because he had to seize every minute and every second, because he was robbing his own life against time.


Behind Wang Feng, there was an earth-shattering roar at this moment, and the void had cracked at this moment. I don't know how many huge cracks.

The full blow of the Supreme Peak could almost shake the world, and the void was naturally torn apart easily.

"Little bastard, if you don't kill you today, it's really hard to dispel the hatred in the old man's heart." The screaming voice of Patriarch Flame came from behind, his speed suddenly increased at this moment, it should be using some secret method.


Seeing that the other party was chasing after him, Wang Feng's expression changed drastically, but his speed has now reached its true limit. He is not supreme, and he does not have supreme means. The power of rules does not have much hindrance for Banxian. So now Wang Feng could only watch as he was getting closer and closer to the flame chief.

If this continues, not only Wang Feng will die, but everyone in his dantian will be buried with him.

"All the people of the Jiaolong clan will give me their blood to help him escape the predicament." At this moment, the voice of the Jiaolong patriarch remembered in Wang Feng's dantian.

Essence and blood is the most important thing for a monk, because the formation of every drop of essence and blood is very difficult.

Once the blood loss is too much, this will affect the origin, ranging from serious injuries to the monks, and falling to the realm in severe cases, and it will be difficult to break through forever.

Now the senior members of their entire Jiaolong clan have been linked to Wang Feng's life. If Wang Feng dies, they will not be able to protect themselves.

Therefore, at this time, they could only use a secret method of the Flood Dragon clan to help Wang Feng's short-term soaring realm.

Of course, as a price, all of them have to pay their blood, which is an equivalent exchange.

"For a while, your realm may temporarily enter the ranks of the holy realm. Whether you can survive or not, hope is all on you." The Jiaolong patriarch made a voice, and then he closed his eyes and faced himself. The center of the eyebrows is just a beat.

In one shot, a drop of blood-red blood floated out from the center of his eyebrows. This was his essence and blood, which contained extremely majestic energy.

At the same time, Hengmei Lao Dao and other tens of thousands of dragons have done the same thing.

"The Art of Reverse Cang!"

The Jiaolong patriarch uttered a loud shout, and then the blood of tens of thousands of them directly combined at this moment, and an unimaginable force erupted in Wang Feng's Dantian.

It was like a whirlwind that filled Wang Feng's body in an instant.

Originally, Wang Feng's realm was in the middle of the reincarnation realm, and it had only broken through more than ten days.

But at this moment, under this majestic force, Wang Feng's realm instantly entered the late stage of the reincarnation realm, and it continued to rise upward.

A new realm perception appeared in Wang Feng's heart. Although this was only a power that belonged to Wang Feng temporarily, at this moment Wang Feng had truly touched the origin of the later stage of the Samsara Realm.

A great fortune broke out in Wang Feng's body.

The late reincarnation stage was not the end of Wang Feng. At the next breath, with the help of that force, Wang Feng directly entered the semi-sage level.

This kind of promotion speed can be called a change at a time.

After the three breaths, an unprecedented powerful feeling rose in Wang Feng's heart. With the help of tens of thousands of Dragon Clan people, Wang Feng reached the beginning of the Bible at this moment, that is, the supreme level.

A mysterious and profound sentiment appeared in Wang Feng’s heart. This kind of thing was originally inaccessible to Wang Feng, but at this moment, with the help of the forbidden technique, it seems that the world is forcibly holding this kind of thing that does not belong to Wang Feng. Power was stuffed into his mind.

At this moment, Wang Feng's mind roared, and the power of his realm brought him terrible power, and it also brought him a kind of almost good luck.

The tyranny of the physical body has reached a whole new level, and the expansion of his meridians is even more frightening, dozens of times more than before.

This is the difference between the Supreme and the Reincarnation Realm, which is not the same level at all.

If Wang Feng went to fight with Patriarch Huo at this moment, he would also have the power to fight.

It's just that Wang Feng knew that he couldn't do that, because his power came from tens of thousands of Flood Dragons.

In other words, all the power that Wang Feng currently consumes is drawn from the tens of thousands of Flood Dragons.

If they have used Ju, they will suffer unimaginable damage.

Therefore, Wang Feng would not be so impulsive, leading them to the Jedi is his only choice now.

With the supreme realm, Wang Feng's control of the power of rules is more handy. At this moment, he is just a random burst of power, and in an instant he moved to an endless distance.

Just following his movement, the tens of thousands of Flood Dragons in his dantian spit out blood. At a glance, the only ones who were still normal, probably only the Flood Dragon clan chief and Hengmei old way.

Both of them are of the supreme-level holy realm, so they can still bear this load.

But except for them, the rest are not enough, because their realm is not known how far away from the holy realm, so the moment Wang Feng just moved brought them trauma.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing Wang Feng's breath, he immediately left him endlessly, and the flame patriarch also revealed an incredible color.

Originally, he thought he could catch up with them by using the secret method, but in fact, he almost drove him out. If it weren't for the Jiaolong clan to dedicate his blood and blood in time, perhaps Wang Feng would have been retained by the flame patriarch.

"Even if you flee to the end of the world, you will die today." There was a roar of something shocking, and the flame chief rang the ruin of the headquarters, and remembered the countless years of the flame clan's collection being robbed by others.

He was able to cultivate to the level of a half immortal, but he was actually not stupid. Fierce fighting took place in two places at the same time.

First, he used the headquarters to contain him, and then the other party ran to the Dragon Clan to slaughter his clansmen.

Although the flame chief had tried his best to drive on, he was still a step too late, and the successive tricks had caused him to give birth to a terrible rage.

After cultivating for so many years, no one has ever calculated him like he is today, so his killing intent towards Wang Feng has become unimaginable.

The secret method is obviously unable to catch up with the other party, so at this moment he simply burned his life.

Cultivating to his level, his life span can reach at least two to three hundred thousand years, so the burning zone will not have much impact on him at all.

As long as he can catch up with the opponent and kill him, not only will the Flood Dragon clan be destroyed, he can also take back the treasure house of their Flame Clan.

In order to kill Wang Feng, at this moment, the flame patriarch also fell into a crazy situation.

"Hold on, we will be able to reach the Hell Valley soon." Feeling the situation in the dantian, Wang Feng worried for them, but in order to make himself and them escape, at this moment he can only continue to use this force that does not belong to him.

The original one-minute journey now takes him at most ten seconds to arrive. This crazy speed nearly several times makes Wang Feng reach Death Valley in just two minutes.

In places like the Forbidden Sea, land is very scarce and even islands are very rare, but this Hell Valley is different.

This is a huge canyon that is completely full-length in the Forbidden Sea. The canyon is too vast, and it doesn't look like a canyon at all, but more like a piece of land.

The strong black air enveloped this place, and the seawater was automatically drained near this Jedi, as if there was an invisible light curtain enveloped here, so that the seawater could not flow in.

Although he has not stepped into this **** valley yet, the feeling of danger has already filled Wang Feng's A place that can be called a Jedi is bound to be extremely dangerous, so this moment even if it is Wang Feng Also had to become cautious.

"Look at where you flee this time." It's just that the moment Wang Feng hesitated, the flame chief was already about to catch up.

Looking back, Wang Feng finally put aside all the hesitation in his heart, and stepped directly into this **** valley in one step.

In the front is the Jedi, possessing dangers, and in the back is a **** of murder, who has the power to obliterate them, so in order to win that ray of life, Wang Feng had to enter this **** valley.

Oh oh oh!

When Wang Feng just came in, he heard the sound of sobbing nearby, like a ghost crying and howling a wolf.

It's just that Wang Feng can't take care of this now, because the flame patriarch behind has already pursued it, and one step is forward, Wang Feng is determined to go deep into this **** valley.


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